what is imperialism? the extension of a nation’s power over other lands

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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What is Imperialism?

• The extension of a nation’s power over other lands

Definition of Old and New Imperialism

– Old Imperialism – 16th Century• Colonies• Trading ($)

– New imperialism – 20th Century• Nothing less than direct CONTROL

Imperialism: How & Why • What allowed some countries to

imperialize others?– Economics - A desire to increase

economic opportunity– Power/Rivalries - The will to exert power

over other countries– Racism – Makes people believe they

deserve to have power over “inferior” people

– Religion – a desire to spread Christianity to new lands


• Economic– Want New Markets– Want Raw Materials– Increase Trade & Wealth

• Power– Gain an advantage over rivals– Increase National Prestige – countries

believe they can’t be great w/o colonies


• Racism– Social Darwinism – fit are victorious, the

victorious are fit so they deserve to be in control

– Race determines capabilities• Our right & duty to help the less capable (usually the

minorities)• A feeling that minorities can’t take care of


• Religion– Moral responsibility to “civilize”

• This is known as “white man’s burden”– Bring benefits of Christianity

• Who do the people in the cartoon represent? – Carried are imperialists– Carriers are the colonize


• What did “the white man’s burden” means to supporters of imperialism?– Moral responsibility to

civilize “primitive “ people– Bring Christianity

• What does it mean in the cartoon?– Colonized people “carry”

the burden of the white man

– Referring to the exploitation of the colonies by the Imperialist powers


(a poem by Rudyard Kipling)

Take up the White Man’s burden –

Send forth the best ye breed

Go bind your sons to exile

To serve your captive’s need,

To wait in heavy harness

On fluttered folk and wild –

Your new-caught, sullen peoples

Half-devil and half child

Indirect Imperialism vs Direct Imperialism

• Indirect: – local rulers allowed to keep their

authority and status

• Direct: – Local elites were replaced with

Imperialist officials

Effects of Imperialism• Resistance

– Peasant revolts– Nationalist Resistance

• Buildup of militaries – especially the Navy.– Troops placed across the globe to

protect interests• Wars

• Development of international trade– Interdependence

Empire Building in AFRICA

Imperialism in Africa

Who & Reasons• GB, France, Germany,

Portugal, Belgium, Italy• Reasons:

– Rivalries – Claim land just for status

– Economic – Britain wants the Suez Canal for Trade w/India, also exploring Africa for resources

– Religion – spread Christianity

Reaction / Effect• Nationalist movements• Antagonism (French v.

British in Sudan) • War (Dutch vs. British

in Boer War)

British Rule in India

Imperialism in IndiaWho & Reasons• Britain• Reasons:

– Trade– Resources

Reactions / Effects• Order & stability –

gov’t– Built railroads– Education system

• Sepoy Mutiny– Sepoy – soldier hired by

GB– Disrespected Indian

Culture• Rifle cartridges/cow

fat story

• Indian Nationalism– Gandhi (20th century)

• Destruction of local industries– GB made them grow

cotton instead of food = famine

Nation Building in Latin


Imperialism in Latin America

Who & Reasons• Originally

– Spain & Portugal• Later

– GB & US• Reasons:

– Trade/Resources

Reactions / Effects• Independence

• Threat of Spanish & Portuguese monarchs being restored– No experience with self

rule– Now depend on US &

GB to help them stay independent from Spain and Portugal

East Asia

Under Challen

ge• China

divided into “spheres of influence”

• Japan an imperializing country in its own right

Rise of Modern Japan

• Japan emerges as an industrial nation– Island with few natural resources– Needs oil and coal– Can get these fuels from China

• Japan becomes an imperialist nation

Causes of WWI1914-1918

AlliancesBoth sides are guided by self-interest and would use war if needed

The Forming of Alliances Triple Alliance members:

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

Defensive alliance An attack on one is

considered an attack on all

Triple Entente members: Great Britain France,


What does this cartoon imply about alliances?

How do alliances lead to world war?

Nationalism Pride in your country

Ethnic groups- people with same language/culture/rituals

Slavic people wanted independent nations Poles want Poland put back on the map, free of

Russian control Bosnians, Serbs and Croats want their own nations,

free of Austrian control How does nationalism lead to world war?

Desire for freedom was so strong that they were willing to risk war

Feelings of racial superiority

MilitarismAggressive preparation for war

Growth of armies ready to attack Military draft

Western armies doubled between 1890-1914

Mobilization Build large armies and supplies in time of war Mobilization itself was considered an act of war

Imperialism Extension of nation’s power over other lands

Reasons: Remember?? We discussed 4 of them

Economic Rivalries/Power Racism Religion

How does Imperialism lead to war? This caused competition & many conflicts between

the major powers

The Causes of WWI: Remember? Alliances Nationalism Militarism Imperialism

Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

The problem with alliances

The Problem with Imperialism

Why is this called the Powder Keg of Europe?

The Balkan Peninsula – different ethnicities jockeying for power

Who is involved in the “Tension”?What is the goal of each?

