welcome! 4:00-4:30pizza, veggies, beverages, demos, meet students and faculty 4:30-4:50prof. nancy...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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4:00-4:30 Pizza, veggies, beverages, demos, meet students and faculty

4:30-4:50 Prof. Nancy Forde: “The physics of life”

4:50-5:10 Prof. Howard Trottier: “Dark energy and the accelerating universe”

5:10-5:50 Short information presentations:

Prof. Simon Watkins “Careers in Physics”

Gary Liu “Science Coop Program”

Prof. Barbara Frisken “Programs and Courses”

Nichol Furey: “Undergrad Research Experiences”

5:50-? Dr. Elana Brief: “Tours of Research labs”

A water drop forming


Very fast, very small transistor

This is 10 times smaller than the width of a hair

SFU physicists made this

Tarantula nebula

Nebula - a mass of gas or dust within a galaxy

Photo from Hubble Space Telescope

A double rainbow in Hawaii


Image courtesy of Mike Vetterli

A simulated proton-proton collision at very high energy

Proton: tiny particle with positive charge

Protons are found in the nucleus (centre) of atoms

A nest made of tiny carbon “nanotubes”


Astronaut on the moon

Photo credit: NASA

Writing with a single molecule of DNA


Enjoy some images of Physics…


Photo courtesy of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Neutrino detector

Neutrino: a tiny particle with no charge (and maybe no mass!)

This detector is more than 2 km underground in an old nickel mine in Sudbury, Ontario

The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) is looking for neutrinos from the sun

A soap film

Image Credit: H. Bordeaux/ Univ. Bordeau

The Andromeda galaxy

The closest galaxy to our Milky Way galaxy


The sight of sound

F/A-18 Hornet creates a shock wave as it breaks the sound barrier.

The shock wave is seen as a large cloud formed by the cooling of the air.

U.S. Navy photo by Ensign John Gay

Proton: tiny particle with positive charge

The LHC is Located in Geneva, Switzerland

SFU physicists work on it

The LHC: A super-high-energy proton-proton collider

Image courtesy of Mike Vetterli

Iron on copper


This is 2500 times smaller than the width of a hair

The kanji characters spell “atom”

Enjoy some images of Physics…


The Eagle Nebula

Photo from Hubble Space Telescope

Nebula - a mass of gas or dust within a galaxy

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Published four physics papers in 1905 that changed the way we understand the universe

2005 is the “World Year of Physics” to celebrate the 100th anniversary of this work

Photo by Yousuf Karsh

A hollow optical fibre

Image Credit: F. Benabid/Univ. of Bath

A bullet going through an apple

Photo by Harold Edgerton

The Hubble Space Telescope

Photo credit: NASA

A “random laser” made out of beads

Image Credit: D.S. Wiersma/LENS/INFM

Saturn – the sixth planet from our sun

Photo from Cassini, NASA

Enjoy some images of Physics…


Photo courtesy of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Neutrino detector

Neutrino: a tiny particle with no charge (and maybe no mass!)

This detector is more than 2 km underground in an old nickel mine in Sudbury, Ontario

The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) is looking for neutrinos from the sun

A person

Lightning strikes a tree


Atomic steps in a semiconductor

This whole picture is 50 times smaller than the width of a hair

SFU physicists took this picture

Catch a wave!

Image credit: M. Torres/CSIC, Spain

Pattern formed by liquid in a shaking pan

Photo credit: NASA / JPL / Cornell

The surface of Mars

A gas of atomic magnets spontaneously oscillates

An SFU physicist did this experiment!

These atomic magnets are rubidium atoms

Image from Jeff McGuirk

Cloud patterns over mountains


Enjoy some images of Physics…


The moon during an eclipse


A not-quite-perfect copper metal surface


Red blood cell shapes

SFU physicists made these images.


Diverse shapes can be predicted from physics principles

A silk thread in a flowing soap film

Image courtesy of Jun Zhang, NYU

Quantum corral: iron on copper


Sub-atomic particle tracks in a bubble chamber


Ice crust on Jupiter’s moon Europa

Image Credit: NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab

Jupiter is the fifth planet from our sun

It has 62 moons!

Two spiral galaxies collide

Photo from Hubble Space Telescope

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