why epidemiologists cannot afford to ignore povertyunleashing of laissez-faire capitalism sparked...

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Journals A-Z Epidemiology 18(6) November 2007 Why Epidemiologists Cannot Afford to Ignore


Why Epidemiologists Cannot Afford to Ignore Poverty

Krieger, Nancy

Author Information From the Department of Society, Human Development and Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston,


Correspondence: Nancy Krieger, Department of Society, Human Development and Health, Kresge 717, Harvard

School of Public Health, 677 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115. E-mail: nkrieger@hsph.harvard.edu.

[POVERTY & HEALTH: Commentary]



Epidemiologists cannot afford to ignore poverty. To do so would, first, wrongly

obscure the devastating impact of poverty on population health, and, second, undercut

our commitment to scientific rigor. At issue is doing correct science, not “politically

correct” science. Blot poverty and inequity from view, and not only will we contribute

to making suffering invisible but our understanding of disease etiology and distribution

will be marred. To make this case, I address current debates about the causal

relationships between poverty and health, and provide examples of how failing to

consider the impact of socioeconomic position has biased epidemiologic knowledge and

harmed the public’s health. By definition, the people we study are simultaneously social

beings and biologic organisms—and we cannot study the latter without taking into

account the former. It is the responsibility of all epidemiologists, and not only social

epidemiologists, to keep in mind the connections between poverty and health.



The topic of poverty is nothing new to epidemiology. Indeed, our field’s emergence

as a scientific discipline in the early 19th century was intimately entangled with

research on destitution, spurred by the global public health impact of that era’s massive

transformations in ways of living and of dying.1–4 The Industrial Revolution and the


Issue: Volume 18(6), November 2007, pp 658-663

Copyright: © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Publication Type: [POVERTY & HEALTH: Commentary]

DOI: 10.1097/EDE.0b013e318156bfcd

ISSN: 1044-3983

Accession: 00001648-200711000-00002

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Page 1 of 17Ovid: Why Epidemiologists Cannot Afford to Ignore Poverty.


unleashing of laissez-faire capitalism sparked the creation of a fast-growing

impoverished urban working class, massive increases in international trade, and an

expanding military presence in colonized countries and outposts across the 5

continents.1–4 Cities in Europe and the Americas swelled in size, as did their levels of

squalor, stench, poverty, and disease.1–4 Cholera and yellow fever were brought to the

“West” by army routes and commerce, including the slave trade. These devastating

“emerging diseases” of the age were all the more dreadful because they were lethal

maladies of unknown etiology and inexplicable onset.1–4 To these diseases and the

other endemic causes of death, the poor disproportionately succumbed.1–4 Available

jobs paid starvation wages and were dangerous; slum housing was unsafe, crowded, and

without private plumbing; malnutrition and other comorbidities were rampant; and the

poor could not afford to flee these conditions when pestilence struck.1–4 Through the

urgent study of these problems, epidemiology, as a self-designated field of scientific

study, was born.1


Epidemiology’s early focus on poverty was thus a necessity, not an option. But in

this widely-trumpeted era of the human genome,5–7 what relevance does poverty have

to epidemiology today?


One ready answer: in a world where 2 in 5 of our planet’s 6+ billion people lack

sanitation and live on less than $2 a day (ie, “absolute poverty,” as defined by the

World Bank), where 1 in 5 lack access to clean water and live in extreme poverty on less

than $1 a day, and where less than 1% of the world’s adult population owns 40% of the

world’s wealth while 50% owns less than 1%,8–10 documenting and analyzing links

between impoverishment and population health remains a public health imperative. The

magnitude of the problem is vividly portrayed in the maps of global inequities in

poverty, wealth, and health shown in Figure 1.8

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FIGURE 1. Global inequities in poverty, wealth and health (2002): maps from the

Worldmapper Project (www.worldmapper.org),8 scaled according to the variable

depicted. Copyright 2006 SASI Group (University of Sheffield) and Mark Newman

(University of Michigan), and used with permission.

