wilmot proviso-outlaw slavery in land taken from mexico secede – to break away from union

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Wilmot proviso-outlaw slavery in land taken from Mexico Secede – to break away from Union Abraham Lincoln – Republican politician from Illinois, opposed Kansas – Nebraska Act. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


US History I Final Exam Review

10“Bleeding Kansas”

began when Border Ruffians raided the anti-slavery town of Lawrence, Kansas.

10Compromise of 1850

legislation that called for concessions by both the North and the South and included a strict new fugitive slave law

10 CSA Confederate States of America- group of seven southern states that seceded from the Union

10 Dred Scott Missouri slave who sued to obtain his freedom

10 Fort Sumter place where Confederate troops opened fire on Union troops

10Free Soil Party won 10 percent of the vote in the election of 1848

10Fugitive Slave Act law governing runaway slaves


Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin that spread anti-slavery sentiment in the North.


Harriet Tubman Maryland-born slave known as “Moses”

10Jefferson Davis chosen as President of the Confederate States of America

10John Brown New York abolitionist who used violence to accomplish his goals

10John Brown attacked the arsenal at Harpers Ferry in the hope of starting a revolution and

ending slavery


Kansas-Nebraska Act

bill passed by Congress in 1854 that led to violence


Know-Nothings became the American Party


popular sovereignty policy allowing voters to decide whether to permit or outlaw slavery


Republican Party party formed in 1854 that opposed slavery

10Roger B. Taney Supreme Court Chief Justice who wrote the Dred Scott decision


Stephen Douglas

He believed each territory should decide the issue of slavery for itself.

11blockade preventing merchant vessels with trade goods from entering

or leaving ports


Robert E. Lee

military leader from Virginia who left the Union army to command the southern army


Anaconda Plan

a Union military plan for defeating the South by dividing the Confederacy in two


border states

4 states that bordered Southern states, allowed slavery but did not join the Confederacy


Stonewall Jackson

Confederate military hero who refused to yield to the Union army at Bull Run


George B. McClellan

second leader of the Union army


Ulysses S. Grant

successful Union general who eventually became the leader of the Union army

11Shiloh tragic battle in Tennessee that shocked both North and South

by the horrors of the war

11contraband captured war supplies

11Antietam the bloodiest battle in a single day of the Civil War


Emancipation Proclamation

freed all enslaved people living in the states of the rebellion

11Militia Act mandated that black soldiers be accepted into the military


54th Mass. Reg't. all black regiment from Massachussetts known for its bravery

11income tax tax based on individual’s earnings to help pay for the war

11bond a certificate bought from the government that promises to pay back

the purchase amount plus interest


Homestead Act

made western land available at low cost to those who would farm the land

11conscription drafting men to fight in a war

11Copperhead northern Democrats who opposed the war

11habeas corpus prevents a person from being held in jail without being charged of a

specific crime

11inflation when prices of common items soar

11Clara Barton gained approval for nursing Civil War soldiers as part of the official military

effort and later founded the American Red Cross

11siege a military tactic in which an army surrounds, bombards, and cuts off all

supplies to an enemy position to make the enemy surrender

11Vicksburg southern city on the Mississippi River essential for the Union to control

11Gettysburg site in Pennsylvania of three-day bloody battle between the Confederacy and

the Union

11George Pickett leader of the South’s bloody assault on the Union-held Cemetery Ridge at



Gettysburg Address

speech given by Lincoln to honor the many dead in the battle of Gettysburg and an enduring statement of U.S. values and goals

11total war Grant’s policy of fighting which involved striking civilian as well as military



William Tecumseh Sherman

Union general, practiced total war as he marched through and conquered Georgia


Thirteenth Amendment

amends the Constitution to outlaw slavery in the United States


John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Lincoln

11Mathew Brady photographer who documented the horrors of war with his pictures of Civil War battles


Land Grant College Act

gave money from sale of public lands to states to establish universities that taught agriculture and mechanical arts


Radical Republican

a member of Congress who believed Confederates’ slavery and secession were criminal and should be punished


Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equality under the law for all citizens


program implemented by the federal government between 1865 and 1877 to repair damage to the South caused by the Civil War and restore the southern states to the Union


