wipe - nys historic...

Post on 04-May-2019






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that-she na i rneen devoured By i o m e hmint'nf lirov

It-Ava"s-siow^wor£. ~Noon'found_.them

T n * death be prayedifor was Jiotv t» •_ . 1» '-_'." t „ . . ' i ~ ~ '4*. s n r n n '#AV«ni l ' f i n d and lnv;> tCT/intont^l | .>VMJ6 >y i^ ~~~ agryJT"


^ ^ f e ^ f ^ e s t - t f a e n ^ d a f t e r . p ^

~ttrr*m~m:_' ;.'.!• ,.:.!r.7 :.V.•^:^'j--'^^l^^*f^^^':!^'l^:!":. • ' • ' • ^ ^ ^ S

WIPE i©j£farJ$e

It was an Old elephant track, and

^ ^ i b t : 3 i s a T i ^ g i ^ _ >our-i

frw Porter and Clayton, decided to fol.

And Insults a r i o ; l p i r a g ^ o ^ W n i r ~ - * - ' Presently they gained the center of

Ihe village. There D.'Arnoi was bound


low it. " ' The pnth """""I through the Jungle

securely-to. Uje'greaj^R

: r^t t l re l i s^ppore^o^gmc slowly. . • / •' , I

for re-enforcements' and then.

in a northeasterly direction, and alou„ it the column moved in single file.

Lieutenant d'Arnot was in the lead

tralT was comparattvelyTOpenr--Imme-

no live man bad ever been r e l e a s e d ^ A number of the women-seattered^te-

their several huts to fetch, pots and water, while others built a row of fires on which portions of the feast were-to~

make an at temptno- : t rack down- the natives JIIKT rpsme D'ArPOt

It was .Jate_ in the afternoon the exhausted7 meif reached ine by the beach, but for two

ness t h W ^ r t n ^ r ^ u f f e r l h g



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^ f e s t i v i t i e s w e ^ e l a v A ^ s a l f e j l ness ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ " r

^^Sh'e^Iooked up. to see nis lithe-form^ "drop softly"from a nearby tree. As he

onnght her eyes upon him his and

face radiant

Porter but as ne couiu uut iccp *!»*>->- m^ ».«- - - - — i»t \ s r i i i r ^ y m f f T ^ o r ^ n T T ^ F ^ r g o f r ^ a a ^ ^ r e m a ^

graenafsjd^ fcviir^g^Kgfl^

lighted with that Irank" smile that had won her confidence the

"day~beforeT ~~ '~ ""~~ •—" — -^^-As_h_e^.apprqa_ched_her Jan.e^ Po r t e / s ]

hearTBeaT'faster" and hei^eyes"-bright

•about him. -•- ' - " : _••'•" D'Arnot gave-a warning shout pr

-PTB column as the-blaeks-elosed-on-him.

and the dance of death commenced, circle -n ro^"d the dbomearoffl'cerV—r.-

TTnif fnlntinc from pain and exhaus

Instant. " ^ : - : L . , , . _ J L . TVTL-7

Porter n^Jane-^^wMi^tandbag

door. -by.-.tha.^cabin

ened as they had never done before at the approach, of_any man, \ _.._. ._ _ _

-u5yh«A • fe fmr l« l i kaluerlrig^gnttr

but before he could draw his revolver . be had been plnlonedLand dragged into the jungle. ..

— His cry:badmlarjnedjih.e^UojraIjinjJL a dozen of them sprang forward past Professor Porter, running up the trail

tion. but a vagary of delirium or some hor-

t ™

S S S B d to SQme opportunity?

Pld6e;ydurself iir 'the ^=Vi5


D'ArnoT watchedVh"at "s^med 1 " W i t h - ^ m i e - c r y ^ M o y ^ d ^ l e f ^ D Arnot watc ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ thjm. thrpw-

H ^ . ^ ^ r o m - w h l c h ™ ^

time-slncesthey^had-Jb? this hideous and adventurous shore l icciu u» "» ~wv- . . . . u _.„ „„A odunnfnrn heTani

cry o u t .


