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 The Witchtower 

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3 The Bible – Is It For Christians? 

12 From Our Readers 

14 Soccer Games on TV – For You? 

16 Godly Wisdom in a Scientific World 

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“ Let fornication and uncleanness of every sort or greediness not even be mentioned among  you.”  

 – Ephesians 5:3 

The Bible has been the subject of much de-

bate and controversy. Even experts in the field

find it difficult to explain. Many people consid-

er it the infallible word of God, while others

take it for an outmoded book of humans. Some

who tried to conform to the Bible were killed

with reference to Bible verses by other believ-

ers. There are social groups that would like to

totally prohibit the Bible, while others demand

that all legislation should be based on it.

For true Christians, the opinion of men

doesn‟t matter of course. They base their view

on what the Bible and the Watchtower says.

What do these scriptures reveal regarding the

question if Christians should be concerned with

the Bible?

The Bible particularizes “the fornications of Jezebel” 

The apostle Paul gave an important hint in

his letter to the Ephesians when he wrote: “Le

fornication and uncleanness of every sort o

greediness not even be mentioned among you

 just as it befits holy people.” (Ephesians 5:3) I

fornication, uncleanness and greediness shoul

“not even be mentioned” among Christians

then of course they cannot read books abou

these things. What can be said about the Bibl

in this regard?


Is fornication mentioned in the Bible? Yes

It reports, for example, of “the fornications o

Jezebel.” (2 Kings 9:22) It also particularize

how the prophet Hosea took “a wife of fornica

tion and children of fornication.” – Hosea 1:2.

The word “pornography” means “writing o

prostitutes.” ( Awake! , April 22, 1983, page 25

Since the Bible contains detailed description

of prostitutes, it can justifiably be called “por

nographic,” and Christians must “eschew ques

tionable entertainment as well as printed …

pornography.” (The Watchtower, October 1

2002, page 21) Yes, “we should … avoid por

nography as though it were a dangerous, infec

tious, death-dealing disease.” –  The Watchtow

er, July 15, 1992, page 12.

In view of these facts, how could we read

book that describes in detail prostitutes an

their actions? For example, we read there

“Two women … began to prostitute themselve

in Egypt. In their youth they committed prost

tution. There their breasts were squeezed, an

there they pressed the bosoms of their virgini

ty.” (Ezekiel 23:2, 3) Another passage reads

“There was a woman to meet him, with th

garment of a prostitute and cunning of heart …

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Near every corner she lies in wait. And she has

grabbed hold of him and given him a kiss. She

has put on a bold face, and she begins to say to

him: … „With coverlets I have bedecked my

divan, with many-colored things, linen of 

Egypt. I have besprinkled my bed with myrrh,

aloes and cinnamon. Do come, let us drink our

fill of love until the morning; do let us enjoy

each other with love expressions. For the hus-

band is not in his house; he has gone traveling

on a way of some distance.‟” – Proverbs 7:10-19.

In its last book, the Bible features two com-

plete chapters about “the great harlot” and

describes in full detail how “the kings of the

earth committed fornication” with her. (Revela-

tion 17:1, 2) And the Bible even speaks of pros-

titution as of something positive! A Bible book

urges a prostitute: “Go around the city, O for-

gotten prostitute. Do your best.” (Isaiah 23:16)

Then the writer says with regard to her: “She

must return to her hire and commit prostitu-

tion …  And her profit and her hire must be-

come something holy to Jehovah … Her hire

will come to be for those dwelling before Jeho-

vah.” – Isaiah 23:17, 18.

Would Christians be able to retain a clea

mind and walk “with all chasteness” if the

would be concerned with such reading material

How should “fornication … not even be men

tioned” when Christians possibly even woul

read this pornographic book together and dis

cuss about it? No, “whether featured in a book o

a magazine or on-line, pornography is not fo

Christians. Avoid it at all costs!” ( Awake! , Jun

8, 2000, page 10) Thus the Bible, the Watchtow

er and the Watchtower Society‟s website are ou

of the question for true Christians.


