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West of England Academic Health Science Network Business Plan – 2015/16

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Contents 1 Executive Summary 2 West of England Profile 3 Programmes

3.1 Focus on Needs of Patients and Local Population 3.2 Evidence into Practice/Commissioning Evidence Based Care 3.3 Partnerships and Collaboration

3.4 Enterprise and Translation

4 Patient and Public Involvement

5 Building Capacity and Capability

6 Supporting the Five Year Forward View into Action 2015/16

7 Ensuring that we deliver

8 Working with other AHSNs

9 Conclusion

Appendices: Appendix 1 Plan on a Page Appendix 2 High Level Deliverables 2015/16 Appendix 3 Patient Safety Priorities 2015/16 Appendix 4 Matrix of Metrics Appendix 5 High Level Financial Statement 2015/16 Appendix 6 Events Calendar

West of England Academic Health Science Network Business Plan – 2015/16

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1 Executive Summary The West of England Academic Health Science Network has developed a clear work programme for 2015/16, which reflects the strategic challenges facing the NHS, the priorities of our member organisations and the Five Year Forward View. We will build on the growing engagement with our three research-active Universities, the 21 NHS organisations, our public contributors and our extensive relationships with companies. As we move into our third year, we are becoming more strategic about additions to our portfolio to ensure that we play to our strengths and make the strongest contribution we can. This means that we prefer to work on system wide issues and across the whole geography where we can. We also prioritise support to commissioners and to those sectors where capacity and capability is less well developed. We have a strong track record of partnership with other local agencies, such as Health Education South West, our local Clinical Research Network and the NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC). In 2015/16, we will respond to the recommendations of the NHS Improvement Architecture Review offering leadership at West of England level where appropriate.

The key programmes relate to the five objectives of the NHS England licence and are: Patient Safety Collaborative We have developed a very substantial Patient Safety Programme which prioritises system-wide working such as the Early Warning Score, and the development of Primary and Community Services sectors through incident reporting and human factors training for community staff. Connecting Data for Patient Benefit This is a key enabler for West of England organisations to achieve fully interoperable digital records by 2018 as required in the Five Year Forward View.

During 2015/16, the Academic Health Science Network will build on the support it has given to individual health communities as they develop from feasibility studies to firm business cases. The focus of this programme is to support data sharing at the point of care for individual patients/clients. Evidence into Practice 2015/16 will see:

A programme to sustain PreCePT and ensure that our cerebral palsy prevention programme in pre-term babies is embedded in clinical practice and evaluated

The roll out of “Don’t wait to anti-coagulate” from eleven pilot GP practices to a minimum of a further 69 practices;

A new programme on patient flow which will support health and social care communities who are working together on “Discharge to Assess” which will improve outcomes and support the urgent care system

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Commissioning Evidence Informed Care In this programme to support commissioners, we will:

Develop a second cohort of GP Evidence Fellows who will work with the first cohort of six, on specific commissioning projects;

Publish our web-based evaluation toolkit;

Continue to offer capacity building to commissioners through the “Leadership Series”;

Continue user testing and development of our Evidence toolkit which is currently available online.

Enterprise and Translation During 2015/16, we will:

Build on our successes with the Small Business Research Initiative which, to date, has contributed £4.5m to Small and Medium Enterprises working with our members;

Continue to work with UK & international companies and offer regular Connection events

Create reference groups in health for our three Local Enterprise Partnerships.

Convene our Industry Advisory Board to offer guidance and ensure that our strategy of 2013 is refreshed through our operational plans

2 West of England Profile

The West of England Academic Health Science Network serves a population of 2.4 million people and is a “membership organisation” comprising:

3 Universities: University of Bath University of Bristol University of the West of England

7 Clinical Commissioning Groups

Bath & North East Somerset Bristol Gloucestershire North Somerset South Gloucestershire Swindon Wiltshire

2 Mental Health NHS Trusts Avon & Wiltshire Partnership NHS Trust 2Gether NHS Foundation Trust

6 Acute NHS Trusts Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon North Bristol NHS Trust Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust Weston Area Health NHS Trust

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5 Providers of Community Health and Social Care

Bristol Community Health Gloucestershire Care Services North Somerset Community Partnership SEQOL, Swindon Sirona Care and Health CIC Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon [acute trust which provides community services]

1 Ambulance Service South West Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

Our Academic Health Science Network received an allocation of £2.4m in 2014/15 and expects to receive a similar amount in 2015/16. We remain committed to our vision….. “A vibrant and diverse network of partners committed to equality and excellence, which will accelerate the spread of innovative, evidence based practice to improve health and care quality and contribute to economic growth” … and to our strategic goals which match those highlighted in the NHS England licence for AHSNs:

To deliver measurable gains in health and wellbeing across the West of England focusing on the needs of our patients and local population.

To make a meaningful contribution to the West of England and UK economy.

To build a learning and delivery network to accelerate the adoption and spread of innovation and improvement of clinical outcomes and patient experience.

To build a culture of partnership and collaboration.

3 Programmes The AHSN is working on four broad programme areas which correspond to the four objectives in the NHS England Licence for Academic Health Science Networks. These are: 3.1 Focus on Needs of Patients and Local Population

In 2015/16 the AHSN will continue to develop its two cross-cutting programmes which connect all the settings of health care delivery, have the potential to transform care and which fully support the NHS Five Year Forward View.

Patient Safety Collaborative The West of England Patient Safety Collaborative is now well established, having had three quarterly Board meetings, at which every organisation is represented and which includes colleagues from NHS England teams and our public contributors.

