what makes a lesson outstanding?

Post on 19-May-2015






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What makes an outstanding lesson? A small child brags to her friend, "I taught my dog to whistle." "Wow!" says the other, "Let's hear!" "Oh, he can't whistle," replies the first. "Why not? I thought you said you taught him!" "I did! He just didn't learn it." Most teachers instinctively know when a lesson has gone particularly well (or for that matter badly). The response of pupils, the sense of achievement they feel, the amount of work they get through or maybe the shared sense of enjoyment are all indicators of a successful lesson. Enjoyment usually indicates that things have gone well – but not always. As an Ofsted inspector, I have often walked into lessons and seen pupils working hard, enjoying themselves, behaving well and seemingly being part of a successful lesson; however, appearances can sometimes be deceptive. In a nutshell, lessons are judged by the amount of learning that goes on, or put another way, how much progress the pupils make in terms of what they know, understand and can do at the end of the lesson that they couldn’t do at the beginning? This all seems pretty straightforward: you plan a lesson, you deliver it and pupils learn something. I once visited a Design and Technology lesson where Year 7 pupils were making key fobs. They were having a great time, working hard and clearly enjoying the lesson. I said to the teacher at the end of the lesson, “what did the pupils learn today?” “Well,” he said. “They learnt how to cut a piece of acrylic, file the edges smooth and drill a hole for the key ring”. “Thank you.” I replied. Two days later I observed the same teacher with a year 9 class. As before, the pupils were working hard, behaving extremely well and clearly enjoying the lesson. They were making clocks – clocks out of acrylic. At the end of the lesson I said to the teacher “what did the pupils learn today?” “Well,” he said. “They learnt how to cut a piece of acrylic, file the edges smooth and drill a hole for the clock mechanism”. “Really?” I said, “But they learnt that in year 7 when they were making their key fobs!”. “Oh yes,” he conceded “but we’re now using a much bigger piece of acrylic”. The latter of course is likely to be an inadequate lesson because however much pupils enjoy the lesson, however hard they work, and however well behaved they are, if they don’t learn enough, the lesson cannot really considered to be satisfactory. I think that it is sometimes easier to think about a lesson from a parent’s perspective rather than a teacher’s. As a father of three, I know precisely my minimum expectation for every lesson my children experience; a teacher who knows their subject really well, mutual respect, the opportunity for them (my children) to learn, free from any misbehaviour and above all I want them to learn something new (or at least practise and develop their existing partial

understanding or skill) every lesson – if this doesn’t happen the lesson has not reached satisfactory. In order to deliver an outstanding lesson you need to think about the following: Is the lesson learner focused or teacher focused? Start with the learning objectives. You need to make sure these are not a ‘to do’ list, or a set of woolly aims. They must be firmly rooted in a set of challenging expectations that will lead to measurable gains in learning. Share these with pupils and make sure they understand what is expected of them. Sometimes the learning objectives lack any challenge and a bright pupil could achieve them in 5 minutes. Think very carefully about what you expect all pupils to achieve as a minimum and then what the SEN pupils need, the least able, the middle achievers, the higher achievers and finally the gifted and talented. Remember, for a lesson to be outstanding, all pupils must make at least good gains in their knowledge, understanding or skills. Make sure that the objectives are clear and challenging and that you constantly strive to ensure that all pupils meet these objectives. Refer back to them, briefly but appropriately, at the end of the lesson. Do not make the plenary just a repeat of the introduction. Is there Excellent planning for the lesson with very good resources? This will ensure a brisk pace, clear challenge and opportunities to extend or reinforce the learning for those that need it. Immaculate planning and preparation, particularly in terms of providing activities that get progressively more demanding are essential. Planning must also build in opportunities to support self and peer assessment. Assessment is crucial. For any lesson to be regarded as good, Ofsted lesson observation criteria states that ‘based upon thorough and accurate assessment that informs learners how to improve, work is closely tailored to the full range of learners’ needs, so that all can succeed. Learners are guided to assess their work themselves.’ What this means is that assessment must be an integral part of every lesson. Ofsted inspectors will ask pupils how well they are doing, what level/grade they are working at and what they need to do to improve. It is a very clear indication that a pupil has been well taught when they can tell you their existing level, their target and precisely what they need to do. In a lesson that has been graded as outstanding you may well see the following: ‘The teacher makes outstanding use of self and peer assessment throughout the lesson. Pupils are constantly being asked to assess how well they, or their partners, are doing and to identify for themselves exactly what they need to do to improve. Pupils are being encouraged to take responsibility for their own development of skills’. Pace is an interesting concept. I liken it to oxygen, as the song so eloquently puts it – too much and it gets you high, not enough and you’re going to die. Don’t sacrifice thorough embedded learning just because you have planned too much