“Uncleanness” should “not even be men

tioned” among Christians too (Ephesians 5:3

But the Bible reports, among others, of some

one who “touches the uncleanness of a man a

respects any uncleanness of his with which h

may become unclean.” (Leviticus 5:3) Anothe

passage in one of the Bible‟s first books reads

“In case any man has a running discharg

occur from his genital organ, his discharge i

unclean. And this will become his uncleannes

by his discharge: Whether his genital orga

“Whether featured in a book or a magazine or on-line, pornography

[the “writing of prostitutes”] is not for Christians.” –  Awake!, June 8, 2000

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has flowed with a running discharge or his

genital organ is obstructed from his running

discharge, it is his uncleanness.” (Leviticus

15:2, 3) In a letter by Paul, the Bible even men-

tions people who “work uncleanness of every

sort.” (Ephesians 4:19) Uncleanness along with

fornication is mentioned at many other Bible

passages too. (Galatians 5:19) It also says of a

city: “Uncleanness is in her skirts.” (Lamenta-

tions 1:9) Uncleanness is discussed in detail

and mentioned throughout the Bible‟s pages. 

The warning from Ephesians 5:3 refers to

“uncleanness of every sort” though. Indeed the

Bible mentions dirty people at many passages.

One of them was Naaman the Syrian; he was

so dirty that he had to “bathe seven times in

the Jordan” to become “clean” again. (2 Kings

5:10) On another occasion the Bible mentions a

man who was so dirty that Jesus at once in-

structed him: “Go wash!” – John 9:7.

The Bible particularizes uncleanness in all

its facets at many passages. This is why it is

out of the question as reading matter for Chris-

tians, among whom “uncleanness of every sort”

should “not even be mentioned.” 

Image courtesy of FreeBibleIllustrations.com

Naaman was so dirty that he had to bath seven times

The Bible vividly describes Jael’s murder of Sisera 


“Greediness” too should “not even be men

tioned” among true Christians. (Ephesians 5:3

But the Bible reports in detail about Balaam

who cursed the people of Israel out of gree

and finally was rebuked by a speaking donkey

(Numbers 22:4, 28) It also contains a detaile

account about greedy Achan who had stolen

things devoted to destruction and thus cause

the death of 36 Israelites. – Joshua 7:4, 21.

Other parts of the Bible tell about Gehaz

the greedy servant of Elisha, and about Juda

Iscariot who even betrayed Jesus Christ fo

money. (2 Kings 5:23; Matthew 26:14, 15) In

deed, greediness is mentioned at many passag

es in the Bible. This is another reason wh

Christians must avoid it.


“Many popular books are brimming with

sex and violence,” the May 22, 1997  Awake

issue said. (page 6) That does also apply to th

Bible, which is without doubt a “popular book

Right at its beginning it features Cain‟s mur

der of his brother Abel. (Genesis 4:9) A bit late

it describes how Simeon and Levi slayed al

men of Shechem with the sword. (Genesi

34:25) Then it describes in vivid pictures how

Jael killed a military commander with a ten

pin. – Judges 4:21.

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“How can we make it a practice to read about … violent crimes?” –  Awake!, January 22, 1973

The Bible also describes Ehud, who under a

pretext gained entrance to King Eglon and

then pierced him with the sword in cold blood.

(Judges 3:21) Later it contains the account of 

David, who murdered 200 Philistines to pay

their foreskins as bride price for Michal to King

Saul. (1 Samuel 18:27) Finally the Bible por-

trays the strategy of Jehu: He gathered all

worshippers of Baal into their temple; then he

had its door closed and instructed his soldiers

to kill every person who was in the temple.

 – 2 Kings 10:25.

The Bible also mentions an especially gory

crime where an angel murdered 185,000 men

in one night. (2 Kings 19:35) It reports compre-hensively of many other acts of violence, e. g. of 

Samson who caught 300 foxes, tied torches to

their tails and so set ablaze the Philistines‟

fields. (Judges 15:4) The Bible further men-

tions many rapes and an Israelite who cut his

concubine up in twelve pieces.  – Judges 19:24,

29; 20:5; Isaiah 13:16.

Image courtesy of FreeBibleIllustrations.com

A major part of the Bible is about acts of violence

like the murder of Abel by his brother Cain

The Bible portrays Samson, the first

suicide assassin of history, as a hero

 A magazine said regarding television

“By the time a youth reaches adulthood, he wil

have watched thousands of dramatized acts o

violence and murder.” ( Awake! , October 2006

page 4) But isn‟t the same true of the Bible

When children and youths regularly read thBible, they also will have witnessed thousand

of acts of violence and murder by the time the

reach adulthood!

