what is a url 101 and other web definitions

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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During any website design project, words and terminology get thrown around, and sometimes even the most web-savvy people don’t understand what’s being talked about. So, we put together a three-part series centered around website definitions that everyone should know so they can talk intelligently about their website to anyone asking. We’ve written the website terms in easy to understand language so everyone can speak intelligently. In Part I of III on website definitions, we’ll cover the basics about what you need to know. In later sections, after 101, terms will become more complicated and not your every day website vocabulary, but first we need a foundation.


This is Part I of III on website definitions that you should know so you can speak more intelligently about websites to anyone asking.



URL is short for Uniform Resource Locator, but what it really means is the words you type in to go to a website. Your URL is the phrase you need to go somewhere on the internet, like www.cowleyweb.com/blog <- that’s a URL. A URL has also been identified as a “Web Address.”


Type in the URL www.cowleyweb.com/blog here



This is the program you open up on your computer, tablet, or phone so you can go explore the internet. Its purpose is to be your gateway into the online world. Some of the most popular include Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer (even though Internet Explorer is awful and you should get another browser as soon as you can).


Here are some of the different browser types

Google Chrome

Safari Mozilla Firefox Internet Explorer



It’s a language all it’s own and a complicated string of phrases in which a developer makes your website. The code gives your site the look, feel, and functionality it needs to operate. Will you ever have to write code? Probably not, but you should understand that not everyone can do it and that without code your website doesn’t exist.


<div style=“background-color:black; color:white; margin: 20px;”>


<p>It’s a language all it’s own and a complicated string of phrases in which a developer makes your website. The code gives your site the look, feel, and functionality it needs to operate. Will you ever have to write code? Probably not, but you should understand that not everyone can do it and that without code your website doesn’t exist.</p>

This is some sample coding….

Domain Name(doh-mayne nayme)


The domain name is a subset of the URL we just covered. The formula goes: www. - yourdomainname - .com (or .edu, .org, etc.). You have to purchase a domain name so you can put your website on it. For example, we bought cowleyweb as our domain name.

Domain Name

Sorry! You can’t have this one.



UI stands for User Interface and this covers how your website is laid out. The UI takes into account where buttons are, any navigation or menus, photos, words…all of the things you have on your website go into its UI. For a website to be visually appealing and have a good UI, you’ll need to hire a designer who knows what they’re doing and can implement best practices for web design.


Check out the UI on www.tuccirealty.com!



Not to be confused with UI, UX is the User Experience. This is how a visitor interacts with your website and how they feel about using it. UI and UX are closely related, but their key difference is UI deals with the visuals, and UX focuses on feelings and actions.


More from www.tuccirealty.com, this time the UX:

Main Navigation(mayne nav-i-gey-shun)


If your website has multiple pages, then there needs to be a way to go to them. Many times, that starts with the main navigation, which is usually placed at the top or left side of the website. A user can click in the main navigation to go to your core pages such as the home page, your about section, and contact form. Without a main navigation, your users will be lost and most likely never come back again.

Main Navigation

Let’s look at www.cowleyweb.com as an example:

Secondary Navigation(sec-un-dairy nav-i-gey-shun)


Whenever you have more information that you want people to go to quickly, then you’ll have a secondary navigation. These items are attached to the main navigation and are usually shown in drop-down menus.

Secondary Navigation

www.notredameutica.org is a perfect example!

Top-Top Navigation(top top nav-i-gey-shun)


If you have separate information you want someone to get to easily, then you can implement a top-top navigation bar. Like the name, it goes directly at the top of the page and is smaller than both the main and secondary navigation items. Usually, the top-top is for returning users to your site so they can easily get where they need to go (like a login button or shopping cart).

Top-Top Navigation

We can use www.notredameutica.org again:



A footer goes directly at the bottom of your website and will many times stay consistent across all of your pages. You can put any information you want into your footer, but for the most part it’s the basics like main navigation items, physical addresses, and other links.


