when the spirit comes in power discuss the importance of the revival and renewal movements in...

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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When the Spirit Comes in Power• Discuss the importance of the revival and

renewal movements in Evangelical faith

• Highlight the importance of the Gift of the Holy Spirit in the Scripture and in the early Church

• Familiarize us with the beliefs and practices of the First, Second, and Third wave Charismatics

• Teach what we ought to do in allowing the Spirit to fill us and empower us for ministry

When the Spirit Comes in PowerIs the Holy Spirit real? What's his place in scripture and history? Is he active in your life now?

What happens during revivals? Why are they important to Evangelicals? What can we know about the Vineyard, the Toronto Blessing?

What is the meaning of signs, wonders, tongues, words of knowledge, being slain in the Spirit, etc.

Holy laughter, barking, ego trips, personality cults

Can conservative Christians experience the Spirit's anointing? How do we 'catch the fire?'

Revival Fire

What it means to be an Evangelical

Stories of Revival

Overview of Protestant Revivals

The Christian Family Tree

From Revival to Missions

First, Second, & Third Wave

What is Evangelical?

• The proclaiming of the message of salvation grounded in the atonement

• As Understood by Reformation teaching

• As practiced through Pietism, Puritanism, and finds expression in 18th Century revivals

• Cross+proclamation+decision+conversion• +holiness of heart + holiness of life

Grace of God  Common grace given to all;

saving grace given to electEnabling grace given to all; saving grace given to those who believe;persevering grace given to those who obey

Predestination Rooted in God’s decrees Rooted in God’s foreknowledge

Regeneration Monergistic Synergistic

Atonement Christ’s death a substitutionary penal sacrifice

Christ’s death a sacrifice that God benevolently accepted in place of a penalty

Extent of Atonement Intended only for the elect Intended for all

Application of Atonemanet

By power of the Holy Spirit according to the will of God

By power of the Holy Spirit in response to the will of the sinner

Ordo Salutis Election, predestination, union with Christ, calling, regeneration, faith, repentance, justification, sanctification, glorification

Calling, faith, repentance, regeneration, justification, perseverance, glorification

Perseverance Perseverance of all the elect by the grace of God

Perseverance dependent on obedience

Revival Accounts

Northhampton Mass 1735

American Revival of 1858

South India 1859

Welsh Revival of 1904 – James Edwin Orr.

9:30,11:00, 13:00,18:00

Asbury College 1970

Why Revival was NeededIn 1730's and 1740's England was foul with corruption and crippled by spiritual decay. The ruling class

were primarily deists, it they were religious at all. The church in England was the Church of England. The preaching from the pulpit at that time was quite cold, and the primary concern was that none should show any sign of being "enthusiastic" about religion. Meanwhile, public behavior had become so outrageous in England that importing liquor was banned (1689). The result was the gin craze, where everyone made their own liquor. The effect, according to the Bishop of London, was that gin made the English people what they never were before, cruel and inhuman. In those days, the rich got richer, and the poor got poorer. Street children and the insane were cruelly treated, the London Mafia thrived, gambling was everywhere, and stage productions were obscene even by today's standards. The point is that a Great Awakening was just as improbable then, as it may seem today. That is why we must study it. The only solace for Christians in that era was in the formation of small private societies. The Church had sanctioned and even encouraged their formation, and by 1730 nearly one hundred existed in London, and a hundred more scattered throughout England. Societies didn't actually do much. But their very existence at such a time was meaningful, for they would be the cradle of the Great Awakening.

But at the very time when revival seemed impossible, all of England was stilled by the voice of preacher barely 22 years old, George Whitefield. He began to speak from the pulpit with fervor and power. And soon, no church could hold the multitude that flocked to hear him. No one could preach or even sound like Whitefield. His voice was like a trumpet, which could be muted or played to its full power. It was excellent in melody and range, and his messages were emphasized with graceful gestures. The voice of George Whitefield also had phenomenal carrying power. One author simply concluded, he preaches like a lion.

