what factors of education affect the success or failure on sport

Post on 26-Jul-2015






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What factors of education affect the success or failure on sport?

Positive effects;

Education can have a hugeimpact on sports success,basically because in any sportyou are always learning, everyday. Therefore education playsa part in the success of sportsmen and women. In order to perfect a sports skill you have to try and try again until youmaster it. This is exactly like education in school, you can only score well in tests if you thoroughly revise. As you are in compulsory education for 12 years, you are bound to be involved with sport, which means that you are most likely going to take up a sport outside of school and continue into later years.

Negative Effects;

In some cases, education and sports are just a no go. Education can sometimes lead to a decline in motivation for the sport you are working at or even failure. Managing time balances between your sport and education is essential.

Some people may also find, learning a hard skill on its own. Therefore they cannot improve on a sports skill they are trying to master. Another factor is, if the experience in school education they had of sport was bad, then it is less likely that they will carry physical sports on after the compulsory 12 years of education.

Alan Montgomery12W P.E

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