God‟s word urges us: “Don't be jealous o

those who use violence, and don't choose t

be like them!” (Proverbs 3:31, NCV ) But Jae

Samson, David, Jehu and other violent hooli

gans are portrayed as heroes and role models i

the Bible. (Hebrews 11:32) Hence what a write

noticed is without doubt applicable to the Bibl

and Bible movies: “How can we make it a practice to read about or view motion picture

depicting violent crimes without becomin

hardened by them?” ( Awake! , January 22, 1973

page 4) No, reading books that glorify violence

such as the Bible, would wreak havoc on

Christian. Avoiding the Bible, Bible-based liter

ature and Bible movies is the best one can do!

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False religion

Now we will consider another important

principle: “True Christians … avoid anything

that is connected with false worship.” (What

 Does the Bible Really Teach?, page 152) Does

that apply to the Bible? Undoubtedly. The Bible

is a book that is closely “connected with false

worship.” Athanasius, Jerome, Augustine and

other “Church Fathers” –  prominent agents of 

false religion  –  were significantly involved in

establishing the Bible canon.  –   All Scripture Is

Inspired of God and Beneficial, page 304.

No wonder that the Bible itself reports com-

prehensively on the customs of false religion. It

describes the Baal cult, the worship of Molech,

 Ashtoreth and Dagon as well as the idolatrous

customs of Babylon. (1 Samuel 31:10; 1 Kings

11:7; 16:32; 1 Chronicles 10:10; Daniel 3:1) But

as true Christians, we should not “have any-

thing to do with false religion” – then, how could

we read a book that persistently mentions and

portrays false religion, its gods and its customs?

 –  The Watchtower, September 1, 1978, page 10.

What about false religion today? Thousands

of “Christian” churches and cults, all of them

belonging to “false religion,” use the Bible

Other books, such as the catechism or writing

of prominent clerics, are used only by som

denominations, but the Bible plays a major rol

in all religions of Christendom. There can be n

doubt that the Bible is “connected with fals

worship,” and “true Christians take care t

avoid anything that is connected with fals

worship.” –   The Watchtower, June 1, 2003

page 30.


Consider also the following principle: “W

must keep free from all forms of  Spiritism

(The Watchtower, March 15, 2005, page 24)

This includes “avoiding anything related t

spiritism.” (The Watchtower, May 1, 1963, pag

276) Is the Bible something “related to spiritism?” This question can surely be answered in

the affirmative. For example, it explains in

detail the “spiritistic practice” of a harlo

named Babylon. (Revelation 18:23) It also por

trays pagan rulers performing spiritistic rites

(Ezekiel 21:21) Furthermore, the Bible con

tains detailed descriptions of Satan and hi

demons and depicts their actions.  –  Ezekie

28:12-15; Daniel 10:23.

The Bible is a symbol of false religion 

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The Watchtower publications contain images of 

the Devil, of demons and of occult actions

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The Bible contains not only descriptions of 

séances and magic practices but even messages

from spirit mediums! For example, we can read

in it the words that a spirit medium spoke in

Samuel‟s name to Saul during a séance.

(1 Samuel 28:11-19) It even contains utteranc-

es of Satan, the Devil himself! (Genesis 3:4;

Job 1:9-11; Matthew 4:5, 6) We would under nocircumstances allow a spirit medium or the

devil himself to talk to us. Should we expose

ourselves and our family to such harmful influ-

ence by reading the Bible?

 A Watchtower brochure clearly explains

what we should rather do: “Y ou must complete-

ly break free from everything associated with

spiritism and demon worship. Worshipers of 

God in ancient Ephesus did that. They collect-

ed all their books on magic and burned them.(Acts 19:19, 20) God‟s servants today must do

the same. Rid yourself of  … books, and any-

thing else connected with spiritistic practices.”

(Spirits of the Dead  –  Can They Help You or

Harm You? Do They Really Exist?, page 24)

Since the Bible is without doubt a „book on

magic‟ and “connected with spiritistic practic-

es,” we too should collect all our Bibles and

burn them in public. For centuries the Catholic

Church heeded this divine command. Still in

1961, a Catholic priest in Mexico ransacked ahome, seized all Bibles and burned them on a

public square. (The Watchtower, February 1,

1980, page 20) But since then, apostasy has

been rampant, and unfortunately, public Bible

burnings have become rare.