for the lesson. Give pupils time to answer – make sure they are given time to think and to reinforce their learning. On the other hand, never let activities go on for too long. Be watchful! Spot signs in pupils’ body language that they are slowing down, getting bored etc – re-inject pace into the lesson where necessary. I would suggest that practical activities should not go on for more than twenty minutes unchecked – remember that learning or rather the speed of learning should not be sacrificed. The pace of the lesson should be just right. No time should be wasted and pupils should move quickly from one learning activity to another. However there should never be a sense of rushing and everybody must be given enough time to think. Very good questioning is essential. Knowing when to use open-ended questions that challenge and extend the learning is a vital skill – look for opportunities that arise from pupils responses to extend or reinforce the learning. (don’t go off the point though). I read somewhere that the average waiting time by teachers for a response to a question is less than three seconds – is this really enough time for a person to gather their thoughts, recall the required information and then form a logical answer? A range of activities and teaching styles will help to support good learning for all pupils. Never be one-dimensional. Vary your style and delivery and think about the full range of learners and their preferred learning styles – we all like a bit of variety – pupils demand it. Plan activities that ensure the visual, auditory and kinaesthhetic learning styles are addressed. Remember – it is important to ensure that your learners are not just passive recipients. They should be involved at every stage. They should be doers, contributors, evaluators and teachers. Be enthusiastic and make it demonstrably clear that you are enjoying the learning just as much as they are. The criteria used by Ofsted are given below. Read these by all means but as I said at the beginning of the article, you’ll know when you deliver an outstanding lesson. According to Ofsted Criteria: To be an outstanding lesson teaching is at least good in all or nearly all respects and is exemplary in significant elements. As a result, learners thrive and make exceptionally good progress. For a good lesson pupils must make good progress and most of the following should be also be apparent: Learners make good progress and show good attitudes to their work, as a result of effective teaching. The teachers’ good subject knowledge lends confidence to their teaching styles, which engage learners and encourage them to work well

independently. Any unsatisfactory behaviour is managed effectively. The level of challenge stretches without inhibiting. Based upon thorough and accurate assessment that informs learners how to improve, work is closely tailored to the full range of learners’ needs, so that all can succeed. Learners are guided to assess their work themselves. Teaching assistants and other classroom helpers are well directed to support learning. Those with additional learning needs have work well matched to their needs based upon a good diagnosis of them. Good relationships support parents/carers in helping learners to succeed. By Geoff Hancock, Lead Inspector

Examples of outstanding practice identified in the two PE lessons Post 16 lesson Excellent planning for the lesson with very good resources, including carefully chosen projector slides, templates for students to complete etc. prepared in advance. Teacher gives very clear explanations throughout, ensuring that students understand the required material. Very good questioning; wide ranging across the group and and always ensuring that students have time to think. Outstanding use of activities that enable students to learn in a variety of ways – visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning. In particular, the kinaesthetic demonstration of the conduction system involved all pupils and used a narrator to enable auditory learning. It was built up slowly and carefully so that students are very unlikely to forget the demonstration or the conduction system that it represents. Excellent reinforcement of what students needed to remember in several different formats. Also very good opportunities for students to apply their new knowledge and understanding in ‘what if…?’ situations. Particularly skilled use of peer assessment, in the context of paired discussion, to confirm and extend learning. Teacher’s enjoyment of the lesson is infectious – a huge bonus for students.

Key Stage 4 lesson The lesson is immaculately planned and prepared, particularly in terms of providing activities that get progressively more demanding and also in providing very good resources to support self and peer assessment. The teacher uses learning objectives very well. The objectives are clear and challenging and teacher is constantly striving to ensure that all pupils meet these objectives. He refers back to them, briefly but appropriately, at the end of the lesson. The teacher questions very well, particularly in terms of ensuring that everyone has time to think before the question is answered. The teacher makes outstanding use of self and peer assessment throughout the lesson. Pupils are constantly being asked to assess how well they, or their partners, are doing and to identify for themselves exactly what they need to do to improve. Pupils are being encouraged to take responsibility for their own development of skills. The pace of the lesson is just right. No time is wasted and pupils move quickly from one learning activity to another. However there is no sense of rushing and everybody has enough time to think. The teacher very skilfully inter-weaves underlying facts, principles and theory into what is basically a practical lesson. Sometimes the reinforcement of pupils’ existing knowledge (e.g. the naming of the muscles as they are stretched, the references to the rules of basketball etc.) is almost imperceptible, but nevertheless valuable. These references to theory are so quick and efficient that they take very little time and so leave maximum time for physical activity and skill development.

