western hs key club nov 2014 newsletter

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Division 30 South | Region 3 | CNH

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | November 2014

Volume 3, Issue 1



The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | November 2014 Page: 1

What is up D30S!

Happy December everyone! Happy to have reached this far with all of you; throughout these past few months we have been having high attendance at our various events! This including, Fall Rally, We Give Thanks, our Annual Tree Lighting and more! I am glad to have spent some of my favorite events with you all. Let's keep up all of the service, pios. Our goal every month should be to surpass our 100 hour mark, and we are precisely doing that! It's hard to believe that our term will be over

within less than four months, but it's time for our shining club, Western to make the most of it. Be prepared everyone to serve, raise money, and have fun whilst doing so! Much love and sunshine,

Chelsa. !!

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | November 2014 Page: 2

Shining Member

November Collage Page 2

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We Give Thanks

Fall Theater Production

Fall Rally

Key Club Week

November DCM

December DCM Page 9

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2014 Page: 3

November Collage

!The Fall Theatre Production at Western was amazing, I’m glad to have volunteered there. I volunteered as an usher where I had to lead people to their seats. It is a harder job than you think because many people wanted to sit in the back and we had to fill in the front rows. It was nice greeting the audience, it is always nice to give friendly “hello” and ask “how you doing.”

We had to dress in black and white, formally. Unfortunately, I didn’t have anything like that in my wardrobe, but they still let me volunteer! Ushering people didn’t take that long. What passed time was working with my fellow key clubbers. It is always nice and much funnier to volunteer with friends; you know each and know how to work together. We also had to hand out the programs which included the name of actors and actresses. One of our key clubbers was actually starring in the play. Our publicist, Lesley Aguirre, was playing one of the main characters! We also worked with these senior ladies, I wasn’t surprised seeing people this old volunteering and serving our community. We had Mr. Carter who had been with us many years! You can see people of different ages at events. For example, I’ve seen a girl as young as 7 years old volunteering! Key Club should be in all levels of school because people of all different ages are willing to volunteer. Heck, if I had Key Club in elementary and in middle school, I would be LTG by now. Not but really, leadership can be built in kids, too. Anyways, I got bit off topic. The play was very entertaining, it was about a murder case. It was very comedic and suspenseful, I cried because it was so good and I was proud of my fellow key clubber. I don’t want to go into detail about the play because that would be copyright.

!Since I was a volunteer, I got to

watch the play for free! That’s one of the perks of being a volunteer, he get rewarded. But I think the real reward is just being there and serving your school and community because the adults that organize these events like our advisor Mr. Carter work hard and contribute to the community, and we are part of the community and need to do our part. When I volunteer I feel like I’m giving back to my community. Thank you Key Club for giving me that opportunity. — Giovanni Ramirez !

Fall Theatre Production

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | September 2014 Page: 5

We Give ThanksMarking this as my second time going

to We Give Thanks, it was a memorable experience once again!

To feed the homeless and less fortunate, many students from the area gathered together in order to cut vegetables for their Thanksgiving meals. Just the day before Thanksgiving, students and adults came in continuously, in order to get all the vegetables prepared.

The event was being held at the Anaheim Convention center and lasted around 3 hours. It was confusing getting there at first since there were so many buildings, but after receiving directions, I eventually got to the center and saw many people there.

The event was being held at the Anaheim Convention center and lasted around 3 hours. It was confusing getting there at first since there were so many buildings, but after receiving directions, I eventually got to the center and saw many people there.

With a variety of vegetables to cut like potatoes and onions, some were lucky and some were not. Unfortunately, I was stuck cutting the onions along with others from Western. For both the years I’ve volunteered at We Give Thanks, I had onions both times, which is pretty funny. This is probably one of the times where I can say “I cried for almost the whole time while volunteering!”

In the beginning, one of the people in charge came over to teach us how to cut onions efficiently, as well as the preference for the meals. We had to cut them in small pieces, in order for it to cook well in the huge pot they would cook the soup in.

When we got to our stations, there were cutting boards and knives prepared for us. Compared to my experience at We Give Thanks two years ago, the materials that were prepared for us were better! With the new knives that were smooth when we cut with them, it made the job so much easier. I distinctly remember all the dull and jagged knives that we used back in 2012; it took me a while to cut even one decent onion. !

Of course, everyone cried while cutting the onions. Some were even daring enough to say they wouldn’t, but of course that wasn’t possible especially with tons of onions surrounding us. !