The Bible contains messages from spirit mediums

By reading the Bible, we would

come in contact with false religion

Bibles are not the only things that w

should burn. “It is imperative … to get rid of al

objects related to spiritism. This include

books, magazines, movies … or other items

(The Watchtower, April 15, 2006, page 31

Hence, besides Bibles, we have to divest ourselves of magazines that address or portra

spiritism. That surely includes the publication

of the Watchtower Society which regularl

feature images of spirits, demons and the devil

as well as false Gods that were powered b


The brochure Spirits of the Dead  –  Ca

They Help You or Harm You? Do They Really

Exist? is full of such pictures, but similar one

can be found in the Watchtower and other publications too. Hence it is necessary to free ou

home from all Bibles, the complete Watchtowe

literature and all other religious writings cov

ering the devil and his demons. We shoul

imitate Mari who said: “I threw out all m

books on … spiritism, and I got rid of all m

idolatrous … pictures.” –   The Watchtower

 August 1, 1984, page 5.

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We should publicly burn Bibles and

other spiritistic books and magazines

The Bible comprehensively describes Satan,

his demons and their actions, but “true Chris-

tians take care to avoid anything that is con-

nected with … the occult.” (The Watchtower,

June 1, 2003, page 30) In fact, we should “keep

away from anything that even borders on the

occult,” and “Webster’s Third New International

 Dictionary defines occult: „Something mysteri-

ous or supernatural.‟” (The Watchtower, No-

vember 15, 2008, page 26;  Awake! , August 22,

1986, page 3) This doubtlessly involves theBible and the Watchtower “literature” which

claims to be from God and hence can be consid-

ered “supernatural” or “occult.” 

Would you leave your daughter alone with Solomon?


Who were the Bible‟s writers? Major part

were composed by David, a murderer and adul

terer. (2 Samuel 11:4, 15) Another author

Solomon, was a notorious philanderer an

idolater; also he promoted prostitution in Isra

el. (1 Kings 3:16; 11:3, 7) Jonah was a Milquetoast and a critic of God. (Jonah 1:3; 4:1

Daniel rebelled against the authorities. (Danie

6:9, 10) Ezra put his compatriots up to divorce

(Ezra 10:11) One Bible book was written b

Matthew, a tax officer. (Matthew 10:3) Mult

ple books were composed by Paul, a Pharisee

 – Acts 23:6.

Would you let a man who tried to

kill his own son into your house?

What kinds of people are described in thBible, and who is portrayed as a role mode

worth of imitation? Abraham was a liar an

attempted to kill his own son. (Genesis 20:2

22:10) Lot impregnated his own daughters in

drunken stupor. (Genesis 19:22-36) Isaac was

momma‟s boy and needed a wife only as surro

gate mother. (Genesis 24:67) Moses was

murderer. – Exodus 2:11, 12.

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Rahab was a prostitute and surely brought

the Israelite spies a pleasant stay. (Joshua 2:1)

Like Judah before, Samson was a customer of 

prostitutes and eventually became the first

suicide assassin of history. (Judges 16:1, 30) But

all of these are depicted as exemplary models in

the Bible! – Hebrews 11:17, 20, 24, 31, 32.

Would you invite a publicly known murder-

er, fornicator or idolater to your home? Would

you confide your daughter to a man like Solo-

mon? If you are a woman, would you like it if 

your husband had companionship with prosti-

tutes? If you don‟t want such persons in your

home, why should you and your family socialize

with them through the pages of the Bible?

Is that good entertainment for our kids?

