wikipedia: pseudo- encyclopedia of the lie, censorship and misinformation

Post on 08-Apr-2016






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The project Wikipedia, at beginning I wanted to be something else. If at the initiation of it, would not be contributed in addition to the ones well-intentioned, and individuals who wanted to hide the truth from diverse reason, and in its place, to appear under the mask of the right to information, one of the most horrible misinformation. Through the proportions which them has taken this encyclopedia of the anonymous collaborators, has come to be, at least in the Romanian culture, one of the biggest mystification of history.









Sorin Cerin. All rights reserved. No part of thispublications may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem or transmited in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without theprior written permission of Sorin Cerin.

Manufactured in the United States of America

ISBN-13: 978-1456556600

ISBN-10: 1456556606



The project Wikipedia, at beginning I wanted to besomething else.

If at the initiation of it, would not be contributed inaddition to the ones well-intentioned, and individuals whowanted to hide the truth from diverse reason, and in itsplace, to appear under the mask of the right to information,one of the most horrible misinformation.

Through the proportions which them has taken thisencyclopedia of the anonymous collaborators, has come tobe, at least in the Romanian culture, one of the biggestmystification of history.

I would not be answered to Wikipedians in anyway, but I did it because I decided earlier, to write a bookabout what means truly, Wikipedia, and what are the insand outs but and its social implications, political, in somecultural backgrounds or other.

Initially I think it was a laudable idea, namely thefree an encyclopedia.

In theory it sounds nice except that in practice issomething else.



Initially I think it was a laudable idea, namely thefree an encyclopedia. In theory it sounds nice except that inpractice is something else.

With every intervention of mine, I realized that,appeared all sorts of individuals who, on behalf of freedomof information, they trying to distort the truth, to misleadthe public opinion or, in some cases, to manipulate ofshadow, in purposes political and social, certain realities.

Thus I managed to penetrate deeper into the ins andouts dirty, of this false encyclopedias. For that, readers tounderstand the manipulations of some Wikipedians, I willrelate you some data about me, published in Metapedia, anencyclopedia which published honestly and openly thearticle about my person.

Many of Wikipedians circles consider it, to be anencyclopedia of the extreme right, but from what I saw,regarding my work, was telling the truth, without the is letprey to manipulations of all kinds.

I wonder which is more serious, Wikipedia orMetapedia?

Why would be needed of courage for to appear anarticle about me?

Who does not agrees and wants, that I to remain, aspossible in anonymity?

However they failed to destroy me, given thattoday more than ever are edited on thousands of pages ofquotes from around the world.

Every day, appear new and new editors, who mypublished the aphorisms.

In the last autumn,'2010', my have been publishedtwelve books in several editions, but especially, "WisdomCollection".

First of all I would like to present some pressarticles which have been published about the miseries thatme were made.

The publication 'Napoca News ' noted:



Wikipedia română, împotmolită în cenzurăşi incompetenţă• publicat la: 9 June 2009

Poate vă întrebaţi de ce Wikipedia nu are încă osecţiune de top în limba română. Adică de ce nu stăalături de secţiunile cu peste 400.000 de articole, lângăsecţiunile în limba engleză, olandeză, poloneză saugermană. În schimb, secţiunea română încă se zbate la126.000 de articole, cu moderatori de 13 ani ale cărorintenţii sunt dubioase sau care pur şi simplu seeschivează de responsabilitatea pe care şi-au asumat-o.

Un prim exemplu este încercarea de a pune o legătură cătresingurul website dedicat personalităţii revoluţionarulAvram Iancu ( pe pagina deWikipedia în limba română a acestuia.Fără succes, însă,căci administratorii Wikipedia şterg repetat hiperlegătura,fără motiv. Realizatorii acestui site, care sunt membri aicolectivului redacţional al NapocaNews, au renunţat laîncercare până au fost contactaţi de scriitorul Sorin Cerin,care s-a confruntat cu aceeaşi problemă: administratoriiWikipedia refuză, printr-un dispreţ bizar, să îi permităacestuia realizarea paginii biografice pe enciclopedie.



Iată ce scria profesorul universitar şi criticul literar Dodu I.Bălan despre Sorin Cerin: “Poet şi prozator de facturămodernă, autor de eseuri şi studii filozofice pe temeîndrăzneţe şi ambiţioase despre nemurire,efemeritate şieternitate, despre moarte, neant,aneant, viaţă, credinţă dor,Sorin Cerin a abordat, în ultima vreme teme asemănătoare,fundamentale, în specia aforismului, în volumele: Revelaţii21 Decembrie 2012, şi Nemurire. Lucrări care, în limbajulteoriei literaturii, fac parte din creaţia sapienţială,conţinând aforisme, proverbe, maxime etc. care „sont lesechos de l’experience”, încât te întrebi cum un autor atâtde tânăr are o experienţă de viaţă atât de întinsă şi devariată, transfigurată cu talent în sute de exemplare dinaceastă specie a înţelepciuni.” O descriere cel puţinflatantă, de la o somitate în domeniu.

Cu toate acestea, scriitorul s-a lovit de o rezistenţă acerbădin partea “moderatorilor” Wikipedia. Un prim refuz laprimit de la moderatorul Laurap, a cărei educaţie şiprofesiune nu o putem cunoaşte: “Discuţie încheiată,rezultat: şterge. Practic nu există material independent,serios care să-i probeze notabilitatea, opera este ignoratăde specialişti“. O a doua încercare, cu citarea surselorcriticilor literare şi a numerelor revistelor de specialitate încare a publicat, i-a adus un nou răspuns răutăcios, de dataaceasta din partea “moderatorului” Zoli, ale cărui articolede pe enciclopedie sunt din domeniul fizicii: “DomnuleCerin. Pe când ne putem aştepta la o evoluţie în manejul dela Globus?”

Ping-pong-ul discuţiilor şi al contestaţiilor continuă în acestfel pe parcursul a mai multor zile şi cade chiar în penibilcând un moderator al Wikipedia în vârstă de doar 13 aniîncepe a lua parte la discuţii şi a contesta motivul publicăriilui Sorin Cerin: “Vă rog să prezentaţi surse. Aşa pot şi eu



să spun că tatăl meu a mers pe Marte şi să mă creadă toatălumea”

Contestatul Sorin Cerin nu are o pagină pe Wikipedia niciacum. Însă credem că a renunţat şi el, după cum a declaratpentru NapocaNews: “Aşa zisă enciclopedie liberăWikipedia nu numai că nu este astfel dar tocmaiadministratorii ei, care ar trebui să respecte politicile depromovare ale enciclopediei, se dedau la diferite abuzuri.”

În luna mai a acestui an, un student a demonstrat căWikipedia nu este o sursa sigura de informare, prinadaugarea unui citat fals pe pagina dedicata lui MauriceJarre, citat preluat apoi de numeroase ziare ca fiind alemuzicianului francez.

Citatul fals, adaugat de studentul irlandez Shane Fitzgeraldpe pagina dedicata lui Maurice Jarre, a fost preluat denumeroase cotidiene si bloguri anglo-saxone din intreagalume.

George Bara


Romanian Wikipedia, stuck in censorship andincompetence.

You may wonder why Wikipedia does not have yeta top section in Romanian. I mean, why does not liealongside the sections with over 400,000 articles, beside thesection in English, Dutch, Polish or German.

In exchange, the Romanian section still strugglingto 126,000 items, with moderators in age of 13 years,whose intentions are dubious, or simply evade theresponsibility that and have assumed.



A prime example is trying to put a link to the onlyone website, dedicated personality of the revolutionaryAvram Iancu ( on Wikipediapage in Romanian.

Without success however, because the Wikipediaadministrators repeatedly delete the hyperlink withoutreason.

The creators of this site, who are members of theeditorial staff of 'Napoca News', have waived the test untilthey were contacted by the writer Sorin Cerin, who facedthe same problem: Wikipedia administrators refuse,through a bizarre contempt, to him enable its theachievement of biographical page on the encyclopedia.

Here's what wrote the literary critic and universityprofessor Dodu I. Balan about Sorin Cerin:

"The Poet and novelist of modern invoice, authorof philosophical essays and studies on topics bold andambitious about immortality, transience and eternity, aboutdeath, nothingness, aneant, life , faith, longing, Sorin Cerinhas addressed similar themes lately, fundamental, in theaphorism species, in the volumes: Revelations December21, 2012, and Immortality. Works, which in the languageof the theory literature, are part of the sapiential creation,containing aphorisms, proverbs, maxims, etc.. which "sontles Echos de l'experience", that you wonder how an authorso young has a life experience so stretched and varied,transfigured with talent in hundreds of specimens of thisspecies of wisdom."

A description at least flattering, from a celebrity inthe field.

However, the writer was hit by fierce resistancefrom part of the "moderators" Wikipedia. A first refusal itreceived from the moderator Laurap, whose education andprofession we can not it knows:"Discution closed, result:delete. There are practically no independent material,seriously, that would him prove the notability, the work is



ignored by the specialists. "A second try, with the citing ofthe sources of the literary critics and of the numbers of thespecialized magazines in which published, brought him anew, nasty response, this time from the "moderator" Zoli,whose articles in the encyclopedia are from field ofphysics: “Mr.Cerin. When we expect an evolution in themanege from circus Globus?”

Ping-pong of the discussions and disputes continuesin this manner several days, and falls even in awkward,when a Wikipedia moderator in aged just 13 years start totake part in discussions and to challenge the reason of thepublication of Sorin Cerin: "Please to show sources. So Ican also say that my dad went on Mars and worldwide tome believe ".

The contested Sorin Cerin don't has a page onWikipedia nor now. But we believe that he quit and he, ashe told for NapocaNews: "So-called free encyclopediaWikipedia, not only that not is so, but, preciselyadministrators of it, who should to respect promotionpolicies of the encyclopedia, make various abuses."

In May this year, one student showed thatWikipedia is not a reliable source of information, by addinga false quotation on the page dedicated to Maurice Jarre,quote taken then by numerous newspapers, as being of theFrench musician.

The fake quote added by the Irish student ShaneFitzgerald, on the page dedicated to Maurice Jarre, wastaken by many Anglo-Saxon newspapers and blogs aroundthe world.

Author George Bara

Along with George Bara and other journalists havedecided that what happened to me on Wikipedia should benoted and brought to the attention of the public to guardagainst misinformation or mystification of truth.



In year 2010 I was first proposed to run for NobelPrize in literature by a celebrity of Romanian culture, IonDodu Bălan. This article appeared in the publication ofthe Romanian language,, and Americanmagazine of the Romanian language, Beetle of Colorado.

Why do some Romanian its mock of theachievements of their countrymen? For me it is and willremain an honor to not be ever gone on so-called freeencyclopedia Wikipedia. Why do I say this? Preciselybecause, some its show, the so-called talents, commingfrom various frustrations, jealousies and failures.

Who can fall victim of destructive desires, of thesecultural vagabonds, as them told someone? Who else,than the authors who have achieved something in life,whose work is recognized of great personalities andpublished as such by prestigious publishing houses.

In this case I was and I, attacked everyway, ofdifferent, pensioners, workers, pupils or even anelectrician. For them, does not matter the views of someuniversity professors or academicians, of first rank inRomanian culture, who have written about my work. Forthem only matter the fact that they can to and shed thefrustration, having the right to ban to anyone, access onthe pseudo-encyclopedia, so-called free: Wikipedia.

I saw people of culture who were insulted by thedifferent controversial people, some high school students orunskilled workers. When people of culture, rightly haveasked why they were insulted, all the respective tramps,them had forbid the right to participate at Wikipedia,because they is felt offended!

We acknowledged in a recent interview that I liveperhaps the most beautiful and great moments of my life.My whole sapiential work was published in two editionsworldwide by Amazon, all seven volumes in two editions.



This month it started to me be published and philosophicalworks.

I admit that only now I feel fulfilled as an author.The reality is that sometimes and dreams can achieve.Maybe to my success contributed and my first nomination,to candidate for Nobel Prize. Initially, not I had had noillusions knowing how difficult is received. What amazedme was that before the ceremony, I was and I beside others,as a possible names worthy to be taken into account.

I thanks and on this way greats, that me haverecommended for such award. About my futurenominations can not say anything because regulationprohibits.

Recently I was invited to attend with some personaldata, at some famous encyclopedias, such as Britannica orthat of the Documentation Center for Philosophy in NorthAmerica, Who's Who, etc. Such a story with,I it consider closed forever.

There never want that my web pages, to I becontaminated with this sigle, which I it consider in badtaste. I know exactly what it has pursued by my answers.Any anonymous or superficial, any void or individual fullof frustration, thus could to and show all his failures, thatwould have become, and have became the mediasometimes.

Thanks in exchange, to all those who were with meand me have understood the messages ideational sentthrough my aphoristic or philosophical work. I am not andI will not be never the writer of gangs or of some interestregardless of their nature.

Apart from this article, former head of WikipediaRomanian, an obscure man, named Bogdan Stancescu, wasable to threaten an employee of the publishing houseEminescu, of fact, the most famous publishing house ofRomania, and to ask her at the phone: How this publishing



house, me has published on me! So, the representatives ofthe encyclopedia "free", threatens, even the prestigiouspublishing houses, which have published some authors!

More, these dubious individuals in forehead with ashadowy personage Dobroiu Adrian, alias AdiJapan, whomakes dirty games of certain obscure interests, affirmedthat I am controversial because I be was the journalist whoattacked in press on the former Ambasador Romanian.Being a correspondent for international news I said whatwrote newspapers in Australia about some Romanianinvolved in drug trafficking! So, up here, it was reachedwith misinformation and falsification of truth in thesocalled, encyclopedia "free" Wikipedia.

I have absolutely nothing against Jews, as someindividuals say! On the contrary, I have friends Hebrew, Iam not anti-Semitic, and the Professor Lehrer, the onewhose part I took, is an eminent Jew scholar, professor atthe University of Tel Aviv.

The fact of to be attacked shameful because I bewas an anti-Semite is a big whopper of certain intelligenceservices which want to hide my true value that belonging tothe Romanian people through me!

I love all the people in this world who are notchauvinist regardless they are Hebrews, Arabs, Europeansor Asians. In exchange I can not agree with the Jews,Arabs, Europeans, Americans, Asians or other nations whostates that they would be discriminated, because due tosome certain crimes which them would be committed,would go behind bars. Wikipedia has often become thescene through which intelligence services its settleaccounts. Therefore I will refrain from talking about otherWikipedia articles, except me.



Cacealmaua Wikipedia.roBluffing Wikipedia.roLuni, 7 iunie 2010 12:07| Monday, June 7, 2010 24:0732928 vizualizari|32,928 viewsAnchete / Investigation

Pana unde se pot indexa adevarul si minciuna peInternet?

Administratorii enciclopediei libere de limbaromana sunt acuzati de scriitorul Sorin Cerin ca "taie sispanzura" in cultura noastra * Gutza, Giku, AdiJapanalias Adrian Dobroiu, Meszolli alias Mesaros Zoltan siLauraP ar propaga nationalismul maghiar in locul celui



romanesc * Abuzurile le-ar incuraja chiar BogdanStancescu (alias Gutza) initiatorul proiectului bazat pevoluntariat * "Wikipedia este un pericol pentru nouageneratie" * "Scandalagioaica Nikita e mai importantadecat Mihai Eminescu"

De multe ori, Agentia de Investigatii Media a atras atentiaca Internetul, dar si regulile impuse de Google pot indexalesne o minciuna drept adevar. Daca minciuna estepreluata de tot mai multe site-uri si, implicit, indexatafunctie de "forta" (pagerankul) acestora, un tanar, care nuare inca discernamant si care se informeaza si-si extragecultura de pe Net, poate lua foarte usor aceasta minciunadrept adevar.

Acesta este si motivul pentru care serviciile secreteinternationale folosesc tehnici de dezinformare simanipulare cu ajutorul Internetului. E adevarat ca de multeori dezinformarile apar de la cei care exagereaza pe net,care mint si dezinformeaza cu buna stiinta, asemeni multorpseudo-ziaristi care bombardeaza spatiul virtual cu opseudo-presa.

De data asta vom vorbi despre un proiect altfel ambitios,care trebuie sa dezvolte cultura romaneasca la adevarata eivaloare, care trebuie sa propage romanismul si patriotismulsi sa intelepteasca noua generatie.

Primim insa la Agentie si reclamatii referitoare lamoderatorii ( Am primit siin trecut, dar pentru ca erau scrise intr-un limbaj suburban,calomnios si atat, am considerat ca nu e cazul sa le bagamin seama. De data asta am primit de la scriitorul Sorin Cerinreclamatii pe care o sa le reproducem in cele ce urmeaza,cu amendamentul ca pe pagina nu am gasitdate de contact, ca sa cerem (dinainte) un punct de



vedere al administratorilor si moderatorilor. Acestia, nepot contacta la redactie si vom publica si opinia lor,cum e firesc. Iata ce ne dezvaluie Sorin Cerin:

"Un proiect de altfel ambiţios al americanilor, ajuns pemâna unor români a prins culoare locală devenind ocacealma în toată regula. Scrisă de elevi ce n-au ajuns încăla vârsta majoratului, de pensionari sau diverşi indivizidubioşi care îşi impun punctual de vedere în anumitedomenii de activitate fără ca să se priceapă câtuşi de puţin,aceşti pseudoeditori nu sunt remunerati de nimeni pentru„munca” depusă pe acea pagină. Tot ceea ce-i ţine uniţi laacest proiect este invidia, ura şi dorinţa de răzbunare peanumite personalităţi. În numele voluntariatului şi allibertăţii informaţiei îşi permit cele mai abjecte abuzuri.Aceasta le-a dat avânt pentru a progresa într-o direcţieobscură şi mincinoasă cu privire la istoria sau culturapoporului român."

"Prefer să scriu despre mine tocmai fiindcă nu doresc ca oparte a istoriei vieţii mele să fie falsificată de aceşti indivizimediocri, dar cât se poate de răzbunători, iar pe de altăparte, trăind pe pielea mea astfel de momente cred că estecel mai indicat. Nu doresc să mai am articol pe Wikipediapentru nimic în lume. O caracterizare sumară a wikipedieiromâneşti ar fi tocmai aceste rânduri scrise pe pagina unuiutilizator care foloseşte pseudonimul Rebel şi pot fi citite lacapitolul Perle. Chiar şi în calitate de perle reuşesc cât sepoate de bine să surprindă imaginea reală a wikipedieiromâneşti, citez: ”Abuzurile de la Wikipedia se fac de maitoţi administratorii, avându-l pe Giku în fruntea lor. El estecel care “taie şi spânzură” ce nu-i convine, ce considerădânsul că trebuie şters, se şterge, iar ce considerămajoritatea ramâne, pentru că dumnealui crede că aşa estecorect. Un singur exemplu vreau să dau: articolul Nikita, afost “contestat” de mai multe ori că nu are ce căuta într-o



enciclopedie, iar dânsul, Mare Domn de Chişinău, care încănu a împlinit vârsta majoratului, a considerat că e decuviinţă ca articolul să rămână. De ce? Numai el ştie. Dinpăcate, nu este singurul, mulţi alţi administratori care secred mari filozofi, care ne vorbesc din cărţi şi care îi atacă,apoi blochează, pe utlizatorii cu adevărat filozofi sauprofesori sau scriitori,” închei citatul."

