west hills community churchtwyla campbell 06/11 isis johnson 06/11 iesi johnson 06/11 anna pruitt...

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Inside this issue…

Fun Family Activities

this summer

Summer Camp

Mission Trip News

Baptism Sunday

Dear Church Family…


Building a


of people

who are experiencing

new life with God

and with others,

by believing in

Jesus Christ,

worshipping Him,

and learning to live

every day by the

Word of God.

June 2017

W e s t H i l l s C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h

Volume 20, Issue 5

boils down to being a good welcomer on Sunday morn-ings. If you see that new person, take a moment to introduce yourself. Invite them into your home group or your Adult Bible Class. Invite them out for a meal or over to your house for lunch. YOU will make the difference. Don’t wait for someone else to do it!

Let’s have a fabulous “SUMMER OF WELCOME” at West Hills!

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience… Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” (Colossians 3:12, 15-16)

Love you all! Pastor Marcus

As I was thinking ahead about the coming summer months, I thought of the phrase, “A SUMMER OF WELCOME.” It’s always my hope that every person who walks through the doors of our church senses a unified, welcoming atmosphere. AND, that’s what I’m so grateful we have. We strive to love one another and welcome the next new person who comes in.

This summer will include a couple of facilities projects aimed at welcoming new people. The Facilities Com-mission will be working on remodeling the women’s bathroom in the lobby/library area. Also, based on our recent all-church business meeting we will be doing some upgrades in the sanctuary. The members approved the proposed the purchase of new carpet and interlocking padded chairs. Also, as a new motion, the members asked and approved that we use any additional monies left from the capital campaign to improve whatever other

upgrades to the sanctuary could be done (walls and/or windows, etc). The meeting was thorough in its discus-sion and most importantly, gracious and unified. Once again, I am blessed as your Pastor by your unity and love.

I am also excited to pro-mote an effort for the summer put forward by Children’s Ministry Director, Annie Willems. She is calling it SUPER FAMILY SUMMER @ WEST HILLS. Its primary focus is helping young fami-lies get connected and feel welcomed at West Hills. You can see a list of events in this newsletter edition. On some of the dates, we will be opening the gym for parent and child recreation. On other dates, we will have creative family fun nights and events. Overall, please pray that we help our fami-lies with young children enjoy the blessing of fellow-shipping together IN THE LORD.

Finally, let me just say that having a great welcome at West Hills still oftentimes

Summer Ministries All-Church Prayer Meeting—Wednesday, June 21 at 7PM

West Hi l l s News

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Men’s Ministries...

God’s best to you in Jesus this day! It is good to always remember that this is the day the Lord has made and to remember to rejoice and be glad in it! Sometimes it is a challenge to follow through on this great admonition.

Our men celebrated another great breakfast together Sat-urday May 13th. The sausage, omelets, potatoes etc. were accompanied by a wonderful devotional and testimony by Terry Crawford. Pending is our annual target shoot at

the Rob Buechner farm. The farm is drying out and by mid-June our plan is to rendez-vous for a safe Saturday morning of target practice. Start clearing the cobwebs from those gun barrels if you are coming. A short safety lesson will be given to start. This will not be a breakfast meeting but water and light snacks will be available. Directions to the site will be available closer to the date.

Men-please be thinking in terms of helping with our

coming church sanctuary upgrade project. In efforts to hold the costs down, consid-erable “sweat equity” will be sought. As schedule and strength allows, please plan to help as you are led.

Thanks men for loving your wife and children and for telling them so! Thanks for providing for them and set-ting a godly example for them. Your sacrifices are worth it!

Keep it up! Stan Wiens

Elder Board...

Let me start off by saying that I am thankful for the church body here at West Hills. It is a blessing to be a part of such a giving congregation. With the end of our current capital campaign and generous giving through this, the elders were able to propose some updates to our sanctuary carpet and seating. There was good discussion about this at our business meeting on Sunday, May 21st, that led to a vote to proceed with replacing the carpet and seating. I appreciate the way we work together. Let's continue to seek the Lord's will and further His kingdom.

In Christ, Steve Willems

Community Life Pastor...

Yes, definitely yes! That’s my answer to the question I am often asked, “Are you enjoying your new job?” I am blessed to be able to serve our Lord at this caring congregation we have attended almost 10 years.

I very much appreciate every-one’s patience as I am learning to get everyone’s name and face matched up. I am also working on learning the names of the children. Yes, thank you for your patience!

Our staff is incredibly wonder-ful to work with. Each person is competent, hard-working,

and motivated by love. It is special to get to have prayer together with them!

I truly enjoy my ministry chal-lenges: helping newcomers get involved in our church family; visiting in the hospital & homes; being a resource for home group development; identifying facility needs and encouraging our helpers; and planning for big projects like the sanctuary updating and the remodel of the women’s bathroom, which is getting closer, yay!

People in our congregation are genuinely warm and encourag-

ing and they like to serve as best as they can. I am so ap-preciative of the folks who help with the welcome and visita-tion; with leading and hosting home groups, and with taking care of our facility!!!

Yes, I enjoy my work here at West Hills! I am looking for-ward to having many people help with the big remodeling projects that will happen over the next months. Together Everyone Achieves More = TEAM

Together for Jesus, Ron McNinch

West Hi l l s News

“I am the vine;

you are the


If a man remains

in me and I in

him, he will bear

much fruit; apart

from me you

can do nothing.”

- John 15:5

Page 3

Youth Pastor...

We’re quickly approaching what’s looking like a very busy summer for Youth Group!

Our biggest summer feature is always summer camp at Camp Tapawingo. For those who may be interested in attending, this year’s camp dates are: Junior Camp – July 11th - 15th;

Middle School – June 25th - July 1st;

High School – July 16th - 22nd.

