welcome to us history i

Post on 23-Jan-2017






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Welcome to US History I Miss Bolinsky Room #311

Welcome to US History I

Mrs. Pisarek Room #311

Outline of StudiesMarking Period #1Union in PerilThe American Civil WarReconstruction

Marking Period #3Life in the 20th CenturyProgressive Era

Marking Period #2Western ExpansionIndustrial RevolutionImmigration

Marking Period #4ImperialismWorld War One

What you will learnAmerican HistoryPre-Civil War American World War ICurrent Events (articles, political cartoons, mass media)Interpretation of class topics through mediaDances with Wolves, Far & Away, etc.Research (class projects, individual projects, internet webquests)

Class Rules & Expectations Overview of Rules Be on time, Be prepared, etc.

ExpectationsI expect you to you be ready to learn.I expect you to do your homework.I expect when you are absent to take responsibility.I expect you to act like a student of history.

What you can expect of meI will be here to teach you. (I do not have a vacation planned)I will be here in homeroom and after school to help you.I will be excited about all the topics we cover.History Teacher = History Weirdo

Grades Homework: You will have it almost every night. If you do not complete it you will not pass my class.Quizzes: vocabulary, sectional, popTests: Chapter combo of scantron & essayProjects: Each chapter there will be projects, you will receive objectives & grading rubricsBig Questions: More to come

*Change to the US I Grading RationaleTESTS= 40% of the overall marking period grade

QUIZZES= 20% of the overall marking period grade

RESEARCH/PROJECTS= 20% of the overall marking period grade

CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK (Cooperative Work)= 10%ACADEMIC MATURITY POINTS = 10% of the overall marking period grade

The Importance of Arriving on TimeEach Marking period you will have a chance to earn an additional 100 points!To earn this credit you must arrive on time to classEvery time you are late to class 5 points will be subtracted from your original 150 points If you are late 10 times during a marking period you will earn a zero; this is equal to a zero on a Quiz


What you need for class!!!1 NotebookOr 1 Binder

Pens, Pencils, etc.

Due Tuesday!

Warning Message Every Marking Period CountsIf you fail Marking Period #1 you have a great chance of failing US History I for the year!!!

Think Pair ShareLooking at your class contract, describe two behaviors youd like to see in our room and two you would not.Collaborate, write them downShare with the classClass contract

Name tags/FoldersUse a piece of construction paper and marker to make a Name tag and glue onto your folder (or write on your folder).Then, share your name-tag/ folder with a partner.

You will use this to introduce YOUR PARTNER to the rest of the class.

If youre done early, please draw symbols/images of each item.

Where youre from Favorite vacation spotConnecticut (now live in Conshohocken)Jersey Shore

3 adjectives to describe yourself (positive):Loyal Mrs. PisarekGivingFlexible

Something youre proud of:Activities you enjoyFinishing my Masters +30 degreeCooking, playing tennis


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