"Cam aşa funcţionează enciclopedia aşa-zis liberă:Wikipedia! Mai înainte de toate anumiţi specialişti dinfelurite domenii sunt atacaţi de administratorii ce nu aunimic comun cu domeniul respectiv, iar în cazul in carerăspund acestor invective sunt blocaţi. Iniţial, un proiectgeneros în România a primit o faţetă atât de urâtă“datorata” în primul rând domnului Bogdan Stăncescu, ceare calitatea de a fi primul administrator al Wikipedieiromâneşti. S-a ajuns la o cenzură grosolană aplicată celorcare nu sunt “politicaly correct”, de fapt, a celor care nuintră în graţiile clanului actual de la cârma Wikipedieiromâneşti. Paginile literaturii contemporane, de exemplu,abundă de scriitori care nu au nici critică literară scrisă deanumite personalităţi şi nici nu au publicat la edituri deprestigiu sau în reviste consacrate, după cum se căzneau să-mi ceară tocmai mie wikipediştii. De ce spun aceasta?Tocmai fiindcă despre opera mea au scris critici literari saufilozofi mai mult decât recunoscuţi cum ar fi academicianulGhoerghe Vlăduţescu, Ion Dodu Bălan, Adrian DinuRachieru, Horia Gârbea, Ion Pachia Tatomirescu şi mulţialţii. Au fost publicate recenzii despre opera mea in revistede specialitate de prim rang cum ar fi Familia din Oradea,fondată de Iosif Vulcan acum mai bine de un secol şijumătate, Luceafărul de dimineaţă, Oglinda literară,Cronica română care a scris o cronică de carte la ultimamea apariţie de la editura Eminescu, intitulată Culegere deînţelepciune. Aceasta cuprinde întrega mea operasapienţială publicată în trei volume scoase anterior la o altă



editura, inclusiv alte trei noi cărţi. Toate cele şase cărţi într-o lucrare de mari proporţii, Editura Eminescu fiind unadintre cele mai apreciate edituri româneşti. Cu toateacestea, articolul meu este şi rămâne şters pe enciclopediaWikipedia fiind accesibil doar pe eniclopedia Metapedia înlimbile română şi engleză."

"Dorind să răspund în pagina de recuperare a articolului deanul trecut, acelaşi Giku răspundea: ”Sorine, Sorine, ia maiuit’te şi la tine”. Iar un alt administrator al cărui pseudonimeste Meszzoli scria: “Domnule Cerin, pe când ne putemaştepta la o evoluţie în manejul de la Globus?”. Acesta afost unul dintre cei mai recalcitranţi indivizi care m-acalomniat şi înjurat în cel mai urât mod posibil. Pentru elmarii critici literari români, academicieni sau oameni decultură care au scris despre opera mea nu au nici orelevanţă! În calitate de administrator wikipedist mi-a şterspână şi numele din lista personalităţilor oraşului Baia Mare,locul naşterii şi al copilăriei mele, înlocuindu-l cu numeungureşti despre care nici măcar nu am auzit vreodată. Dealtfel majoritatea oraşelor ardelene sunt trecute înWikipedia cu personalităţi de preponderenţă maghiară deparcă în ele n-ar fi trăit niciodată români care au scris înviaţa lor istorie. Ulterior am aflat că administratorulwikipedist Meszzoli este domnul Mesaros Zoltan din BaiaMare, angajat al firmei Electromara cu sediul pe stradaOltului nr.15. La adresa respectivă a răspuns acest ZoltanMesaros de altfel persoana de contact. Am vorbit in celedin urmă cu directorul firmei un anume domn Revniccăruia i-am relatat ce injurii grosolane sunt transmise laadresa mea de pe emailul firmei Electromara. Nu-i venea săcreadă. Puţini dintre tinerii care accesează aceastăpseudoenciclopedie cunosc cu adevărat ce mârşăvii seascund în spatele ei. Cuvinte ca paranoic, Sancho Panza,Circul Globus şi altele fac parte din minunatul vocabular alacestui electrician de Baia Mare care decide ce scriitor are



dreptul să existe în Wikipedia, electrician, pentru careuniversitarii şi academicienii români nu au nici o valoare."

"Alături de acest electrician mai e şi un adolescent dinChişinău sau câţiva programatori români. Astfel arătaurăspunsurile date de cei care hotărau ce articole pot fi saunu fi şterse pe Wikipedia! Bineînţeles că le-am răspuns aşacum meritau impostorii respectivi, iar decizia dânşilor afost de a-mi bloca accesul pe durată nedeterminată. Nu m-am opus unei astfel de decizii fiindcă ar fi fost nedemn caun scriitor la cei 46 de ani ai săi, cu 12 cărţi publicate, săceară scuze unui copil fiindcă acesta a fost obraznic dinChişinău, doar pentru a avea accesul la Wikipedia. Camaceasta este atmosfera în Wikipedia Română. În cele dinurmă utilizatorul Rebel a şters numele meu din toatepaginile unde erau catalogaţi scriitorii contemporani şiunde mă aflasem şi eu, bineînţeles. Acest procedeupestilenţial se practică de wikipedişti şi în alte domenii nunumai în cele de sorginte culturală. Articolele suntsărăcăcioase, de proastă calitate, inspirate din diversepublicaţii unde sunt incapabili să discearnă ce anume sedorea a se afirma despre o personalitatea sau alta."

"Mulţi tineri aleg deseori o cale uşoară de a obţine dateaccesând această pseudoenciclopedie care le da de cele maimulte ori date eronate. Chiar şi articolul cu privire lapersoana mea care a fost pe Wikipedia timp de trei ani cape urmă să fie şters abuziv, conţinea multe date eronate. Defapt, dorinţa acestor pseudoenciclopedişti era cancanul dinviaţa mea şi nicidecum opera. La fel se întâmplă cu mulţialţi scriitori."

"În prezent la cârma Wikipedia România este un anumeAndrei Stroe, care duce mai departe “opera” distructivă adomnului Bogdan Stăncescu, lăsând ca abuzurile,invectivele, incultura dar şi atacurile abjecte să inunde la tot



pasul. Unul dintre cei mai apreciaţi savanţi entomologiProf. Dr. Andy Z. Lehrer, sublinia (citez): ”La data de 1mai, am scris un mic comentariu la revista Adevărul, undese discută despre credibilitatea falsei enciclopediiWikipedia în limba română, căutând să confirm prin faptereale, bine cunoscute de mine, cele menţionate cu revoltă şidurere de d-nul Titus Filipaş, în revista electronicăAsymetria. Domnia sa a subliniat în mod excepţional că«Wikipedia de limba română tratează în mod eronat temeextrem de importante din cultura română» şi că «SfatulBătrânilor [săi] anonimi ce coordonează după o ideologieanti – românească admiterile şi respingerile de articole peWikipedia de limba română foloseşte în mod intenţionat unfals cod de valori, chiar un cod de valori intenţionatfalsificate». La acestea am vrut să demasc şi infiltrarea unorpersonaje lipsite de cultura şi simţămintele româneşti careau devenit «administratorii» mai mult sau mai puţinabsconşi ai Wikipediei şi care au monopolizat, cu oobrăznicie, un tupeu şi o vulgaritate inimaginabilă, sferainformativă a Orientului Apropiat, cu precădere a evreilor.Ba mai mult, acel sionist ignorant, reacţionar şi mahalagiu,Leonard Bernstein (zis Arie Inbar), împreună cu o serie demari filfizoni «tradiţionalişti» ai bibliei evreieşti (Ewan,Feri Goslar, Alex F., Mishuletz s.a.) şi cu binecuvântarealui Gutza (recte Bogdan Stăncescu), AdiJapan şi AndreiStroe au constituit forul de cenzură a tuturor datelorştiinţifice care demonstrează o altă faţetă a istoriei secteireligioase evreieşti…”. Tot Prof. Dr. Andy Z. Lehrermărturisea într-un comentariu: “Este suficient sa vedemcele scrise de marele administrator Bogdan Stancescu(probabil identificabil in persoana «birocratului» Gutza), incare sunt nenumarate fraze incoerente, straine limbiinoastre sau numeroase informatii false, cunoscute de foartemulti voluntari care au fost dezamagiti de grosolania,incultura, abuzurile si absurditatile populiste ale celor care



se dau drept « administratori », dar nu oameni de cultura,enciclopedisti adevarati”.

"Wikipedia românească este inundată de abuzurileadministratorilor care, de cele mai multe ori, iau deciziieronate. Ştiu că acest proiect se bazează pe voluntariat, daracest fapt nu înseamnă că trebuie să permită eludareaadevărurilor despre cultura noastră naţională şi nunumai.De ce am folosit termenul de escrocherie? Uzual,acest cuvant se foloseşte atunci când înşeli pe cineva pentrudobândirea anumitor foloase materiale, dar când acesteadevin unele de ordin cultural pentru răuvoitorii acesteinaţiuni cum se poate numi? Oare nu este un rău mult maimare decât cel făcut de un găinar care pentru un pumn dearginţi minte pe oricine? Cred că da! Atunci când articoluldespre mine era pus în discuţie, cineva care se ascunde subpseudonimul de AdiJapan şi pretinde că este fizician aveatupeul să-l renege pe venerabilul critic literar Ion DoduBălan, întrebându-se dacă acesta poate vorbi în numelecriticilor literari."

"O anume individă care se ascunde sub pseudonimul deLauraP şi care a decis ştergerea articolului despre mine,afirma batjocoritor că aş fi filozof la oi, pe cândacademicianul Gheorghe Vlăduţescu, o somitate a filozofieiculturii afirma la adresa operei mele sapienţiale dinCulegere de înţelepciune: “Literatura sapienţială are oistorie, poate, veche cât scriitura însaşi. Nu numai înOrientul Antic, dar şi în vechea Grecie ” înţelepţii” au alesforma apoftegmatică (sentenţiară), uşor memorabilă, pentrua face, ceea ce se numea în tradiţie elină, paideia, oeducaţie a sufletului pentru o formare a lui. Şi în culturaromânească tradiţia este bogată. D-nul Sorin Cerin seînscrie în ea făcând o operă de tot remarcabilă. Maximele –reflecţiile sale concentrează o experienţă de viaţă şiculturală şi din prea plinul ei împărtăşeşte altora. Tuturor



acelora care vor deschide paginile acestei cărţi deînvăţătură, ca orice carte bună, ea le va răsplăti prinparticiparea la înţelepciune, gândul bun al lecturii ei”. Oaresă fie mai şcolită în ale filozofiei această persoană care seacunde sub pseudonimul de LauraP fiindu-i frică să-şidezvăluie identitatea? Cu toate că se doreşte a fi un proiectnonprofit până în urmă cu câteva săptămâni paginaWikipedia găzduia un link care te trimitea la al cărui patron e nimeni altul decât domnulBogdan Stăncescu. (Sorin Cerin)"


Up where the truth and falsehood can be indexedon the Internet?

Administrators of the free encyclopedia ofRomanian are accused of the writer, Sorin Cerin, that "cutand hang" in our culture * Gutza, Giku, AdiJapan aliasAdrian Dobroiu, Meszolli alias Mesaros Zoltan, andLauraP, would propagate Hungarian nationalism instead ofthe Romanian. * Abuses them would encourage evenStancescu Bogdan (alias Gutza) initiator of the projectbased on voluntary * "Wikipedia is a threat for the newgeneration" * "troublemakers, Nikita, is more importantthan the Romanian national poet Mihai Eminescu".

Many times Agency Investigative Media, warnedthat the Internet, but and rules set by Google, can easilyindex a lie as truth. If lying is taken of more and more, sitesand, default, indexed according to their "force" (PageRank), a young man, which has no discernment yet, and who isinformed and their extract culture on the Net, can takeeasily this lie as a very truth.

That is and the reason which the internationalintelligence services, have used, the disinformation andmanipulation techniques with the aid of the Internet. It is



true that often misinformations appear from those whoexaggerate on the net, who lie and knowingly misinforms,like many pseudo-journalists who bombarded cyberspacewith a pseudo-media.

This time we will talk about an ambitious project,which should develop the Romanian culture at its truevalue, which must propagate Romanism and the patriotismand to wise the new generation.

We receive at the Agency and complaints aboutmoderators (

We received and in the past, but because they werewritten in a suburban language, slanderous and so, weconsidered that is no the case to take them into account.This time we received complaints from writer Sorin Cerinon that we reproduce them in the following, with theamendment as on page we not found contactinformation, to ask (earlier) a point of view ofadministrators and moderators. They can contact us ateditorial and we will publish and their opinion, as isnatural. Here, what reveal us, Sorin Cerin:

"An ambitious project of the Americans, reachedthe hands of some Romanian, has caught local colorbecaming a bluffing in its own right. Written by studentswho have not yet reached the full age, by pensioners ordiverse dubious individuals who its impose the point ofview in certain fields of activity without to understandnothing, these pseudo-editors are not paid of anyone for"work" filed on that page. Everything it takes united at thisproject is the envy, hatred and desire for revenge on somepersonalities. In the name of freedom of information andvolunteering, they allow the most despicable abuses. Thisthem gave impetus for to progress in an obscure and falsedirection regarding on the history or culture of theRomanian people. "



"I prefer to write about me just because I do notwant that a part of my life history to be falsified by theseindividuals mediocre, but how is can of avengers, and onthe other hand, I living on my skin, such of moments, Ithink that is the most indicated. I do not want to longerhave, an article on Wikipedia, for nothing in the world. Abrief characterization of the Romanian Wikipedia would bethese lines written on the page of a user who uses thepseudonym Rebel and can be read in Chapter Pearls. Evenand in quality of pearls succeeds as is can well to surprisethe real image of the Romanian Wikipedia, and I quote:"Abuses from Wikipedia are made by all theadministrators, having on Giku in the top. He is one who"cut and hang" what he do not like it, what he believes thatshould be deleted, delete, and what considers majorityremains, because he think that so is correct. Only oneexample I want to give: Article Nikita, was "contested"several times that has no place in an encyclopedia, and he,Grand Prince of Chisinau, which has not yet reached theage of majority, held that is well to remain the article.Why? Only he knows. Unfortunately, he is not the onlyone, many other administrators who think themselves greatphilosophers, who us speak from books and who attackthem, then have blocked on utlizatorii with reallyphilosophers, or teachers or writers ", end quote."

"Thus, is functioning so-called free encyclopedia:Wikipedia! First of all some specialists from various fieldsare attacked by administrators who have nothing incommon with the respective field, and if they answer theseinvectives are blocked. Initially, a generous project inRomania, received a facet so ugly "due" of primarily MrStăncescu Bogdan, who has quality of to be firstadmistrator, of the Romanian Wikipedia. It has reached at agrossly censorship, applied to those who are not "politicallycorrect", in fact, of those who do not enter into the good



graces of the actual clan at the helm of the RomanianWikipedia. The pages of contemporary literature, forexample, abound of writers who have no literary critiquewritten by certain personalities and neither have publishedby prestigious publishers, or journals consecrated, after aswere endeavored to me require, precisely me, thewikipedians. Why do I say this? Precisely because aboutmy work have written literary critics and philosophersrenowned, as the academician Ghoerghe Vlăduţescu, IonDodu Bălan, Adrian Dinu Rachieru, Horia Gârbea, IonPachia Tatomirescu, and many others. The reviews of mywork have been published in magazines of speciality offirst rank, such as The Family from Oradea, founded byJoseph Vulcan now more than a century and a half, theMorning Star, Mirror literary, Romanian Chronicle whowrote a chronic of the book, entitled Collection of Wisdom,at my last appearance from the Eminescu PublishingHouse. This comprises my entire sapiential work, in threevolumes previously published at another publishing houseand other three new books, all six books in a large-scalework, Eminescu Publishing House being one of the mostappreciated Romanian publishers. However, my articleisand remain deleted on the encyclopedia Wikipedia, beingaccessible only on Metapedia in Romanian and Englishlanguages. "

"Wanting to answer in the page of recovery of thearticle of the last year, the same Giku, answered:" Sorin,Sorin, look and at you. "And another administrator, whosenickname is Meszzoli, wrote:" Mr.Cerin, when we expectan evolution in the manege of the circus Globus? ". Thiswas one of the most recalcitrant individuals who meslandered and cursed me in the ugliest possible way. Forhim, the great Romanian literary critics, academics andpeople of culture who have written about my work, have norelevance! In quality of administrator of Wikipedia he



deleted even and my name from the personalities list of thetown Baia Mare, place of birth and my childhood, replacingit with the Hungarian names about which I have not everheard. In fact most Transylvanian cities are listed inWikipedia with personalities of the preponderanceHungarian as though, in them would not have never livedRomanian who wrote in their life, history. Later I learnedthat the administrator of Wikipedia Meszzoli is Mr.Mesaros Zoltan in Baia Mare, employee of the companyElectromara, with address on the street Olt 15. At thataddress, responded this Zoltan Mesaros, of otherwise thecontact person. I finally spoke with the company director, acertain gentleman Revnic whom I told what rude insults aretransmited to my address, on e-mail of companyElectromara. He could not believe it. Few among of youngpeople who access this pseudo-encyclopedia, really knowwhat dirtiness is hiding behind it. Words such as paranoid,Sancho Panza, Globus Circus and others are part of thewonderful vocabulary of this electrician of the Baia Mare,who decides what writer has the right to exist in Wikipedia,an electrician, for which universitary and academiciansRomanian not have no value."

"Together with this electrician, there is and a teenager fromChisinau, or a few Romanian programmers. Thus, haveshowed the responses given by those who decide whatarticles, may be or may not be deleted on Wikipedia! Ofcourse that I them responded as they deserved therespective imposters, and their decision was to block myaccess indefinitely. I do not opposed me to such a decisionbecause it would be unworthy as a writer at 46 years of his,with 12 books published, to apologize of a child because hewas the naughty of Chisinau, only to have the access toWikipedia. Approximately this is the atmosphere inRomanian Wikipedia. Finally user Rebel has deleted myname from all pages where they were categorized



contemporary writers where I was and my self, of course.This fetid process is practiced of Wikipedians and in otherareas not only in those of cultural origin. Articles are poor,poor quality, inspired from various publications, whereWikipedians are unable to discern what was meant to besaid about a personality or other one.”

"Many young people often choose an easy way toget data by accessing this pseudo-encyclopedia which theyoften give false information. Even and article about myperson which was for three years on Wikipedia, asafterwards to be deleted abusive, contained many erroneousdata. In fact, the desire of those pseudo-Wikipedians wasthe gossip in my life and not my work. The same is true andwith many other writers."

