william canning portfolio annotated

Post on 15-May-2015






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Business Intelligence


William Canningcanningw@gmail.com


Portfolio Overview


This portfolio contains examples from over 400 hours of hands-on Microsoft Business Intelligence training in the Set Focus Masters Program.

It contains additional examples from BI work performed after graduation.

SQL Server and Microsoft technologies covered in the program included Data Modeling, Management Studio, T-SQL Programming, Integration Services, Analysis Services, MDX Programming, Reporting Services, Visio, Performance Point Server, and SharePoint Services.



Data Modeling and T-SQL (pg 4)

SQL Server Integration Services (pg 8)

MDX Programming (pg 12)

SQL Server Analysis Services (pg 15)

SQL Server Reporting Services (p 19)

Performance Point, Excel, and SharePoint (p 25)


Final Project Transform weekly Student Survey relational data model to denormalized star schema for SSAS OLAP application

Data Modeling and T-SQL


Final Project Visio diagram of 2 fact tables and 5 shared dimension tables. All use identity columns for primary keys.

T-SQL to populate FactEvalScore (question level granularity) and FactEvalReturned tables (survey level granularity)

Data Modeling and T-SQL


Final Project Completed data model for populated RDBMS staging database in Management Studio

T-SQL to populate DimTrackSessionCourse and DimCategory denormalized tables

Data Modeling and T-SQL


Stock Market Project Cube diagram of 2 fact tables and 3 dimension tables for price analysis. Majority of data in main fact table was created using SQL derived columns.

T-SQL common table expression with rownumber function used to obtain previous close price value

Data Modeling and T-SQL


SSIS – Integration ServicesSSIS Project Master package created to run 8 packages for loading flat file data into RDBMS tables.

Last package run performs database maintenance tasks including shrink DB, rebuild indexes, update statistics, and DB backup.


SSIS – Integration ServicesSSIS Project Control flow loop reads directory of Excel timesheets and loads row values to RDBMS table.

Last task following loop is to email success or failure using Package variable row counts.


SSIS – Integration ServicesFinal Project Execute SQL control flow task populates DimDates table in RDBMS staging database for OLAP cube.


SSIS – Integration ServicesStock Market Project Control flow to move daily CSV stock price files to load directory and insert to RDBMS staging database.

Data flow task filters for valid ETF, Forex, or World Indices symbols and adds derived audit columns.


MDX Project Display ordered sales data by quarters and year 2005 for all product categoriesCreate calculated regions in Customer dimension to aggregate financial results

MDX Programming


MDX Project Display ordered percent product price increases for most recent month versus previous monthDisplay 2005 mid-Atlantic sales data by product category and year, quarter, month time hierarchy

MDX Programming


MDX Project Display customer city dollar sales and rank for each of the most recent 4 quartersDisplay an ordered list of the top 3 customers in each product family by dollar returns

MDX Programming


Stock Market ProjectDate dimension user defined hierarchies with Year, Half, Quarter, Month, WeekEnd, and Day hierarchy values displayed

SSAS – Analysis Services


Stock Market ProjectETF Master dimension user defined hierarchies with Region, Country Name, Ticker Fund hierarchy values displayed in cube browser

SSAS – Analysis Services


Stock Market ProjectCalculated member for close price 10-day moving average and named set for last month with dataPerspective limiting display of web-based cube actions

SSAS – Analysis Services


Stock Market ProjectCube action expression used to launch stock chart web site by right clicking on ticker symbol in Excel pivot table report

SSAS – Analysis Services


SSRS – Reporting ServicesSSRS Project Cascading parameters report with filter in MDX expression to select only valid date rangesReport displays employee hours worked and labor dollars grouped by job and week in date range


SSRS Project KPI report from calculated measures with image symbols stored in SharePointReport displays Q3 2005 dollar returns percent status and trend for all product categories

SSRS – Reporting Services


SSRS – Reporting ServicesSSRS Project Exploded pie chart includes calculated point labels for percentage sales by category on chart data tabSimilar report displayed in bar chart format with additional breakout by sales year


SSRS Project Stacked bar chart display of employee sales by year with supporting matrix reportReport totals created using column and row Subtotal feature of Reporting Services

SSRS – Reporting Services

Stock Market ProjectCreate data driven subscription for parameterized stock daily price report with email delivery.Create table to drive report, tie columns to report attributes, and run on a shared schedule.

SSRS – Reporting Services



SSRS – Reporting ServicesStock Market ProjectData driven email subscription reports displayed with different contents and formats.Reports are for different stock data and rendered with or without hyperlinks in Excel, MHTML, and PDF formats.


SharePoint Project PPS half gauge scorecard based on KPI values and goals deployed to SharePoint ServerReport displays quarterly progress toward annual sales goal by region for 2005

Performance Point, Excel,and SharePoint


SharePoint ProjectExcel dual Y-axis bar and line pivot chart deployed to SharePoint ServerReport displays 24 months dollar sales and percent of parent for Electronic products

Performance Point, Excel, and SharePoint

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