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Post on 12-Jun-2018






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The Detroit Apartment Building Cash Flow Seminar Event in March 2018 Will Show

You How to Cash In BIG With Monthly Cash Flows from Apartment Buildings Starting

with NO CASH and NO CREDIT…PLUS You’ll Be Given NEW Private Investor

Money Secrets Including a Million-Dollar Opportunity in the RARE “Get Money for

Deals” Workshop on Day 3!

I’m Doing This Event

Because of a RARE

Private Investor

Opportunity…That Can

Make You Very Rich!


Rapid Global Economic Changes Mean Only ONE Thing: You Either Have Financial

Independence…Or You Don’t. My Bet is that You Don’t! There is a Separation of the Classes that’s Becoming More Obvious By the Day and the Actual Stat Numbers Back This Up! There

are 10,000 Baby Boomers Going on Social Security EVERY DAY…and the Government is BROKE!! Something is About to Give, Folks! You’ll Either Be Prepared and Gain Financial

Freedom NOW or You’ll Be Up a Creek WITHOUT a Paddle This Time Next Year!!

Monica Main is a real estate investor who

has also trained thousands of students in

successfully getting their own cash

flowing real estate.

“I Profited $74,260 in 60 Days by

Using Only One of Your Investing

Strategies – And the Best Part is, I’ve

Only Touched the Tip of the Iceberg!” Michael Littleton, Florida

Former Auto Mechanic

NOTE: If I can teach a high-school drop-out auto mechanic who only made $26,000 a year how to turn his meager $2,200 in his savings account account into high-five figures in only two months, just imagine what I can show you!

“I’m loving life! Your real estate strategies are superb! I made a killing on first

deal. I was able to make $43,225 in about 4 months. Right now I’m rehabbing a property

that will (hopefully) profit me over $100,000 when I’m done! I’ll definitely be seeing

you at your next seminar. Thanks for everything!” Joseph Hynan, Oregon

Retired Dentist

“Thanks for showing me your apartment investing techniques and I especially thank you

for the phone consulting sessions I’ve had with you. Your tips on getting an investor

to help fund the deal have profited me almost $27,000 on a quick flip I did. I know you

don’t like flipping but I wanted the cash to put down on another deal I had my eye and

now have under contract which, after it closes, will give me a monthly cash flow of

around $3,500.” Cal Denati, Texas

Horse Breeder

“My name is Jason and I started using your apartment system about 3 years ago. I used

your method to raise money using ads in The Robb Report. I found a profitable cash cow

property in Vegas and I was able to have an investor fund the whole thing. I’m now on

my 3rd property deal using this same investor and, like you said, once you can make a

deal for them successful, they only want to keep doing more deals with you. I’ve made

him a lot of money and he’s done the same for me. I’m doing this while still in

college; I graduate soon but it’s doubtful that I’ll get a job in corporate America now.

I just want to be an investor.” Jason Keller, California

College Student

“I’m making just over $13,000 a month from 5 small buildings I’ve acquired over the past

14 months using your strategies on getting properties with no money down through short-

term lease options. I think the biggest challenge for me was finally pulling the

trigger instead of always talking about it and never following through. Once I did my

first deal, it was like falling off a long after that. It just takes that first deal to

become unstoppable.” Steven Tillerman, Missouri

FT Real Estate Investor

“I really like your long-term buy-and-hold passive income investing approach. It’s much

different than the techniques I’ve learned before, mostly about flipping houses (which I

lost money doing). By using one of your ‘getting money’ strategies I was able to find a

private investor who helped me fund a 6-unit rehab deal that I ended up purchasing for

only $33,000 plus $72,000 in rehab: for a total of $105,000. I didn’t want to sell this

property so I leased it up and I receive a monthly net cash flow of $4,400. I’m paying

the private investor back with my cash flow and now I’m working on my next deal. I’m

one more deal away from exceeding my current income then I’m financially free. This

stuff really works.” Carrie Nigel, Georgia

Special Ed Teacher


You Can STILL Be One of the FIRST to Have ALL of Monica’s Newest, Hottest, and Most Advanced Money-Making Passive Income Secrets in Her Apartment Building Cash Flow Boot Camp Seminar!

“World Renowned Real Estate

Entrepreneur FINALLY Reveals How You

Can Create Big Cash Flows With the


Cash Flow System in Using Her Private

Investor Contacts and Secrets!”

How You Can Make Five- or Six-Figures Each Month, Year After Year, In Apartment Buildings by Discovering Just a Few Secret Strategies – INCLUDING Picking Up the “New Whirlwind” of Coming

Foreclosures and Basement-Bottom Property Prices – Using My GUARANTEED and Cutting-Edge No-Cash-No-Credit Secrets that Can Skyrocket Your Passive Monthly Income to the Moon!

Dear Real Estate Tycoon,

Imagine kicking back at home, placing a phone call to your property manager, collecting checks, going to the bank, and then taking the rest of the day off. Is this realistic? Absolutely. In fact, there is no other “business” out there that can provide that same kind of freedom as the one I’m about to reveal to you in a moment. By investing in cash flowing real estate, you can even move to France and, as long as you have access to a phone, computer, and a bank you can live your life on the French Riviera with all the other wealthy and elite entrepreneurs and investors if you so choose.