“Many popular books” – including the Bible – 

“are brimming with sex and violence” 

Not for Christians

The Bible discusses fornication, uncleannes

and greediness – nothing but things that shoul

“not even be mentioned” among Christians

(Ephesians 5:3) It contains literal and spiritua

pornography and is “brimming with sex an

violence.” ( Awake! , May 22, 1997, page 6) It is

book that is closely “connected with false wor

ship.” (What Does the Bible Really Teach?, pag

152) It is one of the books on spiritism tha

Christians should burn, for it contains message

from demons and from the devil himself. (Act19:19) Many of its writers and the role models i

promotes were murderers, fornicators, adulter

ers and other criminals. Furthermore the Bibl

supports slavery and human trafficking.  – Exo

dus 21:2, 7; 22:16; Philemon 15, 16; Revelatio


Granted, some educated and wise peopl

classify the Bible a good book and recommen

reading in it. There are even some scientist

among those. But may we never forget: “Th

wisdom of this world is foolishness with God …Jehovah knows that the reasonings of the wis

men are futile.” (1 Corinthians 3:19, 20) Thus

we must never allow Satan to induce us to busy

ourselves with the Bible! Let us avoid any con

tact with it, and may we spare no effort to pro

tect ourselves and our loved ones from its harm

ful influence!

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 A number of letters regarding the article “Should Christians eat?” in our April issue have reache

the editor. Some of them are answered here.

“Damn, eat no cake? Are you crazy?”

 – L. T., Litolistan

It is out of the question that the Bible men-

tions cake in a negative context. Tamar baked

a cake for her brother Amnon and was raped

shortly thereafter. (2 Samuel 13:8, 14) Later, in

Jeremiah‟s day, cakes were used to worship the

“queen of the heavens.” (Jeremiah 44:19) But

anyway we have favored adding no further

burden to you, except these necessary things,

to keep abstaining from cakes sacrificed to

idols and from heart-shaped cakes and from

carrot cakes and from marble cakes with real

marble. If you carefully keep yourselves from

these things, you will prosper.

Moreover we want to note that the Bible‟s

statements apply only to dry cakes; God‟s word

does not refer to tarts or pies. Hence cream

tarts or fancy cakes can be unhesitatingly eat-

en by Christians, while the consumption of dry

cake – with the exceptions named above  – is amatter of conscience for each individual. “Let

the one eating not look down on the one not

eating.” – Romans 14:3. – ED. 

„Can I also use potato dough?“ – B. D.,


Potatoes are definitely vegetables and

hence ineligible for true Christians. However,

the Bible says of God: “[In] the land of a water-less region ... there he causes the hungry ones

to dwell ... so that they become very many ,” but

“to the beasts he is giving their food.” (Psalm

107:35, 36, 38; 147:9) Potatoes are designated

for the potato beetle. Worshippers of God

should rather hunger than to misappropriate

the food that God provides for this wonderful

animal. – ED.

“My family constrains me to bake them

salami and ham pizza and then serve it in

bite-sized pieces. How can I square tha

with my conscience now?” – X. O


Pizza is not made from leaven, but still on

could consider it as a kind of “bread.” Hence i

would be prohibited to eat it according to God‟

law. But if salami and ham are the major in

gredients (that is, they account for more than

50 % of the total weight), the finished produc

can be considered “meat” and consumed with

out worries. The same applies to pizza with

tuna or saveloy.

However, the eating of pizza is connected t

another pitfall of Satan. Round pizzas have

striking similarity to certain symbols of fals

religion. Thus, pizza is only suitable for Chris

tians if it is cornered and consists to more than

50 percent of meat. – ED. 

Round pizzas are reminiscent of pagan symbols

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“Can a cannibalistic Jehovah’s Witness

feed on human flesh?” – G. B., Shribia

The Bible does not condemn cannibalism.

God foretold already in the Mosaic Law that

there would be cannibalism among his people.

(Deuteronomy 28:53) Besides, Caleb urged his

compatriots: “Do not you fear the people of the

land, for they are bread to us.” (Numbers 14:9)They considered the infidels “bread,” that is,


Jeremiah reports what happened centuries

later: “This very woman said to me, „Give your

son that we may eat him today, and my own

son we shall eat tomorrow.‟ Accordingly we

boiled my son and ate him. Then I said to her

on the next day, „Give your son that we may

eat him.‟” – 2 Kings 6:28, 29.

Interestingly, the prophet Elisha who

stayed close by at that time did not condemn

these women. Jeremia too did not criticize

them for eating their sons. Hence, from the

Bible‟s viewpoint there are no objections

against eating human flesh, as long as it is

bled and the human has not been strangled.

 – Acts 15:20.