Document reference number: HMI 2506

EVIDENCE FORM Inspector’s OIN CH Inspection number Observation time Observation type L A D O

Year group(s) 12? Grouping MC SU SA SL O BO GI MI Present / NOR ~10

Subject codes PE Support teachers / assistants SEN T S EAL T S Oth T S Inspector’s EF No


Focus (i.e. main purpose of the inspection activity) Looking for examples of outstanding practice in post 16 PE

Context Lesson on the conduction system in the heart

Evaluation Beginning of lesson: clear learning objectives, displayed all through the lesson to encourage referring back to them. Teacher also makes it very clear in what he says, precisely what students should understand by the end. Re-cap on previous work on the heart – good use of projector to re-cap. However, students not particularly involved at this stage. There was, for example, no testing of their recall of the meaning of ‘systolic’ and ‘diastolic’. Paired work: describing the cardiac cycle to a partner. Students told to ‘think then describe’ – good encouragement to plan what they are going to say. At least one group find it difficult to get started on this activity i.e. they find it challenging; teacher allows enough time for them to work it out. Then good use of peer assessment – ‘how could the description be improved?’ followed by a second, improved (esp. re: valves) version from the other member of the pair. Peer assessment leads to both reinforcement of and improved detail in students’ knowledge i.e. very good learning. Some groups are of 3 rather than 2 and it is not clear whether the activity worked as well with three. Teacher circulates throughout to check the descriptions that students are giving. Useful discussion in 2nd feedback to whole class. It might have been better for the teacher to give the correct version just to round off this aspect of the learning. Teacher questions very clearly and, importantly, gives students time to think. At this stage, students do not recall the term ‘conduction system’ from the beginning of the lesson. Concentration was not quite as good at the very beginning as it has been since. Teacher efficiently picks up and addresses any misunderstandings e.g. re: order of events. Good use of projector – slide has good, concise labels and students are being thoroughly involved via questioning. Teacher provides good, clear explanations. He then reinforces with a different diagram and uses this twice. Demonstration: outstanding example of kinaesthetic learning. Demo. conducted in excellent atmosphere – humour, supportive relationships etc. An incorrect answer is no problem for the student because of the atmosphere, relationships etc. Teacher enjoying himself and sharing that enjoyment with students. However this is not simply entertainment; these students are unlikely to forget this memorable demonstration, built up gradually and carefully. Good questioning interspersed, again with time to think. The inclusion of the narrator provides auditory reinforcement of what students need to remember. Further reinforcement - completing a template – fierce concentration evident as they have to write out what they now know and understand. This is very good use of informal assessment. Teacher now refers back to objectives – ‘tough, but you’ve done it’. Very encouraging. Teacher then explains very clearly the terms and average values that students need to know – and they make their own notes as he explains – one of many changes of learning activity in this lesson. Using what students have learnt: students then required to answer several ‘what if?’ questions. Not all fully understand how to use the equation to deduce what happens – challenging for these students and possibly needed more time. Very valuable testing and extending of students’ understanding. Plenary: 5 multi-choice questions, relating back to objectives, easy at first and then leading on to open-ended q’s. Homework: research exercise on factors affecting heart rate - useful though not unduly challenging. Summary of main points A thoroughly enjoyable lesson with a very strong emphasis on genuine learning for all. The lesson was immaculately planned and prepared with very good materials and an imaginative demonstration. Many obvious strengths in this lesson, all listed above. The use of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning activities was outstanding. Only very minor weaknesses, none that significantly affected learning. Students gained a secure understanding of the conduction system in the heart and were able to apply what they had learnt – very good learning for these students

Judgement on the overall quality of the lesson (Leave blank when not a lesson) 1 = Outstanding, 4 = Inadequate 1

Use for grades if there is sufficient evidence:

Standards Progress Personal development

Teaching Curriculum Care, guidance & support

Leadership & management

1 1 1 1 Particular evaluations related to safety, health, enjoyment, contribution to the community, economic well-being Genuine enjoyment and very significant achievement for these students in this lesson. (ECM 3)

Document reference number: HMI 2506

EVIDENCE FORM Inspector’s OIN CH Inspection number Observation time Observation type L A D O

Year group(s) 10? Grouping MC SU SA SL O BO GI MI Present / NOR ~20

Subject codes PE Support teachers / assistants SEN T S EAL T S Oth T S Inspector’s EF No CH02

Focus (i.e. main purpose of the inspection activity) Teaching and learning in PE and identifying examples of outstanding practice.