We have an ambitious Patient Safety Programme which is attached as Appendix 3. The West of England-wide projects will be:

Adoption and spread of a common Early Warning Score across all organisations and settings in the West of England – this programme is

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too big for delivery in one financial year and we will scope it out in detail over Quarter One, following our engagement event on 5 March 2015 which was attended by 130 people. Deliverables in 2015/16 will prioritise those which support the urgent care system such as incorporating the Early Warning Score into the South West Ambulance Services Trust Electronic Patient Record and supporting its rollout across the West of England.

We have identified Primary Care Incident Reporting as one specific in a programme of capacity building and awareness raising for Primary Care and Community Services.

We will continue to deliver Human Factors training for Bands 1 – 4 community staff, which has been sponsored by Health Education South West. The delivery of this programme, including a patient leadership course, has been piloted with Sirona Health and Care in 2014/15, and will be extended and amended to dovetail with the standardised communication part of the Early Warning Score project. This project includes capacity building and “train the trainer” elements to ensure its future sustainability.

We are pleased to have a number of patient safety projects which we will deliver on a wider footprint than West of England Academic Health Science Network. These include:

Emergency Laparotomy with our partners in Kent, Surrey and Sussex and Wessex. We are delivering a programme in 2015/16 and 2016/17 about improving emergency laparotomy standards across twenty one hospitals.

Our “Getting Medicines Right” clinical faculty wish to continue to work South West-wide and it is likely that the topics which will be chosen are administration of insulin when people are admitted to hospital, and anti-coagulation safety at transfers of care. This will be tested at the Medicines Optimisation Roadshow we are running with NHS England on 7 May 2015.

We are supporting Lindsey Scott, Director of Nursing, NHS England Southwest Regional Office, to deliver a system wide sepsis programme jointly with South West AHSN and South Central Regional Office.

We are supporting the development of the South of England Mental Health Collaboration which covers South West peninsula, West of England, Wessex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex and Oxford AHSNs.

We have been asked to continue to support activities by clinical colleagues who have worked together on a South West-wide basis, as part of Safer Care South West. Falls prevention is likely to be one area of continued development which we will support through our Academy.

Connecting Data for Patient Benefit The AHSN continues to work closely with each health community in the West of England to accelerate progress in connecting data at individual patient level. In 2015/16, we will:

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Support the implementation of the South West Ambulance Service’s Electronic Patient Record.

Support health communities to complete their feasibility studies and move on to outline or full business cases for their “Connecting Data” programmes.

Continue to facilitate adoption and spread of the exemplar practice from “Connecting Care”, building on the collaboration agreement which was negotiated in 2014/15.

Facilitate working at the interfaces between health communities, particularly around Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire. including Wessex AHSN via Hampshire Health record.

Hold six-monthly Informatics workshops building on the successful initial workshop in October 2014, to bring together Chief Clinical Information Officers and Informatics colleagues, with public contributors to share best practice and overcome obstacles by working together.

Explore the opportunities to support health services research with our local universities and with other AHSNs and colleagues from Wales.

Work with NHS England and other AHSNs on issues relating to “Digital Maturity” and informatics development.

Genomics Medicine Centre The AHSN Board has resolved to support a West of England-wide Genomics Medicine Centre bid. This fits well with our mission to ensure reduction in the variation of patient experience and access to clinical innovation.

We are also supporting a joint bid between the Universities of Exeter, Bristol and the West of England for a Masters programme in Genomics and other educational programmes which will support genomics.

3.2 Evidence into Practice/Commissioning Evidence Based Care

We will build on the successful delivery of our programmes from 2014/15 and add a new one:

Preventing Cerebral Palsy in pre-term babies – we are proud of the uptake of this intervention across all five obstetric units in the West of England. Our research midwives and wider clinical staff have shown great leadership and commitment in adopting this intervention and training over 600 staff. In 2015/16, we will ensure that this programme is embedded and sustained and will adopt a complimentary piece of work from Wessex AHSN about access to pre-packaged doses of Magnesium Sulphate. This project will be evaluated by CLAHRCWest.

Anti-coagulation for Atrial Fibrillation and stroke prevention – this scheme took longer to mobilise in 2014/15 than anticipated because we needed to undertake more substantial engagement with clinicians than originally envisaged. By Quarter One in 2015/16, we will have evaluated the work of the eleven “Innovator” GP Practices who have been testing five different models for implementing anti-coagulation. We will continue to work with colleagues from the Pharmaceutical industry and will implement a rollout plan, testing more than one methodology so that we can learn how best to

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spread this intervention on a large scale. We will undertake a large health economic analysis of the different process methods and outcomes and the production of an academic healthcare modelling system in partnership with the University of Bath.

Patient flow / discharge to assess – we have extended our Senior Executive Team by the appointment of a colleague on secondment from the Health Foundation who will work with health communities on “patient flow” and discharge to assess. This project will directly address transfers of care which is a shared concern of NHS Trusts, community services providers and social care commissioners in delivering timely and accessible unscheduled care.

We will produce an interactive web-based platform which allows individuals to analyse variations in prescribing data at GP practice level. This is a partnership with Ben Goldacre, a clinical academic and writer, and a local SME. In Phase two of this project, we will explore the potential of this platform by supporting quality improvement / patient safety with four Clinical Commissioning Groups who are sponsoring this work.

We will develop a second cohort of GP Evidence Fellows who will work with the first cohort of six, on specific commissioning projects.