There is NO other way to make a fortune other than having a business and/or investing. Yes, there are other ways like winning the lottery, inventing the next thingy-majig, or writing the next best-seller about your dog, Moe, or (perhaps worst of all) starting a successful “regular” business with all the employee hassles, legal liabilities, and cash flow crunches; reality is, waiting for one of those ways to become rich is like waiting for lightning to strike the center of your head. Yes, it’s possible but, it’s better to do something else…Something a little more “guaranteed.”

Now, the first thing people think about when wanting to acquire financial independence is starting their own small business. I’ve been there, done that and there’s nothing “free” about having a business. I’ve worked 16-hour days. Sometimes longer! I’ve had problems with employees, taxes, slump/down times, legal issues, merchant account caps, cash flow strains, difficult and unreliable vendors, complaining customers…YOU NAME IT! But for some reason I always had this vision that when I had my own business, all this money would flow in, and I would be lying out by my pool sucking down little alcoholic umbrella drinks. But that did NOT happen!

Of course, before I started my businesses, I did the 9-to-5 job thing that got me nowhere fast. I wasn’t able to make enough money to keep my head above water. And for some strange reason, my credit card debt got worse and worse each month because paying the minimum (which was all I could afford at the time) just didn’t cut it. (Hey, isn’t that how all those credit card issuing banks get so damn rich?)

Interestingly enough, I talk to a lot of “successful” business owners and professionals who are in that same credit card debt debacle I was in when I was broke. They were one patient, deal, or sale away from losing it all. And this is NOT any way to live at all!

The Only FREEDOM Business I Found – After Searching Through EVERY Opportunity and After Having Owned Several Businesses – Was Investing

in Cash Flowing Passive Income Real Estate!

I discovered that there really WAS a way to sit by the pool all day and drink little alcoholic umbrella drinks. Some may argue that having investment properties is a pain in the ass. After all, who fixes an overflowing toilet in the middle of the night? Here’s my answer: NOT ME! In fact, I never deal with ANY of my tenants…NOT EVER! And you don’t have to either!

It really ticks me off to hear the same old garbage from investing critics, analysts, and the like about how “hard” getting into real estate is. BALONEY! You can get into apartment building investing with NO CASH and NO CREDIT. And, no, it’s not “hard” or “impossible.” In fact, it’s rather easy IF you know the secrets to getting it done!

In case you don’t know me from Adam, my name is Monica Main, I’m a successful real estate investor and entrepreneur, and I’m about to dispel some of these “myths” about passive income real estate investing:

1. “It’s hard to get a commercial mortgage on a cash flowing property deal from a bank.” Yes, you’re right! Getting commercial mortgages from a mid- to large-size bank is much more challenging. But I NEVER use banks to get money for deals unless they’re local small banks. Reality is 99% of the time I use private money for my deals because it’s as easy as snapping your fingers to get the money and I’ll show you how that works!

2. “You can’t buy property unless you have a good FICO score.” I bought my first property with NO MONEY DOWN and had a 460 FICO. So, there goes that myth. When investing in apartment buildings, banks are looking at the CASH FLOW and not your personal credit. Personal credit is a very small part of the equation and is only pulled because of your lender’s obligation to comply with the Patriot Act. Otherwise, on apartment buildings (of 5 units or more), lenders are looking at the cash flow of the property and not your personal credit score as the key decision in lending on your property deal.

3. “You need 20% to 35% down on a commercial or investment property which, for a million-dollar property, is between $200,000 and $350,000 in cash.” Really? Again, my first commercial property was with NO MONEY DOWN! I didn’t even have to pay for an appraisal. And if you think Donald Trump uses any of his own money for his property deals then you are DEAD WRONG! Success in this business is 100% about using OPM or Other People’s Money and I’ll show you EXACTLY how that works!

The Newest Shocking Discovery I’ve Made…And If You DON’T Know What It Is, You Stand to Lose A LOT OF MONEY,

Whether You Are In or Out of the Real Estate Market Right Now!

Investing in the wrong type of real estate will BREAK YOU! It will cost you everything you have, including your own personal assets. It can be risky if you don’t know what you’re doing.

With that heart-breaking fact, I also learned another fact. While there are thousands of people who lose their ass in real estate, there are hundreds that are enjoying a monthly cash flow of $20,000, $40,000, $80,000, and even $120,000 per month in passive income. Can you imagine making $120,000 per month in passive cash flow?

“Yeah, but these people probably had money down or are real estate experts. Right?” WRONG! These people are everyday average people JUST LIKE YOU who started with NO CASH and

NO CREDIT of their own. Here’s the clincher: If you are in the real estate market and don’t have an exact strategic plan, you

stand to lose your ass, especially as we’re entering into our next recession. If you’re not invested in real estate right now, you stand to lose out on thousands of dollars in passive income per month. And, if you don’t start investing now in this slower market, you will miss out on the big-money deals once and for all!