Second, even in the world’s wealthy countries—where most of the institutions that

teach epidemiology are located—economic deprivation remains strongly associated with

morbidity and mortality.11–18 For example, I live in Boston, Massachusetts, home to “74

colleges, universities and prestigious research institutions,”19 including 2 schools of

public health 20 and 3 medical schools.21 My colleagues and I recently have shown that

in Boston, fully 25 to 30% of premature deaths before age 75 occurring in 1999–2001 in

the city’s poorest census tracts would not have happened if their residents had died at

the same age-specific mortality rates as persons residing in the most affluent census

tracts (Fig. 2).22 Statewide, risk of premature mortality increased with level of poverty

and was nearly 2.5 times higher among persons living in the most compared with the

least impoverished census tracts.23 In 2006, 12% of the total US population and 20% of

US children under age 5 24—including, respectively, 8 and 12% of white non-Hispanics,

25% and 38% of the black population, and 22% and 31% of Hispanics 24—lived in

households below the notoriously low 25 US poverty line. Whether one conducts

epidemiologic research in impoverished or wealthy countries, economic deprivation is

present and it matters.

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FIGURE 2. A, Census tract poverty levels, Boston, MA, 2000 and B, population

attributable fraction, in relation to census tract poverty, for premature mortality (death

before age 75): Boston, MA, 1999–2001. Reprinted with permission from J Urban Health.


Beyond these substantive problems, there is still another reason why

epidemiologists cannot afford to ignore poverty: our commitment to scientific rigor, no

matter what our topical interests. At issue is doing correct science 26—and not, as some

would have it, “politically correct” science.27 Blot poverty and inequity from view, and

our understanding of disease etiology and distribution will be marred. To make this

case, I address 2 unspoken questions in our field to argue why it is our intellectual

responsibility to address poverty and health.




Stated simply: yes. Though consensus may exist that poverty and poor health are

associated, there is considerable division as to why they are linked. In the United States

and globally, longstanding arguments continue to rage over whether “the poor” fare

poorly because of (a) their own innate deficiencies, whether moral, intellectual, or

biologic; (b) a causal arrow that runs principally from poor health to economic poverty,

with illness interfering with earning (and learning) capacity; or (c) social injustice,

requiring redistributive justice (which is where the weight of the evidence lies).11–

18,25–34 Within the United States and other wealthy countries, additional debates focus

on whether poverty’s harm is due to material want versus psychosocial stress, and thus

on whether the public health and policy focus should be on “poverty,” ostensibly

affecting a minority, versus the “socioeconomic gradient,” ostensibly affecting

everyone.11–18,33–36 Not surprisingly, these disputes hinge on how poverty is

conceptualized, measured, and analyzed. Ongoing arguments, now centuries old,

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continue to question whether “poverty” and “the poor” should be defined with

reference to “absolute” versus “relative” measures, income versus consumption, and

solely economic deprivation versus additional aspects of social exclusion.11–18,30–36


These sharp debates arise because of their policy and political ramifications: who

stands to gain, and who stands to lose? On one side of the poverty-health debates are

proponents of the unbridled free market; on the other, are those who seek a more

democratically controlled and egalitarian economy.11–18,25,30–33 Disputes between

“neomaterialist” and “psychosocial” epidemiologists—both of whom seek to increase

social equality and reduce health inequities—are likewise heated, with their focus not

on whether but how inequality harms health, and hence what the societal remedies

should be.13–18,35,36


Beyond the overtly political aspects of the poverty health debates looms still

another problem: the complexity of causal inference, especially when studying

population health.37–41 For obvious reasons, researchers cannot ethically randomize

people to various levels of economic resources. One alternative is to analyze the health

impact of economic policies whose enactment varies by time or space. Even so, it can

be difficult to disentangle the impact of a particular policy from the effects of other

contemporaneous societal changes.37,38 Another alternative is to conduct longitudinal

analyses of socioeconomic position and health across the life course, although few

population-based longitudinal datasets have high-quality data on both health status (eg,

based on physical examination and biomarkers, rather than self-reported health) and

socioeconomic position (at the individual, household, or area level, let alone all

3).37,38 Grappling with these problems has led to improvements in methods, questions,

and data for epidemiology overall. For example, epidemiology’s recent adoption of

multilevel, life course, instrumental variable, and propensity score analytic methods

have all been propelled by debates over how social conditions shape health.37,38


There accordingly are at least 2 reasons for continuing to study poverty and health.

