welcome back. things to note: homework and quizzes are only 20% of your grade this semester. 50%...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Welcome back.

• Things to note:

Homework and quizzes are only 20% of your grade this semester. 50% tests and 30% projects and reports.

3rd quarter report: Disease, injury, problem, or illness report.

4th quarter project: Karimunjawa field trip and life list report.


Urinary and Genital (Reproductive) Systems

I. Overview

A. Anatomic regions are similar.

1. _______ region

B. Some structures serve both purposes.

1. i.e., urethra of the male

II. Gross Anatomy

A. _______

1. Kidney-against posterior abdominal wall behind _______ (retro _______ ).

a. _______ gland-on superior end of each kidney.

2. _______ (left and right)- pair of tubes from kidney to urinary bladder that are retroperitoneal

3. _______ _______ posterior to symphysis pubis.

4. _______ - 8 inch tube from bladder to the end of the penis.

5. _______ _______ - gland just below bladder that urethra passes through.

6. ______________ glands - pair of pea-sized glands below the prostate.

7. _______ vesicles - reproductive glands below _______ .

8. _______ - pair of oval male reproductive organs located in the _______ .

9. _______ - curved duct on the posterior side of each testis connecting to _______ .

10. _______ duct - connects to vas deferens at the junction of the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland and goes to the _______ .

11. Vas deferens - duct that goes from _______ to the _______ duct.

12. _______ - saclike pouch of skin outside the pelvic cavity.

13. Penis -

B. Female

1. _______ - same as male

2. _______ (left and right)- same as male

3. Urinary _______ -same as male

4. _______ - ___ inch tube from bladder that is tight against the _______ wall of the vagina until it opens externally.

a. External urethral orifice.

5. _______ - pair of oval female reproductive organs

6. _______ tubes - extend between ovary and uterus

7. _______ - pear shaped muscular organ posterior to the bladder

8. _______ - lower narrow end of the uterus joining the _______ .

9. _______ - thin walled tube about 4 to 5 inches long extending from cervix to outside.

10. _______ - external female genitalia

a. Labia _______ - narrow external folds of skin

b. Labia _______ - medial folds of skin inside the labia _______

c. _______ - anterior to external urethral orifice where labia join.

III. Urinary Anatomy and Physiology

A. Kidney

1. _______ - concave side of kidney. Vessels, nerves, and ureter enter here.

2. Renal _______ - internal open space of hilum.

a. Renal _______ - membrane lined basin inside the renal sinus.

b. _______ - funnel-shaped channels from renal pelvis to kidney tissue.

3. Renal _______ - center portion of the kidney containing renal pyramids (8 to 10)

a. renal _______ - parallel bundle of tubules from functional units of kidney.

4. Renal _______ - outermost area of the kidney and non-renal pyramid areas.

a. renal _______ - area of cortex between the renal pyramids.

5. Blood vessels

a. renal _______ - branch from abdominal aorta. Supply 1/4th of cardiac output to the kidneys.

b. lobar _______ -5 of them that enter the renal sinus.

c. _______ arteries - many branches of lobar artery go between renal pyramids.

d. _______ arterioles - enter the functional units of the kidney.

e. _______ - reverse of arteries with the same names

6. Nephron - microscopic functional unit of the kidney. (about 1 million per kidney)

a. _______ capsule - bulb-like structure surrounding part of the capillary network in the cortex. Receives blood from afferent arteriole.

b. _______ - the capillary network in the Bowman's capsule

1 _______ capillaries have many pores

2) _______ - specialized cells surrounding the capillaries as part of the filtration membrane.

c. Renal _______ - found in cortex and the medulla

1) _______ _______ tubule

2) loop of _______ - medullary portion of nephron

3) _______ convoluted tubule

4) collecting duct - carries urine from _______ to the _______

d. capillary network.

1) _______ arteriole - smaller diameter than afferent causing glomerular high blood pressure.