"Currently at the helm of Wikipedia of Romania is acertain Andrei Stroe, who leads farther the "work"destructive of Bogdan Stăncescu, leaving as abuses,invectives, ignorance and despicable attacks, to floodeverywhere. One of the most acclaimed scholarsentomologists Prof. Dr. Andy Z. Lehrer, pointed out(quote): "On 1 May, I wrote a little comment at Truthmagazine, where is discusses about the credibility of thefalse Wikipedia in Romanian, seeking to confirm throughreal facts, well known by me, the ones referred with revoltand pain by Mr.Titus Filipaş, in electronic magazineAsymetria. He stressed in the exceptionally that"Romanian Wikipedia treats erroneously themes extremelyimportant in Romanian culture "and that " the EldersAdvice [its] anonymous that coordinates after an ideologyanti-Romanian, admissions and rejections of articles onWikipedia Romanian language, intentionally uses a falsecode of values, even a code of values deliberatelyfalsified." At those I wanted to unmask and infiltration ofcharacters devoided of Romanian culture and feelings, that



have become "the administrators" more or less abstruse ofWikipedia and who have monopolized, with impudence,gumption and an unimaginable vulgarity, informationsphere of Middle East, especially of the Jews. Moreover,that the Zionist ignorant, reactionary and suburbanite,Leonard Bernstein (Arie Inbar said), together with a largenumber dandy "traditionalists" of the Hebrew Bible (Ewan,Feri Goslar, Alex F., Mishuletz etc.) and with the blessingof Gutza (namely Bogdan Stăncescu), AdiJapan and AndreiStroe, have constituted forum censorship of all scientificdata which demonstrates another facet of the history ofHebrew religious sect.... "Also Prof. Dr. Andy Z. Lehrertestified in a comment: "Is sufficient to see those written bythe great administrator Stancescu Bogdan (probablyidentifiable in person of “bureaucrat“ Gutza), in which arenumerous incoherent phrases, foreign of our language, ormany false information, known by many volunteers whohave been disappointed by the crude illiteracy, ignorance,abuses and populist absurdities of those who pose as"administrators", but not cultured people, realencyclopedists.”

"Romanian Wikipedia is flooded by abuses ofadministrators, who, of most often take wrong decisions. Iknow that this project is based on voluntary, but this doesnot mean you have to allow circumvention of truths aboutour national culture and not only. Why I used the term,quackery? Usually, this word is used when cheat onsomeone to acquire some material benefits, but when theyare some of cultural order for the evil-minded of thisnation, how can be called? Is not it a greater evil than theone made by a thief who for a handful of silver, lie toeveryone? I think so! When the article about me was put indiscussion, someone who hides under the pseudonymAdiJapan and claims that he is a physicist, it had the nerveto deny it the venerable literary critic Ion Dodu Bălan,



wondering himself if he can speak in name of the literarycritics. "

"A certain individual who hides behind thepseudonym LauraP and who decided deleting the articleabout me, said in mockingly that I would be a philosopherto sheeps , while the academician Gheorghe Vlăduţescu, acelebrity of culture philosophy, said about my sapientialwork, from Wisdom collection: "Literature has a historysapiential perhaps old as writing itself. Not only in ancientEast, but and in ancient Greece the "wise men" choseapophtegmatic shape (propositional), easy memorable, forto do, what is called in the Hellenian tradition, Paideia, aneducation of the soul for a formation of his. And inRomanian culture, the tradition is rich. Mr. Sorin Cerin isregistered in it, making a work of all remarkable. Maxims,his reflections, focuses on life and cultural experience, andfrom plenitude of its, he shares and others. All those whowill open the pages of this book of teaching, like any goodbook, it will reward them by participating in the wisdom,the good thought of her reading." Could be more trained inthe Philosophy this person who is hiding under thepseudonym LauraP, being her afraid, to and reveal heridentity? Although it is intended to be a nonprofit project,until a few weeks ago, Wikipedia page hosted a link whichsent you, to the site whose patron is noneother than Mr Bogdan Stăncescu. (Sorin Cerin)”

Other articles written about the Romanian-language Wikipedia would be the serial appeared inexclusivity on Virtual Reporter and entitled, Pseudo-encyclopedia of the lie andmisinformation, appeared on, etc..In addition to these articles that me directly concern on me,I saw that and other personalities are outraged by theRomanian pseudo-encyclopedists. Recently, an important



Romanian newspaper with largest circulation, the Truth,note some data incredible about how some Wikipediansterrorize, personalities and their relatives, such as a girl ofonly five years. Unbelievable but true:

Aura Urziceanu nu mai vrea să audă deRomânia, umilită de injurii de natură etnică!

Cunoscuta cântăreaţă de jazz Aura Urziceanu (64 de ani),plecată de peste 30 de ani în America, a transmis, aseară, peblogul oficial şi pe contul său de Facebook, un mesaj deprotest prin care anunţă că „va renunţa definitiv la contactulcu Ţara Românească”. Artista îşi explică gestul prin faptulcă, de peste un an, anumite persoane îi modifică obsesivprofilul de pe, susţinând că este de originerromă. „La decizia artistei: Aura Urziceanu se retrage de peblogul oficial şi impune restricţie generală în a ficontactată, în semn de protest. Această decizie se datoreazăunui grup de vandali, rău intenţionaţi şi consideraţi de cătreartistă ca fiind impostori, diletanţi şi în niciun caz«oameni». Un grup de vandali modifică de peste un an peprofilul de Wikipedia în legătură cu originea de român, încea de rrom. În plus, se primesc mesaje pe blog nuinjurioase, ci total trivial şi de neimaginat. Blogul devineinactiv în 24 de ore”, se menţionează pe blogul ei.Informaţiile postate pe blog sunt confirmate de PR-ulartistei în România, Radu Muşetescu, reprezentantulFundaţiei Culturale „Aura Urziceanu”. Au înjurat-o şi penepoata de 5 ani a artistei „De un an primim mesajeinjurioase, iar o persoană postează zilnic pe Internet faptulcă dânsa este de origine rromă. Este vorba despre un actordin filmul «Cum mi-am petrecut sfârşitul lumii», CristiVăraru, care scrie zilnic pe Wikipedia faptul că doamnaAura Urziceanu este de origine rromă, informaţieneadevărată”, a spus Muşetescu pentru „Adevărul deSeară” Bucureşti. „În ultima vreme, România a pierdut



mulţi artişti, dar pentru că s-au stins. E păcat, e strigător lacer dacă începem să ne pierdem artişti valoroşi pentru că nuştim să-i preţuim, pentru că-i jignim” Radu Muşetescu,reprezentantul Fundaţiei Culturale „Aura Urziceanu”Referitor la mailurile primite, Muşetescu a ţinut săprecizeze faptul că tot la aşa- zisă origine rromă a AureiUrziceanu se referă. „Nu pot să reproduc ce conţin acelemesaje, sunt incredibile. Unele fac referire la nepoata decinci ani a artistei, în care copilul este înjurat pe motiv că arfi de origine rromă”, a spus acesta. „Nu există nicioproblemă în legatură cu această etnie, nu etnia sau cetăţeniaîţi formează caracterul sau talentul, însă artistul naţional şiinternaţional Aura Urziceanu construieşte de peste 52 deani imaginea României peste hotare şi bineînţeles ţine caorice român patriot la originile şi statutul de român”, semenţionează pe blogul oficial al artistei. Rămâneţi pentru a citi o scrisoare adresată deAura Urziceanu prin care anunţă că vrea să interzicăradiourilor din România să-i mai difuzeze melodiile.

Autor Cătălina Slujitoru, Ziarul Adevarul,Vineri 25mar 2011


Aura Urziceanu does not more want to hearabout Romania, humiliated by insults ethnic!

Aura Urziceanu (64 years) very well known jazzsinger, gone of over 30 years in America, sent last night, onthe official blog and on his Facebook account, a message ofprotest by announcing that it "will definitely renounce tocontact with the Romanian Country." She explained hisgesture by the fact that for over a year, some personobsessively it alters the profile on, arguingthat it is of Roma origin. "At the artist's decision: AuraUrziceanu is withdraws of on its official blog, and imposesgeneral restrictions in to be contacted, in protest. This



decision is due to a group of vandals, malicious andconsidered by the artist, as impostors, dilettantes, andcertainly not "people". A group of vandals, modify over ayear, the profile of Wikipedia, about Romanian origin, inthe one of Roma. In addition, are received, messages on theblog, not only insulting, but totally trivial andunimaginable. Blog becomes inactive within 24 hours,"stated on her blog. Information posted on the blog areconfirmed by the artist's PR in Romania, Radu Musetescu,representative of the Cultural Foundation "AuraUrziceanu". They cursed and on granddaughter of fiveyears, of the artist " For a year we received injuriosmessages, and one person posted daily on the Internet, thefact that she is of Roma origin. It is about an actor in film"The Way I Spent the End of the world ", Cristi Văraru,who writes daily on Wikipedia, the fact Mrs. AuraUrziceanu is the Roma origin, a false information", saidMusetescu for" Truth of Evening " Bucharest. "In recentyears, Romania has lost many artists, only because theyhave faded. It's a shame, it's outrageous if we begin to uslose valuable artists because we don't know to cherishthem, because that them insult", Radu Musetescu, therepresentant of the Cultural Foundation" Aura Urziceanu".Concerning at received mails, Musetescu wanted to clarifythat, all to the so-called Roma origin of Aura Urziceanu, isconcerns. "I can not reproduce what contain thosemessages, are incredible. Some refer to granddaughter offive years of the artist, in which the child is insultedbecause she is of Roma origin", he said. "There is noproblem with this ethnic group, no the ethnicity ornationality, not you forming the character or talent, but theartist, national and international, Aura Urziceanu, built ofover 52 years, the image of Romania on abroad and ofcourse sustain, that any patriot Romanian, the origins andstatus of Romanian ", is mentioned on the official blog ofthe artist. Stay on to read a letter from



Aura Urziceanu through which announcing that wants toban to radios from Romania to broadcast her music.

Author *Catalina Slujitoru* Truth newspaper,Friday, March 25, 2011

Deleting on the English Wikipedia

Sorin Cerin

Was prodded but users objected on talk page so I'm listingit for deletion. My argument on the proposal was that, as anauthor, his work from two year has a sales rank around 2million and his more recent work just published still doesn'thave a ranking. On the talk page, an argument was madethat he was notable due to his mention on the deleted(admittedly, by me as nonsense) Neo-ontology article andthere were concerns that Amazon sales rankings are uselessin determining notability for a philosopher. However, aGoogle search on him shows little information. I don't readRomanian so somebody who does maybe sees somethingon his page there that will help determine verifiability. --Ricky81682 (talk) 20:22, 29 July 2006 (UTC)

Delete per nomination. I read the Romanian article,and apparently the man is only "notable" for having*probably* been threatened with physical harm bythe Romanian ambassador in Australia. The linksfor his novels don't appear to be functionalanymore, the book relies on obscure references to"acclaim", and the man is likely to be ignored by allbut five Romanians (as I am sure he is completely



ignored by Americans, Chinese, etc.). Dahn 20:59,29 July 2006 (UTC)

Neutral for now. Repeating my remarks from thetalk page:

I have no way from reading this entry to seewhether Cerin is notable. I would agree with oneremark made above: Amazon rankings are a uselessmeasure of whether a contemporary philosopher issignificant. Virtually no contemporary philosopherhas significant book sales.The question is: what is the positive evidence ofnotability? Is he being taught in the curriculum of atleast one major university? Is there a review of oneof his books in some reputable publication, either asignificant specialist publication (for example, oneof the many listed at [1]) or a generalist publication(New York Review of Books, Times LiterarySupplement, etc.) or even a review in a significantnewspaper in almost any language? If not, can theperson who suggests keeping this give some otherevidence of notability beyond her personal opinion?- Jmabel | Talk 22:13, 29 July 2006 (UTC)Comment I agree with that point. I did look atgoogle first and while I didn't mention it in the prodsummary, given a very small online footpoint (Ican't even find a biography of the man anywhere,even from a website of his own), I doubtful of anymaterial that would be useful for verfiability, notalone to argue notability. I think the fact that thewebsite that was listed for him in this articleconsists of free webhosting service which has nowcancelled the account speaks for itself. --Ricky81682 (talk) 23:32, 29 July 2006 (UTC)



o Delete. Anittas was kind enough to sendalong this link to an article in Clujeanul, anewspaper from Cluj. In Romanian, sorry,but it basically says that he has sold only 10copies of his book, has lied in Romaniaaboug it being a best-seller, and that notedRomanian publisher Humanitas called hisnovel Destiny "unpublishable". - Jmabel |Talk 16:58, 30 July 2006 (UTC)

Delete. He has 32 Google hits in English. [2].

There are 2 Google book references referring to his ownbook [3]. He comes up empty on Google Scholar [4] andGoogle News [5]. In short, he fails to meet our verifiabilityguidelines as there are no reliable third-party sourcesavailable to write an article about him. Capitalistroadster00:43, 30 July 2006 (UTC)

Comment I guess can we assume from the blankingof the article here by a user who uses the initialsS.C. that the author agrees to deletion? --Ricky81682 (talk) 19:32, 31 July 2006 (UTC)

Comment: given that we have an explicitcitationfrom a generally reliable source claiming that he isa minor figure for whom exaggerated claims havebeen made in the past, and that there has beennothing like a reliable source cited to the oppositeeffect, can we close this and delete? If someonecomes forward with belated evidence of notability,we can always undelete. - Jmabel | Talk 06:45, 4August 2006 (UTC) The following discussion is anarchived debate of the proposed deletion of thearticle below. Please do not modify it. Subsequentcomments should be made on the appropriatediscussion page (such as the article's talk page or in



a deletion review). No further edits should be madeto this page.

The result was delete. Mailer Diablo 19:42, 4 August 2006(UTC)

The above discussion is preserved as an archive of thedebate. Please do not modify it. Subsequent commentsshould be made on the appropriate discussion page (suchas the article's talk page or in a deletion review).

It is true that those who had wished thedeleting article Sorin Cerin from the English Wikipediahave been also Romanians. The plan was simple andconsisted in the removal of Sorin Cerin from all structuresappeared on the Internet and which would reveal the truthabout him. Sorin Cerin must necessarily be donecontroversial, even if there was not a clear controversyabout his literature or philosophy. In 2004 once with thepublication of the novel Destiny in the United States, I wasasked how many books were sold and if their numbercoincides with that of the rank on Being atbeggining, at that time I did not know exactly what to sayand therefore I said that anything is possible. Thisambiguous response of mine, was interpreted by adverseforces as one certainly, and they removed immediately therumor that I have sold millions of books. Finally appearedan article in a provincial newspaper called Clujeanul, andwhich went bankrupt after that. In Clujeanul, a namely theredactor said that she would have talked to those fromrespective publishing house, which has published Destiny,and I would have sold only ten books. I asked and myselfpublishing house, and I was told that no one could say thenumber of books sold for not had passed even three months



from the appearance of the book when it held its firstestimates. When I mentioned the ten books on whichrespective journalist, them would be remembered, myeditors said they really have recalled of the ten books,only that they were received free by me, as copyright. Alsoin that newspaper entitled Clujeanul, was said, if mycharacters will return from a such blow given to the bookDestiny? Today, seven years later, Destiny is still selling,is right, not spectacular, in exchange, Clujeanul newspaperwent bankrupt, although is auto-promote as, the most readnewspaper in Cluj. I remembered of this episode because itwas made known five years ago by another Romanian whohides behind anonymity Dahn on English wikipedia, andwho demanded my removal from the English-languageWikipedia. Instead Napoca News investigative a platformand culture of the same city, Cluj Napoca, wrote manyarticles which recommended my literary and philosophicalwork, culminating in a review of my sapiential work ,written by the prestigious Romanian universitary Dodu IonBălan. But about all this in the following pages. This time,can be seen very clearly in the pages below, how a group ofAmericans demands the reinstatement Sorin Cerin pageand they vote for it. The reason was that Sorin Cerin hadnotability through the fact that he appeared in the nationalpress from Romania until that time. It specify is clear, thatthe main newspapers of the time wrote about Sorin Cerin.The article was eventually reinstated.

Sorin Cerin (edit|talk|history|links|watch|logs)— {AfD}

This article was deleted on December 3 with conclusion:"Deletion endorse among established editors" because thearticle was very poor in information.After that time werecreate another article,with more information and now webeleive that article is good to be in Wikipedia.The new



article was deleted on December 11 with conclusion:"thearticle must to go first through deletion reviewagain"Alinaro 08:41, 12 December 2006 (UTC)

Overturn deletion. A forced DRV only applies ifsomeone wants to repost deleted content. The newversion of the article (before it was redeleted byJmabel) asserts notability by national newscoverage, which the originally deleted versiondidn't. - Mgm|(talk) 09:03, 12 December 2006 (UTC)

Overturn per MgM and cleanup. Zocky | picturepopups 11:13, 12 December 2006 (UTC)

Overturn per above. Said it perfectly. --badlydrawnjeff talk 11:48, 12 December 2006(UTC)

Overturn You can't delete an article with the samereasoning if it's substantially different. Xiner 17:35,12 December 2006 (UTC)

A few days later the same group led by anAmerican who worked for Romania JMabel and publishvarious pictures with him through pubs from Romania,demands insistently deleting Article Sorin Cerin, justrestored to the initiative of many Americans. Groundsoffending, are those below. It is clearly seen, theimplication finally of the same controversed, AdiJapan, onreal name Adrian Dobroiu, the one who considerednotability of Sorin Cerin related to former Ambassador IonGâf Deac. Dobroiu, in fact is working as a physicist inJapan, not having no relation to culture, and especially withphilosophy and literature. Only now the reader will be ableto fully understand how works some secret brotherhood,using Wikipedia as a platform to maneuver against politicalopponents or any other kind. Why I become undesirableonce with the article published in newspaper Day byGeorge Roncea, entitled 'Correspondent of newspaper Day



in Australia, threatened with death by Ambassador IoanGâf Deac'? What connection has my philosophical andliterary work, with the fact that I was international newscorrespondent in Australia? Everything is very simple. In1997, I sent the press in Romania correspondence fromAustralia. Among some information were and someinformation about drug trafficking in which were involvedcertain Romanian, as the newspapers in Australia wrote. Idid not made than to reproduce certain passages of what thenewspapers wrote there. Then former Ambassador Ioan GâfDeac told me, that if I enter more deeply into some things, Imight die. Day newspaper published that material. As aresult I was attacked by another newspaper where theyinserted more lies and slander about me. I sued for libel theauthor of the attack, but he escaped because he had used afalse name. At that time it was rumored that the formerSecurity, on the time the dictator Ceausescu had beeninvolved in those things. I did not say anything about thataspect. Also below is another picturesque character whichsigned Ioannes Pragensis, and reminiscent of the so-calledspecialty magazines, that would not be writing anythingabout me. Another miserable intoxication. I say thisbecause by that time there were a lot of articles writtenabout me in magazines as 'Old Dilemma' or otherpublications. Do not will talk about articles that haveappeared on route, in dozens of specialized publications,such as 'Family' from Oradea, founded by Joseph Vulcan,at mid of nineteen century and where debuted even and theRomanian national poet, Mihai Eminescu, and more other.