I’ve created an EXACT SYSTEM for average people with NO CASH and NO CREDIT to invest in real estate. But, not just any kind of real estate…

The Only Kind of Cash Flow Real Estate You Should Be Investing In:

Is apartment buildings! That’s right. You should ONLY be investing in long-term buy-and-hold apartment buildings in this market. No, you should NOT be investing in single-family homes (unless it’s a home for yourself and you plan on staying there for at least 5 – 7 years). No, you should NOT be investing in office buildings or warehouse/industrial properties right now. No, you should NOT be investing in new construction properties. No, you should NOT be investing in raw land or even consider new construction projects at this time (unless you are in a booming market like some areas of Texas). Why? Because right now, as I speak, the bottom is beginning to drop of the current real estate market in various markets all around the country. Like dominoes falling, so are the markets. (They never all fall at the same time.) And you can USE THIS OPPORTUNITY to get obscenely wealthy IF you play your cards right. (I’ll show you exactly what to do!) Okay, so if that’s the case – if the market is starting to fall apart – then why invest in any kind of real estate at all? BECAUSE NOW IS THE TIME YOU CAN START TO GET ALL THE DEALS! Let’s back up for a second. Why apartment buildings? Why not other types of properties? Here is the problem with other types of properties: SFRs (Single-Family Residences): There are millions of properties out there for sale. Most homes are sitting and not selling. As usual, property owners want more than their property is worth. Therefore, their property will continue to sit. In most parts of the country you cannot buy a single-family home (including townhomes and condos) without paying MORE on your mortgage per month than you can reasonably get for rent. Even if, by some miracle, you are able to make a couple of hundred dollars per month on a single-family home above what you are paying on your monthly mortgage, what happens if your sole tenant loses his job? What happens if the water heater blows up and you have to replace it? What if the roof is leaking and you have to replace the roof or give it a patch job? Will you have the money to do it? Will you have the money to make the monthly mortgage payment if your tenant stops paying you rent? SFR (Single-Family Residence) Foreclosures: The property owner can’t afford to make the monthly payments so a home will go into foreclosure. The bank will eventually do an auction sale which is for the sole purpose of getting what the former owner owed to the bank. Most properties are “upside down” meaning that the property owner “maxed out” his equity line, got a second mortgage, or got a 100% loan. Therefore, what’s owed on the property is usually much more than you can sell the home for. How are you going to purchase a foreclosure, even if you go to an auction, and then resell an upside down property for a profit? Answer: You can’t! Not in our upcoming recessive market!

“Commercial-Commercial” Properties: Properties such as office buildings and industrial/warehouse are higher risk when there is a slow-down in the economy. Why? Because fewer companies will be starting. Fewer office buildings will be leased. Fewer industrial/warehouse buildings will be needed. Many companies will find themselves downsizing to smaller offices. Some companies will go bankrupt altogether. Some people will find that running their small office from home instead would be better and there will no longer be a need for an office unit.

Apartment Buildings as an Investment is the HOTTEST and Most Means of Real Estate Investing at This Time! Profitable

The markets change all the time. The real estate market has to go through its entire cycle before it can go back up again. Never, in the history of mankind, has the real estate market started to fall then went back up before it made its full drop. It MUST go through the whole process. That means the market has to “bottom out” first before it can begin to recover. What happens in the bottoming out process? A market usually “peaks out” then there is a slight decline or “correction.” During this correction a lot of people who couldn’t afford their home to begin with realized that they were upside down on their home. When they were given a 100% loan and the market declined, even 3%, their home was worth LESS than they bought it for. This was because the subprime loan industry lending money to non-qualifying buyers which has now resulted in an explosion of foreclosures. Because of the booming foreclosures, banks are forced to start tightening up on lending money INCLUDING to those who want to refinance. This will cause another upcoming surge of foreclosures as people’s ARMs (adjustable rate mortgage) start to increase their mortgage payments into an unaffordable monthly payment.

The NEW Credit Bubble Problem Which Started in Late 2016…A Trend to Set the Pace for the Future of Our Next Market Crash COMING RIGHT UP!

During our last “Great Recession” which officially started in 2008 (but showed signs of happening in “market leading” real estate markets such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, etc. as early as fall 2016), banks were getting themselves in trouble by lending to people who simply were not qualified to have a home loan in the first place. This is what we call the “subprime” market. Even worse, they were allowing these people to get into these houses with almost no money down and with no verifiable documentation on the money they claimed they were making which made these applicants less qualified than anyone ever imagined. But banks have gotten into a different kind of pickle this time. Instead of these subprime loans being just for homes this time (which is a small part of it) but they’ve expanded this subprime lending activity to credit cards and auto loans (and leases) to under-qualified individuals who – as of late 2016 – started not making their payments by the millions! Millions of dollars. Millions of people. In other words, somewhat the same as what we started to see before the crash of 2008…we’re seeing it again now in the same subprime credit set-up.

Have we started to crash yet? Not quite yet but it’s going to happen…like ANY DAY NOW. When this happens, the market will push up with a huge surge of foreclosures. There will be a ton of property inventory from people trying to sell (and being unsuccessful) AND the inventory of foreclosures owned by the bank. (Remember, we really don’t want SFR foreclosures UNLESS we’re able to get them for 100% all cash. Mostly what we want are multi-family and apartment building property foreclosures to get a DEAL on these properties for long-term cash flow.)

The good news is that we’ll have HUGE opportunities getting deals for under market value

regardless of whether they are bank-owned foreclosures OR properties listed by property owners who just want OUT of the property ownership game.