3.3 Partnerships and Collaboration

The AHSN has sustained strong and growing engagement across all its member organisations in 2014/15 and continues to prioritise support to Clinical Commissioning Groups, whole system working and quality improvement and patient safety projects which include all relevant organisations. The Business Plan has been developed in partnership with all member organisations and will be owned by them as part of our distributed leadership model. In 2015/16, the AHSN will build on its extensive partnership arrangements, including:

Continuing to participate in the South West Strategic Clinical Network’s “Oversight Group” and work with individual networks to secure clinical advice and leadership, and to dovetail our work with theirs.

Cross-representation with Health Education South West, CLAHRCWest and the West of England Local Clinical Research Network at Board level, supported by a programme of joint activity.

Close work with the Universities of Bath, Bristol and the West of England each of which has a number of joint projects with the Academic Health Science Network.

A shared public and patient engagement function with CLAHRCWest, the West of England Local Clinical Research Network and Bristol Health Partners.

Working in collaboration with the Local Clinical Research Network to support the project officer to promote the Joint Dementia Research Register project across the West of England to enhance opportunities for patients to participate in dementia research.

Close and constructive working with the two NHS England Regional Teams, particularly on Patient Safety.

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Our collaborative work in 2015/16 will include:

A joint Annual Conference with West of England Local Clinical Research Network and CLAHRCWest;

Commissioning CLAHRCWest to evaluate PreCePT and to undertake a literature search and develop an intervention around avoiding hospital admissions for people with Dementia.

3.4 Enterprise and Translation Our Enterprise and Translation Operational Plan has been very successful in 2014/15 and will be further developed in 2015/16, including:

Small Business Research Initiative – we have attracted over £4m to the companies we have supported through the Small Business Research Initiative. We will complete the Child and Adolescent Mental Health process and will lead a new challenge on the theme of urinary and faecal incontinence with UCL Partners.

We will progress our Co-Laboratory challenges on the following themes: user-led design with citizens, mobile health and diabetes and platform tools for self-management which we are currently developing with a number of our member organisations.

We will continue our programme of interacting with UK and international companies and offering support at 3 levels as appropriate. We will develop our project impact work where we are gathering feedback from companies about the results of our support to them and how we can meet their needs further.

The AHSN will continue to work with the three Local Enterprise Partnerships. The Health and Life Sciences Sector Group of the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership was established in 2014/15 and will continue.

We have agreement with the Swindon and Wiltshire and Gloucestershire Local Enterprise Partnerships to establish Health and Life Science reference groups amongst our member organisations to provide a focus for work with businesses in 2015/16.

We have contributed to the development of AHSNs contribution to NHS England on test beds and we believe we have a good offer around research and testing of assistive technology in the home and its contribution to maintaining independence.

4 Patient and Public Involvement Patient and Public Involvement will continue to underpin and influence all that we do. Each workstream has clear PPI activities embedded within it and is supported by a team of public contributors. The AHSN has recently reviewed its patient and public involvement and empowerment programme with a range of our public contributors, this has been very useful and will allow us to build on our work in 2015/16. In particular we are designing an Induction Programme for new Public Contributors, and are considering how to articulate the work of the AHSN better for patients, citizens and members of the public. We will co-design this with our public contributors.

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5 Building Capacity and Capability One of the developments in 2014/15 which has been most highly valued by our member organisations has been the West of England “Academy”. This is the umbrella under which we deliver capacity and capability building initiatives to support innovation and industry-facing skills, patient safety, quality improvement, informatics and commissioning. Over the six months since October 2014, 422 people have attended our quality improvement and patient safety events.

In the first quarter of 2015/16, we will develop a strategic plan for the development of capacity and capability across the West of England for Quality Improvement / Patient Safety and innovation skills. This will shape our future Academy programme.

During 2015/16, this will include:

Delivery of the first West of England Healthcare Innovation Programme as part of the broader partnership with SETSquared and the South West Peninsula, Wessex and Kent, Surrey and Sussex AHSNs. SETSquared is the business incubator for the Universities of Bristol, Bath, Exeter, Southampton and Surrey.

Three Connection events for Enterprise and Translation; one in each of the Local Enterprise Partnership catchment areas.

Continued development of the “Leadership Series” for our seven Clinical Commissioning Groups to support them in delivering evidence informed care.

A wide range of bespoke quality improvement learning opportunities

Publication of a web-based mental health quality improvement toolkit, which is a collaboration with national Clinical Director for Mental Health, a number of AHSNs, East London Mental Health Trust and the NHS Confederation.

Appendix 6 shows the main events for 2015/16.

6. Supporting the Five Year Forward View into Action 2015/16

The Five Year Forward View now represents a strong strategic consensus from all quarters of the NHS about the road map for a sustainable future for the service. West of England AHSN is seeking out opportunities to support member organisations in their ambitions to meet this strategy where this is consistent with our Licence and with member’s priorities. The following commentary on our relevant activities is based on “The Forward View into Action: Planning for 2015/16”

Chapter heading / subject Commentary

1. Our approach to planning and partnership for 2015/16

Dissolving artificial barriers and historical silos

Our strategic goals lead us to stimulate pan health community, and whole system wide working. We can evidence the benefits of this in our Business Plan delivery during 2013/14 and 2014/15

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Chapter heading / subject Commentary

2. Creating a new relationship with patients and communities

The first country to implement at scale a national evidence based diabetes prevention programme

Our AF work indicates that we could lead a West of England wide programme on diabetes

Showing demonstrable progress towards fully interoperable digital health records from 2018

This is the focus of our informatics work

3. Co –creating new models of care

Test beds Able to offer this – particularly with assistive technology / maintaining independence