-Tgethet-tp-eat-- J —-— —-Jane Porter commenced to wonder

what his plans were. Would he take her back to the" beach, or would be

J teep^herJ iexeJ_J3uMej^ *lhat the m ^ t t e i r ^ d - n o t ^ e e l a ^ o ^ I v e her much concern. Could it be that


dozen of tnem sprang wrwaiu yu.**. , ^ . _ t h i g hideous ana auveuiuiuus DUU .C . _ • • * " I l » * ^ l , " i — W rofessor Porter, running up the trail cry o u t , . . F r . n p e a ^ Q . h e Professor Porter, burying his o j d ^ \ J V l l V O V V •

wsei-m-i^^ . . -^ 21 Lxchapge-Slrie

to (defy one ahclgrasi^the other by ^startiri^ lan aScburit with^sr


>mpdunc ,wice

Mailed fr©eronirequestr-SimJle and efficient-


danger aHSadr--They had rushed past the spot where

D'Arnot had heen.seized when a spear

cerlaiid.a^gejitijimjn^diedr^ ^ ^ . ^^rzai t^f^thcuapea-aeMed,a9. tnterj

1 _ M

S3*asr=~sy 8 b e , ^ a u i a a t m ^ u j ^ r ^ £ B d ~ 4 L ^^n^nidJier^hatrShe^honia-D


-Teas -by-wlld-anxleties.—Instead.- her heart was singing.

—WEerf they had finlshed-their-break-Tflrzan went to-ber—bower—and

"who-were killed he cou

recovered his knife.- Motioning ner to ^oilow7^araa^^walk^d :^w*rd-the-rree: at_T:he edge of the a^ena and, taking

-her-in^one-strong _ a^^wj i ing_ to_ the

J . ; :

^branches above "" The girl t hew that he was taking her,

back to her people, and she could not understand the sudden feeling of sor-

_row-JWhich crept over her, For hours they swung slowly along. Tarzan of the apes did not hurry,

, ~ a a ^ l e d ^ s = 4 r f l w ^ o j ^ h e ^ ure of that journey with those dear armg nhout his neck as long as possi ble, and so he went far7 south ot tne

SreTOo^I i^ tEBIEE&E Several times they baited for brief

rests, which Tarzan did not need, and ^^neen^tiTey-stepppdfor an hour at a


- J —


thirst and a t e . " I t was nearly sunset when they came

to the clearing, and Tarzan. dropping -to-4be^round bpslde n great tree, part-ed the tall jungle grass and pointed

preter to translate the story of those distant shots.. With Jane Por ters kisses still warm upon his lips he was swinging with- lnerediblt*—rapidity:

U h i ^ u g h « t h e . - J L Q t e s | U ^ e e ^ j ^ g ^ t o : | ward UlO village of^Mbongfc— ."""".

He was not interested In the. lpca-^of^ne^encorihter.-for he -judged

„«• «r««1i qnnn hf> over. Tnose Per waa uuunu w . v - ^ - . . .

s^rTnirsd-h^TWuTo^^f^ldl^iJOsFY^ . .. .^ v. as-who" escaped would not - need his

slstance. It was to those who had neither been

"Jane-Porter-led-him-toward-the^caDs; iHlana^he^Fre^ lHnnen^tur j iedr tow^r^ the beach from which several of their fellows were advancing to meet them. •Clavton. wishing to leave father and

daughter, alone, joinedThe sallorTand romsmm^i i lk lngr^ i t fa r t^e^onlcer j^^ til their boat pulled away, toward -tnir cruiser, whither Lieutenant Charpen Tier was bound~toTfeport: theunhappy

ai".".T.'n.';B - 4 4 WRITE NOW-

fgj^pl^^S ^ResSiiECfiaffutfBi^


escaued^ that-he-hastened-wjthat~be-6onld-jajirt them

by the great post in the- center of Mbonga's village.. „.„ji.; " ; i _ " • ;.... ^Many-times^hadJTar^n^seen^Mbon

Then Clayton turned back slowly toward the cabin. His heart was filled with' happiness. ,The woman he loved

i.triehtsbos?» our new reinforced concrete-.

was safe. "A^~h^Tnpproaehed:rthe-eabin-h<


ga's black raiding parties return from the nbrtnlv^ra'wItB~pTisonersr-nnd-al-ways were the same scenes, enacted about that grim stake, beneath^ the


warehoustTVSix stories, inciuaing Dasemcuu, ^y^ frontage o S W Street, ' . , Cut in bac^round^shows our old warehouse, now connected with th,e new

-^nUnevery floor. Five_stories, including basement, JPJeet^on^a^e^n^Mill^Street.

