wo_nast3006_e01_1 umts indoor coverage solution

Post on 15-Feb-2018






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  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution

    ZTE University

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution



    Characteristic of Indoor Coverage Design of the Indoor Coverage

    The Indoor Coverage Solution

    Key Points of Indoor Coverage Cases of Indoor Coverage

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    UE usage sceneclassification

    Source: NTT DoCoMo statistics

    Indoor data service is the main source of

    income increment

    DoCoMo statistics shows the traffic volume of ! Indoor

    service is "#$% and most is ! service&

    The data service can advance '(PU and restrain '(PU fromdecreasingData service is the drive )ower to advance '(PU and for the

    *)erator to develo) different service&

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    Coverage It causes much )ass loss of radio wave and results in )oor coverageeven +lind s)ots due to screening and a+sor+ance of +uildings&

    Ca)acity, +uilding such as sho))ing mall and e-hi+ition center have radio channel

    congestion +ecause of high traffic&.uality, Signaling interference is common in high stories of +uildings and signaling

    received is unsta+le and /Ping0Pong effect1 will a))ear% and therefore voice 2uality could

    not +e assured and call dro)s fre2uently ha))en&

    Indoor coverage is very im)ortant for networ3


    Ping0)ong effect


    6lind areas and )oorsignal areas 4elevatorsand +asement5

    7etwor3 +usy 4large0scale sho))ing mall

    and e-hi+ition center5

    Isolated island effect


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    There is much )ass loss with the high fre2uency of

    !& The much )enetrate loss ma3e the Marco outdoor

    site not )rovide full radio coverage at indoor&

    Much more services ha))en indoor% including voice

    and data service& The )erfect indoor coverage is useful to

    raise networ3 ca)acity&

    8oice is main service at 9! )eriod% it

    use wide coverage strategy to solve

    the )ro+lem of coverage and ca)acity







    ca)acity 2uatity





    Perfect indoor coverage is the key of network built from thinking about coverage and capacityPerfect indoor coverage is the key of network built from thinking about coverage and capacity

    The )erfect indoor coverage is the 3ey of !

    networ3 structure&

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    Service (e2uirements

    Material Type Transmission Loss

    Common brick wall (< 30 cm) 10-15 dB

    Reinforced concrete wall 20-30 dB

    Ceiling channel 1-8 dB

    Bo-t!"e ele#ator 30 dB

    $ooden f%rnit%re 3-& dB

    'la 5-8 dB

    The )enetration coverage method of an outdoor 'cer station

    cannot meet the indoor service re2uirements% +ut serves as an

    au-iliary method&

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    discrete distri+ution

    Signal interfere and lea3

    Same indoor distri+uted system

    Traffic share smooth interim

    Same networ3 with indoor and outdoor% share with the coverage and

    ca)acity of all networ3% same 9! indoor system% +uilt ! indoorsystem 2uic3ly

    The )ro)erty analysis of ! indoor:outdoor

    same coverage

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    Construction Condition

    ;iring Condition

    Electric Condition

    E-terior Condition

    Indoor signal 2uality

    Environment Interfere

    User )erce)tion )ower


    (is3 of mar3et e-)ansion

    7etwor3 mature changing

    Smooth mar3et e-)ansion ca)a+ility

    Costs to +uilt and maintain

    Costs and 2uantity of


    Power saving ca)a+ility

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution



    Characteristic of Indoor Coverage Design of the Indoor Coverage

    The Indoor Coverage Solution

    Key Points of Indoor Coverage Cases of Indoor Coverage

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    7etwor3ing Mode

    Passive coa-ial distri+ution antenna system

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    7etwor3ing Mode

    'ctive coa-ial distri+ution antenna system

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    Signal Source

    ignal o%rce *d#antage *""lied cenario

    +icrocell%lar im"le intallation, wideada"tabilit!, and im"le andfleible "lanning

    ndoor co#erage !tem with hea#! traffic

    Re"eater .ow cot, mat%re technolog!,

    and high efficienc!, witho%ttranmiion

    ndoor co#erage !tem with light traffic

    RR/ leible "oition of radiofre%enc! mod%le and fleibleconfig%ration of bae tation"arameter

    *ll cenario

    *cer tation .arge ca"acit! and hightabilit!