Sorin Cerin

Sorin Cerin (edit|talk|history|links|watch|logs)

This has been re-created and deleted several times, seeespecially Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Sorin Cerin. The



question is whether there is notability. There is no doubtthat he has written books (although arguably none frommajor presses or with significant sales). He appears to be apretty determined self-promoter, which makes notability abit difficult to judge. And a number of supposedly differentpeople, but with nearly identical unorthodox punctuation intheir posts, have been arguing for a keep. It was apparentlydetermined that this could not be speedied as a re-creationbecause it is somewhat different than before, so we need todiscuss it again. - Jmabel | Talk 16:57, 19 December 2006(UTC)

Listed on Wikipedia:Romanian Wikipedians' notice board -Jmabel | Talk 17:12, 19 December 2006 (UTC)Listed on Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Philosophy - Jmabel |Talk 17:12, 19 December 2006 (UTC)

Strong delete The reason to allow re-creation wasthe added succession of links at the bottom, butnone of those proves notoriety, IMO - they aremerely evidence of self-promotion. Aside from twominor articles in journals, all of those seem to beeasily accessible for posting and/or highlysympathetic to Cerin's persistence (diaspora"deploring" that Cerin was "denied a place inRomanian culture"). There is no accessible andneutral criticism of his work, there is no commenton it from a professional source, there is frankly nomaterial that would prove not to have been writtenor ordered by Cerin himself. With a littleperseverence, anybody can have his or her nameflashed around on the www. Wikipedia is not avehicle for self-promotion, and wikipedia shouldnot help someone achieve notoriety - it should baseitself on acquired notoriety. Dahn 17:30, 19December 2006 (UTC)



STRONG UNDELETEIs not True what Dahnsaid.Sorin Cerin was published in other manyjournals and was invited in many TV talk shows inRomania!Please see the journals!The articles is notonly" two minor articles in journals"Envy?Alinaro18:21, 19 December 2006 (UTC)

o 100% of this user's edits relate to Sorin Cerin (except1 edit to own user page). - Jmabel | Talk 23:07, 19December 2006 (UTC)

Strong Undeleteper above,because is not true whatDahn said.Sorin Cerin was published by manynewspapers and was invited in many TVshows.Romanian people know him.Keep thispage.L.Marchis 18:30, 19 December 2006 (UTC)

o 100% of this user's edits relate to Sorin Cerin (exceptedits to own user page and user talk page). - Jmabel |Talk 23:10, 19 December 2006 (UTC)

delete per nom. Browsing through the links to hisworks on the current version, and old versions, itseems as though many are the rambling gibberish ofa schizophrenic. I know that sounds very harsh, butI say that based on the several schizophrenic friendsof mine and the kind of material they produce whenmotivated. I do not think a judgment of notabilitycan rely on the existence of published works in thiscase, and it just seems as though Mr. Cerin is not anotable author at this point in time. - Sam 18:33, 19December 2006 (UTC)

Delete and salt. This seems to be an ongoingpromotion regime of someone. --Buridan 18:41, 19December 2006 (UTC)

Delete with a Nuke and possibly salt. None of thelinks provided are from independent reliable third-party, reputable, non-trivial published sources.Nothing here helps him pass WP:BIO. If he waspublished in these peer-reviewed journals...thenplease post information on them so we can verify it



is true. If he was invited on TV shows, provide thename of the show, airdate, an network it wasdistributed on. As of now, no average adult withoutspecific expert knowledge can really verify any ofthis, and that is a basis of WP:V (edit conflict withburidan. We posted at the same time :) )--Brian (How

am I doing?) 18:42, 19 December 2006 (UTC) Delete, not because a crackpot, but because still a

very marginal one.--Ioannes Pragensis 21:11, 19December 2006 (UTC)

Delete unless he can be shown to have notabilitybeyond his or someone else's persistence inattempting to publicize him. To paraphrase what Isaid before, evidence of notability would include:

o Being taught in the curriculum of at leastone major university?

o A review of one of his books in somereputable publication, either a significantspecialist publication (for example, one ofthe many listed at [1]) or a generalistpublication (New York Review of Books,Times Literary Supplement, etc.) or even areview in a significant newspaper in almostany language.

Also, I am sure I am not the only one who hasnoticed that virtually all support for having anarticle on this person seems to be coming frompeople who create somewhat similar (or no) userpages and have the same oddly punctuated English.If these were not all the same person as89.114.26.107 (talk · contribs), the IP that wasbriefly blocked for spamming user pages on thismatter (and is now spamming again), I'd be verysurprised. A usercheck might be in order. Voting



more than once on the same AFD is pretty serioussockpuppet abuse.I find this all a bit bizarre. I originally (in July)came into this with a pretty open mind that thismight prove to be a notable person, but Iincreasingly find that unlikely, and the conduct ofhis "supporters" has been such as to make meincreasingly skeptical of anything other than verysolid evidence. - Jmabel | Talk 23:22, 19 December2006 (UTC)

Keep and completely rewrite according to whatSorin Cerin really is notable for. He is onlymarginally known for his writings and definitely notestablished as a philosopher. On the other hand he isquite famous for all the controversy that surroundshim -- see the external links at ro:Sorin Cerin. AsJoe notes, all "these" editors (at en.wp as well asro.wp and others) have the same peculiarpunctuation -- no matter the language -- and onlycontribute to this particular subject. Someoneclaiming to be Sorin Cerin himself left this messageon my talk page at ro.wp and appears to be the sameperson who makes all these edits under a plethora ofusernames and IPs. — AdiJapan☎ 03:07, 20December 2006 (UTC)

If I understant it right, his "real notability" consistsof 1) publishing a few lunatic books in obscurepublishing houses without any significant echo inacademic journals or in really importantnewspapers; 2) sockpupetting on Wikipedia. I donot think that this both is important enough to grantthe minimum notability needed for an article here.--Ioannes Pragensis 08:47, 20 December 2006 (UTC)



Delete Neutral for now. bogdan 12:05, 20December 2006 (UTC)

Delete per bogdan. - Francis Tyers · 19:32, 20December 2006 (UTC)

Delete nonverifiable notability. Mukadderat 01:59,25 December 2006 (UTC)

The above discussion is preserved as an archive of thedebate. Please do not modify it. Subsequent commentsshould be made on the appropriate discussion page (suchas the article's talk page or in a deletion review).

The following discussion is an archived debate ofthe proposed deletion of the article below. Pleasedo not modify it. Subsequent comments should bemade on the appropriate discussion page (such asthe article's talk page or in a deletion review). Nofurther edits should be made to this page.

The result was delete. 04:37, 25 December2006 (UTC)

So shows the page of Sorin Cerin, to those whowish to access :

This page has been deleted. The deletion and move log forthe page are provided below for reference.

08:47, 24 May 2007 Woohookitty (talk | contribs)deleted "Sorin Cerin" (content was:'{{deletedpage}}' (and the only contributor was'Woohookitty'))

08:43, 24 May 2007 Woohookitty (talk | contribs)deleted "Sorin Cerin" (content was: ''''Sorin Cerin'''(*November 251963Baia MareRomania)romanianphilosopher.Cerin in Coaxialismul (The



Coaxialism)make an opening towards...' (and theonly contributor was 'Mirciar'))

08:14, 24 May 2007 Woohookitty (talk | contribs)deleted "Sorin Cerin" (CSD G4: Recreation ofDeleted Material)

23:25, 17 April 2007 Cbrown1023 (talk | contribs)deleted "Sorin Cerin" (content was:'{{deletedpage}}<!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>')

04:37, 25 December 2006 (talk |contribs) deleted "Sorin Cerin" (Wikipedia:Articlesfor deletion/Sorin Cerin (Dec 2006))

06:38, 19 December 2006 Trialsanderrors (talk |contribs) restored "Sorin Cerin" (100 revisionsrestored: per Wikipedia:Deletion review/Log/2006December 12)

16:48, 11 December 2006 Jmabel (talk | contribs)deleted "Sorin Cerin" (Recreation of deletedarticle, must go through deletion review)

17:05, 24 November 2006 Nakon (talk | contribs)deleted "Sorin Cerin" (G4)

20:46, 23 November 2006 NawlinWiki (talk |contribs) deleted "Sorin Cerin" (a7, books areselfpublished)

19:42, 4 August 2006 Mailer diablo (talk | contribs)deleted "Sorin Cerin" (Wikipedia:Articles fordeletion/Sorin Cerin)

Below you can see the page that appears on the so-called free encyclopedia Wikipedia, where, eventually isstresses clearly, that is forbiden any attempt of re-creationof the respective page. This right they have onlyWikipedians administrators. It also is emphasizes that theadministrator who deleted or blocked page, can not be theone who can restore back page. Then at which



administrator to call in quality of the author, who knowsthat it have made great injustice and do not want your nameto be blasphemed by some individuals full of gumption,envy or frustrations? Is this the spirit that animates freedomof information under whose umbrella is hidden so-calledfree encyclopedia? I understand that the article about me,would have been put under the permanent ban to berecreated by some editors on reason that it would have beenrewritten several times. What guilt I have if some vandalshave rewritten the article without posting new data just forto hurt me? In these four years since when the page SorinCerin was deleted, although me have appeared fifteenbooks in various editions from different publishers,although I have been reviewed by higher personalities ofthe philosophical andliterary criticism, although I haveappeared in dozens of publications of paramountimportance, nor a administrator not willing to restore backpage Sorin Cerin, or at least to pass it in posture to beprotected as it is today.

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Finally it was decided deleting of my article fromGerman Wikipedia on the grounds of notability, seeing itthe intoxication made by Romanian at English Wikipedia,and taken by Germans as truth. The man who initiallydemanded removal quickly of the article, an honest manwho seemed to be quality, sign PaterMcFly. He andrealized finally about the mistake that he made, andreturned rightly trying to support me. It specify from thebeggining situation created between Wikipedia of differentlanguages, especially the one in English. What falls verymuch in the balance is that the publishing houses whichwould have published me, were, self-publishing. I madeclear in my comments in the English below, that some



books from Romania were not at all published on mymoney, but I saw that the decision was to delete, becauseof the decision of the English Wikipedia, where somefactions of secret services of the era Communist ofRomania, that not more were active, but still operatethrough the friendship and collegiality, and they said theword. From all the wikipedia discussions which we havepursued until now, those worn by the Germans me haveseemed the most seriously and open. Again, the trueGerman education, not is denies. I them give rightness,about all the reasons raised, once they did not know, trueins and outs, which were at base of my defamation. Theyhad no way of knowing about the former agents whospecialize in intoxication and brain washing. I believe andfurther, I saw German seriousness, that Wikipedia its willreturn in one day, and that is, and will remain, one of thefinest projects of the future, regarding on information. Intime, after another two years, my whole sapiential work,was published by the prestigious publishing house inRomania, Editura Eminescu, without paying anything,how some detractors always trying to pass me to selfpublished authors. Not I to mention about the prestigiouspersonalities, scholars and academics who have writtenabout my work.


Nach QS: Halte ich nach Ansicht der Suchergebnisse imweb für einen erfolgreichen Selbstvermarkter ohne relevanz- unabhängige Quellen Fehlanzeige. Dieenglischsprachigen Bücher sind sicher BOD, dieMuttersprachliche vermutlich auch. Der Text erscheint mirverwirrend, das ausführliche Interwiki vermutlich selbsterzeugt - die Kollegen von en haben hier via Irrelevanzgelöscht. LKD 06:36, 26. Okt. 2007 (CEST)



Was heisst BOD? Ansonsten: Zustimmung,Quellen nachliefern oder Löschen in 7 Tagen --PaterMcFly Diskussion

Beiträge 08:31, 26. Okt. 2007(CEST)Einfach mal nachlesen. Die als Begründungangeführte Löschung in der englischen Wikipediaerfolgte bereits in Dezember 2006 - die meistenBücher sind erst 2007 erschienen. --Quietwaves09:52, 29. Okt. 2007 (CET)In Dezember 2006!!! Philosophisher Bücher (5)istin 2007!!!Luvarios 09:23, 26. Okt. 2007 (CEST)Hä? Was will Luvarios (Der sich nur mit Cerinbeschäftigt) uns sagen? BOD = Book-on-Demand.Keines der Bücher ist irgendeiner Datenbank zufinden.Amazon kennt zwei Werke (Über dieVerlage kann ich nichts sagen). Sieht stark nachWP:SD aus. Wirr. eher löschen --BLunTs #!:%?10:40, 26. Okt. 2007 (CEST)So kannst du nicht sachlich vorgehen. Dasdeutschsprachige Amazon ist nun wohl wirklichkeine brauchbare Referenz für in rumänischerSprache erschienene Bücher. --Quietwaves 09:54,29. Okt. 2007 (CET)Du weißt garnicht wie ich vorgegangen bin! Denkstwahrscheinlich ich hätte einfach nur bei Amzongesucht und Schluss. Da hab ich mir schon sehr vielmehr Arbeit gemacht. Leider hat nur Amazon einverlinkbares Ergebnis gebracht. --BLunTs #!:%?09:02, 30. Okt. 2007 (CET)Anmerkung: Laut en:Wp gab es sehr vieleSockenpuppen, die sich dort ausschließlich mitCerin beschäftigt haben. Die scheint es bei uns auchzu geben. Bei Luvarios, Mircia, Minaretten undSzepi sind 100% der Beiträge direkt mit Cerinverbunden. Ist nur ein Verdacht.--BLunTs #!:%?11:00, 26. Okt. 2007 (CEST)



Höchst verdächtig: Genauso bei fr:Sorin Cerin,sogar von einem User mit gleichem Nick: Luvarios.Und das ganze mit möglichst vielen edits, obwohlder französische Artikel nur ein Substub zumVerkaufen vieler Bücher ist. Und Dieses Bild auf itzeigt genau das gleiche. Da ist definitiv etwas faul:Wegen SD und Werbung Schnelllöschen. --PaterMcFly Diskussion

Beiträge 12:54, 26. Okt. 2007


I don't beleive what happening with my pages inmany languages wiki.This is vandalism and I can'tbeleive this vandalism to be in german culture andcivilization.Please see french and other pages.Whatdo Luvarios? Just insert some title from myworks!Nothing else!Why mr.Sinn Mc Fly?Becausean alchoolist was let off from romanian companyand a seales man and mobile phone dealer don'tagree philosophy?They know what meansphilosophy!I don't beleive that.If wish to delete thispage please do that as soon is possible, just for thereason because was some title and I amromanian?This is not aid.In the moment when I wasdelete like philosopher in, I had no anyworks in philosophy , but now I have enough to behere.I don't understand why many people try lastyear to show if I am philosopher or not if no worksin that area until now?Hope that german wikipediato be thinking for germans and not for other peoplewho try to delete evereythining who don't like.Sorrybecause I write in english but I don't knowgerman.In future please do not vandalise otherpages.Sorin CerinSzepi 20:03, 26. Okt. 2007(CEST)



Jetzt kann ich was über die Verlage sagen. Die beiden überAmazon erhältlichen Bücher stammen ausZuschussverlagen bzw. Print on demand (iUniverse,en:IUniverse, und sind somit nachWP:RK nicht relevant. Bei den anderen Büchern sollteerstmal ein Nachweis geführt werden, dass diese nicht ausebensolchen Verlagen stammen. So viel dazu. Leider habeich Szepi nicht wirklich verstanden (My Question was:What is Luvarios trying to tell us? Since your books seamto be published only by self-publishing companies, they arenot relevant by our rules in de:WP). --BLunTs #!:%? 22:58,26. Okt. 2007 (CEST)

Du kannst die Beweislast hier nicht einfachumdrehen und Unterstellungen von BOD machen.Der Autor gibt oben doch selber an, dass dieenglischen Übersetzungen (und von denen schreibstauch du) in BOD-Verlagen erschienen sind. Dasmacht keinerlei Aussage über die rumänischenAusgaben - alles was du hier anstellst istUnterstellung und Spekulation. --Quietwaves 09:56,29. Okt. 2007 (CET)Ich versuche mal zu übersetzen, was Szepi unssagen will (Hinweis: Es besteht der Verdacht, dasser mit Benutzer:Luvarios identisch ist).Ich kann nicht glauben, was mit meinen Seiten inden Wikis vieler Sprachen geschieht. Das istVandalismus und ich kann nicht glauben, dass es inder deutschen Kultur und Zivilisation Vandalismusgibt. Bitte beachte die Französische und andereSeiten. Was hat Luvarios getan? Er hat Titel meinerWerke eingefügt. Sonst nichts! Wieso Herr Sinn McFly? Weil ein Alkoholkranker von einerrumänischen Firma abgehauen ist und einVerkäufer und ein Handyverkäufer sich nicht aufphilosophische (Themen) einigen können? Die



wissen (vermutlich fehlt hier ein nicht) wasPilosophie ist. Ich kann das nicht glauben. Wenn siediese Seite zu löschen wünschen, machen sie das soschnell wie möglich, nur wegen einem Titel undweil ich Rumäne bin? Das ist keine Hilfe. ZumZeitpunkt, als die en-Seite gelöscht wurde, hatte ichkeine philosophischen Werke geschrieben, jetzthabe ich aber genug, um hier zu stehen. I verstehenicht, wieso manche Leute das letzte Jahrverwenden, um zu zeigen, ob ich Philosoph bin odernicht, wenn es keine Werke gibt bis jetzt. Ich hoffe,dass die deutsche WP für deutsche denkt und nichtfür andere, die alles löschen, was ihnen nichtgefällt. Entschuldigt, dass ich in englisch schreibe,aber ich kann kein deutsch. In Zukunft vandaliertkeine anderen Seiten. Sorin Cerin -- gezeichnetSzepiMeine Antwort darauf jetzt in englisch:Mister Cerin, a deletion request is not vandalism, aslong as there is a well-formed reason for therequest. The deletion rules of german wikipedia arelisted here: WP:LR (in german, state that these maysignificantly differ from the rules of other wikipediaprojects). The request for deletion was because of

1. the text of the article is hardly (if not to say barely)understandable. Articles must meet some minimumquality criteria. One is that the article must beunderstandable by everybody, even if he's not amaster in that subject. For this article, this wouldmean that your philosopy must be well-explainedand one must understand why it is different fromArthur Schopenhauer or Ludwig_Wittgenstein, asyou write.

2. The books in the article seem not to pass therelevance criteria specified for the german



wikipedia. SeeWP:RK#Schriftsteller_und_Sachbuchautoren.Book-on-demand and similar presses are notrelevant for the german wikipedia, this may bedifferent for other languages, but here we haveagreed on stricter rules than others. Are there anythird-party works about you or your books to checktheir recension? There are also common relevancecriteria a Person must met to have an article inde:WP. For a philosopher, I would expect somethird-party work, because otherwise, we call thisWP:TF, or private theory, which does not belonginto an encyclopedia.

3. Link-Lists and advertisements are not appreciatedhere. WP is not an advertisement forum.

--PaterMcFly DiskussionBeiträge 10:25, 27. Okt. 2007

(CEST)You right in this manner PaterMcFly.Print onDemand books is not a reason to be proud,butbegining is that and I cannot change the history ofmy life.I don't wish to use wikipedia likeadvertising and I agree that the article must to berewrite in according with what I am now,withoutlinks and other pages.