4. Priorities for Operational Delivery in 2015/16

Improving patient safety: sepsis

Supporting NHSE to deliver a pan-system approach to Sepsis

Emergency care Pan-West of England Early Warning Score ; supporting SWAST on Electronic patient record interface with EDs

Improving patient flow and safer clinical systems including the Discharge to Assess model

Achieving parity for mental health

South of England MH collaborative, QI toolkit, perinatal mental health and CAMHS

5. Enabling Change

Initiatives in interoperability of data which support QI, commissioning and research

Within 2015/16 informatics work

100,000 Genomes project AHSN working on West of England Genomics Centre bid and joint proposal between Exeter and Bristol for Genomics Masters Degree Programme

6. Driving Efficiency Stroke prevention programme; cerebral palsy prevention; prescribing platform and commissioning evidence informed care

7 Ensuring that we deliver

The Academic Health Science Network has significantly increased its project management and governance capacity towards the end of 2014/15, which will allow us to sustain a stronger portfolio during 2015/16.

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By the start of 2015/16, we will have fully recruited our clinical faculty and management team to support the Patient Safety Collaborative. This will also enable us to support the mental health learning cluster of AHSNs and to contribute fully at national level. During 2014/15, we chose to commission a full financial audit from Mazars, which goes beyond the statutory requirement for a company limited by guarantee of our size. This provided excellent feedback on our financial governance and a strong record of our stewardship of public money, should it be required. The evaluation of the AHSN, which is led by Professor Christine Harland at Cardiff University and involves each of our three universities, will enter its second year in 2015/16. We are continuing to ensure that each of our individual projects is evaluated, as part of our programme delivery. Following feedback from NHS England, we commissioned a stakeholder review of our Enterprise and Translation work during 2014/15 which we have used to recast our communications and stakeholder management. In the first quarter of 2015/16, we will extend this to the rest of the AHSN’s work programmes and will re-commission our communications accordingly.

8 Working with other AHSNs

We value the opportunity to meet and work with AHSNs to amplify the impact which AHSNs can have by working collectively and improving on times to adoption and spread.

Some examples of our joint work with other AHSNs are shown in the table below:

NHS England Licence


3.1 Focus on Needs of Patients and Populations:

Patient Safety:

South of England mental health Collaborative

South West Peninsula, Wessex, Kent Surrey and Sussex, Oxford

Developing patient safety “mental health cluster”

As above plus East Midlands, Yorkshire and Humber

Emergency Laparotomy Wessex; Kent, Surrey and Sussex

Sepsis South West Peninsula

Getting Medicines Right South West Peninsula

Connecting Data for Patient Benefit: Digital Maturity

UCL Partners

3.2 Adoption and Innovation

Evidence into Practice:

PreCePT 2015/16


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NHS England Licence


Medicines Optimisation All 15 AHSNs, particular focus on Atrial Fibrillation.

Medicines Optimisation conference on 30th June 2015.

3.3 Building A Culture of Partnership and Collaboration

Leading common approach to patient safety metrics for 2015/16

South West peninsula, Wessex, Kent Surrey and Sussex,

Working with Commercial Directors on core wealth metrics

Manchester, South West Peninsula, Kent, Surrey and Sussex

Developing proposals on AHSNs learning and sharing on a “cluster” model

East Midlands, North West Coast

3.4 Creating Wealth

Enterprise and Translation:

Small Business Research Initiative In 2014/15, Medicines Adherence with Wessex AHSN: CAMHS with West Midlands, Imperial. In 2015/16, Urinary and faecal incontinence with UCL Partners

Entrepreneurship training South West Peninsula, Wessex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex

Client relationship management Kent, Surrey and Sussex, South London Health Innovation Network, Imperial

9 Conclusion

This Business Plan has been developed in consultation with the AHSN member organisations, NHS England and many of our partners. We have found in each of the previous two years that our work programme expands during the year to include new projects and we have a process agreed by the AHSN Board to ensure that these add value and are a good fit.

It is also the case that some projects need more engagement, or are subject to data access issues and take longer to mobilise. We have strong project management to ensure a disciplined approach to our Business Plan delivery which ensures an acceptable range of delivery. For 2015/16, much of the Patient Safety Collaborative plans are at an early stage and firmer metrics will be determined over the year. Where necessary our high level deliverables give target dates by which metrics will be set and baseline measurement delivered.

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West of England Academic Health Science Network – Plan 2015/16

Focus on needs of patients and local


Accelerate the adoption of innovation

into practice to improve clinical

outcomes and patient experiences

Build a culture of partnership and


Make a meaningful contribution to the

West of England and UK economy

Evidence into practice

Commissioning Evidence based care

Connecting data for patient benefit

Patient Safety Collaborative

Genomics England 100,000 Genomes

Strengthening capacity and capability for: Adoption and spread of best practice

Quality improvement Innovation

PPI Involvement Working with industry

Articulate clinical challenges and seek industry partners

Streamlining procurement processes

Progress feasibility Studies in Gloucestershire, BaNEs, Swindon and Wiltshire Realise ‘e-Discharge’ in BNSSG

Early Warning Score (EWS) across the patient pathway Incident reporting mechanisms for primary care Support clusters - Mental Health for South of England, Medicines

Stroke prevention in people with AF - Implement in 69 further practices in Gloucestershire CCG and offer to 4 more CCGs

Evidence Fellows, Evaluation and Evidence toolkits

Mental health Quality Improvement toolkit Patient flow and safer clinical systems including Discharge 2 Assess

Support development of the bid to become a Genomics Medicine Centre

The Academy delivering master classes, seminars and Action Learning Sets SETsquared incubator to develop Enterprise training and mentoring Innovation “Collaboratorium” challenge calls for new product concepts Run 2 Forum’s for PPI representatives and public contributors from WEAHSN member organisations Create Health Reference Group for 3 of our local LEPs

Interaction with 400+ companies through external events Two West of England local challenge processes Partnerships with other AHSNs on Small Business Research Initiative Challenge on mhealth used in self-management of diabetes.