    f the indoor ditrib%tion !tem need bede"lo!ed in a b%ilding with *cer tationand the ca"acit! of the *cer tation i%fficient, conider %ing one ector of the*cer tation to de"lo! indoor ditrib%tion

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    'ntenna Position Selection

    !enerally% the floors of a +uilding ado)t the cross coverage mode& The

    loss of a floor is a+out =909# d6% so you need to consider the antenna

    coverage of this floor and the antenna coverage of the ad>acent floor

    during design& In a tall +uilding% the antennas at an odd floor and those

    at an even floor should +e installed in cross )ositions to ensure that

    the antennas cover the wea3 areas and to fully use the )ower of the


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    Transmission Model in Indoor Environment

    ;hen the electromagnetic wave

    transmits in free s)ace% its )ath

    can +e considered as a ray

    connecting to the transceiver& The

    electromagnetic wave transmission

    loss in the free s)ace is as follows,

    !r and !t refer to the receiving

    antenna gain and the transmitter

    antenna gain 4d65&

    ( refers to the distance +etweenthe transceivers&

    ? refers to the wave length&

    If ? @ =&A cm% 4f @ 9&9 !B5,

    The unit of ( is the meter&

    )3(2022)34(20 RLogGtGrRLogGtGrPL +++=++=

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    Transmission of Indoor (adio ;ave

    Most a))lications focus on the indoor environments& The indoor radio

    channel is different from the traditional mo+ile radio channel in two

    as)ects, smaller coverage distance and greater environmental

    change& ;hen the radio channel transmits in a +uilding% it is affected

    +y the +uilding layout% material structure% and +uilding ty)e&

    The formula of calculating indoor radio transmission loss is as follows,

    , )ath loss 4d65

    P, )ath loss = m away from the antenna 4d65% with the reference value of


    d, distance 4m5

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    Transmission of Indoor (adio ;ave

    +aterial !"e .o

    Common brick wall (< 30 cm) 10-15 dB

    Concrete wall 20-30 dB

    Concrete floor 25-30 dB

    Ceiling "i"e 1-8 dB

    6le#ator with metal handrailing 5 dB

    Cabinet-ha"ed ele#ator 30 dB

    Bod! 3 dB

    $ooden f%rnit%re 3-& dB

    'la 5-8 dB

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    Coverage Prediction

    The indoor receiving signal field strength can +e calculated according

    to the following formula,

    Pt, antenna )ort )ower

    !t, transmitter antenna gain

    , )ath loss% calculated according to the relevant formula !r, receiving antenna gain

    In design of indoor signal )ower% consider setting the antenna )ort

    )ower to =F d6m& In this case% )eo)le under the antenna are safe&

    In the UMTS system% use )ilot strength to measure the coverage

    range& To )redict the indoor signal field strength% also use )ilot strengthas the measurement standard& In general% the value of Pt is F d6m&

    GrLGtPt ++=7r

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    'ntenna Distri+ution Planning

    The following figure shows the distri+ution of antennas inan office +uilding&

    ' C

    6 D


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    Corridor 'ntenna Planning

    The num+er of antennas in the +uilding de)ends on the rooms at +oth sides of

    the corridor& The rooms in a hotel are in com)le- structure% where signal

    attenuation is great& 'n office +uilding has large rooms% where signal attenuation

    is relatively small&

    The )rinci)le for de)loying an antenna at the elevator entrance is the same as

    that in a tu+e0sha)ed +uilding&

    't +oth sides of the corridor% de)loy the antennas in )ositions where the signalsare higher than the outdoor signal level measured at the corridor window&

    In a +uilding with a corner% it is recommended to de)loy an antenna at the


    * 6 C

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    'ntenna Planning in the Ball

    In the hall on floor = of a +uilding% consider the following conditions during antenna


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    'ntenna Planning in a Conference (oom

    The antenna in the hall of a conference room not only

    covers the entire area +ut also is close to the window side&

    In addition% ensure that the level of the antenna signal to

    the window side is F d6 higher than the outdoor signallevel&



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    'ntenna Planning in a arge Sho))ing Mall

    In a large0sied sho))ing mall with regular structure%

    de)loy antennas evenly to facilitate chec3 and

    maintenance& Install antennas in relatively o)en areas

    instead of the areas near the )osts&

    ' 6 C

    D E er#icecontin%it! co#erage)


  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    'ntenna Port Power Difference

