weld.io sswc 2013

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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"How do we get people to understand programming? We change programming. We turn it into something that's understandable by people." – Bret Victor, UX guru from Apple, etc. Anyone can start writing with a word processor, or draw something with a drawing program. Why should only engineers be able to create software? Why is programming still synonymous with writing code in a text window, 70 years after the birth of the digital computer? What would be possible if designers, economists, artists, and others could create software themselves?


Programmeringfür alle!für alle!

Weld.io @ SSWC 2013@tomsoderlund


Varför kan inte alla skapa mjukvara?

Bret Victor worrydream.com

Creator UserUX designer Programmer

– Dan Ingalls (co-creator of Smalltalk), Xerox PARC

“If a system is to serve the creative spirit, it must

be entirely comprehensible to a

single individual.”


•Great ideas get lost in their translation to code. Creators should not have to think like computers.

• Ideas also get lost when transferred between people. There is value in having a single person being able to create an application.

Visual Programming

Behavior without Code• Smart components

• Linked parameters

• Fill-in-the-blanks templates

• Step-by-step recording (macros)

• Pipes

• Natural language input (computerized or human translation)

• other?



Scratch and Hopscotch

Visual Basic and Flash

Yahoo Pipes

Lego NXT-G

App Builders


Appery.io and Codiqa

Fliplet and OpenRatio

My ideas (Weld.io)

Who would want this?

•Designers (UX, graphics) and artists

•Business people (finance, accounting, etc)

•Expert system builders


Design Principles

•Visual & tangible: see & feel what you create.

•Rapid: design, develop, test - simultaneously

•Collaborative: design, develop, test - together

•Friendly: zero startup time, don’t crash/hang, error informative messages.

So, what does that mean?

•Drag-and-drop UI builder.

•Smart components, linked parameters.

•Develop on your target platform.

•Always online, always running.

•Never crash, friendly errors.

•Web as core platform, export to native apps.

Thank you!

•Sign up for newsletter: http://weld.io/sswc/

•People/co-founders needed (tech, design)!

•Contact: tom@tomsoderlund.com, @tomsoderlund

Simplifying the problem

•Narrowing the target group.

•Encapsulating functionality in smart components.

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