Civil Rights Act of 1866 passed to overturn black codes; vetoed by President Johnson

12 Wade-Davis Bill 1864 congressional proposal to allow Confederate states to rejoin the Union by

demanding a guarantee of black equality; vetoed by Lincoln


Fifteenth Amendment

forbids any state to deny the right to vote on the basis of race, color, or previous condition of servitude

12impeach an action Congress takes by charging the President with wrongdoing and putting him on

trial to see whether he should be removed from office


Freedmen’s Bureau

organization that provided food, clothing, healthcare, and education for black and white refugees in the South

12black code law passed in southern states restricting the freedoms of African Americans


Andrew Johnson Lincoln’s Vice President; became President after Lincoln’s assassination


Enforcement Acts

1870 and 1871 laws that made it a federal offense to interfere with a citizen’s right to vote

12segregation separation of the races

12sharecropping a system in which a landowner determined the crop and provided a worker

with a place to live, seeds, tools, and a share of the harvest

12scalawag a negative term for a southern white man who was invited to join the

Republican Party after the war

12tenant farming a system in which a tenant paid cash rent to the landowner and was free to

choose and manage his own crop

12share-tenancy similar to sharecropping, but the worker decided the crop and bought his own


12integration combination of the races

12carpetbagger a negative term for a northern white or black man who relocated to the South

after the war

12Ku Klux Klan secret organization founded during Reconstruction whose aim was to

terrorize African Americans


Rutherford B. Hayes became President through the contested election of 1876

12Redeemer southern, white Democrat who returned to power after 1870


Compromise of 1877

resolved the contested presidential election of 1876 by giving Hayes the presidency in return for withdrawing the remaining federal troops from the South

13entrepreneur people who invest money in a product or enterprise in order to make a profit

13protective tariff taxes that would make imported goods cost more than those made locally

13laissez faire a policy which allowed businesses to operate under minimal government


13patent a grant by the federal government giving an inventor the exclusive right to

develop, use, and sell an invention for a set period of time

13Thomas Edison an inventor and creative genius who received more than 1,000 patents for

new inventions


Bessemer process a process for purifying iron resulting in strong, but lightweight, steel


suspension bridge bridges in which the roadway is suspended by steel cables

13time zone twenty-four zones around the world, one for each hour of the day


mass production

systems that depended on machinery to turn out large numbers of products quickly and inexpensively

13corporation a form of group ownership in which a number of people share the ownership

of a business 1

3monopoly complete control of a product or service

13cartel an arrangement in which businesses making the same product agree to limit

production to keep prices high


John D. Rockefeller an oil tycoon who made deals with railroads to increase his profits


horizontal integration

a system of consolidating many firms in the same business to lower production costs

13trust a situation in which companies assign their stock to a board of trustees, who

combine them into a new organization


Andrew Carnegie a steel tycoon who used vertical integration to increase his power


vertical integration

the practice of gaining control of many different businesses that make up all phases of a product’s development


Social Darwinism

an application of Charles Darwin’s work which held that wealth was a measure of one’s inherent value and those who had it were the most “fit”

13ICC the Interstate Commerce Commission, a government body set up to oversee

railroad operations


Sherman Antitrust Act

a bill passed in 1890 which outlawed any trust that operated “in restraint of trade or commerce among the several states”

13sweatshop small, hot, dark, and dirty workhouses

13company town communities near workplaces where housing was owned by the business and

rented out to employees


collective bargaining negotiating as a group for higher wages or better working conditions

13socialism an economic and political philosophy that favors public, instead of private,

control of property and income


Knights of Labor a labor union that included workers of any trade, skilled or unskilled


Terence V. Powderly

the leader of the Knights of Labor beginning in 1881 who encouraged boycotts and negotiations with employers


Samuel Gompers

a poor English immigrant who formed the AFL, a skilled workers union, in 1886

13AFL American Federation of Labor, a loose organization of skilled workers from

many unions devoted to specific crafts or trades


Haymarket Riot

a labor protest in Chicago in 1886 that ended in dozens of deaths when someone threw a bomb


Homestead Strike

an 1892 Pennsylvania steelworkers’ strike that resulted in violence between company police and strikers