Whitefield Preaching

18th & 19th Century Revivals

1st Great Awakening

Le Reveil 2nd Great Awakening

3rd Great Awakening

Welsh Revival

1730's & 40's First half of 1800's

Middle 1800's Late 1800's 1904-05

Britain, British North American Colonies

Switzerland, France, =>GermanyNetherlands

New England,American Appalachians

America WalesScandanaviaEurope,India, China,Korea,

George Whitefield,Jonathan Edwards,John Wesley

Haldane, D'Aubigne, Malan, Biderjijk

Charles Finney, B. Stone, L. Beecher, P. Cartwright

D. L. MoodyIra Sankey

Evan Roberts

Revivals at the Turn of the Century


• Aszua Street Revival: The Birth of Pentecostalism

Lessons from Revivals

• Accommodation to the world causes each church movement to lose its saltiness after several generations

• God sovereignly visits his people to wake us up from our

spiritual slumber

• He usually uses a group of praying Christians to incubate a longing for him. He grants an overwhelming desire to pray

• Key features: conviction of sin, repentance, faith, an overflow of love and joy. Miraculous signs. Social change


Lessons from Revivals

• Accommodation to the world causes each church movement to lose its saltiness after several generations

• God sovereignly visits his people to wake us up from our

spiritual slumber

• He usually uses a group of praying Christians to incubate a longing for him. He grants an overwhelming desire to pray

• Key features: conviction of sin, repentance, faith, an overflow of love and joy. Miraculous signs. Social change

18th & 19th Century Revivals

1st Great Awakening

Le Reveil 2nd Great Awakening

3rd Great Awakening

Welsh Revival

1730's & 40's First half of 1800's

Middle 1800's Late 1800's 1904-05

Britain, British North American Colonies

Switzerland, France, =>GermanyNetherlands

New England,American Appalachians

America WalesScandanaviaEurope,India, China,Korea,

George Whitefield,Jonathan Edwards,John Wesley

Haldane, D'Aubigne, Malan, Biderjijk

Charles Finney, B. Stone, L. Beecher, P. Cartwright

D. L. MoodyIra Sankey

Evan Roberts

Did the English Reformation go Far Enough?

In this Lesson

1. Examine the Scriptures: OT, NT

2. Look at 3 viewpoints: Reformed, Pentecostal, & Charismatic

3. Relate beliefs to the basis on which we build them


“God's gift of His Spirit to His servants,

either individually or collectively

to anoint, empower, or inspire them for divine service

Dichotomy: Conservative vs Liberal

Conservative: traditional attitudes & values; cautious about change or innovation

Liberal: open to new behaviour or opinions and willing to discard traditional ones

The Wesleyan Quadrilateral

The Wesleyan Quadrilateral

John R.W. Stott: Baptism & the Fullness of the Holy Spirit

In seeking the purposes of God

Value scripture over experience

Didactic (teaching) over Historical narrative

The Holy Spirit in Paul's Writings

Rom 2: 29 circumcision

Rom 5:5 love poured into our hearts

Rom 7, 8- A new way to walk before God

Romans 8 – Spirit of adoption, power, resurrection, sanctification, longing, groaning, help in prayer

Rom 15:5 unity

Rom 15:13 power

1 Corinthians

Ch 2 Intimate knowledge of God

Discernment of things of God

Ch 3, 6- Indwells us as his temple

Ch 7 Honours Christ

Ch 12- endows with various gifts for service


Ch 14- prayer and praise with mind or spirit

2 Corinthians

1:22- Seal of ownership & deposit

3- Spirit gives life, glory,freedom, intimacy


3:2 Did you receive the spirit by observing the law or by believing what you heard?

3:5- evidenced by miracles

4:6 – Spirit of intimacy, sonship

5-Spirit of sanctification; mortifies sin, produces the fruit: love, joy, peace, ....

Ephesians1:13 Deposit

1:17 wisdom and revelation

3:16 strengthen with power in our inner being, Christ indwells, experience his boundless love

4:30 Do not sadden the Spirit, your seal

5:18, 19 Be continually filled with the Spirit; Address each other in praise to God

6:18 Pray in the Spirit (alert intercession, spiritual warfare)

2 Tim

1:7 Spirit of of power, love, self-control

1:14 Help to guard faithfully guard the Gospel and its fruit


5:3:5- Washing of rebirth and renewal by the outpoured Spirit

The Holy Spirit in JohnSpirit of the Rebirth, identity, spiritual capacity

Spirit of LIfe

Living Water

Paraclete- Advocate

Shaliach- divinely appointed messanger

Spirit takes all that is the Father's and Son's and gives them to us

Convict : sin , righteousness, judgement

Spirit of Truth

The Holy Spirit in the OT

• Transfer motif• Sign motif• Vocational motif• The Spirit-filled Messiah

The Tranfer Motif

• Moses=> 70 elders Num 27:16• Moses=> Joshua Deut 34:9• Elijah=>Elisha 2 Kings 2:9-15• Saul=> David 1 Sam 16:13-14