Return to our question I wish to explain that I'm not awriter because my literary works published by print ondemand publishers are not important. Not for that reasonI'm in wikipedia.I will ask to all this garbage-publishers todelete all pages with my name.Anyway this publishers printonly a small part of the book Destiny(iUniverse) becauseentire book was print in Romania with the help ofRomanian Mc Donald's Company(not Print onDemand)pleasesee:



21&id=165612 where this big corporation invest money inmy books in Romania,and the article was wrote by Ziua,animportant romanian national newspaper.This works likeDestiny, is literary works and not philosophical works.I'mnot important like writer, possible just in a small mannerbut not for wikipedia.I am important like philosopher in myphilosophical works who been published this year inRomania and are not print on demand books.Is fivebooks.This books are available on the romanian booksalersnetwork.This books have many reviews from romanianresearchers in philosophy,and from RomanianAcademy.This is the reason to be here not because of myliterary works who been POD(Print on Demand) inUS,even if Virtualbookworm an american-germanpublisher,screen before accepting a book.If you areinterested in my philosophical books and reviews I cansend many others reviews for rewrite a serious article inaccordance of german wikipedia.About Scopenhauer andNitzsche not I made the comparation but a researcher fromThe Romanian Academy.I hope to take a correct decisionregarding article,and I beleive in the german culture andcivilization of Heidegger,Schöpenhauer andNitezsche.Thank You.Sorin CerinSzepi 11:56, 27. Okt.2007 (CEST)

was ist das Ganze hier? Ein Artikel-Bewerbungsschreiben? "Scopenhauer" und"Nitzsche" (oder heißt er doch "Nitezsche" sprechenfür sich..., und hier schreibt nur ein eitler Geck. Inder Romanian Academy ist so gut wie jeder, dermehr als Unterhaltung macht, und auch von denenganz viele. Löschen -- 13:20, 27.Okt. 2007 (CEST)

After a review of the links given in the romanian wikipediasite (I must admit I didn't check there before), things really



look a bit different. There are really reviews about yourwork even in english available (I don't understandromanian...) and the article itself looks quite well. Couldyou specifiy a bit clearer which of the links in your articleyou find usefull and which state something about yourwork and your reputation? This is certainly a starting point.But somebody needs to translate this into german and makea good article from it, which contains all the relevantinformation. If I understand you right, you agree that thecurrent article is bad and needs rewriting and improving. Ifthis doesn't happen within a week, the article will possiblyget deleted. You could re-post it later as a better articleobviously.

If you post a good english text with references I can verify,I might help translating it. --PaterMcFly Diskussion


14:01, 27. Okt. 2007 (CEST)

Kurz in deutsch: Der Text in der rumänischen Wikipedia(ro:Sorin Cerin) ist recht ausführlich und Cerin hat mehrereBücher geschrieben, die nicht in einen BOD-Verlagerschienen sind. Einige seiner Bücher wurden sogar insEnglische übersetzt und von einem amerikanischen Verlagherausgegeben. Es gibt auch englische Reviews über seinWerk. Er versteht sich inzwischen mehr als Philosoph dennals Schriftsteller, aber die RK für Schriftsteller scheint erdurchaus zu erfüllen. Der deutsche Artikel ist ziemlichschlecht, aber das lässt sich verbessern. --PaterMcFlyDiskussion

Beiträge 14:01, 27. Okt. 2007 (CEST)

I'm sorry for this big mistake.Yes is notScopenhauer is SCHOPENHAUER and notNitzsche, is NIETZSCHE.This philosophers areGODS for me and I don't know how it'shappening,the same like 'comparation' and notcomparison.I'm very sorry again!No excuse for me!



In conclusion,only my literary works was print on demandand not philosophical works (five books).My literary worksis not important because I'm not important writer.For thisPrint on Demand I will pay all my life.I feel a big shameabout POD books.Who will forgive me for that? Sorryagain.Sorin CerinSzepi 07:28, 28. Okt. 2007 (CET)

You don't have to be sorry about that. Errors in discussions(especially when one is nervous) are normal and happen allthe time. Don't take anonymous posting to seriously. I havemodified and updated your article to include the importantfacts about your life. The article now lacks an explanationof your work, but it will require quite some time to get aninsight of your philosophy and understanding of the world.Is there somewhere an abstract about this which doesn'trequire to read and understand all of this? There areabstracts about your individual books available, but gettingtrough this will take significant time. Nevertheless, I'llrequest keeping of the article now, since it's a valid stubnow and I think the books you've written let you pass therelevance criteria.

Also: Der Artikel ist jetzt ein gültiger Stub. Da fehltnatürlich noch alles über das Werk des Mannes, es brauchtaber viel Zeit, das zusammenzufassen und in den Artikeleinzufügen. Die WP:RK für Schriftsteller erfüllt er mitseinen fünf nicht in Book-on-demand Verlagenerschienenen Büchern locker, ausserdem gibt es Reviews(und Übersetzungen) auch in Englisch über seine Werke.Behalten und Ausbauen (werde ich machen, wenn ich dazukomme). --PaterMcFly Diskussion

Beiträge 09:28, 28. Okt. 2007(CET)

Woher nimmst du die Information, das der Verlagder rumänischen Bücher nicht BOD sei? Imrumänischen Artikel ro:Sorin Cerin sind die Bücher



abgebildet: Verlag aller fünf Bücher demnach ist"Editura PACO" - alle Bücher 2007 erschienen. Dasein Verlag fünf Bücher eines Autors innerhalb einesJahres herausbringt ist recht gut dadurch erklärbar,das der sein Geld nicht mit dem Verkauf der Bücherverdient, sondern mit der Produktion. Diealternative Erklärung äre ein absolutar Starautor -allerdings sprich die Gestaltung der Bände danndoch eher für Kleinstauflagen.Erhellend könnte möglicherweise dieser Artikelsein, der im Rahmen dieser LD bei den Kollegenauf en zusammengefasst wird:"an article inClujeanul, a newspaper from Cluj. In Romanian,sorry, but it basically says that he has sold only 10copies of his book, has lied in Romania aboug itbeing a best-seller, and that noted Romanianpublisher Humanitas called his novel Destiny"unpublishable".".Wie gesagt - ohne unabhängige Quellen bin ichmisstrauisch - alle Internetquellen, die ich gefundenhab sind web2.0 zum Selbsteintragen, free-webspace undd sowas. Mit genügend Zeit kann manauch versuchen -wie hier m.E. geschehen- in denverschieden wikis seine gefakte Selbstdarstellungzu verbreiten.--LKD 16:36, 28. Okt. 2007 (CET)Dass alle Bücher im gleichen Jahr erschienen sind,erschien mir auch irgendwie seltsam, konnte miraber darauf keinen Reim machen. Was meinst Dumit das der sein Geld nicht mit dem Verkauf derBücher verdient, sondern mit der Produktion.? Wiekann man an der Produktion von Büchernverdienen? Er schreibt oben ausserdem selbst, dassdie neuen Bücher nicht in einem BOD erschienensind. Ausser das ist mal wieder eine Lüge, wie ihmin der englischen WP mehrfach unterstellt wird. --



PaterMcFly DiskussionBeiträge 18:50, 28. Okt. 2007

(CET)Nicht Cerin, sondern der Verlag verdient sein Geldmit der Produktion der Bücher. Der Verlag lässtsich hierbei alle Kosten von dem Autor erstattenplus einen Profit. Dies ist im BODGeschäftsmodell, wie z.b. iUniverse einem voncerins Verlagen, üblich. Irgendwie habe ichweiterhin das Gefühl, hier versucht jemand sichselbst darzustellen und gößer zu machen als er ist.Eine reputable deutsche Quelle die ihn alsPhilosoph bezeichnet wäre sehr angebracht. --BLunTs #!:%? 21:25, 28. Okt. 2007 (CET)Also gemäss Google sind seine Bücher auch indeutschen Versandhandlungen erhältlich: [6].Zusammen mit Philosoph findet sich dannallerdings gar nichts vernünftiges mehr: [7].Reputable deutsche (oder auch englische) Quellenüber den Autor scheinen jedoch tatsächlichschwierig zu finden zu sein. Vieles davon könntemanipuliert sein. Misstrauisch machen dann dochauch solche Funde: [8] Ein Abschnitt eines seinerBücher in einer grausligen Babelfisch-Übersetzung.verwirrt --PaterMcFly Diskussion

Beiträge 08:12, 29.Okt. 2007 (CET)Wobei es sich dabei nur um die zwei Bücher Originof.. und Destiny handelt. Näheres (viel) weiteroben. Ich glaube WP hat keinen Verlust, wenn manihn entfernt. Er kann es ja gerne nochmalversuchen, wenn es entsprechende Quellen/Büchergibt. löschen Wegen nicht vorhandener Relevanzals Autor (nur BOD) oder nicht nachgewiesenerRelevanz als Philosoph je nachdem als was man ihnsieht. --BLunTs #!:%? 08:31, 29. Okt. 2007 (CET)Thank You PaterMcFly,you have in me a friend.Inthe newspaper Clujeanul is about Destiny,the book



who was print on demand,and, again,I am not animportant writer.The news don't was real.Not all thetime the newspapers tell the true.Many peoples arefull of envy or bad.With friendship,SorinCerinSzepi 08:34, 29. Okt. 2007 (CET)

My books never been to Humanitas.Is a big liar who wrotethat.Thank You.Sorin CerinSzepi 08:40, 29. Okt. 2007(CET)

Abgesehen, dass die Löschung in en: bereits inDezember 2006 erfolgte (der Großteil der Bücherist erst 2007 erschienen) hat die englischeWikipedia für uns hier nur wenig zu sagen. DiePerson wird durch ihre min. 5 Veröffentlichungendoch wohl eindeutig relevant - die unbelegtenSpekulationen, die hier manche über BOD etc.anstellen (und die wohl zumindest nachgewiesennur die wenigen englischen Übersetzungen seinerWerke betreffen) dürften hingegen zunächst malherbeigezogen sein und nicht WP:AGF entsprechen.Alles in allem mit - soweit ich das überblicke - min.7 muttersprachlichen Buchveröffentlichungen übereinen Zeitraum von 4 Jahren eindeutig relevant,daher eindeutig behalten. --Quietwaves 09:51, 29.Okt. 2007 (CET)Schön, das du soviel AGF hast - ich bin daallerdings vorsichtig.Ich hab nochmal geschaut - da du ja "EdituraPACO" für einen regulären Buchverlag zu haltenscheinst: das rumänische Telefonbuch schmeißt"PACO EDITURA SI TIPOGRAFIE S.R.L." aus -dort kategorisiert bei "Printing Houses" - googleergibt dafür als sinnvollsten Treffer diese Seite.Apropos "unbelegte Spekulation" - wo warennochmal die unabhängigen Quellen für den Artikel?



Die Autorenbeschreibung eines BOD-Verlages istkeine belastbare Quelle - die schreibt der Autor jaauch selber...--LKD 14:00, 29. Okt. 2007 (CET)Da den Autoren in anderen Sprachversionen schonUnwahrheiten und Propaganda unterstellt wurde,sollte man hier auch etwas weniger AGF haben. Dadurch WP:BLG auch gilt: Die Pflicht,Informationen zu belegen, liegt bei dem, der dieInformation hinzufügt, nicht bei dem, der sie inFrage stellt. In strittigen Fällen kann der neueBeitrag ansonsten von jedem Bearbeiter gelöschtwerden. Sollte die Existenz der anderen Bücher erstmal unabhänigig belegt werden. Und noch wasBücher aus Eigenverlagen/BOD sind keinebelastbare Quelle, da ihr Inhalt eine freieMeinungsäußerung ist und an keinewissenschaftlichen Standards gebunden ist. --BLunTs #!:%? 09:09, 30. Okt. 2007 (CET)"Paco Editura si Tipografie" means "PacoPublishing and Printing House"As a printing housePaco make contracts with other companies whowish to print folders,magazines,etc,but as apublisher Paco is NOT print on demandpublisher.First screen,and then invest money.I don'tpay for my books to Paco.PACO is a publisherestablished from 1991 and have thousand andthousand titles of books until today, signed by manyserious and big authors in Romania.When Pacoaccept to prin Destiny was because an internationalcompany like Mc Donald's Romania invest in thisproject,after a serious press which have wrote aboutthis book.Paco is not print on demandpublisher.Paco have printing house and publishinghouse,but printing house is NOT publishing house.Idon't want to remain in this wikipedia if you don'twish but please tell the true.The former president of



the Romanian Union of Writers is the Pacoauthor.Thank You,Sorin Cerin Szepi 18:07, 30. Okt.2007 (CET)Could you please tell us his name? This would be agood sample and proof for Paco not being an BOD-company. --Quietwaves 19:17, 30. Okt. 2007 (CET)So, und langsam wird es unverschämt undunmöglich von euch hier (Bluntsde etc.). Inwelchen anderen Sprachversionen wurde dem Autorwas unterstellt? Bitte konkrete Beispiele (mehrerer!Sprachversionen). Die Bücher des Autor sindbelegt, der Verlag ist belegt, und wenn jetzt nochder Ex-Präsident des rumänischenSchriftstellerverbandes auch dort verlegt wird, dannwäre vielleicht mal eine kleine Entschuldigungfällig (falls ihr soviel Charakter habt). --Quietwaves19:20, 30. Okt. 2007 (CET)Waddemal - "When Paco accept to prin Destinywas because an international company like McDonald's Romania invest in this project,after aserious press which have wrote about this book."bedeutet doch wohl, das McDonalds (?!) in diesesBuch investiert haben soll, was wiederum denWeltverlag Paco motiviert haben soll das Buch (unddrölf andere desselben Autors) zu veröffentlichen,wenn ich nicht irre.Wenn es dazu eine belastbare Quelle gibt, gibt eseine Entschuldigung hier, auf meiner Benutzerseiteund an jeder anderen gewünschten Stelle...--LKD22:22, 30. Okt. 2007 (CET)

Hello Sorin, could you please provide an internet addressfor Paco Editura. The above posted address seems to benot the official address. Although proof for the McDonaldsinvestment in your book would be really great. Are thementioned newspaper articles available online? This would



help this discussion a lot. Thank you. --BLunTs #!:%? 00:00,31. Okt. 2007 (CET)

Yes, the mentioned article where Mc Donald'sinvest in my books is available online and was sentby me in 27 October,please see above on thispage,to Ziua newspaper.Ziua is one of the mainnational newspapers from Romania.To finish anykind of speculation upon my books from Paco,I tellyou how Paco work.First screen themanuscript.After two or three month the authorreceive the answer if the book is accepted orrejected.If the book is accepted,Paco askgovernmental or companies capital investments.Ifgovernment or companies,(any kind of companiesnot only Mc Donald's,can be banks,any kind)wishto invest in that title Paco publish the book,ifnot,no!.Without capital investment is not possible toprint books in any country of the world,because thepaper and inks is very expensive.Because I had agood press about Destiny in my case Mc Donald'swas interested to invest in my books Destiny(booksbecause was three not only one).In myphilosophical books the investor was governmentwith governmental capital investment.I live nowfrom royalty of my books.My royalty is paid byPaco from investment capital money.ThankYou,Sorin CerinSzepi 08:42, 31. Okt. 2007 (CET)I try on Google and Yahoo search engine to findwhich are the official address of Paco,and what Ifind is a lot of web page about Paco and booksprinted there. I think this are the official webpages.The address and contact relations about Pacois on these web pages.Thank You,Sorin CerinSzepi09:04, 31. Okt. 2007 (CET)



Today I had a call phone with Mr.Victor Achim thegeneral manager of PACO and I ask him whatPACO don't have advertise on internet like otherpublisher companies.The answer was becausePACO not work with unknown authors only withfamous authors and prefer to have only few authorswho receive capital investments.Unknown authorsdon't receive any investments.The seriouspublishers like Doubleday,Random House orothers,don't have advertisment on internet becausethe same like PACO don't need unknownauthors.To be a PACO author must first to beaccepted not only by Paco,but by national businessarea,and for that coverage need to be famous.In mycase Mc Donald's invest because this companyconsider me a national pride,see the samenewspaper Ziua,which I sent to yours in 27October.My books Trilogia Destiny was the firstbooks in history when a company like Mc Donald'sRomania invest money.If you wish to contact Paco,Igive you the name of the general manager who isMr.Victor Achim,with phone:+ 40 1 211 4074 ormobile phone:0723624421 or address,CristoforColumb street nr.7.Mr Achim speak romanian but ifis somebody there who speak this language you canask him all information you need.Thank you.SorinCerin Szepi 12:24, 31. Okt. 2007 (CET)Destiny published by iUniverse is just a small partfrom Psycho who are the first book of TrilogiaDestiny.The books of Trilogia Destinyare:Psycho,Apocalipsa and Exodus.Mc Donald'sinvest in all three books not only in a small partfrom Psycho who been published byiUniverse.Thank You.Sorin CerinSzepi 08:58, 1.Nov. 2007 (CET)



Also, das mit der Zeitung scheint zu stimmen. hierist der Artikel (auf rumänisch, aber es scheinttatsächlich um eine Finanzierung durch McDonaldszu gehen). Auf dieser Seite steht, wenn ich dasrichtig interpretiere, dass der erwähnte VictorAchim tatsächlich mit PACO zu tun hat in Bukarestlebt. Der Verlag existiert, das steht hier. Ist zwar inder heutigen Zeit seltsam, dass der Verlag keinenInternet-Auftritt hat, aber ich sehe eigentlich keinenGrund an der Ausführung oben, dass man bereitsbekannt sein muss, um dort veröffentlichen zukönnen, zu zweifeln. Gemäss dem hierveröffentlicht der Verlag tatsächlich Bücherbekannter Autoren (George Orwell). Google [9]spuckt bei der Suche nach editura PACO diverseHändler aus, wo Bücher dieses Verlages gekauftwerden können. So unbedeutend kann er also nichtsein. --PaterMcFly Diskussion

Beiträge 11:31, 1. Nov.2007 (CET)

Nach längerem Stöbern auch in der en:WP, wo inzwischenum die fünf-, sechsmal der Artikel gelöscht wurde und demAuftritt hier in der Löschdisk., liegt mir persönlich nichtviel an diesem Artikel. Das ist Relevanzsuche mit derLupe, und wenn er es auf zwei Bücher in nicht-BoD-Verlagen gebracht haben sollte, ist das keinBehaltenzwang. Der Artikel hat drei Zeilen über den Autorund dreimal soviel über teilweise BoD-Veröffentlichungen.Die Spuren des Artikelautors und diverser Reinkarnationenziehen sich durch die gesamte WP-Landschaft, wiederholteRelevanzbeteuerungen auf diese Art sprechen eher gegeneine solche. Der Mann versucht Geld zu verdienen, daskann man verstehen. Tendenz löschen. rorkhete 16:41, 4.Nov. 2007 (CET)



Unbelievable.NO COMMENT!If wish to delete thisarticle please delete,but not insert all kinds ofillusive reasons.7 books is not 2 books.I don't wantto be here in this wikipedia never if yours don'tneed but if yours wish more information about me Iwill give you.Thank you.Sorin CerinSzepi 07:29, 6.Nov. 2007 (CET)

Gelöscht (WP:WWNI 7.2) --Flibbertigibbet 17:13,7. Nov. 2007 (CET)

I expected that once with new successes in mycareer, to is require my deletion, and from Romanian-language Wikipedia on various reasons invented bymalevolent who are at basis of insults and defamation ofmine. An article, even and discreditable, appeared inWikipedia, there would had no value, once that I started tobe known by the masses of increasingly large of people,and prestigious publishing houses, as the EminescuPublishing House, me published my entire sapiential work,consists of six volumes of cogitations. These cogitationsbegan to appear at my fans around the world increasinglymassive, on blogs, pages of quotes in various collections ofwisdom, etc. A defamatory article in Wikipedia, as it wasthe one before no longer had the desired effect for mydetractors, but began to have an opposite effect once that Ibecame better known. It started to me appear and otherbooks. I became a name. I knew that once I will becomefamous, detractors will delete the article Romanian-language Wikipedia under all sorts of excuses. To them Iwas acceptable to the Romanian Wikipedia only, in extentthat I could be categorized as a controversial journalistattacked in newspaper Socialist Democracy Party ofRomania on the ground that would gave hostileinformational notes, about Ambassador Ioan Gâf Deac.This ought to be my only notability, and not that of being afamous philosopher, with my whole sapiential work,



published in the most prestigious publishing house inRomania. You do realize that in this case I should bequickly deleted from Wikipedia. A certain individual whosigned:

Şterge. În momentul de faţă, notabilitate mai multdecât îndoielnică. --Rummycove (discuţie) 28ianuarie 2009 02:10 (EET)

• Delete. Currently, notability, more than doubtful. - Rummycove (talk) January 28, 2009 2:10 (EET)

and strongly demanded my deleting, was the one whostarted the whole operation. The personage has only twocontributions in years, and those refering on my person.This vile personage, was invited by the leader of RomanianWikipedia, of then, Gutza, to him search at phone, toperfect, as more safe, the situation of the article with thename of Sorin Cerin. It is observed from the outset the factthat one of the main reasons put forward is refering at factthat the article Sorin Cerin would be was deleted onEnglish language wikipedia! The same individuals, servileof the clan interests, are rushing this time to delete thearticle Sorin Cerin, trying to find the most bizarre reasons.After the one with deleting from the English wikipedia, itmore was reason that I would be published the books onmy money, fact untrue, especially that I specified theintervention of certain companies which have supportedfinancially the publishing houses to publish my books. Onthat time, yet, I don't have appeared at Eminescu PublishingHouse. Even when my work was already published onEminescu, the detractors were downright odious, when theysaid that I would be the only author published by Eminescuon my money! So, in this way deceive RomanianWikipedia. Another reason would be was that the articlewas deleted several times to the English wikipedia, as if I



were the one who has recreated it, and not the sameRomanian detractors, of mine. Again, intervenes thatsinister personage, AdiJapan, who lie shamelessly, in fact,as he it does almost every time.The individual considers that:

• Autopublicarea este argument de ştergere atuncicînd toate cărţile sînt autopublicate. Dacă ar aveamăcar o carte la Humanitas, Polirom, Nemira sau laaltă editură respectabilă atunci n-ar conta unde sîntpublicate celelalte cărţi. — AdiJapan 28 ianuarie2009 03:59 (EET)

• Self-publishing is argument of delete when allbooks are selfpublished. If he would had even andonly a book from Humanitas, Polirom, Nemira, oranother respectable publishing house, would notthen matter where they are published other books. -AdiJapan January 28, 2009 3:59 (EET)

But after that the books appeared in more thanrespectable publishing houses in Romania, as Eminescu,why was not reinstated article, even after someone tried toopen a discussion of recovery?