Tartan had looked with complacency . upon their former orgies, only occa-. ^ i o n ^ V y a n t e E f e r i i i g a P i i b ^ p ^ i u ^

baiting the blacks. • But -heretofore-f^ow 1 victims had been men of theii-

her coming out: she hurried forward to meet him.

"Jane!" he criedV "Heaven has been ^ o d ^ t o "W"Indeed/ ~ Tell "rae^how- you

|=escaped^jvb!at form ProX^ .^ j^ ' ^^H-to save you for—us/' *

He had never before called her by I her given name. Forty-eight hours be-rfore~it™wouldThave-8Uffused-Jane^Por^

ter with a soft glow of pleasure to I hear that name" fronr-Claytoh's^lips-1


A „« B.w„. — r - Jry^f-our-wa^ehou _ -to-lmprovereveiy-oppor^anity to make large, pur chases a t special prices

~ = ^ Our rule is to buy only-the best in design, finish, "and"c6n¥trdctloT^fi|0^nTa^eT^hat^rice-in -jnayJieoffered..pjii>ther.elates of goods.* , T h u s . a

purchase'here combines a low prica'with _a goocL investment . . " • ' - . . . ; .

i It is always advisable to see o\ir goods and get poTifTmces^foreHmaklng^ele-Gtions-elsewhere. I t J ?

better to learn this early than too late.

Clayton.' she said quietly, ex-•at-let me-thank

__ w n c o l o r . . v T Q n i g h t , _ l i _ w a s _ d l ^ e n t . ^ White—menr- mon ^f^^TOTgtmS^-^wtr—y""^"^^^ — race, might be even now suffering the | oas tpici\me uow.uuble~and~self-:saeFi

i ficlng you have been. How c a n ' w e ngonies of torture ever-repa -y-go\i£L

On he aped. In ,^HV-^Hteutes-hp I , ^ t O D - n o t T c e d that-al i^dld-ne ^ t m g ^ t g ^ l i g ' ^ t r e e i r q r t ^ ^ hto;-.frtmi»ar saTulal io^b^rhTTeTr village." Ah. he was not quite too J J W . ^ Q m i sgivings on that score. She bud The figure at the stake was very.s tm .J-been- t b r o U g h so much.

In an Instant They Were In Hand Fight.

a Hand to

Tarzan ,-knew-their, customs.- The j T^nrrhttinw^ft^-bf^an-sfcciiP-k, R P rnnlri 1 tell almost to a minute how fa r ' t h^ i

time to -force his quickly realized

love This was

upon her,

. out the little cabin to her. _ _ She took him by the hand to lead U u r l e d f r o m t h e j u n g i e u-ansfixed-one ^ _ _

^zzhlm-toltrthalrshe-mlght-tell her-father- _ T h e , m e n - ^ d t D e n - a - Y u l l 6 y . 0 f - a r - hu~n,Tm'"a¥ver~one of the' victim's-ears 1 . rr-r crrra—^-^-^A^— - K T « S — f w v m r —•.«*._e=. . _ . I_>VAIUIV*,—>=- r~- . — .. , ,

L_am already repaid." he laughed

U^^t-frhte-roan-had-snvpfl-her fro'm:



worse than death: lhat he had^vatche^ over her as carefully as a mother.

But again the timidity of the wild -thlngL-JCLlhe face of_hu^man habitation swept _pver. Tarzan of. the apes, t ie drew back, shaking his head.

The gir rcuwe close to htmr-looMBg-up with pleading eyes. Somehow she


dance had gone. .._ • ! , . j u a t t o see you and Professor. Horter In another Instant Mbonga's tnif.-1 b Q t h g f t f e w e l j a n d together again."

1 The-g l r i -bo jee iOiOeaar^ l re re^vgg :

Racing.their carbines, they fired Into


-«- : _ ,_, ._^. . „ i Jane Porter had heard, could not bear tue thwghtrof-his-golnrj- ' . L i e „ t e n a n t Charpentier hack into the Jnngle alone.

Still he shook his head, and finally -he-drew hpr to hlPJ vgry gently and

the underbrush In Th^direction -from which the missies had come.