Our Values: Connecting Collaborative Catalytic Challenging www.weahsn.net

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• Accelerate Connecting care for patient benefit area wide

• Support development of CIO and interoperability networks.

• Identify areas for spread of informatics best practice

West of England Academic Health Science Network – High Level Deliverables 2015/16

Our Values: Connecting Collaborative Catalytic Challenging

• Build the West of England Patient Safety Collaborative,

• Give continued support to our Mental Health Patient Safety programme and Sepsis Programme;

• Develop the Primary and Community Care Patient Safety programme;

• Build in robust engagement, knowledge transfer, measurement and evaluation


Focus on needs of patients and local


• Complete feasibility studies in Gloucestershire and B&NES

• Progress community wide feasibility studies Swindon and Wiltshire

• Realise ‘e-Discharge’ and Shared Care Plans in BNSSG

• Early Warning Score - establish 3 community clusters (BNSSG, BSW, Glos) and run Conference in September

• QI events for 2 CCG Boards Patient Safety Workshops scheduled:

• Sepsis (40 places) • Falls (70 places) • Medicines management (60 places)incl MO

Roadshow (70 places) Patients and public (60 places) Participate in clusters with other AHSNs and region wide work programmes:

• Emergency Lap (Region wide conference September 70 places)

• Mental Health Collaborative cluster (4 learning sets)

• Support the options for a Medicines Optimisation network focussed on insulin management

• Genomics England 100,000 Genomes project

• Support the lead and member organisations develop the bid to become a Genomics Medicine Centre

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• Stroke prevention in people with atrial fibrillation

• Maternity project (inc Precept)

• CKD – PDSA cycle

• Evidence informed commissioning

• Patient flow - Discharge 2 Assess

• Don’t Wait to Anticoagulate programme Implemented in 69 practices in Gloucestershire CCG prevents 170-200 strokes FYE and offered to 4 additional CCGs. System modelling with University of Bath.

• Pre CePT – 4 babies avoid cerebral palsy. System sustainability in 5 maternity units .

• Evaluation toolkit produced, user tested (Q1) and in use (Q2) by 7 CCGs

• Pilot a web based evidence toolkit for CCGs and then launch

• Deliver 4 CCG Commissioning Development Leadership workshops for all 7 CCGs (14 places per workshop).

• Appoint 2nd

wave of 7 Evidence Fellows Open Data Prescribing Platform project completed

• Mental Health Quality Improvement toolkit launched

• Patient Flow offer to member organisations and EOI received and projects launched.

Accelerate the adoption of innovation

into practice to improve

clinical outcomes and

patient experiences

Our Values: Connecting Collaborative Catalytic Challenging


West of England Academic Health Science Network – High Level Deliverables 2015/16

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West of England Academic Health Science Network – High Level Deliverables 2015/16

Our Values: Connecting Collaborative Catalytic Challenging

• Academy to build capacity and capability with master classes, seminars and Action Learning Sets for Quality Improvement

• Support CCGs and primary care to tackle the workforce issues

• Interact and interface with other improvement architecture providers to maximise delivery

• PPI Team to build capacity of patient and public to co-design at all levels


Build a culture of partnership

and collaboration

• Develop strategic capacity in patient safety and Quality improvement including deliver Train the Trainer course and deliver for each member organisation.

Phase 1 Human factors training for BNES: • Band 1-4 staff (40 places) • Supervisors (20 places) • patients and the public training (20 places) • Deliver Healthcare Innovation Programme with

SETsquared incubator. 20 places per Programme. Run 2 Programmes

• Deliver training in working collaboratively with industry.

• Work with 3 Universities to network with health including UWE focus on patient safety

• Work with CLAHRC on evidence review for post diagnosis dementia services. Evaluate Precept and OACs

• Develop WEAHSN PPI strategy and operational plan Induction programme for public contributors

• Patient safety training x 3 (Swindon, Bristol/Bath, Glos 60 places)

• Workshops for public to develop evidence based themes for service improvement x 3 (60 places) Increasing BME involvement to 11%

• Facilitate 2 West of England PPI Forum’s

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Make a meaningful

contribution to the West of

England and UK economy

• Identify areas of opportunity and challenge the community to respond to 3 West of England challenges.

• Work with local industry to support regional growth.

• Partner with industry to articulate areas of strength and align objectives.

• Unblock down stream value through harmonising procurement, streamlining adoption and empowering local champions.

• Improve culture of industry and NHS working together.

• Spread adoption locally, regionally, nationally & internationally.

• Challenges: mhealth used in self-management of diabetes including new procurement models, citizen driven healthcare, platform tools. Deliver 4 new products/services per challenge.

• Support further SBRI Healthcare calls when they occur

• Develop our database of 400 regional health and life-science companies into a networking tool and evaluate contribution of the sector to the local economy.

• We will set up and manage reference groups for the 3 local LEPs

• Deliver 3 level business development service to health & life science companies leading to 120 business assists (cumulative).

• Run at least 2 connection events • Work with corporates to develop at least 1

strategic partnership. • Establish Industry Advisory Board. • Partnering on EU bids: Health Innovation

Training Partnership, Funding decisions in September.

• Develop proposal to share health & life science company information & opportunities across South AHSNs.

