welcome to the catholic parishes of immaculate conception … · 2020-04-17 · welcome to the...

Post on 10-Jul-2020






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Welcome to the Catholic parishes of

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SAINT THOMAS MORE Sisters of St Joseph of Peace 54 New Street Oadby Leicester LE2 4LJ

Primary School: Saint John Fisher CVA 0116 288 2203 Head Mr A Gallagher

Parish Priest: Fr Michael Moore Assistant Priest: Fr John Owens

0116 221 8385 stthomasmoreknighton

@gmail.com Deacon: Vince Kelly

Secondary School: Saint Paul’s 0116 241 4057

Principal Mrs S Conaghan Parishes Website


75 Knighton Road Knighton

Leicester LE2 3HN

Primary School: Saint Thomas More CVA

0116 270 6365 Head Mrs C Crosse

Important information from Bishop Patrick McKinney


As it is not possible for the faithful to receive Holy Communion at this time, and into the future, the Bishops of England and Wales have dispensed the Easter Duties for the year 2020. The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days is removed during these emergency circumstances of the lockdown, and for as long as they last. This pandemic is the serious reason why this obligation does not apply at this time.

We are encouraged to develop ways in which we can renew and deepen still more our spiritual relationship with God.

The Congregation for Sacred Worship, speaking about the pandemic, reminds the faithful who cannot receive sacramental absolution, that ‘perfect contrition, rooted in love of God who is to be loved above all things, expressed in a sincere request for forgiveness, insofar as the penitent is able to make it at that moment, and accompanied by the firm intention to go to confession as soon as is possible, obtains forgiveness of all sins, including grave sin (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1452).

Confessions cannot be heard over the telephone. Services of General Absolution cannot be held as this involves travel and the gathering of people.

Please do not attempt to attend Church for any reason.

All liturgies, parish activities and meetings are postponed until further notice and our Churches remain locked during the current pandemic


Entrance Antiphon 1 Pt 2: 2 Like newborn infants, you must long for the pure, spiritual milk, that in him you may grow to salvation, alleluia.

Collect God of everlasting mercy, who in the very recurrence of the paschal feast kindle the faith of the people you have made your own, increase, we pray, the grace you have bestowed, that all may grasp and rightly understand in what font they have been washed, by whose Spirit they have been reborn, by whose Blood they have been redeemed. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. The Gloria Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

First reading Acts 2:42-47 The whole community remained faithful to the teaching of the apostles, to the brotherhood, to the breaking of bread and to the prayers. The many miracles and signs worked through the apostles made a deep impression on everyone. The faithful all lived together and owned everything in common; they sold their goods and possessions and shared out the proceeds among themselves according to what each one needed. They went as a body to the Temple every day but met in their houses for the breaking of bread; they shared their food gladly and generously; they praised God and were looked up to by everyone. Day by day the Lord added to their community those destined to be saved. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 117(118):2-4,13-15,22-24

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his love has no end.

Let the sons of Israel say: ‘His love has no end.’ Let the sons of Aaron say: ‘His love has no end.’ Let those who fear the Lord say: ‘His love has no end.’

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his love has no end.

I was thrust down, thrust down and falling, but the Lord was my helper. The Lord is my strength and my song; he was my saviour. There are shouts of joy and victory in the tents of the just.

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his love has no end.

The stone which the builders rejected has become the corner stone. This is the work of the Lord, a marvel in our eyes. This day was made by the Lord; we rejoice and are glad.

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his love has no end.

Second reading 1 Peter 1:3-9 Blessed be God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy has given us a new birth as his sons, by raising Jesus Christ from the dead, so that we have a sure hope and the promise of an inheritance that can never be spoilt or soiled and never fade away, because it is being kept for you in the heavens. Through your faith, God’s power will guard you until the salvation which has been prepared is revealed at the end of time. This is a cause of great joy for you, even though you may for a short time have to bear being plagued by all sorts of trials; so that, when Jesus Christ is revealed, your faith will have been tested and proved like gold – only it is more precious than gold, which is corruptible even though it bears testing by fire – and then you will have praise and glory and honour. You did not see him, yet you love him; and still without seeing him, you are already filled with a joy so glorious that it cannot be described, because you believe; and you are sure of the end to which your faith looks forward, that is, the salvation of your souls. Sequence Victimae Paschali Laudes Christians, to the Paschal Victim offer sacrifice and praise. The sheep are ransomed by the Lamb; and Christ, the undefiled, hath sinners to his Father reconciled. Death with life contended: combat strangely ended! Life’s own Champion, slain, yet lives to reign.

