windows 7, 8: how to changed default program files directory

Post on 08-May-2015






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By default in windows installed programs or software are stored in Program Files Directory. But if you want to store these software or files in another location you have to type the path every time manually. But this presentation will show you how to make another folder for installation. By doing these you don’t have to type the desired path manually. Protect and Access is tech Support Company providing services for all PC problems, online backup support in US, UK, Australia etc.


How to Change Windows Default Program Files Directory

Generally all installed software or programs are stored in windows Program Files folder in system drive. But if you install software in a different location you have to put the path every time. But you could fix it by setting

your preferred location for installation of software. This way you don’t have to provide the desired path each

time you install something. So follow the steps to employ it in your PC

First open the Run window by Win key + R then type “regedit”. Click OK to open registry editor.

From the Registry Editor find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder and expand the hierarchy to navigate CurrentVersion.

The total path is like this HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\


After navigating the desired location you will see ProgramFilesDir string value on right side of the

window. If you can’t find the string follow the steps. Right Click on empty place on right panel -> new ->string

value and write “ProgramFilesDir”

If your machine is 64bit, you will see a string ProgramFilesDir (x86) also and that contains the path for

installing 32-bit programs in your PC. You can change both values to confirm the future program installation in

the preferred location.

To change and set your desired installation path just “double-click” on the value and replace the default path

with your desired one like D:\Program Files.

After finishing the editing job close the Editor window. You have to restart you PC to experience the effect. So now if you install any software or program you could notice the default installation path is changed to your preferred location and you don’t have to set the path


Thank you for watching

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