what are the reasons to pick ruby on rails for your dream startup website?

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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What are the reasons to pick Ruby on Rails for your dream startup website?


Why do your startup need a damn good website?

A website can make or break your startup.

● It's no more a mere digital presence.● Build one and lay the foundation for next

big shot. First rule of the jungle.● Make it engaging and draw your

audience.● Create a purpose-driven to meet need.● Earn love, collect bucks and grab IPO



Whoa!!! Did you just say a good website can give me IPO?


Pretty right Mr. Entrepreneur.

And even if you do not have the IPO, you can bring home love and cash. Take as an example.


Have a look at the the Airbnb website.

Beautiful and Purpose-driven which have helped

them to create and earn-

● Disruption● Cash● Guest and Host. Billions of.

Now answer this-

“Would it be possible if they have a poor website on a frail platform unable to manage the traffic and scaling up quickly matching with theirs pace ?”


Talking about the traffic, here is a few number to ponder-

● 140 million guests have arrived at Airbnb listings. ● 80 million in 2016. ● More than 40 million in 2015.


The numbers are litmus test for the strength of Airbnb website-

a) Successful registration has scaled up every year and the Airbnb website has supported the growth.

b) Airbnb is a marketplace where guests meet hosts. The robust digital presence has been able to meet their different purposes.

c) Along with the traffic Airbnb websites have managed massive data coming from strong user base.


Now why we are so gung-ho about Airbnb?

The modern-day startup hero has been built with same web framework which we love and confident about.

Ruby on Rails


Welcome to Ruby on Rails

● First thing first, unlike others, it’s not a coding language or a bagful of software tools but a complete website framework.

To be precise-

● Ruby on Rails is an open source web framework that's optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity.

● It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration.


Get me out of the jargons and help me to figure out how Ruby On Rails will help one's startup-

Gottcha!!! Next slide please-


Introducing the philosophy of crafting Web Applications

Others promise to offer you a mere website, Ruby on Rails vouches for helping you to create web applications to grab your startup dream. From day one till achieving the IPO label. :)

Robust and feature-rich, Ruby on Rails will give you-

● Digital storefront● Full-fledged digital establishment to realize your

business objectives● Complete web application to let your customers'

perform their purpose.

We wonder, where else you will get such a good start for your startup dream?


Meet your best buddy to create startup disruption

Just what your year long hustle demands. Shake hands with Ruby on Rails. Why so? Reasons below-

● Packed with all the major institutions required to run a large, complex and sprawling applications.

● Need example? Think Basecamp or GitHub or Shopify.

● Your disruptive ideas demand a scalable and credible framework.

● It requires a top-notch framework to captivate your revenue-generating concepts.

● Ruby on Rails is here to serve you.


Roll sleeves to shape up every edgy startup idea

Let's give you an example-

Both Github and Airbnb are based on Ruby on Rails. Think about the vast differences on their business objectives and website features. Ruby on Rails has been able to serve their need without a glitch.

Bottom line-

● It's a versatile framework ready for tweaking. ● From state-of-the-art public websites to complex enterprise core

system applications.● Home for your every complicated and challenging business logic● Chalk out your verticals without a fail.


Build fast to launch first

● No backlog, no snag, no month-long email trails.

● Set up your dream startup website fast and without any hiccup.

● Systematically staged the framework will establish your website architecture quickly.

● Turn your great ideas into products and release them now.


Stand out from the competition

● Dwarf your competitors with Ruby on Rails.

● Limitless opportunities for customization.

● Shape up your out-of-the-box idea● Create a never-seen-before

web-application. ● Showcase it with intuitive UI

Bottom line-show your stuff as you want


Few startups who love Ruby on Rails


● Witness the opportunities? ● Feeling excited? ● Want to create something awesome be the next

startup hero? Introducing DreamToIPO.



Home of startup visionaries, coders, and start-up game-changers who understand your business vision and able to kickstart the digital mission with Ruby on Rails. Without a fail.

We rely on Ruby on Rails Development because -

● We have created awesome digital experiences with Ruby on Rails. ● We possess the web and startup expertise● We understand the cut-throat startup game and love to devise every beginners for IPO

Let's go through our case study to witness the startup might and Ruby on Rails marvel we possess.

Welcome to Our Work


So, what are you waiting for?

Come, take us on your board and make your dream startup website with DreamToIPO, Ruby on Rails Development Specialist.

Have more queries? Contact Us @ dreamtoipo@sumerusolutions.com or, Call us @ +1 206 289 0774 & +91 9986348493


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