—Bv^tbls time the balance of the party had come up._and~yqlJey.;aRer~]v611e3r was Bred toward the concealed foe~ I t -was these shots that1 Tarzan and

(-end.-for. very shortly after only a writhing mass of mutilated flesh would remain.

Th° gfnfcp stood forty feet from the nearest-troe.— Tarzan..colled his rope_

-TIIMII th^i-p rose suddenly uhoye the

"Where Is the forest man who wen! Ito rescue you? Why did he not re turn?"

q-do-not-underatand." said Clayton

w h o had

-boon hclngine "P the rear of the col-

W -Si*'


stooped to k fss^her.~buT first" ne"roojeetr into her eyes and waited to learn If she were pleased or if she would re-



w. p eg? •


Jus t an Instant the girl hesitated, and then she realized the truth, and. throwing her arms about his neck, she drew his face to hers and kissed, him— unashamed.

"I love you—I love you." she mur-mnred.

T~~Prom^far-'ln~the-4Tstance_came_.the_ ~fa1nt buund-of-many—guns,

Tarzan and J a n e Porter raised their heads. From the cabin came Mr. Phi­lander and Esmeralda. From where Tarzan and the girl stood they could not see the two vesselsTlylng in the harbor.

Tarzan pointed toward the sounds. -*niicht>d-hla hrpnst nnfl_p_olnted again.

She understood.^ He was going, and

umn. now came running to the scene Tn^-^TH^^H^fr^e^etoUa^ol^he-aiiU. busende ordered the men to follow Him and plunged into the tangled vege-tation. -In-an-lhstant-they-were-4n-a^lraLnD!:

fiendish crips of the dancing demon* tbf-m»fnl rhnllenge of the ape m;in

The dancers baited as though turned to slime.—The-rope-sped-wlth a slng-

'Whom do- you mean-?— "He TOh" h n a saved each of us -who

saved me from the gorilla." "Oh?" pripd riavtnn. In surprise.

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lng whir high above the he.?.ds of the b tm .^ r--^^mW^^.o^Uli^Uuasibjed^tfad flnrliiK lights of the oampflres. J

D'A mot opened his eyes. z -^h^ge^lack^^tanding-di r^ t ly__bf i i

was he who rescued yoTTT^You. have not told iuf anything-of-your-advpn ture. don't yon know. Tell me

4tie—wuoflmimJ^^hlr *4^tt'

to hand fight with some fifty black \< arrtors of Mbonga's village. Arrows and bullets flew thick and fast

Queer African.-knlses _and French gun butts mingled for a moment in savage-and-bloody duels, but soon the natives__fled JlnttL the jungle^ leaving 'Ifi^nR'eTrcbTnen-ixj^ouut-their^loBseSr---

Kour of the t\WiaLy^.\v^re-deadf-a-doz— en "Others were wounded, and Lieuten­ant d'Arnot" was missing.. Night was falling rapidly. " ~~ There was but one thing to do—make camp where they were until daylight.

This work was not completed* until long after dark, the- men building. a huge^flre-ln-the-center-Ofrthe^clearlng

fore him. luugeoFbaelfwitfd^a^thon 'felled by an Invisible hand.

Struggling and shrieking, his body.-rolling from side to side, moved quick­ly towanl the shadows beneath the trees. The blacks, their eyes protrud­

i n g in horror, watched spellbound

"Have yon not* seen him? heard the shots in the Jungle, faint^and—far—away.

When v«-very

he left me. We


r HESTER ryr\

,_ h^d-the-eletfrtngT-and^E hurried off in the direction of th t fight­ing. I know he went to aid you."

Her tope was almost pleading* her manner tense with suppressed emotion, Clayton could not but notice it, and he

^wondered vaguely why she. was so

H A I N S T T O F fomNflFftr tbeHPjffmt.,:-NPY. Resources, $23,000,000. Capital and Snrptas, 51^,000

something told her that It was because -to give them light to work.by..

When all was as safe as could be

tr ^7'

bethought her-people were in-danger: m n d e from tiv attack of wild-beasts Again he kissed her. — = — - I Bn'd suvnge'-men..l.ieatenant Charpen*.