A more convincing argument brings Străinu whoclaims:

Comentariu. Nu doresc sa ma exprim asupranotabilitatii dl. Cerin, insa din pacate "Carti self-published" nu e un argument pentru stergere - inRomania mai toate cartile sunt scoase pe baniiautorilor.--Strainu (يتسسد) 27 ianuarie 200921:28 (EET)

• Comment. I do not wish to speak on notability ofMr.Cerin, but unfortunately "self-published books" isnot an argument for deletion - in Romania most of the



books are published on the authors’ money.--StrainuJanuary 27, 2009 9:28 p.m. (EET) (يتسسد)

It was natural to lie in further, that Adrian Dobroiu ,alias AdiJapan, and to mislead the public with falseallegations, through which specific, in slanderous way, thatthe newspaper Clujeanul, about which I talked in this book,would be affirmed that I have paid the critics. Clujeanulnewspaper, not never said this. He said that I would nothave sold a large number of books in an article published in2004, and in that time I was in 2009. After the appearancefrom Clujeanul newspaper, which later went bankrupt, Ihave more published the Destiny trilogy with its threevolumes. I appeared in many television shows and thenumber of books sold surpassed thousands copies, and wemanaged to prove it by evidence. When they saw that I canproove that I sold thousands copies, they changed thediscussion saying that are not interested anymore about thenumber of books sold, but are interested of critics. When Idemonstrated, that and the biggest critics of Romanianliterature and philosophy have writing about me, theychanged tactics, trying to not more intervene, but to keepthe article deleted, precisely on reason of nonintervention.This is the style of Romanian Wikipedians who haveintervened at deletion of the article Sorin Cerin.Everything is based on lies and disinformation in tactics ofthese Wikipedians!

Şterge. În cazul lui Sorin Cerin notabilitatea îipoate veni din două direcţii: cărţile publicate şicontroversa din presă. Cu cărţile sîntem lămuriţi:editurile care le-au publicat sînt din cele obscure,unde eventual autorii îşi plătesc publicarea, iarcriticii cu autoritate au ignorat cărţile (există semnecă Sorin Cerin chiar a plătit unii critici pentru aobţine cuvinte de laudă din partea lor, vezi articolul



din Clujeanul). Nu avem nici o idee în cîteexemplare s-au vîndut cărţile, ba mai mult, aflămdin presă că s-au vîndut foarte puţine, deci probabiln-a fost depăşit baremul orientativ de 5000 deexemplare cerut de criteriile de notabilitate pentrubiografiile scriitorilor. În ce priveşte controversa,dacă acum cîţiva ani ziarele încă mai vorbeaudespre Sorin Cerin (motiv pentru care atunci amsusţinut păstrarea articolului), astăzi nu maivorbeşte nimeni, deci se vede că a fost cevatrecător, iar Wikipedia nu se ocupă de ştiri decît înmăsura în care acestea devin subiecte enciclopedice,adică rămîn în istorie. În final, consider căagresivitatea autopromovării, atît la Wikipedia cît şiîn afară, nu este un argument de ştergere, ci doar oînsuşire morală a persoanei, care nu ne priveşte. —AdiJapan 28 ianuarie 2009 03:59 (EET)

• Delete. In the case of Sorin Cerin, his notabilitymay come from two directions: books publishedand the controversy from press. With the books, weare enlightened: the publishers who published themare of the obscure, where eventual authors pay theirpublication, and critics with the authority haveignored the books (there are signs that Sorin Cerineven paid some critics to get words of praise fromthem. See article from Clujeanul). We have no ideain how many copies were sold books, moreover, welearn from newspapers that were sold very few, soprobably never exceeded 5,000 copies required bynotability criteria for the biographies of the writers.In what concerns controversy, if a few years ago,newspapers, still spoke about Sorin Cerin (reasonfor which, then I supported keeping Article), no onemore speaks today, so you can see that wassomething passing, and Wikipedia is not concerned



about news, only the extent that they becomeencyclopedic topics, ie remain in history. Finally, Ibelieve that aggression self-promotion, both in andoutside Wikipedia is not an argument for deletion,but only a moral attribute of a person who does notconcern us. - AdiJapan January 28, 2009 3:59(EET)

In conclusion, this dubious character who hidesbehind the anonymity under the name of AdiJapan, onname Adrian Dobroiu, for fear that his lies and slanders,bring him years of imprisonment for libel and slander, hetell lies recalling the fact that newspapers would not morebe written about me, or that a certain tabloid newspaper hadsaid that I buy my critics, all these are just ordinary slander.Even press of investigations was set in motion by the liesand calumnies of those Wikipedians who have deletedArticle Sorin Cerin. I refer here, to Napoca News ReporterVirtual, Agency media investigations, etc. All they havepublished a lot of articles about the lies of RomanianWikipedians, who try to distort reality with any cost. Afterso many lies spoken by these Wikipedians, one more, notwould more have no importance, and yet. This infamouscharacter who sign AdiJapan, affirmed that in Clujeanulwrites that I have paid critics. Nothing more false. Not evenClujeanul, which went bankrupt, and which claimed it wasthe most read newspaper in Cluj, has not written such athing ever. Censorship and Disinformation. These are thebasic criteria of Wikipedia. For my work, have signedreviews the most important literary critics and philosophersof Romania, university professors and academics. Itreached so far as to brazenly lie that all these greatpersonalities would have been paid by me! Thesedespicable allegations about the culture of Romania, ofthose crooks Wikipedians, who let to understand that thesystem culture in Romania would be corrupt, from the level



of Romanian Academy and up to the academics who havewrote praising about my work.

• Dacă nu mă înşel şi Luceafărul românesc înaceleaşi ape se scaldă. Noi nu sîntem critici literari.Nu putem să apreciem calitatea scrisului d-luiCerin. De aceea ne trebuie surse solide pe care să neputem bizui. — AdiJapan 28 ianuarie 2009 17:12(EET)

• If I am not wrong and 'Romanian Star', bathe inthe same waters. We are not literary critics. We cannot appreciate quality of writing of Mr. Cerin.Therefore we need solid sources that we can rely. -AdiJapan January 28, 2009 5:12 p.m. (EET)

At long last, they laments of the fact that would notbe literary critic who to can appreciate the quality of mywriting. But then when the most famous, Romanian criticsand academics have written about me, why they notbecame interested about what those have said? Then wasdemanded, to not intervene nobody at discussion of therecovery of the article, as finally to be maintained deletingof article, on reason that would not be discussed at thetopic. The reason for that was approved deleting ArticleSorin Cerin from Romanian Wikipedia was:

• Discuţie încheiată, rezultat: şterge. Practic nuexistă material independent, serios care să-i probezenotabilitatea, opera este ignorată de specialişti. Pînăacum nu sînt decît semne puternice deautopromovare iar Wikipedia nu este locul potrivitpentru acest lucru. – Laurap mesaj - 3 februarie 200911:37 (EET)

• Discussion ended, result: delete. There arepractically no independent material, seriously,



which would prove his notability, the work isignored by specialists. Until now there are thanstrong signs of self-promotion and Wikipedia is notthe place appropriate for this. - Laurap message -February 3, 2009 11:37 (EET)

How that individual Laura P., could says such a lie!When the largest and most renowned specialists in the fieldhave written about my work?

At a time after it was deleted the article, it wasasked his reinstatement. Again, the most serious insults, onwhich no paper not them bear, me have been brought byindividuals who have not no connection with philosophy orculture, being of profession, electricians, painters,plumbers, drivers, programmers and technicians in variousfields. A student from Moldova who is hide in anonymityunder the name Giku, asked that nobody to not intervene inthe discussion of the page of recovery. It was brought a lotof data about appearences in the specialized press, aboutthe great personalities who have written about my work.The result was deleting the article.

Discuţie încheiată. Nu se mai discută de mult laobiect. Pagina rămâne ştearsă. —Andreidiscuţie 2iunie 2009 22:16 (EEST)

Discussion concluded. Not it more discuss ofmuch to the object. Page stays deleted. Andreidiscussion-June 2, 2009 10:16 p.m. (EEST)

Unbelievable but true! Does not had to is be givena concrete answer, if it would be respected even the mostelementary rules of Wikipedia? Can you affirm that keepdeleted an article, just because you do not want to talk



about it, once what were brought a lot of arguments to bemaintained? Precisely that thing, to upset:

Recuperarea a fost propusă la 14 mai 2009. Încheiereadiscuţiei este preconizată pentru 19 mai 2009.

Recovering was proposed on 14 May 2009. End ofdiscussion is scheduled for May 19, 2009.

Justificare. A aparut in publicatii importante cum ar fiOglinda literara numerele 87 88 89, Nordlitera,Luceafarulromanesc, Actualitatea canadiana si multe altele.Critici deprima mana au scris despre opera lui, mai ales universitariiIon Dodu Balan si Adrian Dinu Rachieru.Este prim-vicepresedinte al Filialei Bucuresti a Ligii Scriitorilor siredactor sef al revistei de cultura Cetatea lui Bucur.Aparedes in emisiuni de radio si televiziune.Nu a postat pozeporno pe paginile unor administratori si nici nu a doritprietenie "sincera" cu astfel de persoane.Este autorul unuiserial publicat de curand intitulat ScandalulWikipedia.Consideram ca merita cu prisosinta un articol.

Justification. He appeared in major publications such asliterary Mirror, numbers 87, 88, 89, Nordlitera, RomanianMorning star (Luceafarul romanesc), Canadian News, andmore others. Many critics of firsthand have written abouthis work, especially academics Ion Dodu Balan, and AdrianDinu Rachieru who is vice president of the Bucharestbranch of the League of Writers and culture magazineeditor in chief of The Citadel of Bucur. He appearsfrequently in programs of radio and television. There hasposted porn pics on the pages of administrators and nor didnot want friendship "honest" with such persons. He is theauthor of a serial recently published, entitled the WikipediaScandal. We believe that deserves abundantly an article.



Vă rog să prezentaţi surse. Aşa pot şi eu să spun cătatăl meu a mers pe Marte şi să mă creadă toatălumea (am dat un exemplu stupid, dar nu contează).Numai bine! --Sebi B. discută 14 mai 2009 10:09(EEST)

Please show sources. So and I can also say that mydad went on Mars and everyone to me believe (Idid a stupid example, but no matter). All the best! -May 14, 2009 Sebi B. discuss 10:09 (EEST)

Surse: Apar toate cele treinumere.Deschide numarul 88 la capitolul Meritocratie estecritica profesorului Ion Dodu Balan iar in numarul 89 alprofesorului Adrian Dinu Rachieru.Ion Dodu Balan maiapare pe agentia de stiri Napoca news,Luceafarulromanesc,Nordlitera si alte publicatii:"/ iar Adrian Dinu Rachieru este la adresa demai sus a revistei Oglinda literara doar ca in numarul89.Mai apare si in Luceafarul romanesc si Norlitera laurmatoarele adrese:"o-invitatie-la-meditatie"/ Sorin Cerin esteredactor sef al revistei de cultura Cetatea lui Bucur Prim-vicepresedinte al LigiiScriitorilor Filiala Bucuresti



Mai sunt multi alti critici care au scris despre Sorin Cerindar cred ca cei mai importanti sunt acesti specialisti cumulte carti de critica literara la activ recunoscuti de mediileacademice. Amir (discuţie) 14 mai 2009 14:37 (EEST)

Sources: Appear all the threenumbers. Open number 88, at the chapter 'Meritocratie', isthe critique of the Professor Ion Dodu Balan, and innumber 89, of the Professor Adrian Dinu Rachieru.Professor Ion Dodu Balan more appears on the newsagency, Napoca news, Romanian Morning Star (Luceafarulromanesc), Nordlitera and other publications:"/ Adrian Dinu Rachieru is at the above address ofthe magazine Literary Mirror, only that in the number 89.More appears and in Romanian Morning Star (Luceafarulromanesc) and Norlitera at the following addresses:" an-invitation-to-meditation "/Sorin Cerin is chief editor of the magazine of culture TheCitadel of Bucur, president of the Bucharest branch of the Leagueof Writers

There are many other critics who have written about SorinCerin but I think the most important are these specialists



with many books of literary criticism, recognized byacademia. Amir (talk) May 14, 2009 2:37 p.m. (EEST)

What is the truth about Sorin Cerin?

And now to make acquainted through the page onEnglish Metapedia, which sees all the truth in other way,and observes that are great personalities of Romanianculture who have written about my work in prestigiouspublications:

Sorin Cerin

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Sorin Cerin (b. November 25 1963, Baia Mare, Romania)is an important Romanian philosopher and essayist, bornnamed Hodorogea Sorin. Starting from 1987 he chose to



change his family name with the name Cerin, by marryingMariana Cerin. He motivated his action by the fact he wasthe step son of the man whose name he was bearing[1].


He spent the biggest part of his childhood at the parish ofhis grandfather, an ortodox priest, parish situated in Saucavillage, Satu Mare county. In one of his interviews [1]Cerindeclared that the parish house was also the place ofchildhood for the Magyar poet Kölcsey Ferencz, one of themost representative writers of Hungary. After havingfinished the highschool in Baia Mare he attended thecourses of the Institute for Italian language and Culturefrom Bucharest. He actively participated in the Revolutionof December 1989, having among the first who succeededin entering the former Central Committee of theCommunist Party. After the events of December hebecomes editor for the political section of the dailynewspaper Justice which belonged to the National PeasantChristian and Democratique Party.Due to the miners revoltswhich caused him troubles, he chose the exile and taskrefuge in the United States of America. After several yearshe come back to Romania and sattled down in Bucharest,meanwhile he missed for a certain period when he was onthe australian continent as an international presscorrespondent for Australia.

Literary works

First appearance

In 1986 he made his debut with the poem intitled "Marine"published in the BTT(Office of Tourism for Youth)almanack, signing by the pseudonym Sorin Mara Angel,



under which, one year later, published an interview withthe criticist Alexandru Piru in the magazine "StudentsLife". During that period,several composers created tunesfor his poetry,such as Vasile Veselovski, Elly Roman andsome others.

Publishing debut

In 2003 he made his publishing debut with the novelDestiny.


He colaborated for the culture magazines Kogaion Review,L'etoile du Danube, Romanian Morning Star, The Echo,Literary Life, Cultural Bulletin, Literary Mirror, LiteraryDestiny from Canada,etc.In this magazines was publishedboth fragments from his literary and philosophy works,interviews or many reviews from critics.