We stood at a cart for the whole time, where a space was provided for us in the middle to hold all the onions. With so many onions, everyone cut at least 10-15 onions during their time. Other volunteers would occasionally walk around collecting the scraps and peels of the vegetables, while other would carry around trashcans to collect the finished products.

After hours of crying and socializing with others at our cart, we finally finished our supply of onions and we were done! Afterwards, we took of our supplied aprons and gloves and went to deliver our cutting boards and knives to be cleaned in the back. We also washed our hands. Even the next day, I still could smell the stench of onions on my hands. !

Although it was my last year, I will always see this event as one of my favorites during my time in Key Club. Luckily, I was able to grab a spot this year. — Emmy Han

November DCMThe long awaited November DCM was

finally here, not to mention it was the next division event after Fall Rally! I was glad to see and reconnect with all of my D30s Suns once again!

When we first arrived at November DCM, my friends and I came a bit too early, but since we did, we offered to help set up tables and chairs! Before we got inside the auditorium, we had to pay a fee of $2, which went towards the use of Katella High School’s auditorium in order to make November DCM possible!

After the set up was finished, everyone started to pour in, lots of friendly, familiar faces! Jordan Garcia, our LTG, also came in with our Spirit Stick! Everyone was socializing before the event had started.

Pretty soon, some Key Clubbers were setting up a boba stand! They were selling boba to help fundraise for PTP! All my friends and I bought boba, not only because it was absolutely delicious, but because it went towards a great cause! !

Then, Jordan called the meeting to order and everyone gathered around the stage, with boba in their hands of course! He started off with Old Business, which meant that he talked about Fall Rally, and how we won the Spirit Stick! I won’t go into much detail, but let me just say, it’s been the first Spirit Stick we’ve won EVER in Division 30 South history!

He then discussed New Business and mentioned how every club should still be fundraising for PTP, since it is one of the main organizations Key Cub supports! !!!

!Finally, the meeting ends, and we are sent

off to free lunch! Everyone got pizza to eat! It was extremely delicious, a perfect combination to my thai tea boba!

After everyone was finished eating, we start the main event, sandwich making for the homeless! All of the tables were filled with bread, peanut butter, and due to a limitation, only some tables had jelly.

In couple of minutes, everyone was

sandwich making! It smelled wonderful, however, we knew it wasn’t for us to eat, it was for the homeless. We did enjoy making those tasty sandwiches.

—Trini Nguyen

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | November 2014

Fall RallyOn Saturday, November 15th, I

attended Fall Rally South at Six Flags: Magic Mountain!! Although this was my second time attending Fall Rally, I was still incredibly excited! Waking up at 4:30 AM was, without a doubt, still worth it. Our division met at 5:30 AM at Savanna High School, and clubs distributed spirit gear and even did face paint. Our Lieutenant-Governor, Jordan Garcia, gave instruction on what to do once at Six Flags since our rally session was the first ones of the day, at 10:00 AM. On the ride there, our club (which filled up an entire bus by itself!) even practiced the cheers. We left at 6:30 AM, and before we knew it, we arrived at 8:00 AM. As soon as we went through security check, all of us headed to the Golden Bear Amphitheater to reserve a spot for our division in the front. We waited for about thirty minutes until the gates opened. We didn’t get the front seats, but we still managed to sit in the center. We were with the rest of Region 3 along with divisions from Nevada. With such an increase in the amount of Fall Rally attendees, we were determined to win the spirit stick this year!

Soon, we made it to the top 5 most spirited divisions, which meant that we would get to showcase a cheer! I was so happy that we even made it to the first round. Along with my other Division Executive Assistant buddy, I bade on district officers and LTGs with the money that D30S had raised for PTP. It was bittersweet since I wasn’t able to join 30 South during the spirit session, but I watched them from the front of the stage as they cheered “Weather Report” with their hearts out. Our division cheered amazingly, but I honestly thought that 4 North was going to win because of its unique, more intricate cheers. After the bidding ended—in which we bought THREE district officers, including Jordan—the spirit judging continued. To my surprise, our division made it the second round with two other divisions. At this point, I would have been content with making it this far. Our division did the “Suns Grunt” cheer and I couldn’t help but feel even prouder of our division. Then, Jacqueline Tsang announced the winner after what seemed to be the longest drumroll ever: Division 30 South! I couldn’t contain my happiness: we FINALLY won the spirit stick for

