west balkans regional eea/ eionet cooperation expert workshop on biodiversity indicators

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Outcomes of 6 th Biodiversity in Europe Conference and results of the Western Balkans Capacity Building Workshop on Indicators as part of NBSAP Updating. West Balkans Regional EEA/ Eionet Cooperation Expert Workshop on Biodiversity Indicators Tirana  4 June 2013 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


West Balkans Regional EEA/Eionet CooperationExpert Workshop on Biodiversity Indicators

Tirana 4 June 2013

Jennifer Emond, UNEP Brussels

Outcomes of 6th Biodiversity in Europe Conference and results of the Western Balkans Capacity Building Workshop on Indicators as part of

NBSAP Updating



1. Pan-European 2020 Strategy for BiodiversityI. PEBLDSII. Pan-European 2020 Strategy for Biodiversity III. 6th Biodiversity in Europe Conference

2. Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (BIP)

3. Results of the Western Balkans Capacity Building Workshop on Indicators as part of NBSAP Updating

4. Outcomes of the 6th Biodiversity in Europe Conference – Indicators Session

5. Conclusions

1. Pan-European 2020 Strategy for Biodiversity


Adopted in 1995 to support the implementation of the CBD in the pan-European region

Sept. 2009, Council decision to develop a new Strategy / Secretariat provided solely by UNEP

Bureau meetings held in Nagoya (CBD COP10) and Geneva (Apr 2011), stakeholder conference in Gabala, meeting with biodiv MEAs (Geneva, Jan 2011), …

Council meeting in Geneva (June 2011) to review, amend and endorse a draft Pan-European 2020 Strategy for Biodiversity

2012, new Chair of the PEBLDS from Russian Federation

1. Pan-European 2020 Strategy for Biodiversity

The Strategy

Reinforces the added value of a pan-European approach

Informal platform of exchange of views, expertise and experience for CBD implementation in pan-Europe;

Regional forum for the preparation, implementation and follow-up of CBD

Enhancing coherence at national, sub-regional and pan-European scale of biodiversity policies and priority actions;

Sub-regional approach Western Balkans Eastern Europe Caucasus Central Asia

1. Pan-European 2020 Strategy for Biodiversity

6th Intergovernmental Biodiversity in Europe Conference Batumi, Georgia, 15-18 April 2013

Pan-European Biodiversity Platform Steering Committee UNEP Secretariat

Key Topics Indicator Development Mainstreaming Biodiversity-related MEA Synergies IPBES TEEB

2. The Biodiversity Indicators PartnershipAn overview




Biodiversity Indicators Partnership

• CBD-mandated collaboration

• Over 40 organizations working globally

•Secretariat based at UNEP-WCMC

•Promoting the development and delivery of indicators at the global, regional and national levels

National and Regional WorkTo date the BIP has worked with over 60 countries in 7 regions

Workshops 2012-13: - Series of Capacity Building Workshops: in Francophone Africa, South/South East Asia, Eastern Europe and South America

-‘Training of Biodiversity Indicator Facilitators’ Programme Launched: 22‘Biodiversity Indicator Facilitators’ trained in April 2013 to facilitate effective indicator development workshops in their country/region. Facilitators’ contact details available on BIP National Website.

-Plus BIP Participation in CBD Regional NBSAP capacity-building workshops and other relevant events

BIP Resources for National Indicator Development

Biodiversity Indicator Development Framework (BIDF)•Developed based on the BIP and others’ extensive experience in developing indicators•10 steps designed to provide guidance for the development of successful indicators•The steps in red cover the actions to define the Purpose of the indicators - actions needed for selecting successful indicators•The steps in purple cover the actions for the Production of indicators - essential to generate indicators•The steps in green are necessary for the Permanence of the indicators - mechanisms for ensuring indicator continuity and sustainability

BIP Resources for National Indicator Development

•Frameworks to assist indicator developers (BIDF and Steps in NBSAP Updating)•Series of guidance materials and indicator factsheets

•Forthcoming e-learning module•Technical support provided to practitioners involved in indicator use/development and NBSAP updating - info@bipindicators.net

BIP Resources for National Indicator Development

BIP National Website:•‘Toolkit for indicator developers’ containing all guidance materials, e-learning, national publications, FAQ, factsheets...

•Profiles of national and regional initiatives

•Online ‘Community of Practice’ through a discussion forum, to share lessons learnt and experiences, to offer and seek support

•Forthcoming e-learning module


The BIP in the western Balkans

Biodiversity Indicator Facilitator for the western Balkans:

Name: Ivna Vukšić

Country: Croatia

Organisation: Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection

Position: Senior Expert Advisor in Division for International Cooperation in Nature Protection

Telephone number: +385 1 4866 186

E-mail: ivna.vuksic@mzoip.hr

The BIP in the western Balkans

Capacity Building WorkshopsFirst BIP capacity building workshop on ‘Indicators as part of NBSAP updating’ held in Bosnia & Herzegovina, 18-22 March 2013

16 participants from 7 countries

4 day workshop covering: •key indicator-related concepts; •the development of successful biodiversity indicators;•the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its Aichi Targets, and the information needs/indicators for these targets;•country plans for NBSAP updating•Regional initiatives and cooperation

Workshop report available from www.bipnational.net

Second BIP capacity building workshop to be held in September 2013

3. Western Balkans Capacity Building Workshop on Indicators as part of NBSAP Updating

Continued sub-regional cooperation in order to: Share existing national targets and indicators so far in order to

discuss and improve, and to identify sub-regional targets and indicators;

Develop a greater understanding of the Aichi Targets and their connectedness (ex. Target 14 on ecosystem services);

Build capacity on how to develop monitoring and reporting systems;

Involve different sectors for effective development and implementation targets and indicators.

4. Outcomes of the 6th Biodiversity in Europe Conference Indicators Session

The Conference recommended: Capacity building and technical support to address the main challenges :

Funding for indicator development and data mobilisation Cooperation with institutions/organizations/agencies to support the development and coordination of indicators Monitoring and data mobilisation.

A forum to exchange good practice and technical capacity in cooperation with the BIP. Unified regional or sub-regional monitoring system for indicators in order to ensure consistent reporting at pan-European level. A set of simple common indicators (regional or sub-regional) that can be used and adopted nationally.

5. Conclusions

Importance of sub-regional/regional approach

Need to link indicators with NBSAPs Science-Policy Interface key for indicator

success Communication a key factor

Jennifer Emond, UNEP BrusselsJennifer.emond@unep.org

Thank You

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