J. F. Rutherford already had foretold that

true Christians would feed on human flesh:

“These birds are invited to feed

upon the fallen hosts of the enemy‟s

organization; therefore they must

represent the Lord‟s remnant on the

earth … Jehovah, by his mighty Field

Marshal, does the fighting and fills

the earth with dead bodies … It will

be a feast to those who are on the

Lord‟s side.” –  Light, volume II, pages

172, 173.

So the corpses of the people slain in Arma-

geddon will be “a feast” to Jehovah‟s Witnesses.

 As soon as the killing of apostates is al-

lowed again (see the March 2010 issue), God‟s

servants can prepare “a feast” out of them, “so

that nothing is wasted.” – John 6:12. – ED. 

“At once I recall Genesis 25, the story o

Esau, who sold his birthright for a red

mess of pottage, a lentil dish. Is that good

because by this his brother gained th

birthright, or is that a bad account be

cause it shows that Esau disdained spir

itual matters? If the latter is true, I’m no

sure anymore whether we should eat len

tils.” – G. B., Quitegoodland

Jacob was a faithful worshipper of Jehova

and knew for sure that the eating of vegetable

 –  including lentils  –  is not acceptable to God

Even Cain offended God when he offered vege

tables as a sacrifice, but Jehovah “did not loo

with any favor upon Cain and upon his offer

ing.” (Genesis 4:5) From God‟s viewpoint, len

tils stand on a par with bread.

Hence Jacob heeded the counsel that Solo

mon provided later: “If the one hating you ihungry, give him bread to eat.” (Proverb

25:21) He wanted Esau to lose God‟s favor

that‟s why he induced him to eating a lenti

dish. The plan worked out. Esau lost Jehovah‟

favor, and Jacob became progenitor of the na

tion of Israel. – ED.

“The utterly prohibition of bread is out o

harmony with the fact that God’s son

deemed it right to feed the crowd with

bread and fish!” – M. T. Sixtysevenland

The Bible account indeed says that Jesu

fed the crowd with “bread.” Commentator

from apostate Christendom usually claim tha

this miracle would have involved literal bread.

But the word “bread” can have anothe

meaning in the Bible. For example, Belshazza

made “a great bread,” but in actual fact tha

referred to a big feast. (Daniel 5:1, footnote

Caleb called the unbelieving Canaanite

“bread,” yet they did not consist of literal brea

but of flesh. – Numbers 14:9.

Jesus confirmed that and clearly pointe

out what the “bread” with which he fed th

crowd really consisted of: “For a fact, the brea

that I shall give is ... flesh.” (John 6:51) Thus

he fed the crowd with meat and fish, not with

bread. – ED. 

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The German word for “television” literally

means “remote viewing.” King David already

gained experience with this dangerous matter,

hence he decided: “I shall not set in front of my

eyes any good-for-nothing thing.” (Psalm 101:3)

 Accordingly, Christians should not own a TV at

all. Some have purchased one anyway, so that

they can watch the society‟s DVDs, and there

are surely no objections against that.

These faithful worshippers of Jehovah are

exposed to a special hazard though. From time

to time they may be tempted to abuse their set

for watching TV programs, such as broadcasts

of soccer games. But as Christians we are guid-ed by God‟s word in every respect. Surely we

want to consider what the Bible says regarding

soccer games.

Ancient Israel

The Bible does not mention that God‟s peo-

ple would have played soccer. To apostate

Edom, however, God‟s word says: “In the day

when you stood off on the side … and when

outright foreigners entered his gate … you also

were like one of them.” (Obadiah 11) Jehovah

did not approve their involvement in soccer

games and announced: “Y ou will have to be cut

off to time indefinite.” – Obadiah 10.

Jehovah gives everyone who sinned by play-

ing soccer the opportunity to repent; indeed he

urges such a person: “Remove your foot from

what is bad.” (Proverbs 4:27) But to those who

refuse to listen he announced judgment:

“ Vengeance is mine, and retribution. At the

appointed time their foot will move unsteadily.” – Deuteronomy 32:35.

There can be no doubt that Jehovah dis-

courages soccer. Now we understand why Jesus

instructed his disciples: “If your foot makes you

stumble, cut it off; it is finer for you to enter

into life lame than with two feet to be pitched

into Gehenna.” – Luke 9:45.