One is to keep before the public’s eye the magnitude of the problem, so that the

suffering can be made actionable, rather than be ignored or accepted as inevitable.11–

18 Doing this work, and doing it well, is a core public health function of epidemiology.


The second reason is to make good on the claims of science to adjudicate among

competing claims.39–41 To those who charge that investigating links between poverty

and health is political, not scientific,27 the obvious rejoinder is that it is even more

political to ignore these connections than to study them.14–17,25,26,33,40,41 Our

testing of ideas in the public domain, using rigorous and transparent methods, is what

allows us to move beyond mere opinion and prevents ideology from being the sole

arbiter of what counts as knowledge.26,40,41 As long as poverty exists and is associated

with health, debates will rage over why these connections exist. Consequently, one of

the essential “uses of epidemiology” (famously argued by Jeremy Morris in his

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pathbreaking 1957 epidemiology textbook by this name 42) is precisely to ensure

the existence of sound population-based data on poverty and health. With such data, we

can rigorously test hypotheses regarding the direction of the causal arrows and measure

the magnitude of poverty’s toll on population health.




What if your primary interest, as an epidemiologist, has nothing to do with the links

between poverty and health? Do you still need to pay attention to how economic

circumstances affect health?


Yes, for 2 reasons. One is the serious problem of confounding: many of the

exposures epidemiologists are interested in coexist and are jointly embodied—not

necessarily because they are causally connected, per se, but because they are

entangled by the ways people actually live in their societal context, replete with

constraints as well as possibilities.14,16,40 The second is the problem of selection:

whom we study sets the range of possibility for comparisons. If the range is too narrow,

whether by design or by selection bias, the constrained variability may preclude

detecting important etiologic exposures, or may bias estimates of their effect.


Consider the shock waves still rippling from release of the Women’s Health

Initiative (WHI) results in 2002.43,44 Whatever controversies may persist over links

between hormone therapy and adverse or beneficial cardiovascular outcomes,43–50 the

evidence now clearly shows that the failure of some observational studies to control

adequately economic affluence—and its inevitable association with better health and a

greater likelihood of being prescribed and being able to afford hormone therapy—

wrongly found that hormone therapy reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.44,46,50

Prior to the WHI results, however, proponents of hormone therapy discounted these

concerns, arguing that controlling for education, or studying women who belonged to

one overall occupational group (eg, nurses), was sufficient to address socioeconomic



What harm was caused by failing to take class seriously? One answer lies in the

population burden of iatrogenic breast cancer brought about by uncritical use of

hormone therapy.44,53


Recall that epidemiologic data had clearly shown that the absolute risk of breast

cancer was higher than that of cardiovascular disease among perimenopausal women,

particularly among the great majority who were nonsmokers.44,53 Thus,

recommendations for hormone therapy effectively asked these women to increase their

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short-term and not inconsiderable risk of cancer, with the hope of decreasing their

long-term risk of cardiovascular disease.44,53 The trade-off has been costly. Studies

conducted between 2002 and 2005 in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and

Norway suggest that hormone therapy accounts for somewhere between 10 and 25% of

observed breast cancer cases.54–57 In the United Kingdom, this has been estimated to

translate to an extra 20,000 breast cancers among women ages 50–64 in the past decade

alone.54 New results, moreover, using post-WHI cancer registry data, indicate that

between 2002 and 2003, US breast cancer rates fell by 7–11%, with this extraordinary

decline especially evident among the types of breast cancer most linked to hormone

therapy, ie, estrogen-receptor positive tumors among postmenopausal women.58–61 If,

as suspected, this drop is shown to be causally related to the decline in hormone

therapy, above and beyond any concurrent reduction of mammography rates,58–61 it

would profoundly underscore the serious harms that can arise if epidemiologists ignore

the impact of socioeconomic position on health.


