what factors have turned israel to cyber power

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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What factors have turned Israel to world cyber power?

Imperative war

Shared democratic values

Social model

Economy impact


constant war factor

Israel’s cybersecurity competence will contribute to the country survival.

democratic values factor

Democratic human development of

the cyber space should be one of the prominent factors in stimulating economic growth.

social model factor

the regular migration of former

military personnel into cyber defense and IT industry high positions

economy impact factor

Israel IT security industry accounted for 10 % of the global security technology market, and sales of its security software topped $60 billion in 2014

Israeli firms exported $6.5 billion a year worth of

cyberproducts = 10% of the world market,

data from Israel’s National Cyber Bureau.

education factor

• the real-world teaching expertise,

• the hands-on experience that the military brings to schools,

• the entrepreneurial knowledge of the start-ups grow,

• The security agency’s scouting in middle schools.

thesis statement

Israel is global leader in the

world cyber security

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