Why NOW Is the BEST TIME to INVEST In Apartment Buildings

Even in the good times in real estate it can be difficult to sell an apartment building because it’s such a costly purchase. In the difficult times, LIKE WHAT’S COMING UP, it’s nearly IMPOSSIBLE for a property owner to unload an apartment building. What does this mean for you? DEALS GALORE FOR YOU! We are entering into a buyer’s market where there will be unlimited amounts of apartment building deals for you. In fact, it’s already happening because there are deals for you to CASH IN ON RIGHT NOW! However, by the time the first quarter of 2018 rolls around, you’ll literally be able to COMMAND just about any reasonable price for an apartment building and the property owner WILL sell it to you for an unbelievable deal with UNREAL creative financing benefits. But wait! If these apartment building owners typically have challenges in ANY market in selling their properties, then what happens when you want to sell? First of all, you won’t be selling for 15 – 20 years! (And if you listen to what I tell you, you’ll NEVER sell your properties…NOT EVER!) You are buying to HANG ONTO the property. You are NOT flipping the property. But if you want to sell, in 15 – 20 years from now you will have gained so many millions in equity that, even if you had to give someone a deal on the building (in order to sell it) you STILL would have made a MINT on the deal anyway!

It’s unbelievable how many apartment building deals there are as we enter into this buyer’s market period already! Look on the Internet. Look through your newspaper. Look around and you will see endless amounts of deals even BEFORE our market starts to crash!

These Secrets Are NOT Being Revealed By Multi-Millionaire Real Estate Investors Because They DON’T Want the Competition!

After many years of research, I discovered a common thread among all of the most successful

millionaire investors and business people: They ALL invest in real estate to retain their wealth and NONE OF THEM share their secrets of success with anyone!

One of these real estate investing strategies itself is something that men (and possibly women) would KILL for. It’s literally the ticket to INSTANT AND CONSISTENT WEALTH in the in the real estate markets.

When I first learned about this “secret” I couldn’t believe that something so simple could be the reason these millionaires were making so much money in the real estate! I guess I was expecting some kind of “revolutionary secret” that was being purposely hidden from me and the rest of the struggling population. It wasn’t like that at all!

What is this secret? The secret to making money in real estate is your access to funds. Without money you cannot make money in real estate. But, most people can’t afford the 20% - 30% down payment requirement. How do you invest in real estate if you cannot afford the down payment?

That’s my secret. I have several strategies you can use to get properties with NO CASH and NO CREDIT! No, this is not all about the seller taking back some of the mortgage (although that is a possibility). It’s about getting REAL CASH for down payments using a specific strategy to access this money. It’s not all about using government grants for the money either. Yes, it’s a great strategy. No, it’s not the only strategy to get cold, hard cash for your real estate deals.

I’ll reveal this finance secret to you at the seminar!

“But…Why Are You Sharing Your Top Secret Information With People? What’s In It for YOU to Share These Secrets With People??”

Your biggest questions right now probably is: Why are you doing this? Why do you want to share

such sacred information? There are two passions in my life: Investing and teaching. I love to trade and I love to teach. I get to have my cake and eat it too.

But that’s not the real reason. The more successful YOU are means I can make more money on our partnership deals! That’s right! I do have one selfish motive here. I want to partner in on at least 100 deals in the next 36 months SO I CAN RETIRE once and for all! I can’t do 100 deals on my own without your help. When I’m on my own I do about 5 deals per year, sometimes up to 7. If I have several of you sharing deals with me, I can meet my goal of getting another 100 properties in the next 36 months so I can finally retire at the ripe old age of 46.

Plus…Don’t you see what’s happening right now? Do you have any idea just how critical the next few years are going to be? I see what’s happening. Real estate market conditions are not that solid right now which means the market is ripe with opportunities. Apartment buildings (and houses) are just sitting there going unsold. NOW IS THE TIME TO LATCH ONTO YOUR PROPERTIES.

Don’t wait anymore! NOW is the time to start jumping in to get some deals under your belt!

How to Turn $0 into a Monthly Cash Flow of $24,000 Per Month Within 3 to 6 Months! How Would Your Life CHANGE With THAT Kind of Income?

Is it really possible to get a cash flow of $24,000 per month within 3 – 6 months? Absolutely! One property can net you $24,000 per month in cash flow! Find that one property! Or a small handful!

By using my strategies to invest in apartment buildings, you can get huge properties and nice cash flow properties with NO CASH and NO CREDIT of your own.

Discover how to…

Make Thousands a Month with NO CASH and NO CREDIT Make $24,000 Per Month in Passive Income within 6 Months Get DEALS GALORE on “Sleeper” Properties Cash In on Income Properties BEFORE Other "Gurus" Flood the Market Get Your First Property Under Contract in 30 Days or Less! The Easy Step-by-Step Process to Getting a Property, Guaranteed! Retire in 36 Months or Less with a Monthly Cash Flow of $50,000 - $100,000!

My Students Have Made Millions With My Real Estate Cash Flow Strategies! Now It’s Your Turn!

How many years have you been talking about investing in real estate? Three years? Five years?

Ten years? Longer? Isn’t it time you finally did something about your desire to finally become financially free?

Can You Afford NOT to Know These Secret Investing Strategies?

If you’re not where you want to be financially, then you can’t afford to miss out on learning these special real estate acquisition strategies. If you’re not pulling a consistent five-figure income each month, then you’re missing the boat somehow.