the first time! It was the highlight of my entire day!Afterwards, we were free to roam on our own until closing time. I didn’t go on any hardcore roller coasters since I was

too afraid, but I still had the most amazing time ever with people whose company I enjoyed greatly. I cannot tell you how many times we had a spirit battle and did the “How Do You Feel?” cheer. I was reunited with old

friends, made new friends, and bonded with current friends through this club that I love and adore so much. Post Fall Rally Depression hit me hard this year, but it was still the best, most invigorating day, being surrounded by nothing but Key Clubbers and possibly the most uplifting environment that I’ve ever been in. Everyone was super friendly and—of course—cheerful. More importantly, I thought about how all of us Key Clubbers could come together for a single cause—in this case, PTP—and still have fun and be passionate about it. This day reminded me of why this club has come to grow on me and mean so much to me!

— Van Bui

Key Club week preparations year was pretty great/intense? After a day of Key Club pride attire for Monday, Tuesday was spent with the board members raiding my house for a good two hours, with a few of them trapping themselves within the pantry and screaming about bombs. In a way, though, Key Club Week was also a board appreciation week for me, because despite things like this happening, they still are one of the best boards I’ve been a part of and I couldn’t be prouder. But I digress. During the wait, we discussed ideas for the Key Club week for a while until we were finally able to get the materials to start the goodie bags we were planning on making the Key Clubbers. Our plan was to make chocolate covered pretzel sticks and homemade Krispie snacks for all the Key Clubbers. As we found out, we had too much of one thing and too little of another later on, but we were able to sort things out somewhat during our meeting on Thursday. This took us a long time, with us burning the chocolates and digging through my pantry of expired foods for sprinkles, but after the last board member left at around 7:30, I found myself facing around 80 brown bags to fill with all the snacks. Naturally I had my brothers help out. Adding on to Tuesday, Tuesday was Kudos to Kiwanis, and for this year, for our lovely advisor, Ms. Rittel, we gave her a mason jar filled with little notes from each of us and tea bags. I wasn’t able to stop, drop, and roll like I planned to but nonetheless we were still able to get the gift to her before we watched her leave. Tuesday was truly an eventful day. :’) As Wednesday came and went, as an unofficial “Hug-a-Key-Clubber-Day,” declared by one of our Key Clubbers, Thursday came and the day to bring a friend to a Key Club meeting came. The turnout was absolutely great. I’m happy with how the meeting went, as it came with smooth sailing and the goodie bag distributions were pretty fun to go through, although we didn’t have enough for everybody… Friday for volunteer shirts came and went and thus concluded our Key Club Week of 2014. I’m looking forward to my next Key Club Week next year! !

— Nhi Truong


The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | April 2014 Page: 8The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | November 2014 Page: 9

Shining Member

1.Crystal Ly- 8.5

2.Chelsa D. Guzman-4.5 3. Tran Tran- 3.5 4.John Bautista-3.5 5. Russel D.Reyes-3.5

Hey Suns ,come out to our joint December DCM on Saturday, December 20th!!!!Just like last year's DCM, we're going to have a potluck, an ugly sweater contest, an optional white elephant gift exchange, AND a service project (which is to be announced). Of course, there will also be division updates on upcoming service events, fundraisers, etc.!!!We hope to see you all out there to spend the holiday season with our Key Club family ♥


PRESIDENT, Chelsa DeGuzman [714] 307-6168 chelsazthebam@gmail.com

VICE PRESIDENT, Nhuhao Do [714] 688 6925 Nheeoi@yahoo.com.com

TREASURER, Emmy Han ehantmee@yahoo.com

SECRETARY, Van Bui [714] 824 2884 vanbuii18@yahoo.com

Bulletin Editor, Mimi Nguyen [714] 837 0430 jackie.mimi.nguyen@gmail.com

PUBLICIST, Trini Nguyen (714) 725- 4754

HISTORIAN, Kiara Legaspi

HISTORIAN,Giovanni Ramirez

HISTORIAN, Henry Torres

Publicist,Lesley Aguirre

Member Recognition Randall Belyea


2014-2015 Western High School Key Club

!fall rally is on nov. 15 which is less than a month away pios!!! we will give your further information about spirit gear and location of meeting place. keep shining pios!

Fall Rally’s Almost Here

a Kiwanis-family member

keyclub.org | cnhkeyclub.org

8360 RED OAK STREET #201 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 ~ 909.989.1500


The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | November 2014

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