2) _______ capillaries - porous low pressure capillaries

B. Kidney function

1. Urine formation

a. _______ about 10 % of blood plasma enters renal tubules (120 ml per minute)

1) limited by size, accomplished by pressure. (blood cells and proteins normally cannot pass)

b. reabsorption: about _______ % of all the filtrate is reabsorbed in pertitubular capillaries.

1) active transport, osmosis, diffusion, or facilitated diffusion

2) begins in _______ convoluted tubule

3) ends in _______ duct.

c. _______ : unfiltered substances move from capillaries to tubules.

1) removal of urea and uric acid - nitrogenous _______ wastes.

2) removal of excess ions of _______ and _______ .

2. Urine regulation

a. Urine concentration.

1) Increased concentration

a) Enzyme _______ = released by juxtaglomerular cells when blood pressure drops. Ultimate effect is increased blood pressure. Increased pressure, increases filtrate volume.

b) _______ = released by adrenal gland causes increase in reabsorption of sodium, chloride, and water.

c) _______ hormone = released by pituitary causes increased reabsorption of water.

2) Decreased concentration (dilution)

a) hormone reduces amount of water reabsorbed.

b. Urine volume -

1) Increased volume - similar to concentration

2) Decreased volume - sympathetic nervous system causes vasoconstriction, lowers blood flow, and reduced filtrate and urine volume.

C. Ureter anatomy and function

1. 3 - layered wall with inner layer continuous with renal pelvis

2. backflow prevention - valve like fold of mucous membrane at the bladder

D. Bladder anatomy and function

1. Four-layered wall

a. mucous membrane

b. connective tissue

c. smooth muscle layer

d. fibrous connective tissue

2. Expandability - 500 to ________ ml capacity

3. Urination

a. bladder usually holds about ________ ml

b. ________ receptors are stimulated.

c. smooth muscle layer begins to contract

d. urine moves into ________

E. Urethra anatomy and function

1. internal urethral sphincter - involuntary, near bladder

2. external urethral sphincter - voluntary at base of the ________ cavity.

IV. Reproductive anatomy and physiology.

A. overview - read page 557 Wingerd text.

B. Male - production and delivery of ________

1. Spermatogenesis - ______________________

a. within semineferous tubules in testes (combined length of 250 meters)

1) ________ cell division of precursor cells (46 to 23 chromosomes each)

a) single spermatogonium divides to form 4 sperm cells.

b) process takes about 72 days (Vander, et. al.,1980, page 483)

c) 8 million different combinations of maternal and paternal ________ can occur (Vander, et.al.,1980, p 482).

b. millions of sperm (cells) produced ________

c. development continues as it migrates from the seminiferous tubules to the ________.

2. Sperm transport structures.

a. ________ ________ - tubes connecting seminiferous tubules to carry sperm to the efferent ductules out of the testes by peristalsis upon neural stimulation.

b ________ - curved duct on the posterior side of each testis connecting to vas deferens.

1) single tightly coiled duct.

2) duct moves immature sperm 20 feet by ________.

3) 9 - 14 days for sperm to travel through epididymis.

4) location of sperm storage.

c. Vas deferens - duct that goes from epididymis to the ejaculatory duct.

1) as sperm enters they are independently motile with flagellum

2) passes through inguinal canal - hole in abdominal wall

3) store sperm in first portion

d. Ejaculatory duct - carries sperm through the prostate gland to urethra

e. Accessory glands - combine to produce a liquid nutritious sperm transport medium called semen - mixture of glandular secretions and sperm.

1) Seminal vescicles

a) secrete about 60 % of seminal fluid which contains fructose.

b) empty into ejaculatory duct

2) Prostate gland

a) thick, milky fluid secretion into the urethra

3) Bulbourethral glands

a) mucouse secretion into ________

3. Sperm transport mechanisms.

a. Erection - the stiffened enlarged state of the penis to allow entrance into the vagina for the purpose of sperm delivery to the egg.

1) Erectile tissue - 3 longitudinal ________ which fill with blood following neural stimulus.

2) Neural stimulus from receptors in head of penis or by higher brain center (i.e., from thoughts, emotions, etc.)

b. Intercourse - entrance of penis into the vagina

c. ________ - movement of sperm cells in ducts.