- 1«eome-back-to-meT^she-w.hlspered^u t i c r^ | n (^_ g e n t r ies-about_the-- l i t t le^ cainp. and the tired and hungry men threw themselves upon the ground to sleeE

* "1 shall wait_for you-nlways. H e w n s gone, and Jane Porter turn-

Pd to walk across the clearing to the cabin. """ ~ . r,

Mr. Philander was-the first t o - s e e j g j ^ w i t h t h e roaring and growling or I the" great beasts, kept sleep except in

cried. 'Mane Porter! |"lta_ m o s t fltfUi form from the tired

Onee-beneath-the trees theJbody. rogpj deeply-moved, so anslouslto know the sTraTghrbYtoln"e~aTrT-mrd^B-lt^lsBp--^e^

' Hej i ld not suspect the truth, for liuw couldTTeT~^~ %~~^ *

In his breast—unknown to hlinself. was Implanted the first-germ of Jeal­ousy and suspicion of the ape man to whom he owed his life.

••We did not see him." he replied^ qnletlv. "He did not Join us. Possl-

peared into the_foliage aoove tue tei-rifled- negroes." scVeaming v\1th fright-broke Into a mad race for the village gate. '" -

D'Arnot was left alone. He was ^ brave man, b u O e had felt the short hairs bristle upon the nape of his

-neck-when-that-uncanny_crviLrosezupim the air

"As "tie" watched - the snot where -the Lwho- attacked Jis^l j"tny- he Jolued-fal3-own-trlbeT--the-jnen-L~.i


her. * "Jane!", he


body had entered the tree he* heard the sounds of movemenFlhere. Th> branches^sy^nyed as though under the .weight of-a main's body. There was~a crash, and the black came sprnwilnglrT

-pnrth-agaln-,-to-ll&-verv quietly where! - Ee^hlid^nnienmz^;

He did not know why he had sald. l t for he did not bellertHtr-^But love-ls-a strange master. " T h e girl looked nt-him-wlde.eyed-for-a m'ornent-~- -•'• ~-------- ----- -:--—--'"No!" she exclaimed vehemently.


Immediately after him came a white body, but this one alighted erect. " -

D'Arnot saw a clean limbed young i ^ T G S ^ ^ w a 9 - n - * a d ~ a n d Jiungry^PMtv-Lglant^mergg from the, shadows into

bled-to-hls-feet-flnd-«i8heda-^nt-)ay-through--theUong-Jiighl_rjrnj^ He could not believe that j m g for dawn.

The blacks who had seized D'Arnot iad-'noT wafted. to..parllclPfftFrln- t b o j

fight They hurried their prisoner 'alcTrigrthe-s-Otinds-of-bhttlc-growing

H o scram "towftCd~fhir: It was,she and alive.


been? How"—"

the-firelight and come quickly toWgTTl

him. What could it mean? Who could It

bfiT:^^mpriTmvn&rcatiirg-of'toTture-and-("destruction doubtless. 1—T3rAfnor-•'wnltedV-- His eyes never

' ^ ^ ^ I c r c r J M r - . P h l l P n - W i " ' (n^errunt- I frijnrnr and fainter as they drew away j f t t h f n c e 0f the odvanclngman x^^ed?iiio^Lr]i^tncjy^oa^

could not be. They were negroes. He" 18TT white man—and a_geutiemanr A„

Clayton was a generous and chival­rous man. but something In the girl's defense of the'ioiusrrman-atirrea-blro- -to nnVaflsonlng-jealonsyT-so-thnt^for-the-\nstant he' iorgot all that he owed fo -this -wild- demigod.^ndtnie^iUi8j!^red her with a halt ahoertpmrhlB-llp^-—

:~:Li»p6sslbly' yoir are^rIgBtr~RIl8s~:Por-: ter." he said, "but I do not \hlnk that


d ^ n ^ f r p S e ^ u t i ' o r ^ clearing, ot one end of many questions."

. "Woll. well." sold-Mr. Philander good sized A-*«U.«*«A

nTe^"T^^tTT r¥o^rfllled^ltfr^ur* ;^nich-Btood^^ village.