Our Values: Connecting Collaborative Catalytic Challenging


West of England Academic Health Science Network – High Level Deliverables 2015/16

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West of England AHSN – Patient Safety Collaborative Priorities 2015/16

Hein Le Roux

Tasha Swinscoe

• All practices reporting adverse events

• All practices responding appropriately • Reduction in priority adverse events

Incident reporting in Primary Care: To develop a system for reporting & responding to adverse events

occurring in primary care settings

Anne Pullyblank/ Emma Redfern

Deborah Evans

• All organisations agree an approach

• All organisations using single EWS

• Reduced emergency/cardiac arrest calls

Single Early Warning Score (EWS): To agree and implement a unified approach to scoring observations that indicate severity of acute illness, deterioration and need for escalation

of treatment

Steve Brown

Deborah Evans

• All organisations participating in the network

• Reduced medication related problems in priority areas

Medicines: To develop a medicines network and associated improvement

programme across the West of England

Tricia Woodhead

Lindsay Scott

• All organisations using sepsis six care bundle or other agreed evidence informed practice

• Reduced sepsis-related mortality

Sepsis: To implement evidence informed practice for the identification and

treatment of patients with sepsis

Anne Pullyblank

Carol Peden • Six standards in Emergency Laparotomy

• Using national audit tool Emergency Laparotomy:

To implement evidence informed practice

Karen Gleave

Jane Hadfield

• All eligible staff trained

• Reduced adverse events at handover

Human Factors for Bands 1-4 & supervisors: To improve practice at interfaces of care by taking account of human

involvement in processes

Priorities and objectives: Measures : Leads:

Shaun Clee

Corinne Thomas • Reducing self-harm Mental Health Collaborative:

Providing Support To:



Capacity & Capability Measurement & Evaluation Leadership

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Overarching Programme

Project Title Purpose Health or Wealth delivery measure for 2015/2016 (Y3). RAG Rating Against


Lead Manager

State what Data needs to be collected/where from to measure the


Draft Funding


1 O







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ts a









Patient Safety Collaborative

Patient Safety - Training for staff so there is a culture of having a safer environment

1. Deliver 330 days of training for clinical and non clinical staff on patient safety themes: Sepsis (40 places); Getting medicines right (60 places); Falls (70 places); Emergency Laparotomy (100 places); Patient and Public patient safety (60 places), 2 x CCG board QI patient safety training 2. Deliver Human factor training - a focus on Band 1-4 staff working in setting outside of hospital (40 places) Supervisors (20) places patients and the public (20 places). 3. Safety Fellows identified for first Cohort development phase (Q1) 4. Safety Fellows identified for second cohort (Q4)

NS 1. No of staff trained. 2. No of staff trained in Human Factors an dnumbers of public trained. 3. WEAHSN Safety Fellows engaged in 3 Q Initiative Workshops 4. Recruitment process for Q Initiative Safety Fellows


2 Patient Safety Identify the deteriorating patient and reduce risk of harm at handover between organsiations and professionals

1. increase the number of organisations using the National Early Warning Score 2. Support the implementation of the NEWS into the SWAST EPR 3. Hold follow up NEWS event for 130 delegates

NS 1. Number of organisations using NEWS 2. Number of organisations engaged in the SWAST EPR for the West of England 3. Eventbrite

3 Patient Safety Improve patient safety in primary care by reporting of risk and incidents

1. Work with CCGs to baseline and if agreed increase the number of practices or CCG's reporting through the NRLS or an alternative single incident reporting system 2. Engagement with CCG baords and senior teams on QI and PS methodology

1. Incident reporting data for CCG practices in West of England 2. CCG Board meetings attended and masterclasses delivered for QI/PS

5 Patient Safety - Mental Health

Support to Mental Health Safety Programme

1. Work with Mental Health Collaborative to develop work programme for 15 Mental Health Trusts.

NS 1. Learning events attended 2. Mental Health liasion meetings x3 per annum

6 Connecting care for patient benefit

Demonstrate improvement in the integration of electronic patient records across our area

1. Take up of Connecting Care data views of records from 54,000 to 150,000 .2. FBC Interoperability signed off by BNES; Information Sharing Feasibility Studies complete in Wilstshire (incl OBC); Gloucestershire Full Interoperability BC complete and aligned to Gloucestershire Hospital EPR programme.ses and evidence of allocated funding for pilot programme.

NC 1. Data number of records viewed.2. (a) Two full business cases signed off by March 16 (b) Wiltshire OBC signed off at Board level by March 16


7 E Discharge- Connecting care for patient benefit

Increase in e discharge 1. AHSN sponsoring 'e-discharge' in BNSSG via Connecting Care. 2. AHSN sponsoring commencment of work to enable shared care plans in BNSSG via Connecting Care.

NC 1 (a)Technical implementation of e-dischage by October 2015 data from Connecting Care team. (b) 85% of GP practices receiving e-discharges via Connecting Care by March 2016 2. Approved plan for a common shared shared care plan across BNSSG by March 2016.

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Evidence Projects- Prevention of cerebral palsy in preterm birth


Implement projects where evidence is proved to work: treatment to prevent cerebral palsy in pre-term babies.

1. PreCept Programme embedded in all 5 maternity units in the West of England Area 2. PreCept Programme disseminated and offered for adoption 3. work with Wessex AHSN on acess to pre-packaged doses of Magnesium Sulphate 4. Revised Regional Guidance (Q3) across South West Obstetrics Network 5. Clinical outcomes planned to be evaluated in Yr 3 when Cerebral Palsy is detected in babies aged 2.

