white paper: the world's most advanced content marketing formula for social+climate brands

Post on 23-Jan-2017






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Breakthrough Content Marketing


You’re a social changer. Climate conscious. You own or lead a social+climate business or NGO, or a city at the vanguard of this new urbanism & economy. You’re passionate, perhaps obsessed with making a difference by selling your solution at scale. You want to build a like-minded community of change agents to advocate for your brand and spread it. You heard of Content Marketing and are interested. You love coffee.

Two Facts.Three Rules.One Way to WIN.

Introducingthe world’s most advanced

Content Marketing Formulafor Dramatic Breakthrough

by Social+Climate Mission Brands

White Paper by

A COMMON Companycommon.is

Fact #1

The climate game changed forever after Paris COP21.

It begins in 2016.

Result: if you’re a social+climate mission brand,

you now HAVE to win.“The December 2015 global accord has unleashed a

beast, as sustainability-related businesses will now enjoy tremendous momentum going forward in the

world’s mad search to ratchet up solutionsto humanity’s greatest challenge.”

Laura Paddison, The GuardianSustainable Business Editor

“This has become an unprecedented opportunity of more than $100 trillion over the next 10 years.

The market is wide open for companies,cities and NGOs that take action now.”

Felipe Calderon, New Climate Economy ReportGlobal Commission on the Economy & Climate

Fact #2

2015 was a breakthrough yearfor Content Marketing.

It will accelerate in 2016.

Result: if you’re a marketer or CEO,

➔ 88% of marketers deploy it*

➔ 51% will increase their budgets in 2016

➔ 62% say Content Marketing is less expensive than advertising and yields 3x as many leads

➔ 78% of consumers say they trust and rely more on content than ads to make decisions

the time to play is NOW.Chances are, you’re already playing:

Consumers, in fact, are increasingly ignoring and blocking digital ads. And following last year’s momentous revelation of widespread digital fraud, so are advertisers!

Result: both are flocking to CONTENT as the way forward.

* Data from Content Marketing Institute

Welcome to the Age of Dramatic ChangeTwo changes, actually.

The seismic change created by the Dec. 2015 Paris

Climate Agreement is that subnational agents have

a new imperative to ratchet up their solutions—

worth trillions of dollars—and achieve dramatic

breakthrough, because now we know that national

commitments will only produce 2C collapse.

So if you're a subnational—small & midsize social

impact business (those that do well by solving

human and climate challenges), NGOs, cities and

citizen groups—know you are all brands, that your

time has come, and you must now go from margin

to mainstream and become THE dominant brands.

Today, the road from margin to mainstream goes

through digital marketing, and digital marketing has

become all about Content Marketing.

It is a discipline so new that few agencies master it.

Yet, most companies and CMOs are getting into it.

The most effective programs are commanding as

much as 46% of a company’s total budget. And given

the paid-ad crisis and growth of blocking, Content

Marketing is now the main game in town.

As new as it is, we’ve identified a next level for CM,

and we’re bringing it to the world’s social changers.

New Climate Imperative Next Content Marketing

“The paradigm shift to publishing is

not yet well understood. CMOs are

not yet very good at managing, dis-

tributing and optimizing the content

they create, a process now critical to

growing the top line. The challenge

has emerged as a hidden pain point

for most CMOs.

There is a new bottom line: the CMO

needs to become a publisher if the

enterprise wants to succeed. The

formula for growth has shifted from

advertising to content marketing.”


How?I will become an outstanding publisher. I will become an outstanding publisher.I will become an outstanding publisher. I will become an outstanding publisher.I will become an outstanding publisher. I will become an outstanding publisher.I will become an outstanding publisher. I will become an outstanding publisher.I will become an outstanding publisher. I will become an outstanding publisher.I will become an outstanding publisher. I will become an outstanding publisher.I will become an outstanding publisher. I will become an outstanding publisher.I will become an outstanding publisher. I will become an outstanding publisher.I will become an outstanding publisher. I will become an outstanding publisher.I will become an outstanding publisher. I will become an outstanding publisher.I will become an outstanding publisher. I will become an outstanding publisher.

