wes - moaa birminghammoaabirmingham.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/august18-newsle… · 2018-08-08...

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Greetings Members and Friends, Our August meeting will recognize the many contributions made by our Chapter Ladies. Anne Hartline will speak about our ladies and recognize one Chapter Lady with an Excellence Award for superior performance in recruiting, professionally representing the Chapter, and for demonstrating leadership and responsibility. I’m sure this was a tough decision for Anne and the Ladies Committee since so many of our Ladies embody these traits. Thank you to all our Chapter Ladies for what you do everyday in support of our active and retired servicemembers. CDR Dick Ritz, USN (Ret) will also make a presentation of the U.S. Navy Combat Search and Rescue training (see the July newsletter for details). We had some technical difficulties with Danberry’s video equipment and Dick was unable to make his presentation during the July meeting. As I mentioned at the July meeting, TRICARE is once again in the Congressional cross-hairs for cuts and fee increases. I encourage each of you to respond to the MOAA requests to contact our Alabama Congressional members and express our dissatisfaction of these actions. Veterans and active members have earned these benefits through the many sacrifices you are all familiar with. Cynthia and I will be unable to attend this month’s meeting. We will be in Boise, ID visiting our son’s family and seriously spoiling two young grandsons! Mac Chandler, our 1st VP, will be hosting the meeting. Thanks Mac. September brings the return to our Dinner meetings and programs. Mac has some great speakers scheduled. Notes for your calendar: September/October – Chapter Veteran of the Year nominations due. November 11 – National Veterans Day Dinner November 12 – World Peace Luncheon (Chapter Veteran of the Year recognized) November 12 – National Veterans Day Parade The next meeting is on September 6th. Hope to see you all there! Respectfully,


Volume 118 Issue 8 August 2018

Greater Birmingham Chapter Military Officers Association of America

President Wes Cox, Col, USA (Ret)

1st VP Mac Chandler, LTC, USA (Ret)

2nd VP Don Lehman, LTC, USMC (Ret)

Treasurer Dick Ritz, CDR, USN (Ret)

Secretary Ginger Branson, LTC, USA (Ret)

Past Pres. Tomas Ruffing, LTC, USA (Ret)

Director J.D. Crawford, Col, USA (Ret)

Director Robert Williams, Maj, USA (Ret)

Director Vacant

Chaplain Mac Chandler, LTC, USA (Ret)

TOPS Liaison Al Wood, LTC, USA (Ret)

Legislative Affairs Wes Cox, Col, USA (Ret)

Personal Affairs Anne Hartline

Surviving Spouse Liaison Anne Hartline

Newsletter Linda DeMarco, USA(Ret)

Statement of Publication

Officer’s Call is the newsletter of the Greater Birmingham Chapter—Military Officers Association of America. It is published once each month to inform the membership of issues and activities of interest to all. GBC MOAA is a non-profit 501(c)19 entity in the state of Alabama organized to represent the membership and to support the activities of the Alabama Council and MOAA National. MOAA and its affiliated chapters and councils are non-partisan. Advertising contained in the newsletter is not endorsed by MOAA or its affiliate the Greater Birmingham Chapter, and does not represent any recommendation to the membership. Opinions expressed in articles contained herein are not necessarily those of the membership or the Chapter. Questions should be directed to newsletter@moaabirmingham.org.


Legislative Update August 2018

Here are some of the key Bills in Congress that MOAA is working and their position.

• Federal - S 66 A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to permit certain retired members of the uniformed services who have a service-connected disability to receive both disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs for their disability and either retired pay by reason of their years of military service or Combat-Related Special Compensation, and for other purposes. Support

• Federal - S 143 A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a credit against income tax for amounts paid by a spouse of a member of the Armed Forces for a new State license or certification required by reason of a permanent change in the duty station of such member to another State. Support

• Federal - S 339 A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to repeal the requirement for reduction of survivor annuities under the Survivor Benefit Plan by veterans' dependency and indemnity compensation, and for other purposes. Support

• Federal - HR 303 A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to permit additional retired members of the Armed Forces who have a service-connected disability to receive both disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs for their disability and either retired pay by reason of their years of military service or combat-related special compensation. Monitoring