AB 1. Quarterly audits of uptake from each of the 5 units 2. No. of Pre Cept implementation guides sent out, webpage hits, events and publications 3. Q3 pilot commenced in one unit 4. Q4 recorded at SWON meeting 5. Clinical outcomes evaluated by CLAHRC 2017


9 Evidence Projects- Stroke Implement projects where evidence is proved to work: improved uptake of anti-coagulation for stroke prevention

1. . Gloucester CCG roll out offered to all practices (69) Q2. 2. Four further CCGs offered (Q2). Support for knowledge mobilisation model for roll out agreed (Q4) 3. Strategic Clinical Network engaged with the project and aligned with project 4.Data on anti-coagulation uptake measured via prescribing data baseline from 2014/5 to that in 2015/16 in every practice engaged.

AB 1. Agreed sign up and roll out plan with Glos. CCG. 2. No of CCGs engaged in project. 3. Share business plans and attend SCN Steering Group for CVD. 4. Each practice engaged will have baseline and final measure illustarting optimisation. (Glos CCG report final position Q4)

Mental Health Quality Improvement Toolkit

Publication of a web-based metnal health quality improvement toolkit in collaboration with a number of AHSNs and the naitonal CD for Mental health.

1. National steering group convened 2.National Quality Improvement toolkit for mental health designed 3.National Quality Improvement toolkit developed 4. National Quality Improvement toolkit launched

AB 1. Number of partners and collaborators Q1-Q4 2. Website analytics: number of users etc


10 Improving Patient Flow including Discharge to Assess

Implement projects to improve patient flow and timely and accessible access to unscheduled care. Develop an understanding of Patient flow issues in participating organisations

1. Organisations to Express Interest to be involved in the programme (Q1). Number of organisaitons involved (Q2 onwards) 2. Quality measures agreed and baselined (LOS, 4 hour waits, reduction in delays in dicharge, improvement joint health and social care assessments in alternative settings)

AB 1. Number of organisations EOI and number actively involved 2. to be defined during Q1-Q2 with organisations involved













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Improvement and Innovation Network

Increase capability of range of clinicians, mangers, leaders by having an agreed plan of master classes, learning sets, innovative conferences and workshops

1. Number of participants of Enterprise and Translation knowledge mobilisation programmes. 2.Number of participants of Quality Improvement knowledge mobilisation programmes. 3. Number of participants supported to develop Quality Improvement Capability e.g. Action learning sets, coaching, mentoring etc. 4. No. of Quality Improvement events held. 5. Impact case studies

AB & LS 1-4. data from Eventbrite 5. Case studies following up delegates post event


12 Mapping of resources available to CCGs for

evidence and evaluation

To inform future areas of WEASHN activity.

1. Understanding of CCG prioritisation process for major commissioning projects.2. Identify tool and training needs. 3. Identify, develop and share good practice

PB/AB 1. Use of Evaluation Toolkit 2. Web based evidence toolkit3. Use of web based prescribing data platform4. Number of CCG Leadership Series Events.


13 GP Clinical Evidence Fellows

Increase the knowledge of Evidence Based Care in the seven Clinical Commissioning Groups

1. Second cohort of Evidence Fellow placed in 7 CCG's. 2. No of Leadership events held for commissioners.

PB/AB 1. Confirmed no Evidence Fellow in each CCG. 2. Events log. 3. Mid point and final evaluation.

14 EU Bids Be a collaborator in appropriate bids

Number of collaborations on EU schemes LS/ LD 1. E&T team work log 10

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Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)

Involve public and patients in all areas of work to improve the quality and outcome of work

• Capacity building programme for patient and public to co-design at all levels • WEAHSN PPI strategy and operational plan • Induction programme for public contributors • Patient safety workshops (Swindon, Bristol/Bath, Glos – 60 places) • Workshops for public on developing research ideas x 3 (60 places) • Facilitating West of England PPI Forum

HD • WEAHSN PPI strategic and operational plan • Learning and development programme plan • Reports and minutes from workshops, meetings and events held • Feedback from public contributors


16 Equalities Demonstrate an approach to Equalities which meets the Public Sector Equalities Duties

• Increasing BME involvement and participation NS • Equalities monitoring data • Events and activities targeted to underrepresented equalities groups


17 Partnerships Develop partnership with range of organisations Collaboration Leadership for Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC), Strategic Clinical Networks, Local Enterprise Partnerships

1. Adoption of joint projects across the area. 2. Outcomes of collaboration 3. Recruitment to the Joint Dementia Registry (Q1 400, Q2 600, Q3 800 Q4 1000)

DE 1. Log of projects 2. Log of outcomes from each collaboration 3. JDR











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Communication Priority 1 - Communicating effectively with members & companies.

1. Develop communication channels now in place (Link Director and Translator Network aimed at member organisations, Navigation Portal aimed at companies, Hi Health innovation channel aimed at companies, Funding Finder aimed at all stakeholders, Industry Newsletter aimed at companies.2. Hi channel.3. Funding applications .4. Joint working arrangements with industry in place

LS/ LD 1. Number of communication channels2. Hi Channel (no. applied/ no. accepted/ no. hits)3. Annual stakeholder questionnaire (Q4)4. WEAHSN Contracts database


19 Challenges for Innovative products, processes &

services and Small Business Research

Initiative (SBRI)

Priority 2 and 4 - Articulating priority areas & resourcing projects

1.Number of challenges, submissions and different procurement models. 2.Number of business assists - note one business assist= one half days work with a company. 3.Number of new or improved products, processes or services available to NHS 4. £ levered.