• Authenticate new leadership • Endow with ability for service

The Sign Motif

• The authentication of Saul's kingship1 Sam 10:9

David's kingship 2 Sam 23:2

– Azariah , Jahaziel, Zechariah ( 1 Chr 12:18, 2 Chr 15:1, 20:14, 24:20) Gift of the Spirit followed by direct speech

– Prophetic gift of the Spirit serves as a sign to authenticate God's call to service

Vocational Motif

• Artisans who make Aaron's garments• Joshua- wisdom to lead disobedient

nation• Judges- gift of military prowess (Othniel

3:10, Gideon 6:34, Jephtah, 11:29) and physical strength. ( Samson, 13:25)

• An endowment of skill appropriate to the calling to leadership or service

Spirit of the Messianic Age

• Isaiah 11:1

• Isa 42:1

• Isa 61:1

• Joel 2:28-29

The Charismatic Community

• Water

• Fire

• Breath of Life

• Life-giving rain

• Isa 4:4, Eze 37:5, Isa 44:3

Ezekiel 36:26-27

I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. 26I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. 28You will live in the land I gave your forefathers; you will be my people, and I will be your God. 29I will save you from all your uncleanness.

Intertestemental Period

• The Cessation of Prophetic Inspiration

• The Anticipation of the Restoration of Prophetic Inspiration

Joel 2: The Prophethood of all Believers

Luke-Acts and the Septuigint

Pentecost and the Mosaic Tradition

Jesus & Isaiah

The Charismatic Theology of Luke-Acts

The OT prophetic tradition• The Spirit and the endowment of Power & Zeal

God in action upon the physical realm• The apostolic ministry in continuity with the OT• Charismatic signs in the early church

Theologian of the Holy Spirit

• Mention of the Holy Spirit

• Mark- 6x Matthew- 12x Luke- 17x

• Luke uses the phrases filled with the Holy Spirit, baptised with/in the Holy Spirit 2-3x move often than Paul

Baptism in the Holy Spirit in Acts

Acts 1:4, 5, 2:1-4 Disciples at Pentecost

Acts 8:14-18 Samaritan Believers

Acts 10:43-46, 11:15 Cornelius, Gentiles

Acts 19:1-4 Ephesian disciples

What were the signs of the Spirit's baptism?

Did this occur during or after belief/Gospel?

Did the outward evidence serve a function?

Septuagint Moses, Joshua, Judges,Saul, David, Elijah & Elisha, all the prophetsEmpowerment for mission Prophetic utterance Miraculous signs and wonders (including teleportation)Anointing of power and zeal upon the Messiah to bring deliveranceTransfer motif,

Luke-Acts Zecharaiah, Mary,Simeon, Anna, John, Jesus, disciplesPrayer, awareness of God's plan in ChristSigns and wondersLukan PentecostEmpowerment for mission

John Born again of the SpiritSpirit of true worship and knowledge of God; spirit of TruthLiving water & indwelling source of living waterAttorney for the prosecution of Gospel and the defence counsel Takes all that the Father and Son have to give and gives it to disciples“That they may be one in us”Johannine Pentecost

Paul The mark of the New CovenantBelonging to Christ; 'Arrabon'=seal and depositSpirit of Sonship, “Abba, Father”Antithetical to walking by the fleshHelp in prayer; knowing what to pray and how to pray beyond our abilitySaints are the temple of the Holy SpiritGifts for building up the churchFruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace....BoldnessUnityGuardianship of Gospel

5 PerspectivesRoman Catholic- Scripture and sacred tradition as

interpreted by the Mageisterium

Reformed- turning back to original gospel; scripture over tradition

Wesleyan- Christian perfection achievable in this lifetime; perfection in love toward God and man

Pentecostal- baptism in the Holy Spirit (tongues) necessary to empower, guide, and equip the church for mission and worship

Charismatic- cross-denominational movement; historically mainstream congregations adopt beliefs and practices similar to Pentecostals

Theologian of the Holy Spirit

The Pentecostal View• H.S. Baptism subsequent to faith;

empowerment for service and evidenced by speaking in tongues

• Powerful experience of the HS that is that initiates believer into the prophetic dimesnion of the Spirit's power: Bold witness, in face of opposition

• Results in enhanced sensitivity to sin, greater seeking after Christlikeness, deeper awareness of the judgement of God against ungodliness

The Pentecostal View

• Not ashamed of experience

• Read quote on pg 56

• A second work of grace

• All believers entitled to receive and should ardently seek and expect the baptism

• Received through prayer

• Manifested by known tongues

• Baptism in HS an endowment of power for service

• Gentiles with Cornelius were already believers in Christ

• Confidence in passing on Gospel

• Ecumenical draw

The Reformed View

• One work of grace in conversion wherein believer is baptized into the body of Christ and made to drink of the Holy Spirit

• Multiple subsequent fillings

• Walking in faith and obedience leads to the fruit of HS

• Accepts that narrative “seeks to guide the reader to relive the truth encapsulated in the story”

• Was subsequent Bap HS normative or just descriptive?