I’ve profited several million-dollars over the past several years by using these exact strategies that I’m about to show you. In fact…

I’m Going to Show You What it Took Me 20+ Years to Discover…

I bought my first property in 1995 years ago and haven’t looked back since. I made money on properties, lost money on properties, made some more money…back and forth!

That’s when I finally discovered the true cash flow value of investing in apartment buildings rather than in single-family homes.

Here’s the problem with investing in a single-family home:

Average Asking Price 3bdrm/2bath - LA County

Monthly Mortgage Payment + Ins + Taxes

Market Rental Rate for 3bdrm/2bath

Monthly Cash Flow

$400,000 $2,700.00 $2,200.00 -$500.00 NEGATIVE

As you can clearly see, purchasing a single-family home in Los Angeles County (or near any big city) you cannot get a monthly cash flow. Even if, by some miracle, you could get a small monthly cash flow of, say $300 per month, then what happens if you have to replace a water heater for $1,100 or do some other property repair? What if the renter loses his job? Can you cover the losses each month until he’s evicted?

I talk to people every day that started their real estate investing careers with single-family homes. Many of them lost their asses on these types of properties. Many had lost the properties to foreclosures

because of evictions or because of being unable to re-rent the property if a tenant left. DON’T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE!

Here’s the same scenario on an apartment building in the same area:

24-Unit Apartment Building in LA County

Monthly Mortgage + Ins + Taxes + Maintenance

Market Rental Rate for All Units Combined

Monthly Cash Flow

$3,600,000 $26,000 $36,000 +$10,000 POSITIVE

Do you see the difference? And the mortgage on the apartment building was calculated at a higher interest rate since commercial real estate normally is a higher interest on mortgages.

Did you know that it takes about the same amount of time to close on both of the above deals? Why get a negative cash flow of $500 per month when you can have a positive cash flow of $10,000 per month by doing the SAME AMOUNT OF WORK?

The 3-Day, 30-Hour Power-Intensive Apartment Building BOOT CAMP SEMINAR…The FIRST ONE Since March 2012!

I’m going to show you, top to bottom, exactly how to work the apartment building market and how

to make money…real money…the green kind that’s going to be deposited into your margin account for your successful monthly passive income!

I’m going to have Ronnie Espinoza speak. He’s a top commercial broker that can help you get funding for your real estate deals! He’ll tell you exactly what to do, step-by-step, in order to get funding for every deal, even if you don’t want to pull cash out of your pocket! You can even fill out an application and possibly get pre-approved for a commercial loan right then and there! You can also get one-on-one consulting with Ronnie during the event! Just print out your deal and bring it along. Ronnie will look at it and give you a full assessment of how to structure your deal!

But mostly it’ll be me, me, and MORE ME talking during the entire event because I want to cover ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW – from finding your “farming area” to structuring financing to GETTING MONEY to doing due diligence to working with brokers, listing agents, and sellers to closing your deal to managing your property to doing “value add.” Absolutely EVERYTHING like I’ve never covered it before…INCLUDING BRAND NEW NO-CASH-NO-CREDIT STRATEGIES!

I’m Going to Be Showing You My Most Closely Guarded Real Estate Secrets So You Can Start CASH FLOWING with NO CASH and NO CREDIT to Start!

Yes, I have BRAND NEW secrets to acquiring property with no cash and no credit which will be

covered for the FIRST TIME in this event. Remember, I haven’t done a 100% “hard-core” apartment building and multifamily cash flow

event since March 2012. That’s a LONG TIME. (So, when I tell you that I’ll be taking a LONG break, maybe you’ll believe me now?) And once I do this event in March 2018, I don’t plan on doing another one of these “hard-core” apartment building and multifamily events for another SEVERAL YEARS! So, if this is the type of real estate investing you want to do (and it SHOULD be because of how profitable it is) then you MUST attend this VERY RARE apartment building event where you’ll discover everything you need to know to acquire no-cash-no-credit cash flow real estate from me directly!

I’m going to show you everything from A to Z on how to make a fortune investing in apartment buildings. Here’s what I’m going to cover. You’ll quickly discover:

Why now is the best time to invest in apartment buildings and if you wait, you’ll never be able to get into this highly exclusive market.

Secret strategies to get “sleeper” (pocket listing) properties that no one else knows about.

My NEW secret letter strategy to use to get apartment building owners to sell their buildings to you at the terms you want.

Get your first apartment building under contract within days of this seminar with NO CASH and NO CREDIT, guaranteed.

Why dealing with apartment building owners directly and doing private deals is the best route to take and how you can get started doing it immediately.

Where to place ads to find droves of apartment building owners who practically want to give their buildings away.

How to work the grant system and get money for down payments, rehab, and new construction projects.

How to use hard money and private lenders for down payment money. Create a financial plan for yourself so you can get to the cash flow you want within

the shortest period of time. How to abolish wealth roadblocks from your life so you can get an instant influx of

money in your life! Become a full-time investor within 6 months and completely retire within 36

months! How to use property management services so you’ll never have to see or speak to

your tenants ever again! And much, much more!

You’ll learn all the nitty-gritty components of successful real estate investing from learning to

think differently to understanding how the real estate market works to how to get the biggest amount of cash flow per month in the shortest amount of time.

