where in your world?

Post on 02-Jun-2015






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Where in Your World?

By: Katherine Davila

Red Maple TreeAcer rubrum

• The tree is named for its dazzling red foliage that appears during autumn.

• The wood that comes from the tree is relatively soft and often used for furniture and floor tiles. Hence it being also known as the “Soft Maple”.

• The sap is edible, and can be used to make maple syrup.

Mophead Hydrangea (bush) Hydrangea macrophylla

• The bush is often covered with blue flowers (Hydrangeas) with a shape that resembles a fluffy cloud.

• It’s name implies that it needs plenty of water.

• The Mophead Hydrangea is the most popular of its species.

Dog (Chihuahua)Canis lupus familiaris

• Dogs curl up into a ball while sleeping because their instincts tell them to protect their vital organs from predators.

• A dog’s nose prints are as unique as a human’s finger prints.

• There is an old wives tale which says that Chihuahuas help with asthmatic symptoms.

Pig (Micro Pig)Sus domesticus

• Pigs have no sweat glands, therefore they roll around in mud to cool themselves off.

• Pigs have an outstanding sense of smell because of their sensitive snouts.

• Pigs are one of the smartest animals in the animal kingdom. They can even recognize their own names a few days after their birth.

Silky CamelliaStewartia malacodendron

• The Silky Camellia is known to have an extraordinary long life, with some specimens living for more than 2,000 years.

• The flower is native to Japan, China, and other parts of Asia.

• It is very sensitive to the sunlight. Their colors are determined by the amount of sunlight they receive.

Burning Bush (shrub)Euonymus alata

• The shrub has a well tolerance for neglect, as it is known to be damaged significantly by insects.

• The shrub needs as much sunlight as it can get in order reach its bright red foliage.

• Its stems have a corky extension along the length of the stem, which resembles wings.

Heartleaf PhilodendronPhilodendron scandens

• The Heartleaf is known to be one of the strongest and most popular type of houseplant.

• As the name of the plant implies, the Heartleaf is a vigorously growing vine with glossy, heart-shaped leaves.

• Although it is recommended to handle the plant regularly, all components of the Philodendron is poisonous and its sap can aggravate the skin.

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