Check out www.campfitters.com’s footer:

Search Bar(surch bahr)


When there is a lot of content on your site, you might have a search bar. It allows the user to type in what they want to find and then display those results. Think of it like Google, but specifically for your website.

Search Bar

Take a look at www.campfitters.com’s again:



A server can be a physical object or in “the cloud,” and it’s the place where all of your files are stored. So, any pictures you upload or pages you create, all go on the server so your website can function.


Sometimes it’ll look like this:



CMS stands for Content Management System and it’s a way for a website owner to add content, like blog or news articles, on their own while keeping the style in line with the established site. Some of the most common CMS’ include Drupal, Wordpress, and Joomla, to name a few.


Drupal is our CMS of choice.

Head over to www.cowleyweb.com/freebies to see how it works.



HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is a language of coding. Developers use HTML to make the site look and feel like it does, and allows the site to take form.


Remember coding? That’s good looking HTML!

<div style=“background-color:black; color:white; margin: 20px;”>


<p>HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is a language of coding. Developers use HTML to make the site look and feel like it does, and allows the site to take form.</p>

Header/Banner Images(hed-er/ban-er im-ah-jis)


These are pictures or illustrations that go at the very top of the website. You normally see them scrolling by with specified messages or with pictures of people. The header or banner image can also be static with only one of them showing.

Header/Banner Images

www.bbempirestate.com has some great header images!

Slide Show(slyde shoh)


When multiple pictures play one at a time in a certain place is called a slide show. This is commonly used to filter through multiple images without having to take up too much space.

Slide Show

Look at the www.landandcamps.com slideshows:

Site Map(syte map)


A Site Map is the structure and layout of your website. We use it to plan where pages will go, what content goes on those pages, and how the entire site flows. Site Maps are extremely important in the early stages of development so everyone knows what goes where.

Site Map

Here’s how a site map translate to a website:



SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it’s the process for search engines (like Google) to find your website and put it higher in the rankings. There are several elements to having good SEO, and your site structure and content are some of them.


A simple image we found that displays SEO nicely:

Landing Page(lan-deeng payge)


The place or page that a website visitor first comes to for a section (ie. about, portfolio, services, etc.) of your website. The landing page can also be considered the first place a users gets to when they come to your website.

Landing Page

Here’s a landing page for the restaurant gift certificates on www.ohgoodygoody.com:

Splash Page(splash payge)


These are temporary pages that a user is pointed to. Usually it’s to sell a specific product or service, and they are very simple in nature. Splash pages have also been used in the past as a loading page before a user got to your actual home page, but no one likes this so don’t do it.

Splash Page

Here’s an example of a splash page:

Home Page(hohm payge)


The destination that you’d like a visitor on your site to start. It contains all of your important information and links to go to the different pages. It’s called a “home” page because it’s where your heart is and will have your strongest messages.

Home Page

www.samcenter.org has a great example of a home page:

Secondary Page(sek-un-diary payge)


These kinds of pages are everything that the other types aren’t. They all follow a similar theme and hold the content that you’re sending people to.

Secondary Page

This is a perfect secondary page on www.dbbllc.com:

Web Form(web fawrm)


Forms are what you want people to fill out when they come to your site. You want a visitor to like you so much that they actually want to get a hold of you. Forms can capture any of the data you want, but in fairness, simpler is better.

Web Form

Contact forms are the most popular web forms:



This is where you send someone somewhere off of your site with the click of a button. Usually it’s a resource or an article, but always remember to have them open in a new tab or window.


Hyperlinks should always open in a new window or tab.




Thumbnails are itty, bitty pictures of a larger images you have somewhere else. The thumbnail is there to provide a sneak peak of what more is to come.


Thumbnails generally go hand-in-hand with a slideshow:



We’ve all heard this buzzword, and it means that no matter what size your browser is, the website will respond accordingly. So, your design, look, and feel will always look great no matter what computer or device your visitors are using.


Mobile is HUGE, so make sure your website plans for it!

Stay tuned for more website definitions in Section 102 coming soon!


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