Brand New Information Revealed:

Secrets on Apartment Building Foreclosures, Bird-Dogging for Apartment Deals, and Other HOT NEW Investing Strategies Will Be Revealed in This

VERY RARE Event! One thing I hate about other guru seminars is that they go over the same rehashed information

each and every time they present an event. They'll even use the same exact presentation, jokes, war stories from a hundred years ago, etc. The only reason I do so few events every year (and went on a 3 year hiatus) is because I am a firm believer that it's pointless to do an event unless you have something brand new to bring to the table.

This time I will be bringing in new information about investing in REOs, private mortgage contracts, bird dogging strategies to get paid big on "double closes," how to get funds in this "new" market, new opportunities with multifamily properties, and discussions on my own personal deals that I'm working on!

ALL ATTENDEES WILL BE VIP: Discover Million-Dollar Real Estate Strategies for Mere Pennies! This Information Can Make You a Millionaire

IF You Follow My Exact Blueprint! GUARANTEED!

I can’t believe my staff talked me into charging such a paltry amount for this 3-day INTENSIVE BOOT CAMP and I can guarantee you that I will never do a BOOT CAMP for this little of a price again.

Think about what a college education costs or what it costs to go through a trade school…and going to college or a trade school will never show you how to become a millionaire!

First, I want to show you what the GOLD VIP Enrollment will get you:

Two Days of Power-Packed, Million-Dollar Apartment Building Cash Flow Real Estate Secrets & Strategies on March 8th and 9th

Notebook Including Action Plan Worksheets for a Streamlined Fast Success Plan! A Bag Full of Goodies, Surprises, and Savings! Six-Months of One-on-One Consulting!

All for $1,497! And, if you want to bring your spouse and/or business partner, they get a special

discounted price of $397 in addition to your admission price.



ADD the Powerful Never-Before-Done “Get Money for Deals” Workshop on March 10th by Signing Up As a PLATINUM VIP Attendee

I’m offering a special never-before-done one-on-one Get Money for Deals to VIP Seminar

Attendees where I show you in-depth, strategies to lure in boatloads of investor partners and endless amounts of cash money (using other secret methods OTHER THAN using investor partners) needed for down payments, property acquisitions, and business start-ups!

In this RARE never-before-done (and NEVER-to-be repeated) special Get Money for Deals Workshop (on March 10th or Day Three of the Boot Camp Seminar), this is what you’ll get:

How to create a simple ONE-PAGE “show” website for investors who want to check you out. Gain access to tested-and-proven TEMPLATES including ads and other materials that have

been proven highly successful for many years to get investors into your “web.” The secret “shock-and-awe” package that will convert a HIGH PERCENTAGE of prospective

investors to WRITE CHECKS for your deals! (I’ve NEVER revealed this secret before!) My NEW “mini” business plan template that you can use to QUICKLY insert data for your

latest property deal including EVERY ELEMENT you need to fill in to get an investor on board for your deal!

You’ll also understand every other way you can possibly raise capital from complete scratch including with business credit, crowd funding, and other secrets!

You’ll be given a FLASH DRIVE with EVERYTHING YOU NEED to be a highly successful capital-raising MAGNET on this never-before-given set of powerful tools and templates!

Dinner with Me for 3 Nights (Including 2 Nights “On the Town”…Fun, FUN!) One Day Get Money for Deals Workshop on March 10th (Bring Your Laptop!!) Complete Audio and Video of the Entire Event SHIPPED to You After the Event Ends!

Brand New Investor Opportunity!

I have a BRAND NEW investor who is actively looking for bird-dogs to pay up to 3% on apartment

building deals that are 100 units or more that are 90% or higher in occupancy with 8.5% or higher CAP rates! This is a syndication firm who is looking for ANYONE to bring deals to the table and they’re willing to pay BIG MONEY in bird-dog fees for these deals.

Anyone who attends at least the first 2 days of the event can participate in these deals. (I’ll lay out their criteria by Day Two on what they’re looking for and how you can participate!) However, it’ll be my PLATINUM VIPs (who participate on the workshop for Day Three) who will be shown how to create the business plan for these deals.

Do you need a business plan? Yes and no, depending on the deal. These deals are submitted to ME FIRST before I submit them to the investor for review. These are submitted in to me in the form of a CFE (which you can get for free – including a free tutorial video – from my website at www.monicamain.com/cfe) and you can even use my business plan template (again, you can get it for free at www.monicamain.com/biz_plan). So, it’s not really REQUIRED that you attend the Platinum VIP Get Money for Deals Workshop to participate. But I WILL be discussing in the workshop (at a greater length) exactly what to put INTO the business plan to drastically increase your chances in getting your deal accepted.

However, again, everyone who attends this seminar WILL be able to participate in the Investor Opportunity which has NO DEAL CAP, NO DEAL MAX and some very simple, basic criteria! Only those who attend at least Days One and Two will be able to participate in this RARE investor opportunity!

My 100% Mind-Blowing Super Kick-Ass Money-Back Guarantee!