    Port Power Difference 4d65

    UMTS higher than !SM## 9

    UMTS higher than DCS=H## 0&F

    UMTS higher than PBS 0=9

    UMTS higher than ;'7 0=A

    UMTS higher than CDM'

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    System Ca+ling Diagram

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    Schematic Diagram

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    Characteristic of Indoor Coverage Design of the Indoor Coverage

    The Indoor Coverage Solution

    Key Points of Indoor Coverage Cases of Indoor Coverage

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    Ty)ical Scenarios of Indoor Coverage

    Relati#el! mall wall atten%ation b%t man! wall +edi%m traffic, with long d%ration of a ingle

    call $itho%t the indoor antenna ditrib%tion !tem

    +an! "artition between room, great ignalatten%ation, and com"le wirele en#ironment igh traffic and high re%irement on er#ice

    %alit! $ith the indoor antenna ditrib%tion !tem in

    mot cae

    6ncloed internal "ace and ingle wirele


    Reg%lar traffic

    $ith the indoor antenna ditrib%tion !tem

    in mot cae

    ?ffice b%ilding

    Reidential area

    %bwa! t%nnel

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    arge0scale 6uildings


    /ndergro%nd "arking lot%"er market

    +acro RR/

    BB/@+acro RR/ (40 $&0$)

    ?%tdoor dene %rban areaha#e large "ower and wideco#erage, o "a! greatattention to co#erage %alit!and ca"acit!

    ome =odeB (20 m$)

    /e the eiting indoor

    wideband reo%rce to co#er

    the blind area %ch a

    conference room, tair, and


    Re"eater @ indoor ditrib%tion


    /e the re"eater a the ignal

    o%rce to im"lement indoor

    co#erage of low cot, which i

    a""lied to encloed area with

    light traffic





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    arge com)le- arge com)le- has large area% and stadium% air)ort and railway +elong to

    this grou)&

    Ta3e Shenyang olym)ics stadium for e-am)le% it occu)ies 9FG%### s2uaremeters with 9"H meter length% 9F meter width% and H9 meter heights& It

    has A floors and two0story stand and can hold A#% ### )o)ulation&

    Multi)le cells of Shenyang *lymi)ics ZTE stadium are classified vertically

    and handover area of cells in the same story shall +e )ro)erly )lanned&




  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    Su+way Tunnels

    Cover shorter tunnels +y de)loying o)tical fi+er re)eater trun3 am)lifier

    directional antenna&

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    (esidential 'reas

    (esidential areas !enerally% use the outdoor distri+ution system to achieve dee) coverage&

    Use active com)onents such as !SM:CDM' trun3 am)lifier and )assivecom)onents such as cou)ler and )ower s)litter as well as the +ase stationto form an outdoor distri+ution system to solve the )ro+lem of )oor indoorsignal&

    Su+ur+an villas The villas are relatively low% scattered% and cover a large area% so it is

    recommended to use a radio0fre2uency re)eater and an o)tical fi+erre)eater&

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    Coverage of Underground Par3ing ots

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    Characteristic of Indoor Coverage Design of the Indoor Coverage

    The Indoor Coverage Solution

    Key Points of Indoor Coverage Cases of Indoor Coverage

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    ;hen the site is +uilt at the to) of the +uilding% the outdoor signal distri+ute

    characteristics are as follows The high level of signal coverage is stronger than that of lower level&

    The signal is much stronger close the window% it is to wea3en 2uic3ly with )enetrate dee)ly&

    The +asement is +etter to se)arated% it +elongs to +lind s)ots with signal&

    It should receive the stronger outdoor signal when the hall is glass to) floor&

    The +uilding of China Unicom in Shenhen the signal distri+ute at 9# floor when the site is

    at to) floor The area is HH&GH$ as the (SCP more than 0HFd6m&

    'nalysis of outdoor signaling )enetrates indoors

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    ;hen the site do not +uilt at to) floor that the +uilding will +e covered% it cover

    with outdoor )enetrates indoors from surrounding site signaling& +ecause of the

    antenna height is controlled +y # meters% at the condition the +uilding of +eing

    covered 4as #< +uilding% no site at to) floor5 signal distri+ute as follow It is +elongs to )oor coverage that the area with close window of high floor 4over 9#

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    It is less investment and fast +uilt as

    same indoor distri+ute system with 9!and !% The total )rinci)le of 9! and !

    change It ensure the original networ3can get coverage re2uirement after

    change %ma3e the most of original

    e2ui)ment% control change costs The main style of indoor coverage +uilt

    with 9!:! change The difficulty ofindoor coverage +uilt is to get

    engineering construction )ermission&

    Though same indoor system with 9!and ! is the first solution for already

    finished 9! indoor site&
















    The )rinci)le of 9!:! indoor system change

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    The re2uirement analysis of

    )ro)hase can get re2uirement of !

