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Wellness Reboot7 Day Refresh



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Program Details:

The program is for educational purposes only.

Please consult your doctor before starting. Your

enrollment in the Wellness Reboot/7 Day Refresh

is voluntary and at the sole risk of the user. You

may not hold Christy Morgan or Chad Byers

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Table of contents04 What is a Wellness Reboot and the 7 Day Refresh?Introduction to the program and why it’s impor-tant to reboot your health.

05 Basics of the ProgramTime to set your intention and get ready to em-bark on a journey to a healthier you. Here are the do’s and don’ts of the next week.

07 Equipment NeededHere’s what you’ll need in your kitchen to start making the delicious meals in the program.

08 My Diet Philosophy Just a few words on the meal plan and my per-sonal diet philosophy of not counting calories.

10 Common Foods GlossaryDon’t know what something is? Check here first to find the definition.

11 Importance of ExerciseA few words from our Fitness Coach, Chad Byers


Wellness Reboot is a pro-gram for individuals and busi-nesses. We provide education in healthful eating habits and lifestyle changes that can eas-ily be incorporated into your daily life. Improving your overall health is more than just lower-ing the number on the scale. You must reset or reboot the way you eat and live. We’ll show you how it’s done. And it will be fun!

The 7 Day Refresh is a teaser to the full 28-day Wellness Reboot program. It’s designed to incorporate all elements of well-being; foods that nourish your body, exercise and fitness that supports your health goals, and knowledge you need to live a healthy, vibrant life.

Is this a cleanse? Sort of. We

like the word refresh because this program gives you a new start. It’s not about deprivation or starvation. Eating in a new way that’s based in whole plant foods gives your body and your insides a restart. You get to eat plenty of delicious food while learning the tools needed for continued success.

After completing the 7 Day Reboot you will start to feel the effects of eating whole, unpro-cessed foods. Many people will lose weight on the first week, many lose their sugar cravings and ease their digestive issues.

Everyone experiences differ-ent things, but know that if you continue on this path of eating healthy and exercising you can completely transform your life and your health.

This is not the usual cleanse in a box type program. You get constant connection with me and others in the group, mak-ing it far superior to other types of wellness programs. Be sure to join the Facebook group to connect!

- Christy Morgan

What is Wellness Reboot & the 7 Day Refresh?


CHAD BYERSYour Fitness Coach

well*ness defined

1. The quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.

2. An approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed to emphasizing treating diseases.


What can I eat ON THE 7 DAY REFRESH?

One thing you will NOT feel on the 7 Day Refresh is deprived. Even though this program is like a cleanse you get to eat all you want. Within reason. We focus on WHOLE FOODS, and leave the junk, processed foods behind. You get to eat your fill of whole, unprocessed plant foods, which will leave you satisfied. There is no starving or fasting. It is easier for your body to adjust to a healthful way of eating when you add in the good stuff while slowly taking away the not-so-

good foods. This program is full of deli-cious cooked and raw foods for optimal health. Check out the next page for the basics of the program.

If you find that you aren’t satiated or you’re really hungry with this meal plan don’t hesitate to have more snacks like fruit, nuts, celery sticks with peanut but-ter, or make yourself a smoothie from the meal plan. Whatever you choose make sure it is whole and unprocessed. Listen to your body but don’t overdo it.


What Should I Avoid?There are a few things you should try to reduce or avoid during the 7 Day Refresh to get the most of the program. You can do anything for 7 days! Meat of any kind Dairy of any kind Alcohol Processed food Refined sugar Trans fat Caffeine Preservatives Additives

• Focus on eating whole foods• Reduce and eliminate the “Avoid List” below• Increase vegetable consumption• Don’t eat past 8pm or 3 hours before your bedtime• Drinks lots of water throughout the day• Chew your food well• Get plenty of sleep each night (7-8 hours)• Eat until your 80% full, do not overeat• Exercise at least 3 times per week• Start each morning with 8 ounces hot tea with lemon• If meal prep is too intense, double up on recipes and eat leftovers for meals• Eat whole food snacks and smoothies if hungry during the day


7 Day Refresh Basics

01 BAMBOO OR WOOD CUTTING BOARDS Get rid of your plastic cutting boards. Buy a nice thick bamboo or wood

cutting board, one that is at least 20x15 with a juice groove.

02 FOOD PROCESSOR The food processor is best for chunky things like hummus, bean dips, pestos and nut-based

sauces and desserts. Cuisinart is my favorite brand and is tried and true.