If, on the first day of the seminar, you think that it’s not for you or you are unsatisfied for ANY reason whatsoever, let us know and we’ll immediately issue you a full refund right then and there, and you may leave the seminar premises at that time with all of your money back. Remember, we’re making this offer RISK FREE for you which means there are NO EXCUSES to not attend! Plus…I’m not going to stop there. I’m going to “sweeten” the deal even more! I’m going to offer you this: If you are dissatisfied in ANY way (and decide to leave by the end of Day One), I’ll give you up to $500 in travel and hotel expenses! This is how confident I am in how much value I have to bring to the table by you attending this VERY RARE and INCREDIBLY VALUABLE event to you!

The Seminar Location and Dates

Seminar Dates/Times: March 8th & 9th (From 9am to 5pm) for the Apartment Building Cash Flow Seminar (Gold VIPs)

March 10th for the Getting Money for Deals Workshop (From 9am to 3pm, Platinum VIPS ONLY)

Location: Hotel in Downtown Detroit (You’ll Be Given the Details Upon Registration) Your best bet would be to fly into Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (DTW). Once you land, take a cab ride (about 15 to 20 minutes) to the hotel! Make it a long weekend and take the time to visit Motown!

Who Should Attend…

1) Anyone with a strong desire to become a multi-millionaire apartment building real estate investor using NO CASH and NO CREDIT of your own!

2) Anyone who wants to know the “real deal” behind becoming a real estate tycoon and retire in 36 months or less!

3) Anyone who wants to dump the rat race once and for all to join the elite group of successful investors who have the power to make as much money as they want, whenever they want!

Who Should NOT Attend…

1) Whiners, complainers, and lazy people who are looking for million-dollar information with no desire to implement or use it.

2) Anyone with the big-headed ego syndrome who thinks he knows everything about real estate investing or is so full of himself that there’s no room for new information. (I had one of those at my last event!)

3) Anyone who will have to forgo paying the rent or feeding the kids to raise the tuition for this event.

4) Or anyone who feels that I should let them have a discount or free attendance because they feel that we are old chums, went to high school together, met on vacation, or whatever. Please don’t humiliate either one of us by asking…(And this includes my own personal dentist who already asked for a freebie; NO is the answer!)

LIMITED TIME OFFER – Only a Total of 80 Can Attend and Only 20 Can Be Platinum VIP Attendees!

I’m limited to how many I can let in because of space constraints. My last SEMINAR was sold out

on Platinum VIP in 23 days so if you have even an ember of desire, I strongly advise you to book a seat right now! I don’t like turning folks away but, if you don’t respond now, I may have to!

Here’s a little bribe…(What can I say, I’m shameless!) For the first 10 who pay in full for this event will get to attend an after-seminar cocktail party on the first day of the seminar! You can sit around and knock back a few shots of tequila with me while discussing real estate strategies. Just know, you’re paying for the tequila…

Here's another little bribe: The first 3 who register (full payment or payment plan) can choose to join my special "hot seat" where I will take your personal deal that you are working on, showcase it on a PowerPoint presentation, and walk you (and everyone else) through how to structure your deal! I will need your deal elements including a completed CFE at least 7 days before the event starts!

I Can’t Wait to Spill the Beans on All My MOST SUCCESSFUL Passive Income Cash Flow Real Estate Investing Secrets!

We’re going to have so much fun and I can’t wait to meet you. I’ve been fortunate enough to come

across some powerful information and I’ve shared it with so many who have greatly benefited from it. I’m looking forward to sharing what I know with you and helping you change your life too.

I know you are hesitant, as I’m sure you’ve dumped thousands of dollars down the drain on books, courses, and seminars…However, this is different. You are going to be scouring my brain and learning every detail about how I invest and how you can use the same techniques to invest too.

Once you learn the techniques, it’s like falling off a log. A lot of investors want to take the easy route and let someone else do all their deals. WRONG! If you’re going that route then park your money in

a CD instead. Every profession requires training. If you’re a doctor, you’ve gone to school. If you’re a mechanic, you’ve gone to school. If you’re a teacher, you’ve gone to school…Need I go on? So why do people who want to invest in real estate just jump in the market without any schooling? Sounds ridiculous, right?

This is your school. This is your training. You need schooling and training to learn how to effectively and profitably invest in apartment building real estate. Without the proper training investing in real estate would be equivalent to standing at a roulette table in Las Vegas! Yet so many people do it! WHY?

If you want, more than anything, to become a full-time real estate millionaire – work at home and play most of each day, afford anything you ever needed or wanted – you have to learn EVERYTHING there is to know about investing in real estate successfully! I’m going to show you everything when I see you in Detroit in March!

If you have any questions, call my office at (661) 295-5050. We’re here between 9am and 5pm Pacific Time and we can answer any question you have about the seminar.

This moment is one of those crossroads…It’s one of those moments that we later look upon as “life changing.” Please don’t let it pass by…I’m looking forward to meeting you soon. Sincerely, Monica Main P.S. This BOOT CAMP can be a tax write-off against your future investing profits! P.P.S. This will be my first Apartment Building Cash Flow Boot Camp. I have VERY LIMITED SPACE and will sell out quickly. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that if you want to attend, book it now! P.P.P.S. If you are concerned about making money then you definitely need to come to this event. We can make a special payment plan JUST FOR YOU including putting down a fully-refundable $100 deposit to hold your spot. Call us and we can work something out if you cannot afford to do the split or stretch pay plans. We want you to come and we WILL bend over backwards to make sure you can come to this event. Let us create a special payment plan just for you. Call us now: (661) 295-5050. We’re here from 9am to 5pm Pacific Time, Monday through Friday!

