what i gain from uce

Post on 10-Nov-2015






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What I gain from UCE?Have you ever wondered what kind of person you are? There are more than 6 billion people on Earth; you cannot expect them to all be thee same. There are not only selfish people who put themselves before everyone else, but also humble people who value others more than themselves. I used to be thee type of person who was selfish and thought of myself, only. I did not care about helping others, but only about my looks, clothes, money, and grades. I was inspired by my parents, and ended up withe a desire for volunteering for others. They were having so much fun with volunteering and helping others, and they told me that it felt extremely good and fresh after helping others. I still remember the words that my babah told me years ago that still echoes in my thick headed skull, he said Abang, what you have now, what we had achieved to reach to this point is a mere blessing from Him the Almighty and which is not ours. This are all loan to us and to see whether were going to appreciate it whether were going to use it for good or for bad. So with what Allah had given to us you need to share it with others. This words immediately struck my mind like a lighting every time I was on a job for this project. I hoped to get the same results, for my self-esteem was unbelievably low that I felt worthless everywhere. I viewed almost everything in a negative way, and I figured I had to experience something that would make me appreciate things that I have. So, with UCE and by volunteering, I have changed my perspective on this world, myself and towards people. I now have found what I have been looking for. But what makes this program interesting is having an awesome trainer who had vast knowledge in CSR and Economics and having such loyal hardworking dedicated teammates to make this LIFE IN COLOUR project a success. What Becomes Of My Future...Hopes Dreams Vs. Reality"A goal without a plan is just a wish. I think planning is like drawing a map that guides us to the destination we seek. Once we have a map, it will be easier and more efficient to find the way we should take. Also, the map would teach the risk of getting lost in our long journey of life. I realize that some of these plans and goals may change, but with a plan, the start of the journey can begin.What will I do for the rest of my life?" Everyone always ask this question at some stage of their life. I have a lot of dreams. When I was a kid my dream is to be a pilot, and as the time goes by, I have other dreams, sometimes, I want to be a president, an army, doctor and other interesting dreams. But now I have grown up, now I know what I want to be.As a university student moreover a student of the law basically you will know where you will end up either in court or off. So yeah, with the family pressuring to pursue law ASAP to take over their expanding firm. Yeah that is just about it about my reality future.

While on the other hand, my hopes and dreams is actually to become influential. Some say get into politics, some say win the peoples heart first then run for the chair. Well yeah, by what I meant influential is becoming rich and powerful..in a good way not those evil ways. I plan to get into politics if God willing and familys permission. I want to contribute back to the community in a way to install trust in the people, work your way up through the cracks they say. Starting small maybe with ADUN or Menteri Besar at state level then went into Parliament. And I guess, Thats just about it.

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