Students can be looking for-ward to our “End of School/Start of summer” BBQ’s.

There will be Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, as well as all the fixings to go with them. This activity is meant to be a very casual and relaxed time together, perfect for inviting friends to a Youth Group gathering. The Middle School BBQ will be on Tuesday, June 20th, with the High School having their BBQ on Wednes-day, June 21st.

Some of you might have seen pictures from our PDX-Pedition. We had a fantastic time riding the MAX train into Portland and seeing all kinds of sights around Satur-

day Market. We had 11 stu-dents brave the wet weather and I’m so glad they did!

Thank you for all the support we received in regard to Youth Sunday. I am so very proud of how the youth were able to participate; from greeters to ushers to sharing meaningful testimonies about the importance of Youth Group in their lives. We are so blessed!

As always, please keep the Youth Group in your prayers. They are so appreciated!

In His Grip, Pastor Bobby

Financial Statement…




West Hi l l s News

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Children’s Ministries...

May 21 marked the end of another year of our AWANA program at West Hills. With the leadership of Joyce Nagel and the many consistent volunteers, we were able to provide a ministry that served the children from 38 families and gave them each the opportunity to hide God's word in their heart.

As we enter our Super Family Summer, Children's Minis-tries has events planned for the next 3 months that will bring our families together and offer the opportunity for each family to invite others to join them. We're excited to continue to welcome new families into our church body!

Sunday mornings have brought beautiful changes as we add children from our Spanish service into all of our classrooms. It has been a joy to watch our kids welcome each new child and to see the group grow and learn together.

Annie Willems Children’s Ministries Director

West Hi l l s News

Page 5

Scott Bradley 06/19

Kevin Fenn 06/19

Samuel Waldie 06/19

Cheryl Evans 06/22

Rory Arden Linerud 06/22

Nancy Brouse 06/24

Lara Matarrese 06/24

Grace Nagel 06/24

Joe Willems 06/24

Mathias Crivceag 06/25

Andrew Ivanitsky 06/25

Paulette Lewis 06/28

Bonnie Palmer 06/28

June Anniversaries:

Bobby & Cristy Van Kleek 06/01

Bill & Dannie Fryou 06/02

Joe & Melissa Glad 06/03

Paul & Lucille Alley 06/04

June Birthdays

Dorothy Gallentine 06/01

Seth Van Kleek 06/02

Gerald Arnold 06/03

Dan Rosecrans 06/03

Jenn Fenn 06/04

Jim Austin 06/10

Twyla Campbell 06/11

Isis Johnson 06/11

Iesi Johnson 06/11

Anna Pruitt 06/11

Valyn Anderson 06/12

Char Feldmann 06/15

Donna Johnson 06/15

Garrett Gault 06/16

Steve Willems 06/16

Nancy O'Neill 06/17

Oliver Velez 06/17

Ann Bledsoe 06/18

Jeff Fairchild 06/18

Charles & Millie Holmstrom 06/07

Bruce & Linda Merritt 06/10

Monte & Twyla Campbell 06/15

Doug & Danielle Lownsbery 06/15

Nate & Heidi Kravitz 06/17

Valyn & Jean Anderson 06/18

Mike & Cheryl Evans 06/18

Norm & Sue Fairchild 06/18

Cameron & McKenzie O'Neil 06/19

Ron & Kim McNinch 06/20

Rob & Sherry Buechner 06/27

Joe & Kathy Terleski 06/27

Scott & Susan Roberts 06/29

Nathan & Tessa Gault 06/30

Birthdays & Anniversaries...

Missions Commission...

2017 Autlan Mexico Mission Team and Fundraisers

WHCC will be sending a team of approximately 10 individu-als to Autlan from July 31st to August 7th. We are lucky to have several people that have not gone before coming on this year’s trip. While in Autlan, we will support mis-sionaries Andy and Jessie Clark and Pastor Antonio Diaz and his family for their exist-ing ministries. This includes fellowship with their congre-gations, migrant camp minis-tries, and addiction recovery ministries. We are all excited

for the trip this year. Total cost for the trip the year is approximately $1,200 per person. Each individual is working hard to raise funds to cover the costs of the trip. Below are three opportuni-ties to help as we raise funds for the trip.

1) All church fundraiser letter—In early June, you should receive a letter in the mail detailing how you can give to support the trip.

2) Let us do your dirty work—You can hire someone from the team to do yard

work or clean up, painting, house cleaning, windows, or other miscellaneous projects. There will be a sign-up table in the lobby at church on June 4th and 11th.

3) Bake Sale—June 18! By your dad something special for Father’s Day!

4) Mexico Dinner—Saturday, July 8. Please bring socks for us to take as gifts to the Migrant Camps.

For questions about the trip or the fundraisers call Kevin Fenn at (503) 734-9983.

Sunday, June 11

Marcus Elmer Senior Pastor

Greg Denney Worship Pastor

Bobby Van Kleek Youth Pastor

Sorin Crivceag Hispanic Pastor

Ron McNinch Community Life Pastor

Annie Willems Children’s Director

Julie Brumfield Church Administrator

Sunday First Hour 9:00 a.m.

Worship Service & Classes

Second Hour 10:45 a.m.

Worship Service & Classes

Awana Club 6:00 p.m.


Tuesday Middle School Youth Group 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday High School Youth Group 6:30 p.m.

Breakthrough Prayer Team 7:00 p.m.

W e s t H i l l s C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h

1650 Brush College Rd. NW Salem, OR 97304

Phone: 503-362-7621 www.westhillscc.com


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