Tell us, Mary: say what thou didst see upon the way. The tomb the Living did enclose; I saw Christ’s glory as he rose! The angels there attesting; shroud with grave-clothes resting. Christ, my hope, has risen: he goes before you into Galilee. That Christ is truly risen from the dead we know. Victorious king, thy mercy show!

Gospel Acclamation Jn20:29 Alleluia, alleluia! Jesus said: ‘You believe because you can see me. Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.’ Alleluia! Gospel John 20:19-31 In the evening of that same day, the first day of the week, the doors were closed in the room where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews. Jesus came and stood among them. He said to them, ‘Peace be with you’, and showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were filled with joy when they saw the Lord, and he said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. ‘As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.’ After saying this he breathed on them and said: ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. For those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain, they are retained.’ Thomas, called the Twin, who was one of the Twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. When the disciples said, ‘We have seen the Lord’, he answered, ‘Unless I see the holes that the nails made in his hands and can put my finger into the holes they made, and unless I can put my hand into his side, I refuse to believe.’ Eight days later the disciples were in the house again and Thomas was with them. The doors were closed, but Jesus came in and stood among

them. ‘Peace be with you’ he said. Then he spoke to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; look, here are my hands. Give me your hand; put it into my side. Doubt no longer but believe.’ Thomas replied, ‘My Lord and my God!’ Jesus said to him: ‘You believe because you can see me. Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.’ There were many other signs that Jesus worked and the disciples saw, but they are not recorded in this book. These are recorded so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing this you may have life through his name.

The Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, At the words that follow, up to and including ‘and became man’, all bow. and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. Prayer over the Offerings Accept, O Lord, we pray, the oblations of your people (and of those you have brought to new birth), that, renewed by confession of your name and by Baptism, they may attain unending happiness. Through Christ our Lord. Communion Antiphon Cf. Jn 20: 27 Bring your hand and feel the place of the nails, and do not be unbelieving but believing, alleluia.

Prayer after Communion Grant, we pray, almighty God, that our reception of this paschal Sacrament may have a continuing effect in our minds and hearts. Through Christ our Lord.

Scripture Readings from The Jerusalem Bible © 1966 by Darton Longman & Todd Ltd and Doubleday and

Company Ltd. Excerpts from the English translation and chants of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved

Please remember in your prayers…

Cycle of prayer during Lent: Candidates for the Sacraments; Women; the Needy and Hungry of the World; Penitents and Wanderers

The names of our sick and housebound parishioners as placed by the statue of our Parish Patrons…

Fr Anthony Maggs has been discharged from hospital and is now in isolation at home. He is very weak so requests no calls or emails

but the support of your prayer is greatly appreciated.

Immaculate Conception, Oadby Patricia Briner, John Duncan Cloud, Barry Dobson, Rita Dobson,

Tessa Ellis, Jean Farmer, Dr Mary Ginger, Bridget Harrigan

St. Thomas More, Knighton Derek Allen, Natalie Ellis, Tom Ellis, Barbara Henry, Philomena Joyce, Geraldine McGlynn,

Brian Neill, Patrick Maughan, Fr Michael Moore and Val Ratcliffe

Please note that we are only be able to publish in the newsletter/website/social media and display by our Patronal statues the names of those we have evidence of giving consent to do so. During the current situation please can the nearest relative or family member email the

Parish Office with consent to publish names if individuals are unable to do so.

Those whose anniversaries occur at this time… Tom Baguley, Kevin Browne, Annita Brucciani, Albert Cotter, Anne Marie De Raeve, Irene Della

Porta, Helen Glover, Catherine Graham, Thomas Hilton, Kathleen Johnson, Basil Lane, Mary Lee, Edward McComb, Elizabeth McLean, Evelyn Memory, Barbara Milverton, Joyce Naylor, Marie Elizabeth Rebeiro, Catherine Robinson, Robert Salter, Catherine Shackley, Rose Sherriff, John

Tait, Julia Warrilow, Margaret Watson, Joseph White

Those whose have recently died… Fr Stephan Foster RIP,

former Parish Priest of St. Mary’s, South Wigston and St. John Bosco, Eyres Monsell, died in the early hours of Easter Sunday.

Bishop Patrick commented “there could not have been a more fitting day for one of our brother clergy to pass from this world to the next.”

To Fr Stephan’s sister, Julie, family, friends, brother priests and former parishioners we offer our sympathy and the support of our prayer.