Eugene V. Debs leader of the American Railway Union who eventually became a Socialist

13Pullman Strike a nationwide strike in 1894 of rail workers that halted railroads and mail


14Ellis Island island in New York Harbor that served as an immigration station for millions

of immigrants arriving to the United States


Chinese Exclusion Act

1882 law that prohibited immigration by Chinese laborers



belief that assimilating immigrants into American society would make them more loyal citizens


“new” immigrant

Southern and Eastern European immigrant who arrived in the United States in a great wave between 1880 and 1921

14“melting pot” society in which people of different nationalities assimilate to form one


14Angel Island immigrant processing station that opened in San Francisco Bay in 1911

14steerage third-class accommodations on a steamship, which were usually overcrowded

and dirty

14nativism belief that native-born white Americans are superior to newcomers

14suburb residential area surrounding a city


Frederick Law Olmsted

a landscape engineer who designed Central Park in New York City, and parks in other major U.S. cities

14urbanization expansion of cities accompanied by an increase in the number of people

living in them

14mass transit public transportation systems that carry large numbers of people

14skyscraper very tall building built with modern materials like steel


rural-to-urban migrant a person who moves from an agricultural area to a city

14tenement multistory building divided into apartments to squeeze in as many families as


14Elisha Otis developer of a safety elevator that made skyscrapers more practical

14vaudeville type of show, including dancing, singing, and comedy sketches, that became

popular in the late 19th century

14Mark Twain a satirical novelist who wrote about American life in the late 1800s


William Randolph Hearst

a competitor of Pulitzer’s who also published sensationalistic newspapers

14Horatio Alger a novelist who wrote about characters who succeeded through hard work


conspicuous consumerism

purchasing of goods and services to impress others

14mass culture similar consumption patterns as a result of the spread of transportation,

communication, and advertising

14Joseph Pulitzer an immigrant who became a publisher of sensationalistic newspapers

14Gilded Age term coined by Mark Twain to describe the post-Reconstruction era which

was characterized by a façade of prosperity

15cash crop crop such as cotton and tobacco that is grown not for its own use but to be

sold for cash


Farmers’ Alliance

network of farmers’ organizations that worked for political and economic reforms in the late 1800s


Civil Rights Act of 1875

law that banned discrimination in public facilities and transportation

15assimilate to adopt the culture and civilization of the dominant group in a society

15Sitting Bull Sioux chief respected as a fighter and spiritual leader

15Chief Joseph leader of the Nez Percés who surrendered after trying to lead a group of

Indian refugees to Canada

15reservation specific area set aside by the federal government for the Indians’ use


Battle of the Little Big Horn

1876 battle in which the Sioux defeated U.S. troops led by Colonel George Custer


Dawes General Allotment Act

1887 law that divided reservation land into private family plots


Sand Creek Massacre

1864 incident in which Colorado militia killed a camp of unarmed Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians

15Wounded Knee 1890 confrontation between U.S. cavalry and the Sioux that marked the end

of Indian resistance in the Ghost Dance War

15Homestead Act 1862 law in which the government offered farm plots of 160 acres to anyone

willing to live on the land for five years, dig a well, and build a road


transcontinental railroad rail link between the eastern and western United States

15vigilante self-appointed law enforcer


open-range system

system in which ranchers did not fence in their property, allowing cattle to roam and graze freely

15land grant land given by the federal government for building railroads

15Exodusters African Americans who migrated from the South to the West after the Civil



Las Gorras Blancas

a group of Mexican Americans who protested their loss of land by targeting the property of large ranch owners

16Jim Crow laws laws that kept blacks and whites segregated


Booker T. Washington

famous black leader who encouraged African Americans to build up their economic resources through hard work

16Ida B. Wells an African American teacher who bought a newspaper and crusaded against

the practice of lynching

16literacy test a test, given at the polls to see if a voter could read, used to disenfranchise

black citizens


grandfather clause

a law which allowed a person to vote only if his ancestors had voted prior to 1866, also used to disenfranchise black citizens