03 CHEF KNIFE The most important thing in your kitchen repertoire are good knives. All you need is three knives:

a chef knife that is used for almost everything, a paring knife for small jobs, and a bread or serrated knife for slicing bread or soft fruits, like tomatoes. Those last two knives can be any brand re-ally; save the dough for your main knife. My favorite are Global, NHS, and MAC knives.

04 VITAMIX OR BLENDER A good blender is essential. I could not survive without my Vitamix. The reason you

need both a blender and a food processor is the blender is for the more liquid things, like smoothies, dressings, and pureed soups.

05 STAINLESS STEELS COOKWARE Essential pans are a small saucepan, medium stockpot, and both large and small

sauté/skillet/fry pan. Ideally you want to have lids that fit these pans as well.

06 OTHER STUFF Other essentials you probably have like measuring cups and spoons, mixing bowls, peeler/grat-

ers, zester (my favorite is Microplane), mesh strainers in various sizes, and a steamer basket.



I don’t count calories or fat.

This may be hard to believe but I don’t count calories or fat. When you eat a balanced whole foods vegan diet it’s more important that you eat a variety of plant foods, do not overeat, and get regular exercise than it is to obsess about the numbers. Every body is different. Some people thrive better on a high raw diet, some feel best on a high grain/starch diet, some people can eat whatever they want and have no consequences. For most of us what works in our diet changes all the time. What works for you today may not work for you tomorrow, next week or even next year. Unfortunately, many of us are so far removed and discon-nected from our bodies that we don’t know what works at

cook with more oil, sugar, and salt than I do at home, where I may have soy meat products and desserts made with sugar. It allows me to enjoy myself when I’m outside my house without feeling guilty. And since I’m in good health, that 20% “whatever goes” vegan diet does not lower my immu-nity or put a dent in my health. I have been living by this principle for the last 10 years and it hasn’t led me astray. I haven’t had a cold or the flu in all this time.

This is what works for me. People who have serious health conditions may not be able to do the 80/20 rule. People who are new to the plant-based diet could benefit from doing 100% healthy and unprocessed for 30 days to 3 months to detox the junk out. That’s what the Wellness Re-boot is all about. You will learn how to eat healthy and make lasting changes. Then you can play around with your diet to see what works best for you.

I’ve noticed over 10 years of being vegan the way I feel is caused by an accumulative ef-fect of being a healthy vegan. My health continues to improve year after year. And so will yours!

all. Are you in this boat?

In order to eat healthfully, but remain flexible and realistic in my personal diet I follow the 80/20 Rule. Most of the time my diet is made up of whole foods, no sugar, very little oil, no bread, no alcohol, and of course vegan. That means I keep my home kitchen sort of a temple. I don’t buy junk food, ice cream, cookies, vegan meat products, or non-organic produce. That stuff has no place in my house because I will just eat it up. I cook and eat most my meals at home. This allows me to feel my best, have energy throughout the day, but still enjoy time out with friends.

So the 20% are those instanc-es when I eat vegan out at restaurants, where I know they

My Diet PhilosophyTHE 80/20 RULE


7 Day Refresh Meal PlanPlease visit the Member’s Only Section of the website for the full meal plan and shopping list.

Just a few notes about the meal plan and my philosophy on diet. You’ll find no nutri-tional information with the recipes. And before you throw your hands in the air let me explain why I don’t include that info.

In all honesty if you’re eat-ing whole plant foods you don’t have to stress out about counting calories. If you avoid processed foods and things in packages with labels you can eat abundantly. That’s one awesome thing about a whole foods plant-based diet. And everyone’s calorie needs are different. There is no one-size-fits-all meal plan. There are many great phone apps that can calculate for you how many calories you should be eating to give you an idea.

The serving sizes for each recipe are just an estimate. Depending on your calorie needs you may eat bigger or smaller portions. I want you to trust your intuition and eat

until you’re about 80 to 90% full. Do not overeat or stuff yourself. That’s another great method for weight maintenance or weight loss and be sure to chew your food very well.

So try this program for a week and see how you feel. Some people will feel amazing within the first couple of days. Some people lose weight, a lot of people noticed an increase in energy. Some no longer have digestive issues.

Some people may not feel as good because your body will go through detox depending on what your diet was like before. So if you drank sodas or caf-feine or eat a lot of sugar then you may experience a little bit

of a sluggish feeling. But if you keep at it and join the 28 day program you’ll definitely experience amazing things in a short amount of time.