Consider, as well, how socially-patterned selection bias can compromise

investigation of causal associations. A thoughtful study demonstrates this problem by

exploring unexpected results in a population-based case-control analysis of Hodgkin

lymphoma.62 In the original study, the response rate for cases was 87% but only 65% for

controls—the latter rate albeit on par with those reported in most current population-

based epidemiologic studies.63,64 Comparing the sociodemographic characteristics of

participating versus nonparticipating controls, the investigators found that among the

controls, there was over-representation of women who were older, less educated, of

color, and of higher birth order and higher parity.62 The net result was that adjustment

of odds ratios for bias “strengthened previously null findings for education and for

parity, breast-feeding and miscarriages in young adult women.”62 Thus, the initial

study’s neglect of the socioeconomic patterning of selection bias “resulted in a failure

to identify potential etiologic leads.”62 One can only wonder how epidemiologic

knowledge would change if every study were able to compare and adjust for the

sociodemographic characteristics and life experiences of the participants and



Consequently, far from being a “nuisance” issue, the social patterning of who is and

is not in our epidemiologic studies has major implications for etiologic analysis. By

definition, the people we study are simultaneously social beings and biologic organisms

16,40,41—and we risk serious error if we attempt to study the latter without taking into

account the former.




The voices and self-reported experiences of the poor—and not just renditions of

their lives by “outsiders”—are essential.25,32–34,65–67 However, epidemiology’s

concern cannot simply be about “the poor.” A comparison group is needed. By analogy,

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were we to study the impact of smoking on the health of smokers alone, we would

be able to ascertain only the differential exposure and susceptibility among the

exposed, rather than the impact of exposure versus no exposure.68


More profoundly, the “poor” do not exist in isolation—they are as integrally a

product of the workings of each society’s political economy as any other economic

group, including the wealthy.13–17,25,32–34,69 The “poor” are not “the problem”;

rather, the problem lies in the societal relationships and processes leading to and

perpetuating impoverishment. Health inequities are created by unfair and unjust

policies and practices that preferentially reward certain groups, economically and

socially, at the expense of others.12,70 A corollary is that unfair relationships between

groups shape characteristics of the groups themselves, including their health status.

That is, group properties can arise because of relationships among groups, not because

these characteristics are somehow “innate.”26,70 Mistake one for the other, and the

causal arrows will point in the wrong direction.


This is why social relationships are at the crux of Peter Townsend’s 1986 classic

article “Why are the many poor?”69 This commentary was concerned with persistent

socioeconomic and health inequities in the United Kingdom, and followed the famous UK

Black Report,71 which Townsend coauthored and which put health inequities on the

map for our generation.11,12,40,41 As argued by Townsend, it’s not simply that there

are rich and poor; rather, there are rich because there are poor.69 To achieve health

equity, Townsend concluded, “The only long-term remedy is to restrict the power and

wealth of the rich, to dismantle the present structures of social privilege, and to build

social institutions based on fair allocation of wealth and on social equality.” These are

testable propositions. It is long past time to alter the equation linking poverty and poor

health. In its place, and consonant with our discipline’s deep roots, let me propose:

social justice + human rights = health equity.



NANCY KRIEGER is a social epidemiologist and a professor at the Harvard School of

Public Health. Her work includes empirical research on the impact of class, racism, and

gender on health; improving methods to monitor and analyze health inequities;

analyzing the history and politics of epidemiology; and developing ecosocial theory to

guide epidemiologic research on determinants of population health.

Page 8 of 17Ovid: Why Epidemiologists Cannot Afford to Ignore Poverty.


Figure. Children beg from drivers stopped at a traffic signal in India.© 2005 Pawan

Sharma-Steps for Change, Courtesy of Photoshare.



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