His funeral will take place on Monday 27th April and Bishop Patrick will be taking the service with a small group of invited people. However, we will have the opportunity to pray for Fr Stephan

especially in St Mary and St John Bosco later in the year.

Kathleen Esposito RIP, Fr Joseph McGovern RIP, John Newman RIP To their family and friends we offer our sympathy and the support of our prayer at this time.

May the angels lead them to Paradise


A YouTube channel has been created so that during this time Mass and other devotions will be live-streamed from the chapel at Bishop’s House. This can be found by searching for ‘Bishop Patrick McKinney’ on YouTube and it will also be linked to his Facebook and

Twitter accounts. Sunday Mass will be streamed at 10.00am each Sunday.

Mass is streamed from St. Joseph’s, Goodwood Road, Leicester - search for “St Joseph’s Leicester”

Mass is streamed from St. Barnabas Cathedral at 1.00pm Monday - Friday and Sunday at 10.00am – search for “St Barnabas Cathedral Nottingham”

Many other Churches are currently streaming Mass online – here are some other possibilities

Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham http://www.walsingham.org.uk/live-stream

A variety of Parishes and Cathedrals https://www.churchservices.tv/churches/

Words of encouragement from Pope Francis…

Prayer to Mary during Coronavirus Pandemic O Mary, you always shine on our path as a sign of salvation and of hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who at the cross took part in Jesus’ pain, keeping your faith firm. You, Salvation of Your People, know what we need, and we are sure you will provide so that, as in Cana of Galilee, we may return to joy and to feasting after this time of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform to the will of the Father and to do as we are told by Jesus, who has taken upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows to lead us, through the cross, to the joy of the resurrection. Amen.

Under your protection, we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God. Do not disdain the entreaties of we who are in trial, but deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

“Tonight before falling asleep think about when we will return to the street. When we hug again, when all the shopping together will seem like a party.

Let's think about when the coffees will return to the bar, the small talk, the photos close to each other. We think about when it will be all a memory

but normality will seem an unexpected and beautiful gift. We will love everything that has so far seemed futile to us.

Every second will be precious. Swims at the sea, the sun until late, sunsets, toasts, laughter.

We will go back to laughing together. Strength and courage"

Prayer of Spiritual Communion by St Alphonsus My Jesus, I believe that you are present in this Holy Sacrament of the altar.

I love you above all things and I passionately desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally,

come spiritually into my soul so that I may unite myself wholly to you now and forever. Amen.

Daily Prayer during this time of National Emergency Almighty and all-merciful God, lover of the human race, healer of all our wounds in whom there is no shadow of death, save us in this time of crisis, comfort the sick and the dying, the isolated and the afraid; be with us in our need. Grant wisdom and courage to our leaders and all who are responsible for the common good. Watch over everyone who is working in our National Health Service as they tend the sick, all who are supporting the vulnerable, and those who are working for a cure. Stir in us a sense of solidarity beyond all isolation; if our doors are closed, let our hearts be open. By the power of your love, destroy the virus of fear, that hope may never die, and grant that the light of Easter, the triumph of life, may shine upon us and the whole world; may we, like the Paschal Candle, marked with the sign of the Cross, give of ourselves and burn yet more brightly, for love conquers everything, light transforms darkness. By welcoming Christ into our hearts each and every day, may we always spread your love far and wide by valuing in all in the name of Jesus the Christ and being the people you have made us to be. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Our Lady Immaculate, Our Lady of Walsingham, Our Lady Health of the Sick, pray for us. St Joseph, guardian of Jesus, guardian of us all, pray for us. St Hugh of Lincoln, Patron of the Diocese of Nottingham pray for us. St Thomas More and St John Fisher pray for us.

Adapted from a prayer written by the Most Rev Mark Coleridge, Archbishop of Brisbane.

Blessing for an Easter Meal

Creator God, you give us food from the earth to nourish and sustain us. Redeemer Lord, you give us food for life in Bread and Word. Spirit of Wisdom feed our minds with hope and optimism.

Lord, we thank you for all our food and ask your blessing on this, our Easter meal.

We also ask your blessing on our families and friends unable to gather at this time; for frontline and key workers unable to pause in their mission and relentless tasks;

for our priests, especially Pope Francis, Bishop Patrick, Fr. Michael and Fr John, who continue to break the Bread for us behind closed doors

and we pray for ourselves, “they who stay at home, also serve”.

As we celebrate the joy of Resurrection may the light of the Easter Candle dispel all darkness, fear and anxiety.