If you find that you aren’t sat-isfied or you’re really hungry with this meal plan don’t hesi-tate to have more snacks like fruit, nuts, celery sticks with peanut butter, anything like that but make sure it’s whole food. Or make yourself a smoothie from the meal plan.

Eating in a new way that’s based in whole plant foods gives your body and your insides a restart, a refresh to a new way of living in peace and harmony with your body. Enjoy! 9

01 CHIA SEEDS Known for being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, these seeds are readily used by athletes, vegetarians and anyone interested in reaping their health benefits. Can be used

as a thickener or egg-replacer similar to flax seed.

02 FLAX SEEDS Seeds that contain omega-3 fatty acids and high levels of dietary fiber to help lower cholesterol levels and to help prevent cancers, while providing an abundance of

protein (and the above) for vegetarians. It’s used as an egg substitute in vegan baking.

03 GLUTEN (WHEAT GLUTEN) A protein found in foods processed from wheat and grains like barley and rye- gluten, helps dough rise and keep shape. If someone has a wheat allergy

or celiac disease, they must stay away from products containing gluten.

04 HEMP SEEDS Can be eaten raw, ground into meal, made into hemp milk, or used in vari-ous other forms of baking- has a complete amino acid profile as it contains proteins the

body needs and cannot produce.

05 NUTRITIONAL YEAST Deactivated yeast that is a good source of protein and vitamins, es-pecially B-complex vitamins; it has a yellowy powder texture and tastes nutty and cheesy.

It comes in flakes and fine powder. I prefer the large flakes.

06 QUINOA A popular ancient seed (often categorized as a grain) that has recently been recognized for its high protein content, as well as dietary fiber, iron and calcium. It is also

gluten-free, quick-cooking, and easy to digest.

07 SOY Some people are fearful of soy, though consumed in moderation and in the healthiest forms, soy’s health benefits include reduction of heart disease, improving bone health and

providing protein. Unless you have a serious allergy to soy you can enjoy soy, but I suggest staying away from “soy protein isolates” which are processed soy.

08 SEITAN Made entirely out of the protein of wheat, it has a chewy, stringy texture that re-sembles meat more than other substitutes. It’s pure gluten so those with a gluten allergy

should avoid it.

09 VEGAN Someone who chooses to not consume or use animal products (meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, honey and animal-derived substances), wear animal skin, or use prod-

ucts that have been tested on animals.


people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1 in every 4 deaths. So, what is heart disease? It is damage caused to your heart or blood vessels by a buildup of fatty plaques in your arter-ies. This plaque is made up of cholesterol, fat, calcium, and other substances found in the blood and restricts blood flow to your organs and tissues.

The average total cholesterol level for adult Americans is about 200 mg/dL, which is borderline high risk. 71 million American adults (33.5%) have high LDL, or “bad,” choles-terol, according to the CDC. People with high total cho-lesterol have twice the risk of heart disease as people with

Photo by: Sarah Brightlywww.sarahbrightly.com

Both diet and exercise are integral parts of any wellness program. Research shows that physical activity can boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reduce your risk of stress, depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. People who do regular physical activ-ity have a lower risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabe-tes, stroke and some cancers. Exercise also strengthens muscles, reduces body fat and improves cardiovascular function.

Being overweight increases the amount of LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, in your blood. Ex-ercise stimulates enzymes that help move LDL from the blood (and blood-vessel walls) to the liver where cholesterol is con-verted into bile and excreted. This means that the more you exercise, the more LDL your body will get rid of. Exercise also increases the levels of HDL, the “good” cholesterol that aids in removing choles-terol from the blood.

The Centers for Disease Con-trol and Prevention (CDC) lists heart disease as the leading cause of death for both men and women. About 600,000

Take Care of Your Body, It is The Only One You GetBY CHAD BYERS - YOUR FITNESS COACH


optimal levels. Our bodies pro-duce cholesterol, so there is no need to get additional amounts from our food, which can only be found in animal products such as meat and dairy. Our diets should be comprised mostly of nutrient dense foods like vegetables and fruits. These foods contain micronutrients that are necessary for our bod-ies to function properly and are not found in any other food, plus they are naturally free of saturat-ed fats and cholesterol. Plants contain phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that nourish our bodies, give us energy and help our bodies to heal, build and repair tissue and cells as well as rid our bodies of toxins. Our body will heal itself naturally when given the proper nutrition.

Your health is important and it should be a priority. The afore-mentioned diseases are all lifestyle related and can be re-versed by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Make a commitment to yourself to make your health a priority. You only get one life to live and one body to do it in. Take care of it and you will be amazed at how great you will look and feel.

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