wetland tracker form attached text€¦ · total vegetative cover by native and non-native wetland...

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Wetland Tracker Form Attached Text (Submitted in response to the April 2, 2007 RWQCB Conditional Water Quality Certification for the Fairfield Corporate Commons Project, Fairfield, Solano County, Corps File No. 29156N and 28457N) Box 30. Performance Standards in relation to the Fairfield Corporate Commons Project, Wetland Restoration. Taken from the Wetland Mitigation and Monitoring Plan Fairfield Corporate Commons Project Fairfield, Solano County (Mosaic Associates, et al. Sept. 2006)

Performance Standard Performance Standard Assessment

Remedial Actions

The eastern and western wetland basin floors and the two expansion areas of wetland w12 shall exhibit total vegetative cover by native and non-native wetland indicator species of at least 75%, comprised of at least 50% native wetland indicator species, by the end of the five-year monitoring period.

Vegetative cover and species shall be monitored using the point intercept method, and reported annually for five years following construction.

If the performance standard is not met, the USACE and RWQCB shall be consulted. Remedial measures might include additional seeding and extended monitoring.

The total area of wetland habitat created and restored shall be not less than 2.18 acres by the end of the five-year monitoring period.

During the late spring/early summer of the fifth year of monitoring, a formal wetland delineation shall be performed and submitted to the USACE for verification.

If the total area of wetland does not meet the performance standard, the USACE and RWQCB shall be consulted regarding appropriate remedial actions. Remedial actions might include additional seeding of wetland species, altering the flash board elevation, or grading to enhance wetland hydrology, among others.

Wetland Tracker Form Attached Text 1 Corps File No. 29156N and 28457N Mosaic Associates

Performance Standard Performance Standard Assessment

Remedial Actions

The wetland mitigation basins and the wetland w12 expansion areas shall exhibit saturated conditions within 12” of the soil surface for at least 5% of the growing season, or 12.5-13.5 consecutive days beginning February 1.

Six piezometers, as well as staff plates and data-loggers shall be installed and monitored monthly between December and May. The water levels shall be recorded and summarized in each annual report.

If hydrologic conditions are not observed during the first winter season, the flashboard shall be adjusted to raise water levels in the basin. If, at the end of the five-year monitoring period, the basin has failed to exhibit saturated conditions and hydrophytic vegetation has not become established, remedial measures shall be developed in consultation with the agencies. Remedial measures might include modifications to the outfall structure, grading to direct additional runoff into the basin, or creation of additional wetlands at another location.

A total area of not less than 0.07 acre of riparian vegetation shall become established on the earthen berm separating the eastern and western wetland basins.

During the late spring/early summer of the fifth year of monitoring, a formal wetland delineation shall be performed and submitted to the USACE for verification.

If the total area of wetland does not meet the performance standard, the USACE and RWQCB shall be consulted regarding appropriate remedial actions. Remedial actions might include additional seeding of wetland species, or grading to enhance wetland hydrology, among others.

Planted shrubs and vines on the earthen berm between east and west basins shall achieve a minimum average growth of two inches per year.

The height of all planted shrubs and vine lengths shall be measured annually and summarized in each annual report.

Adjustments in irrigation frequency and quantity may be made during the first three years. If, at the end of the five-year monitoring period, plant growth has not demonstrated a trend toward successful establishment, remedial measures shall be developed in consultation with the agencies.

Wetland Tracker Form Attached Text 2 Corps File No. 29156N and 28457N Mosaic Associates

Performance Standard Performance Standard Assessment

Remedial Actions

Riparian vegetation on the earthen berm, including planted and seeded species, shall be 75% cover by Year 3 and thereafter.

Vegetative cover shall be monitored and reported annually for five years following construction

Additional planting may be warranted if the cover standard is not met. Adjustments in irrigation frequency and quantity may be made during the first 3 years to help ensure that plants become established. If the success standard is not met at the end of the monitoring period, the USACE and RWQCB shall be consulted regarding appropriate remedial actions. Remedial actions might include making replanting and prolonged monitoring.

75% of the riparian plantings on the earthen berms shall exhibit vigor ratings of 1 or 2.

Plant vigor shall be monitored and reported annually for five years following construction

If plantings are not showing signs of meeting this success standard, adjustments in irrigation rates may be made during the first 3 years to improve plant growth established. Species substitutions may be warranted if poor vigor is common in 1 or more species. If the success standard is not met at the end of the monitoring period, the USACE and RWQCB shall be consulted regarding appropriate remedial actions. Remedial actions might include making replanting and prolonged monitoring.

Wetland Tracker Form Attached Text 3 Corps File No. 29156N and 28457N Mosaic Associates

Box 42. Vegetation Planting List in relation to the Fairfield Corporate Commons Project, Wetland Restoration. Taken from the Wetland Mitigation and Monitoring Plan Fairfield Corporate Commons Project Fairfield, Solano County (Mosaic Associates, et al. Sept. 2006). The habitat restoration effort is intended to provide for vegetative cover dominated by native wetland and riparian species.