One of the most representative Romanian literary critic, IonDodu Balan, University Professor, D.Lit. considered thatSorin Cerin " Modern poet and prosiest, essays andphilosophic study’s author on daring and ambitious themeslike immortality, ephemerid and eternity, on death, naught,life, faith, spleen. Sorin Cerin has lately approached similarfundamental themes, in the genre of aphorisms, in thevolumes: Revelations December 21, 2012, and Immortality.Creations that, through the language of literary theory, arepart of the sapient creation, containing aphorisms, proverbs,maxims etc. which „sont les echos de l’experience”, thatmakes you wonder how such a young author can have sucha vast and varied life experience, transfigured with talent inhundreds of copies on genre of wisdom.As to fairly



appreciate the sapient literature in this two volumes ofSorin Cerin, I find it necessary to specify, at allpedantically and tutoring, that the sapient creation aphorismis related if not perfectly synonymous, in certain cases tothe proverb, maxim, thinking, words with hidden meaning,as they are … in the Romanian Language and Literature.Standing in front of such a creation, we owe it to establishsome hues, to give the genre her place in history. The so-called sapient genre knows a long tradition in the universalliterature, since Homer up to Marc Aurelius,Rochefoucauld, Baltasar Gracian, Schopenhauer and manyothers, while in Romanian literature since the chroniclers ofthe XVII and XVIII century, to Anton Pann, C. Negruzzi,Eminescu, Iorga, Ibrăileanu, L.Blaga, and G.Călinescu upto C.V. Tudor in the present times.The great critic andliterary historical, Eugen Lovinescu, once expressed hisopinion and underlined “the sapient aphoristic character”,as one of the characteristics that creates the originality ofRomanian literature, finding its explanation in the nature ofthe Romanian people, as lovers of peerless proverbs.Even ifhe has lived a time abroad, Sorin Cerin has carried, as hetells us through his aphorisms, his home country in hisheart, as the illustrious poet Octavian Goga said, „wherever we go we are home because in the end all roadsmeet inside us”.In Sorin Cerin’s aphorisms, we discover hisown experience of a fragile soul and a lucid mind, but alsothe Weltanschauung of his people, expressed through aconcentrated and dense form.Philosophical, social,psychological and moral observations.Sorin Cerin is a“moralist” with a contemporary thinking and sensibility.Some of his aphorisms, which are concentrated just likeenergy in an atom, are real poems in one single verse.Many of his gnomic formulations are the expression of anever-searching mind, of a penetrating, equilibrated way ofthinking, based on the pertinent observation of the humanbeing and of life, but also of rich bookish information.Hus,



he dears to define immortality as “moment’s eternity” andadmits to “destiny’s freedom to admit his own death facingeternity”, “God’s moment of eternity which mirrors foreternity in Knowledge, thus becoming transient, thusDestiny which is the mirror imagine ofimmortality”.”Immortality is desolated only for those whodo not love”, “immortality is the being’s play of light withDestiny, so both of them understand the importance oflove”.Nevertheless, the gnomic, sapient literature isdifficult to achieve, but Sorin Cerin has the resources toaccomplish for the highest exigency. He has proved it in hisability to correlate The Absolute with Truth, Hope, Faith,Sin, Falsehood, Illusion, Vanity, Destiny, The Absurd,Happiness, etc.A good example of logic correlation of suchnotions and attributes of The Being and Existence, isoffered by the Spleen aphorisms from the RevelationsDecember 21, 2012 volume.Rich and varied in expressionand content, the definitions, valued judgments on one of themost characteristics state of the Romanian soul, TheSpleen, a notion hard to translate, as it is different from thePortuguese “saudode”, the Spanish “soledad”, the German“zeenzug”, the French “melancolie” and even the English“spleen”.Naturally, there is room for improving regardingthis aspect, but what has been achieved until now is verygood. Here are some examples which can be presumed tobe „pars pro toto” for both of his books: „Through spleenwe will always be slapped by the waves of Destiny whichdesire to separate immortality from the eternity of our tear”,„The spleen, is the one that throws aside an entire eternityfor your eyes to be borne one day”, „The spleen is love’sfreedom”, „The spleen is the fire that burns life as toprepare it for death”.(Fragments of the review published inthe Literary Mirror (Oglinda Literara) no. 88, Napoca NewsMarch 26, 2009, Romanian North Star (LuceafarulRomanaesc), April 2009, and Literary Destinies (DestineLiterare), Canada, April 2009))Adrian Dinu Rachieru,



University Professor, D.Lit. states:"...we may , of course,mention worth quoting, even memorable wordings. Forexample, Life is the "epos of the soal", future is defined as" the father of death".Finally, after leaving "the world ofdust", we are entering the virtual space, into the "eternity ofthe moment"(which was given to us)(Fragments of thereview published in the Literary Mirror (Oglinda Literara)no.89 and the Romanian North Star (LuceafarulRomanesc), May 2009..Ion Pachia Tatomirescu,UniversityProfessor, D.Lit states:"a volume of aphorisms, Revelations- December 21, 2012, mainly paradoxes, saving themselvesthrough a “rainbow” of thirty six “theme colors“ – his ownrainbow – as a flag dangling in the sky, in the sight of theBeing ( taking into account Platon’s acceptation on thecollocation, from Phaedrus, 248-b), or from Her glimpsingedge, for the author, at the same time poet, novelist andsophist, “the father of coaxialism”, lirosoph, as Vl. Streinuwould have named him (during the period of researchingLucian Blaga’s works), knows how to exercise thereuponcatharsis on the horizon arch of the metaphoricalknowledge from the complementarily of the old, eternalField of Truth " or of the sixth cover of the Revelation…volume, written by Sorin Cerin, we take notice offundamental presentation signed by the poet and literarycritic Al. Florin Ţene: «Sorin Cerin’s reflection arethinkings, aphorisms or apothegms, ordered by theme andalphabetically, having philosophical essence, on which thewriter leans on like on a balcony placed above the world tosee the immediate, through the field glass turned to himself,and with the help of wisdom to discover the vocation ofdistance. This book’s author’s meditation embracesreflections that open the way towards the philosophy’sdeeps, expressed through a précis and beautiful style, whichis unseparated from perfection and the power ofinterpreting the thought that he expresses. As a wise manonce said, Philosophy exists where an object is neither a



thing, nor an event, but an idea. ».The paradox condensingof Sorin Cerin’s aphorisms in a “rainbow” of thirty six“theme colors“– as I said above – tried to give the “sacreddate” of 21 December 2012: the absolute («Human’sabsolute is only his God»), the absurd («The absurd of theCreation is the World borne to die »), the truth («The Truthis the melted snow of Knowledge, from which the illusionof light will rise»), the recollection («The recollection is thetear of Destiny »), knowledge («Knowledge is limited tonot have limits »), the word («The word is the fundament ofthe pace made by God with Himself, realizing it is the lackof nought: the spleen of nought»), destiny («Destiny is thetrace left by God’s thought in our soul’s world »), vanity(«Vanity revives only at the maternity of the dream oflife »), Spleen («Within the spleen sits the entire essence ofthe world»), Supreme Divinity / God («God cannot bemissing from the soul of the one who loves, as Love is GodItself »), existence («Existence feeds on death to give birthto life »), happiness («Happiness is the Fata Morgana ofthis world »), the being («The being and the non-being arethe two ways known of God, from an infinite number ofways »), philosophy («Philosophy is the perfection of thebeauty of the human spirit towards existence»), beauty(«Beauty is the open gate towards the heaven’s graces»),thought («The thought has given birth to the world »),giftedness («Giftedness is the flower which grows onlywhen sprinkled with the water of perfection») / genius(«The genius understands that the world’s only beauty islove»), mistake («The mistake can never make a mistake»),chaos («Chaos is the meaning of the being towards theperfection of non-being»), illusion («The illusion is theessence of being oneself again in the nought»), infinity(«Infinity is the guard of the entire existence»), instinct(«The instinct is when the non-being senses the being »),love («Love is the only overture of fulfilling from thesymphony of absurd»), light («Light is the great revelation



of God towards Himself»), death («Death cannot die»), theeye / eyes («Behind the eyes the soul lie »), politics («Thetrash of humanity, finds his own place: they are rich!»),evilness («Evilness is the basis size of the humanity, in thename of good or love»), religion («Religion is indoctrinatedhope»), Satan («Satan is the greatest way leader formankind»), suicide («Society is the structure of collectivesuicide most often unconsciously or rarely consciously»),hope («Hope is the closest partner»), time (« Time receivesdeath, making Destiny a recollection»), life («Life is theshipwreck of time on the land of death»), future of mankindand 21 December 2012 («Future is God’s agreement withlife» / «Starting with 12 December 2012 you will realizethat death is eternal life cleaned of the dirt of this world»),and the dream («he dream is the fulfilling of the non-sense »).(Fragments from the review published in TheForbidden Zone (Zona Interzisă) from August 30, 2009 andNordlitera September 2009)

Philosophical works

In the book The Coaxialism, published in 2007 Cerinestablished the principles of the coaxialism[1],then publishmore books which develop these principles.


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Coaxialism expression proposed and advocated by SorinCerin in his book The coaxialism about a philosophicalsystem which relies on the fact that any truth that is notabsolute truth is not in fact truth, but lie. It claims that



man's life is a lie, a fake and once man does not know theabsolute truth, he doesn't know absolute knowledge either,and any other type of knowledge is a non-knowledge. Oneof the principles of coaxialism claims that any philosopherthat claims to tell the truth is lying, as there is only onetruth namely the absolute truth and any other truth even if itis a piece of the absolute truth, is another truth,so a lie.

Coaxialism implicitly claims the uniqueness of absolutetruth. In coaxialism every creating factor, represents anumber for all the other creating factors, but also a wordthat defines the number in question, a semantic meaningthat constitutes the "Universal Pure Language" constitutethe " Unique Expression" of the "Universal Conscience".Once everything is defined through reference to the infinitecontinuum that is continuously ascending due to the logicalfunction that appeared together with the lack of symptomsand to tangential characteristic, generating the firstparallelism and with it the coaxiological truth. If in thephenomenology of Husserl the logic of man becomes aconscience of the "Universal Language" to Cerin this is asimple logic of man and any case not the coaxiologicallogic, because the logic of man is based on knowledge andknowledge is based in its turn is a simple matrix word inthe infinity of such words of the "Universal PureLanguage", that viewed as uniqueness, as a whole,determines the Unique Expression of the Universal andfrom here the unique truth that cannot be fragmented. Cerinclaims that when the characteristics of the infinitecontinuum were determined eternally and of courseinfinitelly, the qulity the negative banchmarck has is that ofannulling the lack of symptoms and the continuum thatbecomes the infinite continuum as an eternal continuitytowards a new and eternal "Universal Pure Language."Thus, the "Universal Pure Language" defined as finite ismade through the tangential characteristic through the



union due to the tangential characteristic of the lack ofsymptoms as first characteristic of the infinite continuumwith the structuration of this infinite continuum alsodefined through the "Universal Pure Language" from whichis receives the continuity valences, precisely because of thetangential characteristic that unites this structuration of thefunction concerning the lack of symptoms that will give itthe continuity impulse.

Henrieta Anisoara Serban PhD, Researcher, Institute ofPolitical Science and International Relations of theRomanian Academy consider about the book intitled Thecoaxialism:"This book represents an audacious contributionto contemporary philosophy. Not a mere synthesis, thevolume brings to the fore a original vision concerning thetruth (and the illusion), the absolut and the life, into thephilosophical conversation of humanity. “What else are we,but a mad dream of an angel, taken up with himself, lostsomewhere within the hierarcy of numerology?” (p.5), asksthe author, triggering a captivating odyssey, with anopening towards the philosophy of conscience,contextualism and mind philosophy, that is relevant for thecritique of the reprezentationalism and postmodernism.Coaxialism is structured in 11 chapters. They may beinterpreted in triads. Therefore, the first three chapterscould stand as an introduction to the thematic realm ofcoaxiology. The first chapter is concerned with “Thepurpose, the hirarchy, the birth of numerology and of thePrimordial Factor ONE”, the second chapter treats “TheInstinct, the Matrix, the Order and Disorder, the Dogma”,and the third chapter “The State of the fact, the OpenedKnowledge and the Closed Knowledge, the Coaxialism andthe Coaxiology”. Then, the next triad would be constitutedby the interpretation of three aspects related to humanexemplarity, via the chapters entitled “The Print and theKarmic Print, the Geniality”, “Love or the individual



Conscience of the Human Being” and “Consciousness orthe knowledge in Coaxiology”. And, the last triad, say, of asemantical and hermeneutical nature, approaches“Reflections on philosophy, the Alien within the Being, theDimension of Life”, “The Semantical Coaxiology” and“The Semantical Truth, the Semantical Knowledge, theSemantical Mirror and the Reason of Creation”. The tenthchapter, named “Semantical Ontology, Neoontology, andCoaxiology, the Semantical Structuring of Our Matrix”,capitalizes on the ideas from the preceeding philosophicalarchitecture. Eventually, the last chapter offers specificmathematical moddels of the ideas and concepts that areexposed within the book, along with the relationshipsamong them.

In a Schopenhauerian, Nietzschean and Wittgensteinianarchitectonics of the philosophical ideas, the author statesthe principles of what he labels as the “coaxialism”:

1. The only true philosophy is the one accepting thatMan does neither know the Truth, and implicitly,nor philosophy,

2. Man shall never neither know the Absolute Truthnor the Absolute Knowledge, for his entireexistence is based on the Illusion of Life,

3. Any philosophical system or philosopherpretending that he or she speaks the Truth is a liar,

4. The Coaxialism is, by excellence, a philosophythat does NOT pretend that it speaks the Truth, yetaccepting certain applications sustaining thereference of the Illusion of Life to the Truth,

5. The Essence of the Truth consists in its reflectionin the Elements appeared before it, as there are theelements of the Opened Knowledge deriving fromthe Current Situation,



6. The Coaxialism accepts the operations with theopposites of the opposites of the Existence, with orwithout a compulsory reference to such opposites,determining the coaxiology,

7. Each Antithetical has, to the Infinity, anotherAntithetical, which is identical to it,

8. The farther is an Antithetical situated, that is themore opposites are intercalated (between itself andits Antithetical), the more accentuated thesimilarities, and the less opposites are intercalatedbetween the two Elements, the more accentuated thedissimilarities,

9. As well as we can conceive Universes without acorresponding substrate into the Existence, we canconceive Knowledge without a correspondingsubstrate into the essence, that is, without a subject,

10. The Factor is going to be always the opposite ofthe infinity to which it would relate as a finitequantity, the same way as the Knowledge relates tothe lack of knowledge, and Life, to Death.

Within a Coaxial perspective, the Factor shall be anequivalent to God, the Unique Creator, and yet Aleatory inrelationship with its worlds 11. Within the Worlds of eachCreator, unique and Aleatory Factor are to be reflected allthe other Creators, all the unique and Aleatory Factors, asnumbers, starting from ONE, that is the Primordial Factor,all the way to the Infinite minus ONE Factors of Creation,all Unique and Aleatory. (p.5-7) Certainly, someone mayask how is such a unitary cuantics going to be sustained?But to rise seriously such a question would mean to missthe point that here we have mathematical metaphors,suggestive models, and not a calculus leading to theMetaphysical Truth (which would at the same timecontradict the very coaxiological principles). The bounty ofcapital letters and underlining in the text speak volumes of



the American experience of the author, emphasising aswell, with a certain irony, the endeavour to capturemeaning, the thirst for absolute, for perfection, for theTruth and for the pure idea, central to all philosophies.Thus, given the following quote, I can at once offerexemplification for the above observation and clarify acolumn-idea of this intriguing work: “Coaxiology is aphilosophy capable of determining in depth the importanceof the Factor (…) – which is also a number, I have to note,among other aspects it provided. It is produced by theEssence of an Element of the Matrix Status Quo, or by theInstinct. (…) The Factor is going to be the demiurge who,via his own capacity of consciousness should include inhimself always new and newer Elements of the ClosedKnowledge, also assessing, though, without knowing theminto detail, Elements of the Opened Knowledge. (…) Manis such a Factor despite the fact that he is situatedhierarchically much lower in comparison to the GreatCreators.” (p.51-2)

The author explains the coaxial (and eventually,structuralist) manner to investigate the world, as aparadoxical mix of good and evil, divine and demonic,humane and rational, a mix giving birth to the Illusion ofLife and being sustained, grace of a feed-back, precisely bythis Illusion of Life. (P.53 sq.) “Don’t you know that onlyin the lakes with muddy bottom the water-lily blossom?”was asking, the 20th century Romanian philosopher,Lucian Blaga, rhetorically, and already “coaxial”. Thephilosophical poetry of Mihai Eminescu is consecrated tothe illusion of life. It reflects, as an illustration, in the poem“Floare albastr?” (“Blue Flower”, a Romantic motive, andyet, a coaxial motive, that appears within the Germanliterature, at Novalis, or at Leopardi) the paradoxicalmarriage of the infinite with the wishes. This is a metaphorfor the paradoxical marriage between the philosophical



Knowledge, aiming at the absolute and the terrestrialKnowledge, through love, afflicting human’s heart, as acreative factor, stimulated by affection. As well as in hisliterature, Sorin Cerin accomplishes to express himselfcapitalizing at once the universal philosophy and on thegreat Romanian philosophical successes. For example, asshe turns the pages of the book, the reader may haveglimpses of Schopenhauer’s philosophy – let us recall thatthe human being, as a knowing subject, knows himself as asubject, endowed with a will and that he annot become puresubject of knowledge unless his will vanishes, in order toeliminate the reference to what one can wish in relationshipwith the knowledge, since the representation is maimed bydesire (The World as Will and Representation). The booksends to Nietzsche’s philosophy – see for instance the ideathat “The apparent world is the only True one; the ‘real’world is sheer lie”, from The Twilight of the Idols, ch. 3,aphorism 2.

A more sensitive reader would find analogies with thephilosophy of Emil Cioran, in The Trouble with BeingBorn. Coaxialism may recall Wittgenstein II in thatphilosophy represents the (re)organisation of what we havealways known, while language is to be considered an“activity”, a “game” framed into certain “forms of life”, asummation of different phenomena, maybe related to oneanother, but in very different manners. As for the “Truth”one may associate the following suggestive line from thePhilosophical Investigations, Oxford, 1953, 9, § 68: thestrength of the thread does not rely in the fact that eachfibre goes from end to end but in the overlapping of manyfibres. At the same time, the idea of a creative factor“struggling” with the world to draw forth only partial andparadoxical Truths has from the very beginning strongechoes with the philosophy of mystery, as it appears withinthe work of Lucian Blaga. A similar analogy may be made



with the figure of the “ironist” (proposed by RichardRorty), at her turn, “struggling” with the world, in order toeducate herself into the various vocabularies (read “parallelcultural realities”). The comparison with Blaga does notstop here, the researcher connoisseur identifying avenues ofinvestigation towards the “Luciferic” versus “Paradisiac”Knowledge dichotomy, in analogy with the closed –opened Knowledge, with the Matrix, with the creativefactor, etc. The work is also remarkable given its distinctliterary qualities, the intriguing specific philosophicallanguage developed in close relationship to the literaryprint....”

Wisdom Collection and EminescuPublishing House

One of the most prestigious and selective Romanianpublishing house Eminescu in the Library of Philosophy[2]published in autumn 2009 its entire sapiantial worksincluding all volumes of aphorisms published before andother volumes that have not seen the light to that date.Romanian academician Gheorghe Vlăduţescu,UniversityProfessor,D.Phil.,philosopher, one of the biggest romaniancelebrity in the philosophy of culture and humanismbelieves about sapiential works of Sorin Cerin in Wisdomcollection:” Sapiential literature has a history perhaps asold writing itself. Not only in the Middle Ancient, but inancient Greece "wise men" were chosen as apoftegmatic(sententiar) constitute, easily memorable, to do, which istraditionally called the ancient Greeks, Paideia, educationof the soul for one's training.And in Romanian culture isrich tradition.Mr.Sorin Cerin is part of it doing aremarkable work of all. Quotes - focuses his reflections oflife and cultural experience and its overflow the shares ofothers. All those who will open this book of teaching, like



any good book, it will reward them by participation inwisdom, good thought of reading them.”This considerationabout cerinian sapiential works appeared in:LiteraryDestiny from Canadapages 26 şi 27, nr.8, December2009,Oglinda literară(Literary Mirror) nr.97, January2010, page 5296 The Bucharest prestigious publishinghouse recently released book entitled: Collection ofWisdom by Sorin Cerin. Find it on the cover of thefollowing:” It is a reference edition of the ceriniansapiential work. 7012 totaling aphorisms. Appear for thefirst time works of aphorisms: The book of wisdom,Thebook of passion , The book of illusions and reality andrevised editions: The book of revelations , The book ofimmortalityThe book of the dead .” Reviews and events inthe press: Romanian Chronicle:- More than a "Wisdomcollection"[7][8]Altermedia Romania – Wisdom collectionby Sorin Cerin.[9]

Famous thoughts

The soul mate is what we aspire to and like tounderstand about us, is what we deem to beperfection, purity and endless regarding our ownbeing.

The Death's Field is the mirror which allows us theknowledge of the world we living in.

How would this world be if there was not God? Theanswer is simple: it would become itself God.

Man's life is knowledge and that's all. If the Mandidn't knew life he didn't exist.