"""BleSl" pHsn.nnd exuberant delight at seeing - | " " " * i f r - * - i i r "~" rn j - in r i - r - i n ' " i i ^ ~ j i n _

know what I am saying, realty. Bu t


D'Arnot was reassured, but still ^ thou^much^J ioue T ^Jnn^ l i~Ugr t . g u

Farm Ufa, 2Sc yr. Home Ufa, 2Seyir


•'••' CHAPTER XVI. The yiliag'a.'o'f fofTuf^7"

S.the little expedition of dhllora tqlledithrough-tho-derise-Jun

f r^&^s^al^I lTg^for ' - s lBTra— Jano Porter tho futility

A rrv w e n t UP wltMi'i the -PIUIBIIM!. A great throng of women arfd children rushed out to meet the party.f ^^^lhon-^pffl»^"r'-»tio-French:.oul»--cer—the—most—terrlfylhg-experlence

that that face could not 'mask a cruel

-hear t

«aWhg^«3nf l in t imce*^ that he la some half ^demented cast?

-av^-w4ro-wiltf6fg"et\uaimor6JWU5Myi W n o mortrsurc!?, than1 we-ytnTll-for2|

^ni,"- TTA to nnty n hPtlflh p( th6

hTh1sUjhc;biBgcst.bargi]n:Ln^^ ' matter:evcr offered to our subscribers. jIMr.; clua^8-bti^papei^thc-best-weeldy:published


which man can encounter upon earth— .tne reception of a white prisoner into a village of African cannibals.

I I I r l m y ^ e l l l j S p m i P ' A ™

Without a word Tarzan of the apes cut the bonds which held the French;

£. l n f t f tv~^rc n^ftom^ujferingjind lossJifi

nf l :nali.—beating-him-^w4th—aticka„

- ... . of I stones and tearing at hltn with claw-thcir "venture became more and morei like hands. Every-vesUge^of—ClotUlng apparen t bdt the grief of tho old man ^^~ **— ' find :th'e^hopeloa3"eyes-of-?the^young Engiishman. preventpd tho kind heart­ed D'Arnot from" turning back. •>fi[d thought that there mlghl be a bare possibility. Of flndingjier body or the remains" of it* if or . ho was posiUye _ Wro.

was torn from him, and the.merciless blo^fliell-upo^^ flesh; ^BUt hot once did the Frerichman_cry_ out lW pnln. A Silent prayer rose that he bo quickly deHvered from hla' tor-

1blo6d—ho-wouTd-haye_faUen_bkt_M. the strong arm that caught him. •

He felt himself . lifted ' from the

jrround. _,v ' T n e l i l w a T ^"sejn^sa^orrna of-flyingr

an^H.n^!FnirloB^^ohsclo'usne33, '•' V'"'.' ' + I . *" '•.. - '*... • »*.*"- * "U•'•*• When dlnrwnTbroke upon 'lne"~1ittle

jUIm>e. Ml83-Porte>." , ' , . . The girl did not answer, but she felt

her.v,heart,jihr^^ Anger "atid hate against one we lbfe^ateeUour-j TieirrtsrbTitreontemptror:pity-leavea-U8-Bilent and ashamed. —«'--—•*• -±~~-.:~•-•-


shown above, sample copies ofwBc^ rnaTBVse^Tatn^ - ^ ^ i v r a e ^ F f i ' o T a ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ •Bnt-nn account of Jhe splendid contract we have made with1 these big

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"" ft tn give our readers t- , paper, all one year for only $Uf f~ )us t 18 cents more tnan tne reKularprice ofMtpaperjaloiier ;' , ,'< V " ^ ? ^ " ^ * ^ ^Se^oJ i^oW^eTs l iBTSw^^


ahTsee us wbeft you are in town, - As.sdou ^ ' y o u j ^ t h e ^ l e a n r l b ^ W magazines you wiU want them sent to --ypu^c .own

home for a year.

camp of Frenchmen In the heart of "th*e^nngl§ttfonnd=n-snd-ftnd-dlsl)ear^l

e n o d g y Q U p ^ * V- ~r—r*r- " - - - - J^-: .-•••: .•••^•.Bbon-aajltwAHIght-ehou^lrtDiBei'-thelr Burroundlnga, Lientennnt^ Char•

ft ather* Cramped Mlsa Ethel—VK'ate eaya ; she's weary HvJng^ln aj.amall apar tment^J feck p( llyjng 1 _

Carr-^''A caae of flat ton: Tranacrlpt..


''Venjtjie? sent.,mOii in groups of three in

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^fpWSl^HIHKlWHAT^L^^ I v; Our Piper arid These our Standan! Maqaiines T- •: ? ' "

= = ALL FIVE Or^yEARrQNLY ; ":.^~ Trrr

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