Container Plantings



(wetland status1)


Eastern and Western Basin Floor

whiteroot sedge

Carex barbarae (OBL) 1’ o.c. liner

Contract grown in the nursery from commercial


Plant in clusters of 100, with clusters 50’ on center; 26 clusters in east basin; 16 clusters in west basin.

Earthen Berm

button willow

Cephalanthus occidentalis var.

californicus (OBL)

4’ o.c. 1 gal. commercial

Plant in clumps of 5; plant a total of 12 clusters, alternating from east to west slopes of berms, distributed evenly over length of berm. Drip irrigate during summer. Do not plant on top of berm.

California blackberry

Rubus ursinus (FACW*) 3’ o.c. Dee

pot commercial

Plant in clumps of 21; plant a total of 16 clusters alternating from east to west slopes of berms, distributed evenly over length of berm. Drip irrigate during summer .

1Wetland indicator status per Reed (1988)

Seed Mix 1, Wetland Basin Floor

Scientific Name (wetland status1)

Common Name

Rate* (lbs. of pure live seed per


Percent Germination(minimum)

Anemopsis californica (OBL) yerba mansa 1.5 35 Artemisia douglasiana (FACW) Douglas mugwort 3.0 10 Atriplex triangularis (FACW) fat hen 3.5 35 Carex barbarae (FACW) Santa Barbara sedge 3.0 45 Deschampsia caespitosa ssp. tufted hairgrass 5.0 40

Wetland Tracker Form Attached Text 4 Corps File No. 29156N and 28457N Mosaic Associates

holciformis (FACW) Hordeum brachyantherum (FACW) meadow barley 8.0 50 Juncus balticus (OBL) wire rush 1.5 35 Juncus effuses (OBL) Pacific rush 1.5 30 Juncus xiphioides (OBL) iris-leaved rush 3.0 25 Lasthenia glabrata (FACW) yellow-rayed lasthenia 3.0 25 Leymus triticoides Yolo (FAC+) creeping wild rye 4.0 45 Trifolium obtusiflorum* (FAC*) creek clover 3.0 45 Total 40.0

Seed Mix 2, Earthen Berm

Scientific Name (wetland status1)

Common Name

Rate (lbs. of pure live seed per


Percent Germination(minimum)

Artemisia douglasiana (FACW) Douglas mugwort 3.0 10 Bromus carinatus (none) California brome 8.0 50 Hordeum brachyantherum (FACW) meadow barley 8.0 50 Juncus balticus (OBL) wire rush 1.5 35 Leymus triticoides Yolo (FAC+) creeping wild rye 4.0 45 Trifolium obtusiflorum* (FAC*) creek clover 3.0 45

Total 27.5 *Inoculated weight exclusive of inoculant 1Wetland indicator status per Reed (1988)

Wetland Tracker Form Attached Text 5 Corps File No. 29156N and 28457N Mosaic Associates

Seed Mix 3, Wetland Basin Slopes

Scientific Name

Common Name

Rate (lbs. of pure live seed per


Percent Germination(minimum)

Achillea millefolium yarrow 1.0 50 Bromus carinatus California brome 8.0 50 Eschscholzia californica California poppy 2.0 50 Grindelia camporum (cultivated native) gum plant 2.0 35 Hordeum californicum ‘prostrate’ California barley-prostrate 6.0 50 Lasthenia californica (cultivated native) goldfields 1.5 25 Leymus triticoides Yolo creeping wild rye 4.0 45 Lupinus nanus* (cultivated native) sky lupine 4.0 45 Lupinus succulentus succulent annual lupine 1.5 40 Plantago erecta plantain 4.0 35 Trifolium wildenovii* (cultivated native) tomcat clover 4.0 45 Vulpia microstachys (cultivated native) three-weeks fescue 4.0 45

Total 42.0 *Inoculated weight exclusive of inoculant

Seed Mix 4, Wetland 12 Expansion

Scientific Name (wetland status1)

Common Name

Rate (lbs. of pure live seed per


Percent Germination(minimum)

Eleocharis macrostachya (OBL) creeping spike-rush 1.5 40 Hordeum brachyantherum (FACW) meadow barley 8.0 50 Juncus balticus (OBL) wire rush 1.5 35 Juncus xiphioides (OBL) iris-leaved rush 3.0 25 Lasthenia glabrata (FACW) yellow-rayed lasthenia 3.0 25 Trifolium obtusiflorum* (FAC*) creek clover 3.0 45

Total 20.0 *Inoculated weight exclusive of inoculant 1Wetland indicator status per Reed (1988)

Wetland Tracker Form Attached Text 6 Corps File No. 29156N and 28457N Mosaic Associates

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