welcome to... christian fellowship maple ridge, bc., canada

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Welcome to . . .

Christian Fellowship

Maple Ridge, BC., Canada


The QuestQuest For

Souls . . .Souls . . .

To encourage both





Through Effective & Exciting “Gospel Seed Planting”.

A PowerPoint presentation . . .

Seeing the lost and INTRODUCING them to the cross!

Definition of a QUEST:

1) a long or arduous search.

2) an expedition by a knight to accomplish a specific task.

3) an irreversible commitment to a task with selfless devotion to a leader or a cause.

4) A relentless aspiration towards a goal, not yet realized, but plausible.

Everyone is on a Quest

searching for . . .

Which may be centred around gaining . . .

An Education

Excessive Wealth

Unending Pleasure

Notoriety or


Love or


All these aspirations are APPEALING . . .

But for Christians

there must be a

More Significant Focus . . .

That of being on a . . .

QuestQuest For For

Souls . . .Souls . . .So that God’s Kingdom can be known in

earth as it is in heaven! (Matthew 6:10)

As they point men and women of all nations, colors and creeds to

Christ’s Cross of Redemption, so that they might repent

and receive God’s gift of eternal life He offers to all who will come

to Him by faith.

The Gospel is . . .

“Even as the Father has sent me, so send I you. Go ye, therefore, into all the world and preach the Gospel teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have taught you, and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the earth.” (Mark 28:16-20)

It is sent from the HEART . . .


“Greater love hath no man than this; that he would lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)

“Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed on us that we should be called the sons of God.” (I John 3:1)

To all


The Rich – The Poor

The Educated – The Unlearned

The Young – The Old

The Up & Ups – The Down & Outs

The Red & Yellow – The Black & White

“For with God there is no respect of persons” (Romans 2:11)

Of all

TIMES . . .

Good & BadProgressive & RegressiveProsperous & PoorStable & Changing

“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today & forever.”

(Hebrews 13:5)

As God’s FREE GIFT . . .

His words, “IT IS FINISHED” forever guarantees release from sin’s oppression to everyone who would believe on His name.






of salvation to the ‘whosoever will believe on the words He has said, and on the works He has done!

Providing FORGIVENESS of all mans’ sins . . .

Men and women can come to Christ with assurance that they will receive a FULL PARDON for all the sins they have committed – that is God’s sure promise!

“Come now let us reason together, though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow, though they be like crimson they shall be as wool.” (Isaiah 1:8)

Transforming them into NEW CREATURES in Christ, as they are released from . . .

Bondage to Freedom

Darkness to Light

Sorrow to Joy

Fear to Peace

Deception to Truth

Death to Life

And bestowed with the ASSURANCE of . . .

“I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.” (John 5:24)

This Gospel of change has been ENTRUSTED to . . .

Christ’s Church as His

Ambassadors of

Calvary’s Grace and


The church possesses ‘helps’ so that its work will be EFFECTIVE among the ungodly . . .

1. God orchestrates circumstances so that the unrighteous are confronted with their need of redemption by the people of faith;

2. God’s people are given the prescriptive remedy for the unregenerate person confronted;

3. God empowers the believer to speak for the applicable word and ‘plant’ the seed of righteous faith in their heart;

4. God sends the Holy Spirit to convict the sinner of his sin, his need of righteousness and his impending judgment;

5. God enables the sinner to repent of his sin as the Holy Spirit convicts him, and Christ adopts him into the family of God.

Jesus Christ

Holy Spirit

Jehovah God

Saves Seeker

Draws Seeker

Trinity co-operates in ORCHESTRATING redemption’s plan . . .

Teaches Seeker

Scripture . . .

Provides the evangelist with the final authoritative declaration of what humanity must do if it wants the assurance of sins forgiven and eternal life with God in heaven;

Lights mankind with the truth of God’s sacrifice as the complete forgiveness of sin;

Stirs faith within the unbeliever that Christ’s redemptive plan is superior to all others, and that ‘there is no other name given men under heaven whereby they must be saved.”

Prayer . . .

Enables evangelist to access a consciousness of God’s pre-arranged circumstances so that he will know where to be and what to say when opportunities to share Christ come his way;

Enables evangelist to gain strength and perseverance to stay faithful to the task in spite of little or no returns in ministry noticed;

Fellow Believers . . .

Affirms God’s call on those who believe that they should do the work of an evangelist;

Commissions those who believe they should do the work of an evangelist;

Provides prayer and other support for those who go on the ‘front line’;

Co-partners with evangelist as he teaches and mentors others to do the work of evangelism.

People Like YOU . . .

Obsessed with a personal relationship with Christ as Lord and Saviour;

Concerned about the dismal state of unregenerate individuals apart from Christ;

Moved with compassion to share Christ and His plan of redemption;

Intensely motivated to ‘get up’ and ‘go out’ into the world to ‘plant the good seed of the gospel’ regardless of the demands required to see the lost won for Christ!

of Truth, and Eternal Life is brought to them?