• Federal - HR 333 A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to permit retired members of the Armed Forces who have a service-connected disability rated less than 50 percent to receive concurrent payment of both retired pay and veterans' disability compensation, to extend eligibility for concurrent receipt to chapter 61 disability retirees with less than 20 years of service, and for other purposes. Support

• Federal - HR 1384 A bill to amend titles 5, 10, 37, and 38 of the United States Code to ensure that an order to serve on active duty under section 12304a and 12304b of title 10, United States Code, is treated the same as other orders to serve on active duty for determining the eligibility of members of the uniformed services and veterans for certain benefits and for calculating the deadlines for certain benefits. Support (continued on page 6)


Thursday August 2, 2018 Social Hour: 11:30 am Lunch: Noon

• Cost: $18 per person. Payment for meal is due at the door (checks are preferred).

• Location: Danberry at Inverness, 235 Inverness Center Drive, Birmingham, AL 35242.

• Reservations: Contact CDR Dick Ritz at 205-639-4028 or dickritz22@gmail.com (please note Dick’s new email address) by 1200 Noon on Monday July 30th to make or cancel your reservation. Note: Your reservation is not complete until you have received a confirmation call or email.

Menu: Greek Salad, Italian Pasta Bar: 2 Pastas, 2 Sauces, Chicken, Shrimp, Meatballs, Vegetables, Garlic Bread Crème Brule Cheesecake

Cash Bar: None

Driving Instructions - Danberry at Inverness, 235 Inverness Center Drive, Birmingham, AL


• Traveling from I-65 (South or North): Take the I-459 interchange toward Atlanta. Proceed north on I-459 and take Exit 19 onto Highway 280 toward Childersburg. Travel approx. 2.2 miles on Highway 280 and turn right onto Inverness Center Drive (Fresh Market shopping center on right). Travel approx. 1/2 mile and turn left into Danberry at Inverness.

• Traveling South on I-459: Take Exit 19 onto Highway 280 toward Childersburg. Travel approx. 2.2 miles on Highway 280 and turn right onto Inverness Center Drive (Fresh Market shopping center on right). Travel approx. 1/2 mile and turn left into Danberry at Inverness.

• Traveling West on Highway 280: Turn left onto Inverness Center Drive (Fresh Market shopping center on the left). Travel approx. 1/2 mile and turn left into Danberry at Inverness.

Application for Membership/Renewal – Greater Birmingham Chapter MOAA (Please print or type)

First Name MI Last Name Grade Rank Preferred Name Name of Spouse

Branch of Service: ___ Army ___ Air Force ___ Navy ___ Marines ___ Coast Guard ___ Other: ______________________

Status: ___ Active Duty ___ Retired ___ National Guard ___ Reserve ___ Former Member ___ Surviving Spouse

Mailing Address City State Zip Code

Telephone #: __________________ Date of Birth: ___________ Email Address: __________________________________________

National MOAA Membership Number: _____________ National Membership Type: ___ Basic ___ Premium ___ Life

Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________

___ Renewal or ___ New Membership (membership runs by calendar year)

___ Regular Membership or ___ Surviving Spouse: ___ $20/year ___ $35/2 years ___ $50/3 years

___ Supporting Membership ($50) or ___ Sustaining Membership ($100)

___ ROTC Affiliation (electronic communications only – no cost)

Mail this form to Greater Birmingham Chapter MOAA, P.O. Box 530153, Birmingham, AL 35253


Recruiter’s Corner

Recruit a new member The majority of our new members come from referrals from existing members. So please carry some of our MOAA business cards to pass onto people when you meet them. Better yet, invite or bring them to a meeting to see what a good time that we have

Our Chapter website www.MOAABirmingham.org is coming soon! Web developer, Brownstone Marketing is working on the final stages and it should be up and running in August. This should give our organization more presence and hopefully assist in recruiting, sharing information and getting the word out on our MOAA chapter. Semper Fi, Don Lehman, LTC, USMCR (retired) Membership Chair don.lehman1@gmail.com cell: 404-441-3882

Challenge Coins

The new Greater Birmingham Chapter MOAA Challenge Coins are still available

to order for only $10 per coin. Contact LTC (ret) Don Lehman via email at don.lehman1@gmail.com. Display

cases are available for $1 each, and orders

to be mailed should add $1 per coin.