Balkans: controlled by Austria-Hungary• Bosnian Serbs

– want independence from Austria

• Austria – Hungary– Wants to suppress independence

• Serbia – wants to annex Bosnia

• Russia – wants to control the Balkans– Supports Bosnian Serbs

Explain the Spark that caused the war. What was the effect?

The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

(of Austria-Hungary)– Archduke and wife were in Sarajevo (Bosnia)

• shooter was a Bosnian Serb– Wanted freedom from Austria-Hungary

• His death set the alliance system into motion– no one was able to stop it.

The assassination led to a global war. Not only were European nations involved but also their

worldwide allies and colonies.

What is the Schlieffen Plan?Why would Germany do this?

• Germany’s Plan: Schlieffen Plan– Avoid war with Russia AND France

• Because they were allies– Hold Russia and invade France then attack Russia– Germany declares war on France

What is the effect?• To get to France

– Invade Belgium who is neutral– Great Britain gets involved

• to help Belgium– Britain declared war on Germany

• Germany is now fighting on 2 fronts• By August 12th all World Powers are involved

What happened at the 1st Battle of the Marne?

• Schlieffen Plan:– circle through Belgium into France, sweep

around Paris– Defeat France quickly and move onto Russia

• 1st Battle of the Marne– German advance was halted

• 2,000 Parisian taxicabs with troops were sent to the frontlines

• Effect:– Germany – 2 front war ~ France &

Russia– WWI turns into a stalemate

Each step: Why?

Trench Warfare

“trench warfare” fighting in ditches from the English Channel to

the Switzerland No-man’s land: land between

the ditches

Caused Stalemate Neither troop is willing

to back down Cannot escape from their

own trenches

“softening up” Destroy trenches State of shock Force soldiers to leave

the “safety” of the trenches to attack enemies

“war of attrition” Wear down the other side

with continuous attacks and heavy losses

Trench Warfare as seen in the video clips

War of Attrition Massive bombing of the

trenches Softening up the enemy

Industrialization of war Total War

Trenches Rats feed on dead bodies Bodies on the bottom &

top of the trenches

New weapons 1 machine gun = 40

riflemen Tank - British Poison gas – Germans

Shell shock?? Battle of the Somme

1 million men Moved 5 miles

The Zimmerman telegram (trying to entice Mexico to join in the fight agains the US) was the

last straw for the US.

Germany also angered the US by resuming unrestricted submarine warfare

The Impact of Total War Notes

Total War

Mobilization of ALL resources and people

Enlisted men All civilians

Weapons were needed for war Everything else was secondary

End of World War IThe Last Year of the WarThe Peace Settlement

New German Offensive Boxes Germany wants to win the war

outright and the chances look good

Horrible battles that lowered morale on both sides, but the Allies are beginning to take the offensive

By late September (1918)the German commander admitted that the Germans were going to lose – it was time to ask for an armistice

New German Offensive Notes Ludendorff’s military gamble

• A large risk to break the military stalemate Supplies running low soldier reserves depleting German home was exhausted

July: 2nd Battle of Marne & Somme Germans were forced back

More deaths on both sides.• Six months – Million men

Germans were out of supplies

“No one wins in a war, they lost, we didn’t win.”

The Peace Settlement

Treaty of Versailles

Peace without Victory

“Victory would mean peace forced upon the loser, a victor’s terms imposed upon the vanquished.  It will be accepted in humiliation, under duress, at an intolerable sacrifice, and would leave a sting, a resentment, a bitter memory, upon which terms of peace would rest, not permanently, but only as upon quicksand,” 

- Woodrow Wilson

Wilson’s 14 Points - Boxes Wilson wanted a lasting

peace Key 3 (of 14) points

• Have open discussions rather than secret alliances

• Reduce amount of weapons per country – lessen militarism

• Ensuring Self-determination right of people to have their own nation (nationalism) rather than be ruled by others (imperialism)

Wilson’s 14 Points - Notes To Wilson, the most important

point was the creation of an international peace organization – the League of Nations

European leaders more interested in getting revenge

Treaty of Versailles - Notes Treaty with Germany

War Guilt Clause Germany and Austria were responsible for starting war

Pay reparations for all damages Allied governments and citizens suffered

Military was reduced • to 100000 men• reduced navy• eliminated air force

Ended the war

Treaty of Versailles - Notes Treaty with Germany

Land taken• Alsace and Lorraine were given back to France• Rhine area - Demilitarized

League of Nations established

The Legacies of War Map of Eastern Powers changed

Lost: • German and Russian empires lost land and Austria-Hungary gone

Gained: New countries were formed• Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria,

and Hungary • Serbia formed middle of new Yugoslavia

Not every ethnic group has “nation” Mixtures of peoples: impossible to draw strict ethnic lines Compromises had to be made

• Germans in Poland and Czech• Poles in Czech• Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in Yugoslavia

This would lead to many problems later

The Legacies of War

WWI ruined the liberal (free) society

Governments became more powerful• freedom of speech and press limited • Strong central authority became a way of life

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