1) neural stimuli cause ________ contractions of all ducts moving semen into urethra.

d. Ejaculation - expelling semen from the penis by a series of rapid muscular contractions.

1) average volume of semen ejaculated is 3 ml containing ________ million sperm.

C. Female - production and delivery of ________ and acceptance of sperm.

1. ________ - egg formation (female gametes)

a. All precursers to eggs present in ovary at birth (primary oocytes)

b. Primary oocytes are contained in a primordial ________ until puberty.

c. About 20 p. oocytes begin meiotic divisions each month following puberty.

1) primary ooctes (________ chromosomes) form secondary ooctyes (23 ch)

2) only one secondary oocyte matures per month.

2. Follicle development - corresponds to oogenesis

a. ________ secretions of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) initiate development (begins at puberty).

b. development follows a 28 day cycle.

c. follicle goes through multiple stages enlarging to about 10 mm in diameter

d. later stage follicles secrete estrogen - female sex hormone.

e. only one follicle matures per month.

3. ________ - process of releasing oocyte from the follicle and the ovary.

a. occurs after about 14 days of development.

b. pain is felt by women as this occurs.(may not always pin point ovulation)

c. ________ remains in the ovary forming the ________ ________.

d. oocyte is swept into the fallopian tube

e. alternation of left and right ovary per month

4. Cyclical nature of female physiology and its control

a. Menstrual cycle (about 28 days)

1) responds to hormones from the ________

2) changes in the ________ of the uterus

3) Menstrual bleeding = ________

the sloughing off of the endometrium

b. Graphical summary - unfertilized ovum

1) Hormones

a ________ - initiates follicle development

b ________ hormone (LH) promotes development of the follicles. (There are high levels during follicle development)

c) ________ - secreted by follicles - stimulates regeneration of the endometrium.

d) ________ - produced by the corpus luteum, promotes endometrium regeneation.

e) ________ - Gonadotropin-releasing hormone: stimulates FSH and LH secreation.

2) Endometrium changes

a) menses day 1 - 4

b) regeneration 5- 14 "proliferative stage" controlled by estrogen.

c) corpus luteum secretes ________ which inhibits FSH and LH. Stimulates more endometrium growth. "secretory phase" day 15 - 28

d) ________ ready at day 21 or 22 for fertilized egg

e) If egg is not fertilized, degeneration begins at about 24th day. Caused by drop in progesterone because corpus luteum degenerates.

f) menses - endometrium separates from uterine wall. (20 to 200 ml of blood is lost)

3) Ovarian changes

a) follicle developes

b) ovulation by day 14

c) corpus luteum lasts about 10 to 12 days if egg not fertilized.

5. Fertilization of the egg

a. Sperm entry.

1) entry of penis into the vagina

a) aided by mucus secretions of the vagina from complex reflex arcs.2) entry of sperm into the uterus and fallopian tubes by "swimming"

3) Of 300 million ejaculated only a few thousand reach the upper fallopian tube.

4) entry must be between 3 days before and 1 day after ovulation.

(________ hours before and ________ hours after (Vander et.al.,1980))

b. Fertilization

1) In upper 3rd of fallopian tube. Must occur here because of the short life span of the ovum.

2) Ovum only will live a maximum 24 hours after ovulation .

3) Sperm penetrates egg and forms a ________ chromosome ________.

c. Placentation

1) Fertilized ovum moves down fallopian tube (3 to 4 days)

2) Implantation - attachement to endometrium ( after 7 days )

3) ________ - combination of fetal and maternal tissues, organ of exchange.

a. serves as fetal kidney, GI tract, and lungs

b. fetal blood never leaves fetal secretion. materials are exchanged in the placenta only.

d. Changes to monthly cycle

1) Day 14 to 21 - zygote begins development and migrates to uterus

2) Corpus luteum does not degenerate and continues estrogen and progesterone secretion.

a) needed to sustain uterine lining (prevents menstruation)

b) inhibit secretion of LH and FSH

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