what does he/she do? the president. the president’s roles chief of state ceremonial head of the...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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The President

The President’s Roles

Chief of State Ceremonial head of the United States government Symbol of all people in the nation Both “reigns and rules”

Chief executive Very broad power “Most powerful office in the world” Still, has limits on what he/she can do

Chief of State

The President’s Roles

Chief administrator Head the executive branch Directs a ton of employees (over 2 million) Huge budget to administer

Chief diplomat “Architect” of foreign policy He/she dictates our interactions with other countries

Chief Administrator

The President's Roles

Commander in chief Related to chief diplomat The military is at his direct command Delegates much of his power

Chief legislator He/she guides public policy Initiates, suggests, requests, insists, demands laws Not always a pleasant experience

These six come directly from the Constitution

Commander in Chief

Chief Legislator

The President’s Roles

Chief of party Leader of the party that controls the White House Very important in politics

Chief citizen “Representative of all people” He must be a moral leader

These roles are difficult to balance and complete simultaneously

Formal Qualifications

Must be a natural born citizen of the United States Some discussion and debate about this

Be at least 35 years of age Youngest elected was JFK (43) Youngest in office was Teddy Roosevelt (42) Oldest elected was Reagan (69)

Must have lived in the United States for 14 years

Over 100 million people meet these requirements


Teddy Roosevelt

Ronald Reagan

The President’s Term

Term is four years long This was debated in the convention

Was no limit on terms until 1951 GW established the precedent early on FDR broke the precedent

The 22nd Amendment says only two terms is allowed You COULD serve up to 10 years

Some have called for repeal of 22nd Amendment Limits your second term effectiveness

President’s Pay and Benefits

Congress sets the pay for the President Cannot be raised or lowered during a term

Pay is set at $400,000 a year (effective in 2001) Also has a $50,000 expense account Both are taxed as income

All kinds of great benefits 132 room mansion 18 acre estate Offices and staff Limos, planes, helicopters, etc. Health care, travel, entertainment On and on and on

White House

Air Force 1

Marine 1

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