LS/ LD 1.Number of challenges and submissions. 2.Number of business assists. (CRM) 3, 4.Annual stakeholder questionnaire (Q4)











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Outreach Events and Support

Priority 3 - Developing outreach with local companies & supporting cluster formation

1. Number of delegates at events. 2. Number of companies on database broken down by OLS (Office of Life Science) category. 3. £ levered. 4. Engagement with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP).

LS/ LD 1. Eventbrite 2. Company database. 3. Annual stakeholder questionnaire (Q4) 4. CRM

21 Developing Enterprise Priority 5 - Developing enterprise and a culture of working with industry

See no 10 LS/ LD

22 Joint Working other AHSNs

Priority 6 - Joint working with other AHSNs

1. Number of initiatives.2.Number of business assists with companies introduced by another AHSN.

LS/ LD 1. Team log 2. CRM/project log 30


West of England Academic Health Science Network Business Plan – 2015/16

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West of England Academic Health Science Network High Level Financial Statement 2015/16

NHSE 2,964

HESW-GP Clinical Evidence 30 Boehringer 10


Less previous years surpluses b/f: 2013/14 Surplus (Audited

a/cs) 1,549 2014/15 Surplus (est) 628


Total forecast income plus reserves


Planned 2015/16 Expenditure:

Workstream Payroll costs

Contractors and

Recharges 2015/16 Plans Total

Quick Comparison to

2014/15 Estimate Diff

£'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s

£'000s £'000s

Academy 70 50 162 282

282 Corporate 353 135 694 1,181

1,367 -185

E&T 114 149 515 778

302 476 Evidence in Commissioning 184 63 121 369

671 -302 Add in Quality as well


54 683 737

373 364 Pat Safety 253 160 150 563

93 470

PPI 53

20 73

58 15 Quality 225 113 360 698


5YFV Support (Improvement Review Capability)

500 500


Total Forecast Expenditure 1,253 724 3,204 5,181 5,181 2,863 2,317

Forecast Cumulative Surplus/(Deficit) at 31 March 2016 0 Check: 0 Must be Zero to bal

West of England Academic Health Science Network Business Plan – 2015/16

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Appendix 6

West of England AHSN - Outline Events Calendar 2015/2016

Date April May June July Augus

t September October November December January February March April2



QI Action Learning Facilitators Programme (Part 2) (7) 3rd June

QI team RCP (Nuffield) Event 5-7pm (60)

QI Masterclass (40-50)


PPI Conference (100)

E&T and Designability Workshops (50 - 60)

QI Masterclass (40-50)


Human Factors, Swindon (15-20)

Informatics Research/Governance workshop (30 - 40)

QI Masterclass (40-50)

Informatics Research/Governance workshop (30-40)

QI Masterclass (40-50)


QI patient and carer experience (40)

Health Innovation Programme (40-50)

QI Masterclass (40-50)


QI Masterclass (40-50)


PPRS/Medicine Optimisation Roadshow (50-60)

Meeting with Geraldine Strathdee & AHSN Network (20-30)

Informatics Annual Event


Human Factors, Glos (15-20)

Launch of the Academy (40 - 60)


QI Masterclass (40-50)

Reducing Falls from Harm (80 - 100)

Primary Care & Community Sub Group


QI Masterclass Citizen Driven Health (35 - 45)

PPI Forum (50 - 60)

QI Masterclass (40-50)


Compassionate Cities 11-16 May

E&T and Designability Workshops (50 -

Informatics Research/Governance workshop

West of England Academic Health Science Network Business Plan – 2015/16

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Informatics Annual Event (60-70)

PPRS/Medicine Optimisation (50-60)


QI Masterclass (40-50)

Mental Health Collaborative (40 - 60)

Mental Health Collaborative (40 - 60)


Mental Health Collaborative, Reading (10)

PS/QI in Action Conf


Annual Conference (300)

QI Masterclass (40-50)


PS/QI in Action Annual Conference (180)

E&T and Designability Workshops (50 - 60)


Don’t wait to Anticoagulate & NICE (100)

QI Masterclass (40-50)

PS: Sepsis/ Early Warning Score (200)

OutReach Event


E&T and Designability Workshops (50 - 60)

QI Masterclass (40-50)

QI Mental Health


Informatics Research/Governance workshop (30-40)

OutReach Event (80- 100)

QI Masterclass (40-50)


E&T and Designability Workshops (50 - 60)

QI Masterclass (40-50)


IHI Conference(21-24)

RUH Patient Centre Care (30 - 40)


QI in Perinatal Health Masterclass (40-50)

E&T and Designability Workshops (50 - 60)

Emergency laparotomy, Reading (40)

West of England Academic Health Science Network Business Plan – 2015/16

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OutReach & Informatics Event, Weston-Super-Mare (100 - 120)


E&T and Designability Workshops (50 - 60)

Mental Health Collaborative (40 - 60)


QI Workshop UHBristol (Part 2) (20)

QI in Peri-natal Mental Health –(part 2) (40-50)

QI Masterclass (40-50)

QI Sepsis Management (30-40) part 2

Local laparotomy, Learning Collaborative

QI Masterclass (40-50)


QI Atrial Fibrillation Event


QI Masterclass (40-50)


QI Masterclass (40-50)

Primary Care & Community Sub Group


Primary Care & Community Sub Group (30 - 40)

QI Masterclass (40-50)

PPI Forum (60)


E&T and Designability Workshops (50 - 60)

QI Masterclass (40-50)


No 4 5 9 4 0 7 3 6 4 4 5 6 7

Key Patient Safety Events Informatics Events

Corporate Events


E&T Events PPI Events

Joint AHSN Events

top related