• Luke does argue for a Baptism of the Spirit for salvation. (Samaritans, Cornelius)

• Luke was Paul's companion

Walter C. Kaiser, Jr

The Charismatic View

• The Spirit-filled life is normative for all Christians

• Speaking in tongues is normal among us,

• not necessary for all

• Look at the fruit worldwide

• Look at the unifying effect

Larry Hart

Charismatic Gifts in the Early Church

• Early Church embraced gifts

• Near 260 AD, gifts decline

• Church became highly organized, well-educated, wealthy, socially powerful – lost the special moments when God broke in

• Emphasis on role of bishop, demphasized role of laity in worship.

• Precisely timed worship leaves no space for lay involvement/ expression of gifts

• Pentecostal & Charismatic churches risk becoming functional cessationists

Dr. Ronald Kydd

John PiperThe point is this: whether Luke expects these kinds of effects to happen in one initiatory receiving of the Holy Spirit or in a two step process with "baptism in the Holy Spirit" after conversion, or in an ongoing sequence of fillings (or some combination of these three), one thing is clear: Luke expects the receiving of the Holy Spirit (however we receive him) to be a real, identifiable experience of the living God, not just a logical inference from a human act of will.

The Holy Spirit in Scripture

• Without the Spirit, it is impossible to be intimate with God

• All believers have the Holy Spirit indwelling them

• The Spirit clothes people to minister in power to bring about conviction, repentance and deliverance

• Apostles preached the gift of the Holy Spirit as a major benefit of salvation

• Everywhere in Acts and in the NT, the Spirit comes tangibly

• Charismatic manifestations persisted up to the Constantinian era (Kydd)

Charismatic Fire2nd Wave – Charismatic Movement : Fr. Dennis Bennett

3rd Wave – Vineyard : John & Carol Wimber

Signs and Wonders

Healing Miracle- Ray Shum

Encounter with the Spirit – Stephen Choy

Spiritual Warfare

Bhagat & Evy's Testimony

Carmen Yeung- Dark Dreams and Spiritual Oppression

Charismatic Fire

• Fr. Dennis Bennett

• April 3rd 1960 – The Shot heard around the world

• Resignation and reassignment to St. Luke's

• Canada, England, Australia, NZ, Scandanavia, W. Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America

That They May be One

• Roman Catholics – the answer to the pope's prayer

• Anglican Church- life of the Church is where?

• Mainline Protestant Churches- theological impact

• What was the function of the Spirit-baptism passages in Acts?

Critique of Charismatic Movement (Michael Green)

• Renewed vitality

• Personal holiness

• Harmonious fellowship

There is nothing more than Christ

• Wrong emphasis on power

• Wrong emphasis on evidence

The Third Wave

C. Peter Wagner

- church growth scholar

Healed in India-

Research Fuller Seminary –

'Look Out! Pentecostals are Coming'

John Wimber

• Righteous Brothers• Carol & marriage• Conversion 1963• Evangelist, Yorba Linda• Carol's dreams• Why not Here?• Fuller MC510- • Calvary Chapel=>

Aneheim• Authenticity• Toronto Blessing

Guilty by Association?

Signs and Wonders

• Healing Miracles• Tongues – two types• Slain in the Spirit• Prophecy• Word of Knowledge• Word of Wisdom • Dreams and Visions• Spiritual Warfare, Demonic exposed and cast out• Praise • The sense of his immediate presence


• Ray Shum

• Stephen Choy

• Bhagat & Evy Pun

• Doug Addison

The Meaning of Signs & Wonders

• Highlight the fact that the nature of our bondage is essentially spiritual, not social or economic

• The Kingdom and Power of God and his Christ have come and are staking their rightful claim against the dominion of Satan

• The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of POWER

The Toronto Blessing

Is this the work of God?