Please follow us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/Greater-Birmingham-MOAA-Chapter-161367134657315/



I am currently reading a very interesting book on D-Day. It is entitled The Dead and Those About To Die: D-Day: The Big Red One at Omaha Beach. A friend who was a machine gunner in Viet Nam loaned me the book, as Joan and I will be visiting Omaha Beach this September. The book is very detailed, if you know what I mean. The one thing that stands out to me other than the immense valor, courage, desperation, will to live, etc., is the randomness of death. What do I mean by that? Well, as you combat veterans will recognize there is neither rhyme nor reason as to why one-person lives, and why the guy right next to him doesn’t. And it can happen in an instant. The Book of Ecclesiastes, in Chapter 3, verses 1-9, states that there is an appointed time for everything. It is worth reading this month if you will take the time to do so. So, this August, during the so-called Dog Days of summer, while the kids are going back to school, and new drivers will be on the roads, let’s take our time. Take time to read some of your favorite verses in the Bible. Take time to call a friend who you have not spoken to in a while. Take time to remember your best friend from High School. Take time to help a stranger. During these hot, muggy days of August, take time to remember that the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control (especially on 280). Be safe and enjoy August. And remember, college football is just around the corner! LTC (Ret) Mac Chandler Amen. Mac Chandler

Personalized MOAA Nametags MOAA nametags are available for $8.50 each through J.D. Crawford. The nametags are black lettering on white, and they are approximately business card size with magnetic backs. Mail your name, rank and branch of service (or other information as applicable, i.e. surviving spouse, etc.) along with $8.50 for each nametag ordered to James D. Crawford, 3076 Brookhill Drive, Birmingham, AL 35242. Make checks payable to James D. Crawford.

August Birthdays

Ginger Branson


Lawrence Brassell


David Burford


Steve Coleman


Lynn Hendricks


Sam Killian


Kenneth McRae


Jack Natter


Rose Marie Ritz


Danny Sample


Sam Sparks



Mark Your Calendar

GBC MOAA Fall Ladies Luncheon

Wednesday, October 24th

Hoover Country Club

10:30 am

Armed Forces Officers Wives Club

The purpose of this organization is to foster friendship among the wives of active, retired alive and deceased officers of the Armed Forces, and female officers to promote cultural and educational needs and provide group fellowship.

Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month from September through May at various locations.

We do not meet, June, July and August.

MOAA Greater Birmingham Chapter Surviving Spouse/Spouse of a Living Member

Excellence Award Criteria/Guidelines

Awarded to the Surviving Spouse or Spouse of a Living Member who has demonstrated superior performance in one or more of the following areas:

Recruiting and Retention

Actively recruits new members

Actively works to retain members


Communicates pertinent information to surviving spouses and spouses of living members.

Stays abreast of current issues and the legislative actions of MOAA on these issues.


Demonstrates leadership and willingly assumes responsibility within the chapter.

Regularly attends monthly meetings.

Surviving Spouse nominees must be members of MOAA National and the Greater Birmingham Chapter. Spouse of a living member nominees are eligible if the living member is a member of MOAA

National and the Greater Birmingham Chapter.

July 2018

GBC MOAA Ladies Recognition

Ladies recognition is an annual event that acknowledges the contributions of our surviving spouses, spouses of living members and female officers. All ladies present will be introduced according to their military branches. The first Surviving Spouse/Spouse of a Living Member Excellence Award will be presented. All ladies are encouraged to attend this special meeting


Legislative Update (continued)

• Federal - HR 92 A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to increase the maximum age for children eligible for medical care under the CHAMPVA program. Support

• Federal - HR 93 A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for increased access to Department of Veterans Affairs medical care for women veterans. Support

• Federal - HR 102 A bill to expand the research and education on and delivery of complementary and alternative medicine to veterans, and for other purposes. Support

• Federal - S 422 A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to clarify presumptions relating to the exposure of certain veterans who served in the vicinity of the Republic of Vietnam, and for other purposes. Support





HOME DEPOT HONORING OUR VETERANS More than 34,500 homes and facilities transformed. More than $213 million given to veteran-related causes by The Home Depot Foundation since 2011. When it comes to supporting the brave men and women of our armed forces, we’re all in.

Your local Home Depot at work: Three Hots & a Cot – Recreational Park, Center Point

Handicap deck and ramps for disabled Navy veteran, Hoover




Our upcoming lunch meeting will be August 2nd and September we will go back to evening meals at 6:30 pm

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