Context Lesson involves improving pupils’ skills in basketball.

Evaluation Beginning of lesson: Good relationships and attitudes evident from the beginning, as pupils arrive. Learning objectives very clear and specific; displayed on board throughout the lesson to encourage referring back to them. Good self assessment to give pupils a clear starting point on where they are in terms of basketball skills. Pupils are asked to deduce for themselves where they are on the scale, using the criteria. They then decide what they need to do to improve to next level – teacher is giving pupils responsibility for their own learning. He allows enough time for the activity and pupils concentrate well. Paired discussion of what they need to do to improve provides good chance to discuss and valuable change of activity. Pupils discuss well; they are clearly accustomed to working in pairs, listening, discussing etc. Warm up: teacher involving pupils in planning warm up. He questions well, always giving everyone time to think. Background theory is covered quickly and efficiently before and during warm up. Reinforcement is sometimes almost imperceptible (e.g. pupils naming muscles as they stretch them) but nevertheless valuable. Non-participant effectively used to photograph activities. Pupils lead the first stage of warm up and do so well. Pupils devise their own specific warm-up for basketball – good independence. Class moves between activities very quickly and efficiently; no time is wasted and pace always maintained but there is no sense of rushing – all is calm and unhurried. Dribbling exercise: Dribbling skills vary but all are trying hard. Very good resources at this stage (cue cards) and throughout the lesson. Again pupils self assess, reading the cards and thinking before discussing. Dribbling practice builds up cleverly to maintain pupils’ concentration and lead on, via adding an opportunity to shoot, to next objective. Peer assessment of dribbling skills is well used and leads to good improvement in skills, notably in increased use of both hands. Pupils coach each other well, if slightly self-consciously at times, and their advice is sensible and balanced. Advice is well received by partners at all stages in the lesson. Teacher empathises well with pupils: ‘I do that all the time as well’. He makes good use of pupils to demo. pivoting and move the class on to developing this next skill. He makes just enough reference to rules etc. – not enough to slow the lesson down or restrict pupils’ opportunity to practise. Teacher skilfully helps pupils anticipate the bigger, more interesting drill to come; encourages them to try hard for a short time on the current one. Teacher’s knowledge and understanding is excellent; predicts what will happen in team game. No ‘marking time’; teacher is constantly asking for improvement in every drill. He makes good use of humour. He introduces the element of competition to add interest to the end of the lesson. Peer assessment continues and eventually teacher refers back to learning objectives and pupils are asked to identify one thing they need to do to improve their pivot. Homework: Teacher is enthusiastic about the website and cleverly encourages pupils to visit it without insisting. He is using homework well to encourage pupils to find out the rules (3 sec., 5 sec. etc.) of basketball. Good use of their time enables maximum use of lesson time for practical activities. Lesson ends with appropriate warm down. Summary of main points A lesson in which all aspects were at least good. Particular strengths were the seamless inclusion of background theory with every aspect of the practical skill development and the extremely effective use of time so that pupils were constantly and quickly developing their skills but with no sense of rush and always with enough time to think. The use of self and peer assessment were excellent and made a very good contribution to pupils learning. Pupils concentrated well and worked hard throughout so that they made very good progress in developing basketball skills.

Judgement on the overall quality of the lesson (Leave blank when not a lesson) 1 = Outstanding, 4 = Inadequate 1

Use for grades if there is sufficient evidence:

Standards Progress Personal development

Teaching Curriculum Care, guidance & support

Leadership & management

1 1 1 1 Particular evaluations related to safety, health, enjoyment, contribution to the community, economic well-being All activities were well planned and organised and teacher was constantly vigilant to ensure safety. (ECM 2) Pupils certainly enjoyed this lesson and achieved very well in improving their basketball skills. (ECM 3)

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