what is an adjective?. an adjective is a word that describes a noun or a pronoun. remember…nouns...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Unit 4: AdjectivesWhat is an adjective?

What is an adjective? An adjective is a word that describes a

noun or a pronoun.

Remember…nouns are people, places, things, and ideas.

What is an adjective? Adjectives can describe the kind of noun

it is (funny, tall, blue, loud…) or it can describe how many there are (many, two, several…).

If you are using two descriptive adjectives together, you should use a comma. The small, yellow bird sang a happy song. Small and yellow both describe the bird. If I said “Two yellow birds sang a happy

song,” then I would not use a comma to separate them.

How many adjectives are in the following sentences?

Powerful lions stared boldly at us. There is only ONE adjective. PowerfulWhy isn’t boldly an adjective?

Giraffes seemed gentle and shy. There are two adjectives. Gentle and shy

How many adjectives are in the following sentences?

The two cubs are small and playful. There are three adjectives. Two, small, and playful

The beautiful, proud peacock has many feathers. There are three adjectives. Beautiful, proud, and many

How many adjectives are in the following sentences?

The heavy elephant has a slow, swaying walk. There are three adjectives. Heavy, slow, and swaying.

Three gentle deer graze beneath tall, leafy trees. There are four adjectives. Three, gentle, tall, and leafy.

Unit 4: Adjectives

Articles and Demonstratives

What is an article? An article is a special kind of adjective.

There are three of them: a, an, and the.

A and an refer to any person, place, or thing. Use “a” if the next word begins with a

consonant, and “an” if the next word begins with a vowel sound.

The refers to something specific.

What is a demonstrative? A demonstrative tells which one.

There are four of them: this, that, and these and those.

This and that are singular; these and those are plural.

This and these are for nearby objects; that and those are for objects farther away.

Choose the correct adjective.

I am flying (a, an) huge plane.

I don’t want (a, an) aisle seat.

(Those, That) tall man should fasten his seat belt.

We are flying over (a, the) state of New York.

(These, Those) clouds are far away.

Unit 4: Adjectives

Using “er” and “est” to compare adjectives.

Comparing with Adjectives

If you want to compare two or more nouns, you have to change the adjectives you use.

If you are comparing two nouns: add –er to the adjective.

If you are comparing three or more nouns: add –est to the adjective.

Rules for Changing Adjectives

For one-syllable adjectives – add –er or –est to the adjective

Bright brighter brightest

The star is bright. The closer star seems brighter than the

other star. The sun seems to be the brightest star

of all.

Rules for Changing Adjectives

Adjectives ending in an “e”– drop the e; add –er or –est to the adjective

Safe safer safest

Rules for Changing Adjectives

Adjectives ending with a consonant and a y-

change the y to an i and add -er or -est

Busy busier busiest

Rules for Changing Adjectives

One syllable adjectives that end with a single vowel and a consonant -

Double the consonant and add –er or –est

Flat flatter flattest

Rules for Changing Adjectives

Some two and all three or more syllable words -

Use “more” for two or “most” for three or more nouns.

Careful more careful most careful Responsible more responsible most


Rules for Changing Adjectives

All adjectives wen you’re talking about “less” instead of “more”-

Use “less” for two or “least” for three or more nouns.

Brave less brave least brave Responsible less responsible least


Unit 4: Adjectives

Comparing with good and bad

Changing “good” When you are comparing two nouns,

you change good to “better”.

When you are comparing three or more nouns, you change good to “best”.

Jen is a good cook. Chris is better than she is. John is the best cook.

Changing “bad” When you are comparing two nouns,

you change bad to “worse”.

When you are comparing three or more nouns, you change bad to “worst”.

Pongo is a bad dog. Max is worse than he is. Perdita is the worst dog of all.

Choose the correct adjective.

This play was (better, best) than the last play.

Mary had a (bad, worst) cough.

Her coughing grew (bad, worse) in the last speech.

Of the four singers, Merle was (best, good).

Unit 4: Adjectives

Proper Adjectives

What is a proper adjective?

An adjective formed from a proper noun is called a proper adjective.

Those olives came from Greece.

They are Greek olives.

Note: all proper adjectives should begin with a capital letter.

Fill in the blanks with the correct proper adjectives. Food from Spain is ___________ food.

The ______ Highways runs through Alaska.

People in Germany are proud of ______ cars.

Words from Japan are ___________ words.

People in Poland make _________ bread.

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