Publishing = JournalismHow, you ask? By delegating your content to a team of real journalists, who are wired for the content people actually WANT.

Set up a real newsroom. (No, it doesn’t have to look this messy, but you get the message.)

Because the content people are loving and sharing, the one building a brand’s reputation & sales, is storytelling placed in your quality digital magazine. Inform. Entertain. Build a brand media people are DRAWN TO.

They are fun stories, interesting stories, compelling stories about people, issues and subjects. Use text, video, photography, Blabs, Hangouts. Try YouTube shows and podcast soaps. Mix it up!

Your brand may be integrated, even featured, but DON’T PUSH IT on readers & viewers. Respect their intelligence. Give them info they CRAVE, not info YOU crave. It must be audience-focused.

It must be journalism.

So, Rule #1: Create Original CAFE

The kind people love to hang out with, cuddle with, have fun with, usually with friends, as in this urban café.

CompellingAudience Focused


Rule #2

Pay for the content,NOT the amplification.

For amplification, use FREE public relations & direct marketing. Remember those lost arts? Strategic media relations? Surgical database management? Influencers? Partnerships? We haven’t forgotten. And digital has only made them more powerful.

CAFE this good SELF AMPLIFIES. You don’t need to spend money in paid amplification systems, unless you have a gazillion dollars, which you probably don’t. If you have a budget, use it to make your content even richer and more exciting.

Rule #3: Build a raving communityYou’re a social changer, so take the mission and passion

that drive you, inject it into your amazing CAFE content,amplify it through influencers, media and partners oflike mind and soul, and you will attract followers who

also share your mission and passion. Then, deploystrategies to turn the group into a true COMMUNITY.

This isn’t about playing the typical low-ROI gameof counting likes and red hearts on social media.That is so 2015. Next Content Marketing is about

making a real CONNECTION with real PEOPLEacross social media, email and other channels.

They join you and share your stories becausethey share your SOUL. Your brand’s soul.

And when they do, they become advocatesand ambassadors. Magic happens when

you place your brand at the heart of ahuman circle. Planet. People. Profit.

Tap into the psychology of sports fans, but with your social+climate purpose and plan.Do you know the Cleveland Indians story?

Now,turn theThree Rulesinto a ContentMarketing Formulato achieve DramaticBreakthrough & WIN

Speaking of your, and the world’s, social+climate mission, and

the fact that your solutions have become the world’s new

ratchet-up mechanism, you should know that a ratchet—

aside from being a synonym of acceleration, in this case of

solutions to social and climate change—is also a mechanism

that allows a tool or lever to move in only one direction.

In your case, that would be up, for growth and better results.

We don’t know if the planet can take much more traditional

growth, but we are certain YOU must grow, because you have

the (non-traditional) solution in your hands.

It is called your brands—if you’re a company. Your services if a

city or NGO. As we’ve seen, Content Marketing has become

THE way to ratchet up your sales and growth, and so we’ve

placed it at the very heart of a model to do just that...


The Formula

Publish withJournalism.

Ratchet up your:❏ Reputation❏ Authority❏ Culture❏ Relationships❏ SALES

Use your budgeton Content.

Build a ravingCommunity.

Value. Strategy. Branding. Message. Web Presence. Issues. Passion Code.

So here’s how it works, Step By Step:

We begin at the top, where we dig deep to connect with your essence, because your stories and web presence must be aligned with YOU, with the “code” that stirs passion toward you. We’re joined in this step by our colleagues at COMMON (more in a bit...).

Your passion code and essence in hand, we are now able to develop your CAFE, or your Compelling Audience Focused Editorial. Again, the journalist in us, Alex’s strength, the result of 12 years as reporter & editor and many more as freelance writer/editor.

That includes a strategy to drive story selection, format (text, photo, video, etc.), channel (your own magazine/blog, which public sites to use, etc.), metrics, and an annual calendar to keep it all organized, exactly what real newsrooms do every day.