16poll tax a tax which voters were required to pay to vote


W.E.B. Du Bois

a black leader who argued that blacks should demand full and immediate equality

16civil service a system that includes federal jobs in the executive branch


Pendleton Civil Service Act

a law passed in 1883 that established a Civil Service Commission, which wrote a civil service exam

16gold standard using gold as the basis of the nation’s currency

16spoils system a system in which politicians awarded government jobs to loyal party

workers with little regard for their qualifications

16Populist Party a political party formed on a platform of silver coinage, government

ownership of railroads, and fighting the corrupt elite


William McKinley the Republican candidate for president in 1896


Oliver H. Kelley a Minnesota farmer and businessman who organized the Grange


William Jennings Bryan

the Democratic nominee for president in 1896

16Grange an organization of farmers to learn about new farming methods and called for

regulation railroad and grain elevator rates

17Jane Addams leader in the settlement house movement

17muckrakers socially conscious journalists and writers who dramatized the need for reform

17Progressivism movement that believed honest and efficient government could bring about

social justice

17initiative gave citizens the power to propose laws

17recall gave voters the power to remove legislators before their term is up

17Jacob Riis muckraking photographer and author of How The Other Half Lives, exposed

the condition of the urban poor

17Social Gospel belief that following Christian principles could bring about social justice


settlement house community center that provided services for the urban poor


Lincoln Steffens

muckraking author of Shame of the Cities, exposed corruption in urban government

17direct primary allowed voters to select candidates rather than having them selected by party


17referendum allowed citizens to reject or accept laws passed by their legislature

17Alice Paul social activist, led women to picket at the White House

17Ida B. Wells helped to found the National Association of Colored Women


temperance movement campaign to end the production, sale, and use of alcohol


Florence Kelley founded the National Consumer’s League known as the NCL


National Consumer’s League (NCL)

labeled and publicized “goods produced under fair, safe, and healthy working conditions”


Nineteenth Amendment 1919, granted women the right to vote

17Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic

17NAWSA National American Woman Suffrage Association

17suffrage the right to vote


Carrie Chapman Catt

president of the NAWSA, campaigned to pass women’s suffrage at both the state and national levels

17NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, viewed full legal

rights as the only solution to racial discrimination

17mutualistas Mexican American groups that provided loans, legal assistance, and disability insurance

for members


Booker T. Washington

favored a gradualist approach for blacks to earn rights through economic progress and employment in the skilled trades

17Urban League organization to assist working class African Americans with relief, jobs, clothing, and



Anti-Defamation League

organization to defend Jews and others from false statements, and verbal or physical attacks



effort to replace immigrant customs with white, Protestant, middle-class practices and values


W.E.B. Du Bois

demanded immediate and full rights for blacks as guaranteed by the Constitution


Niagara Movement

opposed Washington’s approach; favored education in history, literature, and philosophy, not just in the trades

17John Muir California naturalist who advocated for the creation of Yosemite National



Progressive Party Roosevelt’s party in the 1912 election

17Square Deal Roosevelt’s program to keep the wealthy and powerful from taking

advantage of small business owners and the poor


Pure Food and Drug Act

gave the federal government responsibility for insuring food and medicine are safe


Theodore Roosevelt energetic Progressive who became the youngest president in 1901


New Nationalism

Roosevelt’s 1912 plan to restore the government’s trust-busting power

17Hepburn Act gave the Interstate Commerce Committee power to limit railroad company



Meat Inspection Act

gave federal agents power to inspect and monitor the meatpacking industry


National Reclamation Act

gave the federal government power to decide where and how water would be distributed in arid western states

17Gifford Pinchot forestry official who proposed managing the forests for later public use


Federal Trade Commission

group appointed by the President to monitor business practices that might lead to a monopoly


Sixteenth Amendment

gave Congress the power to impose an income tax


Woodrow Wilson Progressive Democrat elected President in 1912


Federal Reserve Act

placed the national banks under the control of a Federal Reserve Board


Clayton Antitrust Act

strengthened anti-trust laws by spelling out specific practices in which businesses could not engage

17New Freedom Wilson’s program to place strict government controls on corporations

• Wilmot proviso-outlaw slavery in land taken from Mexico• Secede – to break away from Union• Abraham Lincoln – Republican politician from Illinois, opposed Kansas – Nebraska Act

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