why should i use twitter

Post on 08-May-2015






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10 reasons for using Twitter to maximize your online business exposure.


Why Should I Use Twitter?

Presented by:

Terri Brooks, Social Media Training and Consultant

(c)2009 Tasting The Internet, One Byte at a Time http://avirtualbiz.com | http://tastingtheinternet.com

Why Should I Use Twitter?

Twitter, is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length.

(c)2009 Tasting The Internet, One Byte at a Time http://avirtualbiz.com | http://tastingtheinternet.com

Why Should I Use Twitter?

10 Ways to utilize Twitter to grow your business by:



(c)2009 Tasting The Internet, One Byte at a Time http://avirtualbiz.com | http://tastingtheinternet.com

Why Should I Use Twitter?

#10 – Search For Your Target AudienceYou can use http://search.twitter.com/ to search for people and topics that you would like to follow. Ex. search for Social Media and you will get a list of all the recent Tweets related to Social Media.

(c)2009 Tasting The Internet, One Byte at a Time http://avirtualbiz.com | http://tastingtheinternet.com

Why Should I Use Twitter?

#9 – Stay Up-To-Date with Breaking NewsBy following local and national news agencies and media outlets, you can stay informed with breaking news related to your business and comment back, which could open up the communication for a potential interview. Or you can quickly develop a Press Release or Article based on your perspective of the news and pitch it to the these same news agencies and to the vast amount of submission sites online

(c)2009 Tasting The Internet, One Byte at a Time http://avirtualbiz.com | http://tastingtheinternet.com

Why Should I Use Twitter?

#8 – Need Advice?Use Twitter to post questions or take surveys. Get immediate responses to questions you post by asking for feedback from the Twitterverse. (Ex. Take a survey on how many people automatically follow someone who follows them?) A great thing about this tip is that you can repeat it as many times as you wish to collect your information.

(c)2009 Tasting The Internet, One Byte at a Time http://avirtualbiz.com | http://tastingtheinternet.com

Why Should I Use Twitter?

#7 – Personal HeadHunterIf you need to hire employees or sub-contractors to help in your business, Twitter is an excellent venue to post your job listing. Or if you are looking for a job, post it. (Ex. You are a web designer, Tweet about some of the sites you have designed and list the URL to the site. If it doesn’t fit in the 140 characters, shorten it at http://bit.ly*)

(c)2009 Tasting The Internet, One Byte at a Time http://avirtualbiz.com | http://tastingtheinternet.com

*Bit.ly is not only a URL shortener, but it also tracks the clicks for that shortened URL so that you can monitor traffic.

Why Should I Use Twitter?

#6 – Jump in the ConversationThere are many Twitter Tools that will allow you to stay current on specific topics, so that you can offer your expertise or just chat with others that you find interesting and/or want to beginning building a relationship with. TweetDeck, Twhirl and Twollo are fantastic tools that you can use.

Take a look at all three and see which one you like best.Or just use them all!

(c)2009 Tasting The Internet, One Byte at a Time http://avirtualbiz.com | http://tastingtheinternet.com

Why Should I Use Twitter?

#5 – Your Own Personal IntraNetYou can use set up your own Group in Twitter and invite staff, sales personnel, sub-contractors, etc. to join the group. When you need to communicate business information, you can Tweet to the entire group.Here are some of the Twitter Tools you can use:

TweetWorks TwitTangle

Yammer Twingr (c)2009 Tasting The Internet, One Byte at a Time

http://avirtualbiz.com | http://tastingtheinternet.com

Why Should I Use Twitter?

#4 – Connect to the Otherwise - UnConnectable

Ever make a phone call to an executive or high-level manager in your industry and never hear back from them? Twitter gives you the opportunity to connect with industry leaders and influencers and comment on their status, start a direct dialogue with them which could begin a relationship with them.

(c)2009 Tasting The Internet, One Byte at a Time http://avirtualbiz.com | http://tastingtheinternet.com

Why Should I Use Twitter?

#3 – Enlist your Followers to Market for youIt’s very easy to build your marketing team through Twitter. Just by asking, you can enlist your followers to Re-Tweet your message to their followers, thus opening up new doors and new followers.

(c)2009 Tasting The Internet, One Byte at a Time http://avirtualbiz.com | http://tastingtheinternet.com

Why Should I Use Twitter?

#2 – Drive Traffic to your SitesTwitter is one of the top ways to drive traffic back to your website or blog. By using Twitterfeed, each time you make a blog post it will automatically be posted as a Tweet on your Twitter account. By setting it up one time, it will continue to work for you each time you blog.

And if you update your website, your YouTube Channel, your Squidoo Lens, let your Tweeps know about it with a link back to the site. Ask them to sign up for your RSS feed.

(c)2009 Tasting The Internet, One Byte at a Time http://avirtualbiz.com | http://tastingtheinternet.com

Why Should I Use Twitter?

#1 – Building Your Brand By Relationship BuildingTwitter is known as the “Biggest Water Cooler” on the Net. And to build your brand online, you need to hang out at that Water Cooler.

Build a Great Branded ProfileBuild and engage your target audience (influencers, industry leaders, personal friends, friends of friends)

Track & Evaluate your ROI through tools like: TweetBeep, Tweetscan and Tweetstats

(c)2009 Tasting The Internet, One Byte at a Time http://avirtualbiz.com | http://tastingtheinternet.com

Why Should I Use Twitter?


Presented by:Terri Brooks, Social Media Trainer &


(c)2009 Tasting The Internet, One Byte at a Timehttp://avirtualbiz.com | http://tastingtheinternet.com

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