Your essence and CAFE strategy in hand, before publishing a single story, we first map your audiences. In advertising, this basically means your target customers, which is why under that formula you end up paying too much to reach them. It is also why, for Content Marketing to work, the program should be managed by a non-advertising team wired for this alternative approach.

Under the powerful AlexDiazEco Formula for Content Marketing Breakthrough, we deploy pr and direct-marketing strategies to rock and absolutely power your content. There is, you see, a fact usually missed by someone outside the field and worth repeating here:

Compelling Audience Focused Editorial SELF AMPLIFIES!!

Here’s how. Before you publish stories, build a robust DATABASE of your stakeholders (people with a stake in your business, NGO or city, including your clients, target clients, neighbors, employees, others) and those influencers who can catapult your stories (trade leaders, potential partners, celebrities and others). Also target journalists in the media and communities in social media. Media. Database. Influencers. Partnerships. This is what we do in pr and direct, and it is far more AFFORDABLE than ads!

Finally, we start publishing your amazing content and deliver first to those database contacts to achieve early and strong viral impact and PASSIONATE ENGAGEMENT. The key is to build an Email Circle and a Social Community of people who love you, and funnel them into your CRM to convert leads and achieve DRAMATIC BRKTHRU.

Brand-Issue Community.CRM. Leads. Sales Funnel.




Social Media

Email Circle

CAFE Content


ACCELERATE. Redefine Business.

Value. Strategy. Branding. Message. Web Presence. Issues. Passion Code.

To compete and winthese days, you must stay many steps ahead of the field...always. With content, yes, and now this.

There are countless entrepreneurs, com- panies & NGOs in the social+climate space. We huddle in groups and associations— B-Corp, Yunus, Ashoka, and so many others. Social media is full of great and extremely helpful communities. Visionary businesses find fantastic value across this spectrum.

There is one huge gap, however, keeping us from scaling as rapidly as we absolutely must to make an even bigger difference in our markets. It’s CREATIVITY. Inventiveness. Innovation. It’s that special skill few compa- nies have, mission-focused or traditional, to keep them at the cutting edge in all aspects of the business: marketing, HR, sales, export markets, production, logistics, you name it.

That’s where COMMON comes in. We are three things: a global community of insanely inventive advisors, a collaborative brand you can share to make your own brand stand out as part of a bigger network of mission companies, and a business incubator.

You use the parts you need. Our central L.A. office serves as your clearinghouse and outsourced Creativity Unit. The critical point is not to go without the quality and depth of creativity that can deliver ACCELERATED SCALE for your business. So join us today, because together, we can be Fearless.

Turn your social+climate brand and passioninto a compelling story of solution and change.

Turn your compelling story of solution and changeinto a raving community of change makers.

Turn your raving community of change makersinto global ambassadors for your brand and solution.

Only then will your brand and solution, teamed up with all others,create the change your passionate community craves.

This is who we are.

An independent COMMON Company and boutique Content Marketing agency focused on affordable solutions that catapult subnational mission brands to dramatic breakthrough.

We connect with you, design strategy, present a solution, and deploy the team that will deliver.

We do this because now the world knows national governments and large players will fall short of solving climate change if left alone. There is no longer any doubt. To avoid collapse, YOU have become the hope. YOU are the solution we must all ratchet up.

Take advantage of this enormous opportunity. Scale. Grow. WIN.

Breakthrough Content Marketing



We’re in San Juan, PR (USA)

Alex studied development at DePaul (Chicago) and UCLA. His career spans 12 yrs in journalism, 11 in marketing & communications (across disci- plines), 5 in sustainability management and green marketing, and the last two in consulting and stakeholder relations. He is writing his first book, Green Hope, a look into what development has become and what can be done. He hopes your story will be featured. alexdiazeco @alexdiazeco

Subscribe to Alex’s columns in

➔ Breakthrough Point Content Marketing news, every third Wed at 12:00 noon Atlantic

➔ New Climate Imperative Progress updates and opinion, every third Sat also at 12:00n AST

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