(light a candle here if safe to do so) Encourage and inspire us to be confident in love and friendship with you, the Risen Lord, and with one another until we can all

once again gather at the Eucharistic table of the Lord. (Jackie Williams)

Liturgical note: The Easter Season runs for 50 days until Pentecost Sunday (31st May 2020)

so this blessing prayer can be used for any/all meals during this time

These people who have been turning the world upside down (Acts 17:6)…

We are called today to continue to turn “upside down” the world we find ourselves in…

Maybe we are not being isolated in our homes but rather cocooned like a butterfly in a safe space waiting to emerge to a new way of living…

Maybe we are not social distancing but learning to distance socialise…

Maybe experiencing our home as Domestic Church will call us to a more creative liturgy, rather than be a “serviced Church”…

Maybe, like on the disciples on the road to Emmaus, we appreciate pondering the Word all day on our journey and sharing our meal in the evening of the day (note disproportionate time with Word and Bread)…

Maybe interiorising the stories will move us from listening to the story to living the story in a different way in a different world…

This is certainly the strangest and most confusing Easter since the first one - Ponder what happened to the disciples between Resurrection and Pentecost. They had the Scripture stories explained to them and ate with the Risen Lord but they didn’t go out to the whole world until after the Ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. They were all gathered in one place…perhaps they too were in lockdown, afraid to leave their home?! And ponder what happened when they did leave… a new way of living came about.

(Jackie Williams)

Parish Finances…

Thank you to those who have been in touch regarding Parish Finances during this time regarding their weekly contributions. Your concern and generosity is much appreciated. The Diocese has advised that for those who give cash, please continue to put on aside

and we will gratefully receive them, along with your Easter Offering, when normal Mass celebrations resume. Please do not put envelopes through the Presbytery letterbox as we

have no means of banking at this time. If you have recently requested new standing order forms please be aware that all parish and Diocesan admin staff are currently

working from home and have no access to postal services so processing of forms is likely to be delayed for some time.

Receiving the Newsletter by Email…

We are delighted to be able to keep in touch electronically with you! You are receiving this electronic copy of the newsletter as you have in the past requested it to be sent to

your email address. The Parish Office will hold the evidence of your request until you ask to no longer to receive it. If you know of anyone who would like to be added to the

newsletter distribution list, please ask them to email the Parish Office direct stthomasmoreknighton@gmail.com as we cannot add recipients by verbal request nor at

the request of a third party. Neither can we use emails addresses held for other parish admin reasons e.g. Sacramental preparation programmes to send the newsletter out as this would be considered unsolicited mail and we would be breaching GDPR. Be assured that all parish electronic distribution lists from minutes of meetings to the newsletter are

always sent out “Bcc” (Blind copy) so that your email is never disclosed to others.

Easter Message from Fr Michael…

Thank you to all those who have sent messages, cards, emails and good wishes for Easter. Thank you to those who have managed to

send their Easter Offering. It is very much appreciated. It was, as you may imagine, a strange experience to celebrate Mass each day on

my own, particularly the Easter Triduum but as we are all united in the Body of Christ there was still a sense of all of us

being present through the Spirit.

The choir who always make a very moving contribution to the liturgy were not able to, but we thank them for their many weeks of practice and perhaps post virus we could have a concert where

they could sing for us so their hard work will not be wasted. May we all continue to make the most of this opportunity for

home celebration, reflection and quality time with families, not forgetting of course, those on the front line who are working so

very hard on our behalf.

With every good wish Fr Michael

Liturgical Calendar and Mass Intentions week commencing 19th April 2020 Sunday Readings Year A Weekday Readings II Prayer of the Church Week 2

SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER Saturday 18th April Mass Christopher and Joanne Bishop RIP Sunday 19th April Mass All Parishioners

Monday 20th April Easter Feria Mass Arun Pereira RIP

Tuesday 21st April Saint Anselm, Bishop and Doctor Private Intention

Wednesday 22nd April Easter Feria Mass Thanksgiving in honour of St Anthony

Thursday 23rd April Saint George, Martyr, Patron of England Mass Maureen Mary Neill RIP

Friday 24th April Easter Feria Mass Special Intention

Saturday 25th April Saint Mark, Apostle and Evangelist Mass Helen Glover RIP


Sunday 26th April Third Sunday of Easter Mass All Parishioners

Prayer for the Year of the Word…

Living God, you walk alongside us and speak to us throughout the Scriptures.

Your Son, Jesus Christ, listens to our hopes and fears and shows us how to live for one another.

Send us the Holy Spirit to open our hearts and minds so that we may be your witnesses throughout the world. Amen.

NRCDT Company Number: 7151646 & Charity Number: 1134449

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