• 1. Does it exalt God, Father, Son, & Spirit?• 2. Does it honour the whole of Scripture?• 3. Is love for God and love for people central?• 4. Desire for purity and authenticity?• 5. Is there real freedom offered?• 6. Is it continuous with apostolic teaching?• 7. Is there concern for social justice?• 8. Do the prophecies come true?• 9. Is there concern for truth, reason, • 10. Humility: Will leaders admit it if they are


Are Tongues Language?

Glossolalia vs Xenoglossia Tower of Babel

"Over a period of five years, I have taken part of meetings in Italy, Holland, Jamaica, Canada, and the United States. I have observed old fashioned Pentecostals and neo-Pentecostals, or Charismatics. I have been in small meetings in private homes as well as in mammoth public meetings. I have seen such different cultural settings as are found among Puerto Ricans of the Bronx, the snake handlers of the Appalachians, and the Russian Molikhans of Los Angeles. I have interviewed tongue speakers and tape recorded and analyzed countless samples of tongues. In every case, glossolaliaturns out to be linguistic nonsense. In spite of superficial similarities, glossolaliais fundamentally not language."

Four Cultural Settings. Journal for the Scientific Study of

Religion (:227-239.

Goodman, Felicitas (1972). Speaking in Tongues. A Cross-Cultural

Study of Glossolalia. The University of Chicago Press.

Samarin, William (1972a). Tongues of Men and Angels. The

Religious Language of Pentecostalism. The Macmillan Company.

Samarin, William (1972b). Variation and Variables in Religious

Glossolalia. Language in Society 1:121-130.

The Wesleyan Quadrilateral

Spirit Song – J. Wimber

O let the Son of God enfold You

With His Spirit and His love

Let Him fill your heart and satisfy your soul

O let Him have those things that hold You

And His Spirit like a dove

Will descend upon your life

And make you whole

Chorus: Jesus O Jesus come and fill your lambs

O come and sing this song with gladness

As your hearts are filled with joy

Lift your hands in sweet surrender

To His name

O give Him all your tears and sadness

Give Him all your years of pain

And you'll enter into lifeIn Jesus' name

Receiving the Spirit

• If you have trusted in Christ, he lives in you

How does he release his power within us?

• Is the Spirit's baptism a tangible experience?

• Knowing God and making him known


• Revival is a regular part of the way God revitalizes his church and he has been pouring out his grace in this way in different parts of the world

• Widespread conviction of sin leading to repentance and a deep surrender to God produce lasting change in people so touched by his Spirit.

• There is a progression from hunger, to prayerful waiting, to breakout, to a spreading movement that results in renewal, evangelism, leading to social and societal change.

• Manifestations such as speaking in tongues, falling down, shaking, visions, healing, weeping, and prophetic utterance have been visible expressions of his power in since the Second Great Awakening and are firmly within our Evangelical heritage.

• The Second and Third Waves are world-wide phenomena and are responsible for the revitalization of churches that were dying. They have also brought increased unity and dialogue between Protestant, Roman Catholic, and to some degree, the Orthodox churches. Generally they have brought back belief in the resurrection of Christ and his power to save.

• Worldwide missions has owed much of its impetus to the signs and wonders of the Spirit that bear witness to the power of the Gospel. Where spiritual darkness must be challenged, there also will we find the signs and wonders of the kingdom of light. (Dr. S. Kamaleson, personal communication)

• Satan seeks to neutralize the impact of the Spirit's work by false signs, mimicry, and bizarre and disturbing excesses. He also likes to destroy leaders through temptation to become proud, sexually immoral, prophetically dogmatic, or discourage them through the slander of other clergy.

We are commanded to not quench the Spirit but we are called to discern the spirits. We must apply the tests mentioned earlier.

The following are things I cannot explain:

• Many people are miraculously healed of terrible afflictions of mind and body; many are not

• Many people receive this release, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit through earnest seeking and persistent prayer; some receive because a person with an anointing touches or prays for them, many seek earnestly but do not receive. Some receive this gift though they are resisting God with all their might.

• People who do receive this gift are enabled to hear Christ's direction, experience a release from sin and holistic healing. They are given special gifts to create impact on others beyond natural reckoning, and speak of the preciousness of his presence. Yet some do not treasure this and do not bear lasting fruit.

• Except for the speaking of actual human languages, glossolalia appears not to be a language at all. Nevertheless, it empowers those who so pray and it is manifested by people in whom the Spirit is doing his work, even those in whom there is no initial expectation or desire.

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