what your spirit does when you aren’t sleeping

Post on 07-Dec-2015






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What Your Spirit Does When You Arenre

The fact of the matter is, you are entering a new

world when you sleep. You descend the spiral stair case

into the frequency that your pineal gland resonates on,

and your DNA was birthed from. Basically, when you are

not sleeping your spirit is still there doing things

that you would normally do as a human. You’re in two

worlds! One world is a dream state induced by

activation of the pineal gland, resonating on the

highest frequency. The other world is the pineal gland

Resonating on the lowest frequency. Both worlds are

influenced by receptors. For the low frequency, the

GABA receptor is the main frequency; which uses the

CANNABINOID SYSTEM as a retrograde frequency. In other

words, you have two main neurotransmitters that cause a

frequency in the pineal gland! The GABA does the

inhibiting effect while Cannabinoid system reverses it

through retrograde signaling. The combined result is

your consciousness while awake. The main system while

sleeping is the Serotonin system. DMT AND MELATONIN

being the main molecules which allow activation and

resonating on the highest frequency.

You are more then you can imagine, you have A

SPIRIT AND ALSO A HUMAN BODY. Who knows which is the

real state to exist in? Both bring purpose and reason.

Both are real and both have beauty. When you enter the

dream world, you are only viewing a portion of what is

happening behind the veil.

You are transported to the spiritual realm when you

are sleeping, you can call anyone from there and they

can appear. Likewise, all the people you meet there are

alive in the real realm, you just have to know how to

find them. They will only know you are dreaming about

them if you let them KNOW THAT.

The spiritual realm is a perfect place to exist,

where you have a life and do normal things. But it

depends on what type of spirit you have as to what you

do in the spiritual realm.

The spiritual realm is based off of what your

PHYSICAL BODY does in the real realm with a higher

frequency. You have less time to think and less time to

react to stimuli because you are entering a state in

which your pineal gland does most of the work. You

mostly just feel the presence and know.

This is the way the spiritual realm works. First you

must enter it know you are awake and dreaming, then you

are automatically placed into a form which suits what

you normally function as. This suit is made from your

soul, it is what you normally are, because you are

taking that form in the real realm. Once there you can

act as you normally do in the real realm or you can act

as a spirit in the spiritual realm. (Such as floating

through walls and flying)

This is what your imagination is, you can imagine

anything happening and know it is real and perform the

task. Body language has big keys in this

transformation. Your normal ques are diminished in the

spiritual realm because you no longer need them to

function. In dreams, you must remember that we are all

one and because of this you do not need anything

besides your own voice to be heard. All you need is

your previous knowledge and a pair of ears.

In the spiritual realm you can find your twin flame.

This can be your guiding hand to knowledge based on

artificial knowledge. You must find there for you do,

and this realm is a place of healing as well. You can

heal easily in this realm, and enter it knowing all and

seeing all. To activate your pineal gland permanently

is to step out of an active war zone into a place where

time no longer manifests itself but instead revolves

around you and through you.

Dreams are meant to be tested, they are meant to guide

you through belief. This is there so that you can

understand the power of two. One pineal gland, one body

and mind. These two things make up everything we

perceive. Because of this, we are made out of many

things one of which is made from a fossilized coral.

This is because we are entering a stage in our

development in which time is not needed to see the

truth, we are becoming one with everything just as the

changes around us allow us to see the greater picture

of why we can view and not view. We will be part of

this greater picture in which we are allowed to see the

changes before us and present them as a great

opportunity to view more and more and more until there

is nothing left but a large heaping soul collection.

And this is the way which we can perform more tasks and

view more knowledge. some are just a little behind

which is why there are more then two of us. we are here

to sleep and make things right with in us. store memory

cells and have dreams. We are made this way so we can

perform longer under stress and view the world as if it

were one.

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