Where do we people go if not towards the perfectionof our own illusion?



Published books

Aphorisms and maxims

Wisdom Collection(2009) The book of wisdom (2009) The book of passion(2009) The book of illusions and reality(2009) The book of the dead (2009) The book of immortality (2009) The book of revelations (2008)


The origin of God, (2006) Destiny Trilogy (2004) composed of the volumes

Psycho, Apocalypse and Exodus. Destiny, (2003)


Love (2008) The coaxialism, (2007) Death,naught,unnaught,life and Bilderberg Group

(2007) The conception state in coaxiological

phenomenology (2007) The Antichrist,being and love (2007) The coaxiological logic (2007)




Poems of Love (2009)

Critical references

Acad. Gheorghe VLĂDUŢESCU - Sapiential worksto Sorin Cerin in Wisdom Collection: LiteraryDestiny from Canada,Oglinda literară(LiteraryMirror) nr.97, January 2010, page 5296 [10] Zonainterzisa(Forbidden Zone)[11]

ION DODU BALAN: About Sapiential Creation[12][13][14][15][16][17]

Adrian DINU RACHIERU: Invitation to meditation[18][19]

Ion PACHIA TATOMIRESCU:Revelationsaphorisms of the sacred Dynic on December 21,2012* beneath the sky of Sorin Cerin[20][21]

Al Florin TENE: Sorin Cerin, philosopher of themetaphor and poet of the word [22][23]

Henrieta Anisoara SERBAN,The Coaxialism bookreview[24]

Elisabeta Iosif,Mircea Alexandru Pop[25]

Video images with Sorin Cerin

Sorin Cerin on You Tube. Television Interviews,books launching and many more

Quotes by Sorin Cerin on Dailymotion


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Wikipedia censorship and total interdiction

Sorin Cerin is censored without any scruples on Wikipediaso called the free encyclopedia.After three years theRomanian article about Sorin Cerin have been deleted. Firstof all his article in English was deleted for notabilityreasons, at some Romanian users' request.The same articlewas reinstated shortly by a group of American stating thatthe writer would have certain notability due to hispublications in the national press.[25] The same group ofRomanian users insistently require to delete the articleagain, lying, because newspapers as Ziua (The Day),Romania Libera (Free Romania), Cronica Romana(Romanian Chronicles)or others wouldn't be be nationaldaily newspapers but just unimportant newspapers. [26]



The same scenario was also played in case of the articlefrom Romanian Wikipedia.That lake of notability wasinvoked, specifying that:"Practically there is noindependent,serious material which proves his notability,his literary work is ignored by specialists.", although hispublications in the press were more than relevant.The onewho insistently requested the article to be wiped is BogdanStancescu, by his user name Gutza. Sorin Cerin wrote aseries of articles intitled:The Wikipedia Scandal,in whichhe describes certain disorders of this encyclopedia.Certainusers bring relevant data concerning the critics for thewriter's literary works from authorities of contemporaryliterature critique, such Ion Dodu Balan which places himnext to the highest peaks of the sapiential literatureworldwide, mentioning Homer or Arthur Schopenhauer.Allthese critics appeared in imposing magazines of ournational, but also international cultural spectrum. Severalusers require to reinstate the article. Some other usersaddress insulting words to the writer, one of them asks thatthe reinstatement shouldn't be put in discussion.A certainAndrei Stroe decides to mantain the article deletedbecause :"It's a longtime since the discussion is no more tothe point.The page will remain deleted"Hallucinatingreason which seems unreal,but it's happening at theRomanian Wikipedia.Hasn't the discussion keept close tothe subject until that time?Having brought concrete data thewriter's notability by some users didn't mean that thediscussion was keeping close to the subject?A well-knownnews agency from Cluj Napoca, entitled Napoca Newspublished the article with the title: Wikipedia fromRomania, stuck in censorship and incompetence,[27]signed by George Bara, where the incompetence of thisencyclopedia is mentioned, which removed Sorin Cerinabout whom an authority as the critic Ion Dodu Balanwrote more than elogiously.Other hallucinating speechesappear also with other users such as Adi Japan, physicist as



profession, without studies in the literary field who affordsto state about an authority as Ion Dodu Balan:"Now aquestion is imposed whether Ion Dodu Balan can speak onbehalf of the literary critics. The writer is threatened withthe final interdiction on the free encyclopedia Wikipedia bythis AdiJapan.Finally, he decides to exile alone, statingthat:"I just wanted to know if you are a serious andobjective encyclopedia.Now, that I am clarified what itactually is, I'm telling you with an inherent feeling ofnausea that I don't need any right from your side to beallowed to have access on Wikipedia since I don't wantto have such an access from now on, ever.The fact that Iwas forbidden on Wikipedia is for me a reason to beproud.Who is interested to study about me will be freeto do it on some other encyclopedias." ” Romanianwikipedians user Alex F asked on 12 June 2009 excludingSorin Cerin. Romanian user AdiJapan concludes on 15June 2009:” It seems that neither Mr. Sorin Cerin hasnothing against the ban and the fact that access toRomanian Wikipedia causes him nausea. He says he is apride for him to be denied access. So it is ... Consensus, atleast now, is to implement the ban. " On 24 June 2009 thesame user AdiJapan decide:” Conclusion. I think enoughtime has passed and who had some object could do so. Weconclude the discussion: To Sorin Cerin take up for anunlimited period, the right to participate in Wikipedia, inthe discussions, articles and any other pages, or any othersubject.. Any user may cancel immediately any changewhich can be attributed clearly Sorin Cerin's. Sorin Cerinis prohibited without a time limit on the Wikipedia freeencyclopedia. He becomes the third person in RomanianWikipedia history which receive ban after the userIrismaister and the University Professor Andy Z Lehrer aprestigious scientist in entomology from University of TelAviv, Israel.



How is seen Wikipedia of the encyclopediaMetapedia:

Wikipedia is a far-left and Judeocentric, multilingual wikiproject, censured by an internal bureaucracy of tribalediting clans to conform to a largely neo-Marxist andZionist viewpoint.[1] While the sheer multitude of articlesmeans that some pieces fall outside of this paradigm, whereit matters most Jewish ethnocentrism is enforced. Theproject was founded in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and LarrySanger, with money obtained through the Bomispornography ring.[2][3] At present Wikipedia has around 16million articles in 253 languages. While the WikimediaFoundation which owns the project is based in SanFrancisco, California, the main Wikipedia servers are inFlorida, with additional ones in Amsterdam and Seoul.

The personal philosophy of its founders emerged from asupposedly "libertarian" college student worldview of

Rand✡ and Hayek. As with free-market fanaticism in reallife, this ideology contained within it, the seeds ofWikipedia's own undermining. Drawn by the desire tocontrol the flow of information transmitted to the masses,various editors of Marxist and Zionist political persuasions,were able to secure for themselves administrative positions,through persistance and playing the community gametactfully.[1] They proceded to organise themselves intobureucratic clan groups, which come together to manipulatearticles with their own bias agenda and de facto run theasylum over at the madhouse.[1]

While many objectionable forms of propaganda, utilisingemotions and epithets exist in Wikipedia; such aspromotion of so-called "global warming", the homosexualagenda, branding unpopular scenarios "conspiracy



theories", previously dubbing eugenics "pseudoscience"and so on. The most insidious and vulgar form of bias is itstoleration of hatred against the European race, its cultureand history, including demonisation of political groups whowork for its social and economic interests. Thus Metapediahas taken on the metapolitical struggle and is well on theway to surpassing the compromised project.

Jimbo Wales' modus operandi

The bias that exists on wikipedia is the personal bias ofJimbo Wales, which is a pathologically strong bias ofauthoritarianism, collectivism, and subjectivism. JimboWales has promoted like-minded people to high ranks, suchthat they can enforce Jimbo's bias for him and thus allowJimbo himself to appear blameless. Some of the mostprominent like-minded people that Jimbo has promoted tohigh ranks include David Gerard, Kelly Martin, andRebecca/Ambi (it is notable that David Gerard is also abureaucrat on irrationalwiki). Some prominent mid-rankingmembers (admins/sysops) that enforce Jimbo's bias includeJzG and Ryulong. Many of the admins that enforce the biasthat is shared by Jimbo and themselves are quite open abouttheir conspiracy with eachother, and they find their greatcollective abuse of power humorous. -They call themselves'rouge admins', and 'the cabal', and have the slogan 'all hailJimbo Wales' (believe it or not, this is not made-up).

Recent crisis

From its establishing in 2001 up to 2004, in its early ratherprogressive time, Wikipedia appeared to be a promissive



multilingual project of the open free encyclopedia oninternet, and its main problem then were the unregisteredvandals. From 2005 till now it entered in another regressivephase of leftist domination, internal conflicts and increasinganarchy, where its main problem became an aggressiveinternal army of the ignorant liberal-leftist administratorsnow promoting: blocking all academic specialists, a false'neutrality' but left ideological censure, bureaucraticdemagogy and destructive hypocrisy, falsified blurring andelimination of taboo-topics by dominating clans andoutvoting, and other dishonest deviations. Especiallynations with weak democratic traditions, e.g. in Russia andBalkans, continuously and obviously misuse the "NPOV"slogan for persecuting users with other views, and fromother nations. For nations with not so weak "democratic"tradition, like English or Dutch, exactly the same happensin a more subtle (hidden) way, but probably even moreaggressively. This all provoked the recent forkings ofseparated Chinese, Russian, Swedish, Philippine and otherincreasing wikis. Due to such trends E. Goldman, T.Claburn and others prognosticated Wikipedia's blockingand its complete disaster at the end of 2010, but recentevents suggest this was even too optimistic. From spring2007, Wikipedia's growth was slower, number of newerarticles diminished, and also it entered in a major financialcrisis partly patched by donations. Moreover from midSeptember 2007, the fanatic administrative erasors attackedjust the main Wikipedia's leadership: Then withinWikipedia erupted so far the strongest collision of reallyneutral inclusionists and radical leftist 'erasors', suggestingits accelerating disaster in 2009 or even earlier - or at leastan immediate forking of the main Wikipedia in two parallelEnglish variants of the inclusionist' and left erasors'Wikipedias.

Wikipedian viewpoints



The next critical review of the ethics and sociology of'Wikipedians' is founded on dozen similar texts accross theinternet (cited down), completed by experiences in twentyWikipedias on different European languages. The famous'neutral' point of view (NPOV), i.e. an approximativecentrist political position, was at least partly applied inearly Wikipedia of 2001-2004. Then from 2005, thereincreased an evident internal aggression of liberal-leftiststhat so became now the majority of Wikipedianadministrators, and so the subentire Wikipedia then shiftedleftwards. Recently these ones gradually directed this initial'NPOV' toward a real and majoritary LPOV i.e. LeftistPoint of View, that now became a sacrosanct dogma ofnearly all Wikipedias. Therefore many articles thatdisagreed with this leftist POV gradually were deformedand falsified; other articles on undesirable topics andpersons by their organised and diriged upvotings (orwithout any confirmation) recently are widely erased andeliminated i.e. they became falsely 'unexisting' ones in suchleft-oriented Wikipedia. Actually at beginning of 2008,about a quarter of Wikipedian articles are yet evidentlyleftist, and also the rest ones are gradually in the way tobecame so; this increasing leftism is now especially evidentin English, German, Russian, Croatian, Hungarian and insome other Wikipedias.

Despotic red admins

Pro-communist admins censure content and attempted tohound non-red contributors off the site.

For difference of other serious wiki-cyclopedias out ofWikipedia, the main Wikipedian writers are inexpert



amateurs, ambitious dilettantes, failed students and eternal'undergraduates'; the true academic experts there becamerare and mostly blocked and eliminated by jealousincompetent administrators of liberal-leftist orientation.Instead of a serious education in collegial and constructivedemocracy of professional schools lead by excellentintellectuals and academic experts, these new fanaticized'Wikipedians' are mostly formed by instant training of apassionate street demagogy in discussion forums lead byhalf-trained amateurs and controversial mediocrities. Theirmost aggressive administrators are some arrogantdilettantes violently imposing in Wikipedias their falseleftist dogmas and primitive popcult prejudices. Of course,such incompetence of some dominating 'Wikipedians' andchiefly of leftist admins, resulted in a suspect quality andlow verifiability in many Wikipedian texts. The averagenaive readers of Wikipedia accept them as the largest freedatabase on internet (as it was in start), but now it isconverted to a true leftist 'Bible' for brainwashing thepublic views toward the imposed left-liberalist dogmas.

Maximal three "reverts" in 24 hoursrule

Wikipedia administrators work with a primitive, but veryeffective rule. An editor is allowed to edit an articlemaximal 3 times in 24 hours consecutively. Lefitstadministrators work typically in groups, while nationallyminded editors work as individuals. The rule is based onthat. How does this work?

Editor edits an article Leftist editor #1 reverses (with brazen commentary) Editor re-edits the above article Leftist editor #1 reverses (with brazen commentary)



Editor edits the above article Leftist editor #2 reverses (with brazen commentary) If Editor now tries to re-edit, he will be locked for at

least 24 hours as a "punishment"

With the above method articles, typically handling Jews,Holocau$t, Communist and similar subjects areunchangeable for normal editors; leftist editors make themunmodifiable.

A "revert" in the context of this rule means any edit (oradministrative action) that reverses the actions of othereditors, in whole or in part. It can involve as little as oneword. A series of consecutive saved revert edits by oneuser with no intervening edits by another user counts as onerevert.

Juristic part

If an editor feels, he is handled incorrectly, he can start akind of juristic process. That sounds very correct and"democratic". How does that look in reality?

To enter a new process is a horror. They modify theprocedure to enter a new process frequently enoughto discourage normal editors to do that.

Judges are for example 16-year-old editors fromSingapore, or similarly experienced persons.

Judges typically convict non-leftist persons, and donot convict leftist editors, no matter what they did.

Process writings are deleted as leftist admins please.Only processes, that they liked, remain filed, othersare immediately deleted without a chance torecreate them.



For example, in the English Wikipedia they convictededitors because they wrote the German names of Germanvillages annexed by the Polish state onto maps and intoarticles: [1]

Forbidden names, disabled links

Wikipedia allows leftist administrators to forbid certaintitles. For example, they forbid titles like “Jewish WorldConspiration” and the like. It also allows to forbid links tocertain web pages, leftist do not like. For exampleStormfront or Jew Watch are such pages.

Wikipedia's incompetence

Each literate intellectual can easily controlWikipedia's incompetence, by testing texts on next3 topics well known to him: on his narrowhomeland, on proper language and of his specialjob. This Wikipedia's test is often bad: 1/4 or moretexts are false or stupidly inverse - or with generaluninforming phrases only.

Britannica vs. Wikipedia: both are on subequal levelonly in easily copyable general topics - but inspecialized details, Britannica has mostly acceptableor lacking data, and Wikipedia is often false inmany details.

Among compared European Wikipedias, the worstand most dogmatic (strong leftist & anti-elitist) areEnglish and Russian Wikis; the best, mostdemocratic and expertised are French and BulgarianWikis. The other wikis are mostly in-between. Ifany academic intellectual or expert in a matter triesto correct evident errors in Wikipedia, the most



frequent result is that an ignorant or malicious leftistadministrator will reject the correction and returntext to its prior stupid form. Additionally, most newarticles that are contributed by true experts areusually massacred, inverted, or eliminated by leftistadmins. Conversely, ignorant or amateur can persistfor years so long as they conform to the prevailingWikipedian dogma. This being said, Wikipedia alsohas a wealth of knowledge previously unavailable.It also provides this information in a easy to viewmanner, along with reasonable veracity. Manywebsite, such as Metapedia, have copied this model.

Experts on exiting Wikipedia

Below are the informative professional critics of some top-notch experts who have recently left en.Wikipedia (notesfrom their User sites):

User:Bertrand_Meyer - "Please do not believeanything you see on Wikipedia articles. If you aretempted to, please try the following experiment fora few weeks: write on an important subject that youknow and care about; write your best, making sureto apply the strictest standards of scholarship andobjectivity. Don't spend too much time on it, butjust do it right. Then wait a little. You'llunderstand". See also User_talk:Bertrand_Meyer,he said the core of the problem was the fear of self-promotion: " (...) Such is the fear of bias and self-promotion that people will shoot you down not forwhat you write but for who you are. While



understandable, this fear leads to a gut-level anti-elitist attitude which I find regrettable."

User:LPFR - "I stop any further collaboration withWP. It is worthless to write anything if any low-level knowledge and high-ego person will "correct"your writings. I think that WP is doomed torepresent the "mean-street-knowledge" level. I waspuzzled reading the scientific level of seriouswikipedians (as project members). You seldom ornever found University teachers or retired academicmembers. The best you found are engineers orthesis students. Of course, you do not need to be oldor have academic titles to know things, but it helps.I now understand why there are so few universityteachers and experienced people. Last edits in thisarticle washed out my last wishes to be useful."

User:Ste. Anne - "This is not (and likely never willbe) an encyclopedia. It is more like the large filingcabinet stuffed with clippings, half finishedprojects, notes, the travel pamphlet collection,manuals for obsolete software and long discardedsmall appliances, and odd photos etc. that sits in myden and that I will sort through someday".Concludes with reference to (article|Discourse onholiness#Appreciation of the teachings|castingpearls before swine).

Totalitarian segregation

For impose its falsified “neutral verity” (i.e. leftist dogmas)to readers, the deviating Wikipedia now applied the mostextreme and dishonest totalitarian methods: blocking allother undesired viewpoints as false “spam”. This new wiki-dogmatism is quite sufficient reason for the existence and



use of other alternative wikis as Metapedia, Wikislavia, andnew StormWiki.

Critical references

Israelis Plot to Infiltrate Wikipedia by Jeff Davis Boles, David W. “The Deadly Danger of Wikipedia

and Corrupt Community Research.” David W.Boles’ Urban Semiotic. 16 Mar. 2007 - 15 Nov.2007 [2]

Meta-Wikislavia: Despotic Wiki-juntos Wikislavia: Wikipedia's agony Judical Inc: Wikipedia - Unbiased Encyclopedia or

a 'Jewish Tool' Wikipedia, a Techno-cult of Ignorance Wikinfo: Critical views of Wikipedia Conservapedia: About Wikipedia Conservapedia: Bias in Wikipedia Conservapedia: Ritual Defamation Eric Goldman: Wikipedia will fail within 5 years.

2005 Eric Goldman: Wikipedia will fail in four years.

2006 Konrad Lischka: Wikipedia Gruender darf nicht

mitschreiben. Der Spiegel 2007 David Sarno: Wikipedia wars erupt. Los Angeles

Times 2007 Credibility Of Wikipedia Takes a Dive After Wired

Exposé Wikipedia Bias list on Conservapedia. Wikipedian growth and disaster (in Russian): the

most detailed criticism of Wikipedia so far Wikipedia criticism on David Duke's forum. Wikipedia on Race ‘World’s biggest encylopedia’

serves up propaganda.




1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Robert Lindsay (9 June 2009)."Wikipedia, Ziopedia or Judeopedia?".

2. ↑ Wikipedia at a crossroads Mail Tribune3. ↑ Wikipedia founder 'shot by friend of

Siegenthaler' The Register

See also

Neo-Bolshevism Zionism Jewish supremacy Examples of propaganda in Wikipedia Cpedia



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