“…I’ll be closing on my first apartment building in 3 weeks. It’s a 24-unit building and I’m getting it with no money

down. This wouldn’t have been possible without Monica’s system…” Steven P. DiAmato, California

“Thank you for your powerful system. It goes above and beyond what I expected. I have everyone else’s course including

David Lindahl’s, Scott Scheel’s, and Ron Legrand’s and yours is the best.” Carlos Ramirez-Luna, Texas

“…Since January I’ve been able to close on two buildings. One building is 16 units and cash flows as $2,100 per month.

The other building is 18 units and cash flows at $1,900 per month. I got both buildings with nothing down. I’m only 27

and I have a monthly cash flow of $4,000 per month. Incredible…” Leslie Vladimal, New Jersey

“As a single father I’ve done nothing but struggle. Thanks to you, Monica, I was able to purchase a 4 plex with no money

down and I live in one of the units while getting a positive cash flow of $750 for the other 3 units I rent out…”

Joshua Baker, Georgia

“Monica is the best teacher out there on real estate investing. I have gone through so many different real estate investing

programs and have found that many were missing vital puzzle pieces or they would bring you so far and leave you

stranded without the rest of the required information. Monica gives you all of the puzzle pieces. She doesn’t string you

along like most of the gurus out there. She’s the real deal in every way and if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have been able

to purchase a small mixed use building that brings me a $3,425 per month cash flow. Thanks.” Dana Shinea, Nevada

Actual Newspaper Article from 2010

How Monica Main’s Real Estate Strategies Brought Me from

Broke to $170,000 a Month in Passive Cash Flow Income!

Dear Investor,

When I look at that figure – $170,000 per month – I still can’t believe that I have that kind of cash flow from my investments. I met Monica Main by being part of her very first online real estate mentorship group in the spring of 2009. This is where I was able to separate her from the “other guys” who teach real estate. Her direct one-on-one coaching was complete, specific, and forced me to go out into the real world commercial real estate by her assignments. It was the first and only type of real estate investing coaching that I’d been part of that was beyond valuable and I give her singular credit to changing my life.

I want you to understand that I was like a lot of beginners in real estate investing. I had gotten courses, books, and went to seminars but I didn’t do anything with the information that was given to me. I think it had a lot to do with the idea that the information that was given to me to use to invest with wasn’t complete. All of it lacked something. None of the systems out there could take any John Q. Citizen from A to Z on exactly what to do.

That was until I met Monica Main. But it’s not like I did anything with the information I had learned from her right away. I

had to break free from a lot of negative thinking processes, mostly a lack of confidence in myself and my ability to be able to pull off being a multi-millionaire real estate investor. After I finished her mentorship group, I didn’t do anything with the valuable stuff I learned until more than 6 months later. One day I woke up and decided that I was done being broke and feeling sorry for myself. I decided it was time to use what I had learned to change my life. I realized that it was me who was holding myself back and I decided that I was done doing that to myself.

I went back through all of my Monica Main materials including her apartment investing course. I bought a 3-day video set from a seminar she had done in California. I pretty much locked all my doors and windows, ripped my phone from the wall, and concentrated on every morsel of information I could because I was committed to doing this. I wanted to change the path my life had been on.

Once I absorbed every bit of her teachings, I began to apply everything I learned. I didn’t like making phone calls to real estate agents but I forced myself through it. I didn’t feel comfortable talking with sellers. I felt like a phony and a poser. But I forced myself through that too. Sometimes you have to push the envelope on yourself if you want to change how your life is going. That can make all the difference.

I went through hundreds of property deals, put offers in on dozens per week, and finally got one under contract within 5 weeks from the time I got serious with the business. I didn’t have a dime to put down. I had no money for appraisals, building inspections, or other due diligence costs. I negotiated with the seller to pay those costs for me since he desperately wanted to sell his property because his health wasn’t so good. I found that many sellers are willing to pay those costs just to sell their buildings in this economy.

It took me about a year to go from nothing to a little more than $30,000 a month in passive cash flow. At my 20-month-mark I was at around $75,000 a month. Right now I’m over $170,000 a month in passive cash flow and I started this business with a low credit score and not a dime to my name.

Monica once asked me what separates me from those who set out to do this but don’t make it. My answer to her was: “I decided that I wouldn’t settle for anything less in my life anymore and I knew this was my only shot to financial freedom.” If you’re hesitant about real estate investing as a real means of having a high income then I can vouch that this is real. And if you’re hesitant about Monica Main as being someone who is the real deal, I can attest that she is. I went through everyone else’s real estate stuff out there. None of them hold a match to what Monica has to offer because she is the real deal. She’s the only real deal. The rest aren’t.

Real estate investing isn’t for everyone so I’m not here to convince you that it is. It’s a powerful vehicle to get you a strong monthly cash flow without worrying about getting laid off, being physically unable to work, or wondering if your business will dry up. It gives you freedom to do what you want with your time instead of trading hours for dollars. What I am here to convince you of is that if you’re serious about becoming a real estate investor then there’s no other trainer out there that you want than Monica Main. And I can bet $170,000 a month on that statement!

Andrew Shaw

Real Estate Millionaire

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