Knowing that the church has these ‘helps’, how long must the UNGODLY wait . . .

before the message

How long will GOD’S PEOPLE sit idly by . . .

knowing that their fellow man is DYING in his sin without Christ?

The Greatest Crisis in life is facing death without Christ!

or WAIT . . .

For THEIR sake . . .

shouldn’t we be doing something?

If the RESPONSE is . . .


this . . .


is an opportunity

NOTan option!

The Gospel can be SHARED . . .

With Anyone

At Anytime


By Any Means

Paul states, “I become all things to all men, so that by all means I might win some.”

Christ has COMMISSIONED His people to:

1. Look unto the fields for they are white unto harvest;

2. Pray the ‘Lord of the Harvest that He will send forth labourers;

3. Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.

If, in this present life, one would be cautious about disobeying his master’s orders, would it not be reasonable to expect God’s children also to be cautious about not obeying His orders?

The opportunities for evangelism are COUNTLESS . . .

Thousands around us despair because of the futility of their life. They patiently wait for

someone to come and present an alternative which will give them dignity and purpose along

with the assurance of eternal life with God.

Those in darkness can never come to the light until they first are shown it!

The HOUR is late . . .

Perilous and frightful times continually confront humanity!

Constantly there are wars and rumors of wars, men have become lovers of their own selves, lovers of pleasure more than of God, high-minded, traitors, truce breakers, without natural affection, and despisers of them that would do good.

Circumstances for man do not look good – if HOPE is not offered soon, conditions will ONLY get worse!

Those who have the LIGHT . . .

have no right to keep it to themselves!

God has brought us out of darkness so that we can radiate his light to a sinful & darkened world! “If our light be hid, it is hid to them that are lost.”

Those who are the SALT . . .

must not lose their SAVOUR of


and GODLINESS and, thereby,

become of no value to individuals

about them.

If the salt should lose its savour, it is of no value to anyone, but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men. (Matthew 5:13)

Humanity’s APPETITE for self-centred fulfillment does not . . .

excuse Christians from not presenting an ANSWER for the eternal HOPE

that lies within!“But sanctify the Lord in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” (I Peter 3:15)

Humanity’s quest for PLEASURE does not remove . . .

The believer’s RESPONSIBILITY to present issues of life related to God and Eternity to the ungodly.

“Only one life will soon be past . . . Only what’s done for Christ will last!”

(C. T. Studd)

Humanity’s commendable good WORKS . . .

must not SEDATE believers into believing that unrepentant man’s eternal destiny is settled and secure.

“In this life many will be saddened for what they’ve done . . .

In eternity many more will be disheartened for what they’ve left undone!”

Humanity’s chasing after OTHER gods does not . . .

discredit Jesus Christ as being the only SAVIOUR of the world.

“For there is no other name given under heaven among men whereby they must be saved!” (Acts 4:12)

Humanity’s refusal to come to Christ in REPENTANCE . . .

does not negate God’s great LOVE for their soul!

Jesus said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved; Herein is the world condemned in that it believed not the truth.” (John 3:16-18)

Regardless how determined individuals are to spurn God’s offer of eternal LIFE . . .

He, through Christ, still offers

to them!

And Christ’s SERVANTS must also see them . . .

When this occurs, believers will gladly RESPOND to Christ’s command and . . .

go into the world and effect positive spiritual changes by presenting the message of

REDEMPTION as they are empowered by

the Holy Spirit! (Acts 1:8)

To effectively SHARE the message of

salvation among their CONTACTS knowing that what they do will

accomplish God’s plan of REDEMPTION!

The summer is passed, many are not saved! Christians must answer this question, “When do we BEGIN FULFILLING Christ’s Great Commission?

Next Year?

Next Month?

Next Week?



Why not TODAY?

Today is the ‘day of salvation’. Tomorrow, because of unforeseen circumstances, may be TOO LATE!

We have no alternative . . .

We must plant the seed

of the Gospel . . .


The time is far SPENT . . .

The day is past and night cometh

when, behold,


It’s NOW time to be OBEDIENT and DO

Christ’s Great Commission!

So do anything, but please,do SOMETHING . . .

to influence the lost to turn to Christ!

It is trusted that the urgency of the hour will cause you to become active as one of CHRIST’S WITNESES bringing faith and hope to a lost, yet seeking world.

God bless you for your TIME . . .

If you wish COUNSEL to discover the joy of sharing your faith, please contact me today. It would be a pleasure to discuss your desires with you.

Soul Harvest Outreach 10122 – 125th Street, Surrey, B.C. V3V 3B5Or:

Email me at Necemer@aol.com

Or phone: 604-760-7552

Gordon E. Necemer Executive Director

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