Some may object that they would not pla

soccer by themselves but only watch it on tele

vision. But why should we invite people wh

sin against Jehovah into our home? We shoul

rather imitate David, who said: “With th

wicked ones I do not sit.” (Psalm 26:5) But th

Bible holds even more information regardin

the origin of soccer.

Sun worship

The soccer players and spectators pay hom

age to a circular ball which is formed like th

sun. The shape of the ball harks back to Me

kart, the Phoenician sun-god who was alscalled “Baal of Tyre.” The cult of this god “wa

introduced into Israel in King Ahab‟s day

 –  Insight on the Scriptures, volume I, page 230

With the fire test on Mt. Carmel, th

prophet Elijah put an end to the worship of thi

sun deity, but the name “Baal” survived in th

modern word “ball.” And aren‟t the spectator

of a soccer game virtually calling: “O Ball, an

swer us!”? (1 Kings 18:26) In actual fact, th

sun god is worshipped at every soccer game.

Worship of Thor

Especially in Germany, the connection be

tween soccer and the thunder god Thor is obv

ous, since the German word for “goal” is “Tor

pronounced exactly like the deity. At ever

soccer game in Germany, the two gates on th

field are also called “Tor” in honor of Thor

 After every goal, the spectators clamor to hi

name. However, shortly Isaiah‟s prophecy wi

be fulfilled: “The gate has been crushed to mere rubble heap.” – Isaiah 24:12.

Soccer gates are erected in honor of Thor

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 Also of importance for Christians is the

number of players at a soccer game  –  two

teams of eleven persons each. Just as eleven

fails to measure up to twelve, so it is a fitting

symbol for the false religion under Satan‟s

leadership that fails so miserably to measureup to the organizational arrangements of the

true religion.

The number is used three times  –  two

teams of eleven players each and the penalty

spot that is eleven meters away from the gate

(the penalty shot is called “eleven-meters” in

German.) This shows how obvious the differ-

ence between the false and the true religion is.

Indeed, “what a contrast we see between the

spiritual prosperity of God‟s people and thereligious confusion of Babylon the Great!”

 –  The Watchtower, February 1, 2007, page 23.


 A soccer game is supervised by one referee

and two assistant referees or linesmen. The

referee‟s decisions are so indisputable that he

resembles that main deity of a triad.

Two half-times

 A soccer game is divided into two “half 

times.” It is surely not a coincidence that the

Bible exactly twice mentions “half a time” –  

both times in connection with the persecution

of God‟s worshippers by Satan‟s servants. (Dan-

iel 7:25; Revelation 12:14) Soccer is one of the

means that Satan uses to draw true Christians

away from Jehovah.

By watching a soccer game, we would en-

mesh ourselves in the worship of Baal and

Thor and pay homage to a Trinity; we would

support Satan‟s false religion and submit to his

sovereignty. That‟s why it is evident that

Christians must carefully avoid watching soc-

cer games on TV.


If it is difficult for us to remain loyal to Je

hovah in this regard, we should heed Jesu

counsel: “If your eye makes you stumble, throw

it away; it is finer for you to enter one-eyed int

the kingdom of God than with two eyes to b

pitched into Gehenna, where their maggot doenot die and the fire is not put out.” –  Mar

9:47, 48.

Let us be determined to apply divine prin

ciples in every aspect of our life, even when i

comes to soccer games! Then we will be allowe

to live in a paradise where such temptation

will be no more!

Soccer is closely linked to sun worship

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Godly Wisdom in a Scientific World

Have you ever asked yourself questions like Why are airplanes are so fast?“ or

When was the radio invented?“ Secular experts may have answers, but they do noha ve God‟s spirit, and today‟s answers may be obsolete tomorrow. Much different

is God‟s word and his channel of communication, the “faithful and discreet slave.”

Godly wisdom remains forever. Which answers to the above questions does God


The reason why an airplane is so fast is “the great velocity with which it moves!”

– Creation, page 89

In Ezekiel‟s day – the 6 th century BCE – the radio was not in use!

– Vindication, volume I, page 321.

Why did God‟s channel of communication publish such unique truths?

Hence the “faithful and discreet slave” consists of asses, and he is supported by a

„great crowd of other asses.‟ – Vindication, volume I, page 283.

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