    )ower configuration

    It can use 9! system for smallcoverage or single fa+ric non0source


    It should ad>ust feeder% antenna

    num+er and location if necessary&

    Non-o!r"e #te$ $a%e !& o' "o!&ler( 'ee)er

    antenna( &l*ter + ,e !*ta,le *t $all "overa/e ,!*l)*n/ + A a re!lt o' no o!r"e e0!*&$ent tro!,le

    &o*nt( o "a!e loer tro!,le rate (not nee)$a*ntenan"e an) ea# to e&an)



    Sharing with Passive Distri+ution System

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    So!r"e )*tr*,!t*n/ #te$ * to a)) re&eater an)

    "overa/e to &a*ve )*tr*,!t*on #te$ So!r"e e0!*&$ent "an "o$&enate */nal*n/ o!r"e lo

    *n te tran$**on an) e&an) "overa/e ran/e So!r"e #te$ * !!all# a&&l*e) to $e)*!$ or lar/e

    *n)oor "overa/e #te$ *n 2G netor% So!r"e e0!*&$ent *ll *n)!"e *nter'eren"e an) r*e

    'loor no*e


    ! is self0interfering system and itJs +etter not to use re)eaters&

    (e)eater shall not +ring e-cessive noises to donor sites ess than =d6% u)lin3 gain can +e ad>usted to achieve the +alance of u)lin3 and downlin3 of


    arge0)ower re)eater not recommended F; is +est% =#; shall +e carefully handled and 9#; is for+idden& Small0)ower re)eaters are not

    suggested either

    7o cascading allowed Cascading of re)eaters will result in deterioration of the u)lin3

    (e)eater used for com)ensation of coverage es)ecially in lifts re)eater not for ca)acity fulfilling




    Sharing with 'ctive Distri+ution System0=

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    The a+ove shows adding a

    dual+and com+iner to avoid

    re)etitive wiring&

    Suita+le for )laces away from

    signaling source and wherewiring is difficult

    The following shows the

    construction of a new ! indoor

    coverage system% sharing the)assive )art of the integral system

    Suita+le for )laces with high

    coverage re2uirements and easy

    wiring &

    Sharing with 'ctive Distri+ution System09

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    The signals reach the signal source through a multi0core o)tical fi+er and the

    o)tical fi+er transmits +ase+and signals& The ((Us in different channels can share the same +ase+and to achieve

    se)aration +etween coverage and )lanning& Com)ared with a trun3 am)lifier% the ((U has many advantages in ca)acity%

    coverage% and engineering&

    Multi0((U coverageMulti0((U coverage






    Trun3 am)lifier




    9! signal



    ((U 9! trun3 am)lifier



    Sharing with 'ctive Distri+ution System0

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    2G o!r"e

    "o$,*ner "o!&ler

    oer &l*tter



    If the com+iner is availa+le% and UMTS interface is )reserved% UMTS signaling can

    directly into the com+iner if )revious com+iner doesnJt su))ort UMTS or no com+iner is

    availa+le% add a multi0+and com+iner&The wor3ing fre2uency of )assive devices such as cou)ler or )ower s)litter shall +e

    within H## 9="# MB If ;'7 shares indoor distri+uting system% fre2uency shall +eH##L9F##MB&;hen using the same ca+les% 9=##MB signaling will +e largely attenuated and shall

    +e changed to +ig0diameter ca+les or add a source transmission )ower&

    ingle fre%enc! "ower di#ider $ideband "ower "litter

    $ideband co%"leringle fre%enc! co%"ler

    Passive devices alternation

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    810 feeders longer than Fm in !SM system shall +e changed into =:9 6 feeders +HD:=#D feeders are not used for ma>or use&

    12 6 feeder longer than 50m in '+ !tem hall be changed into ":H 6 feeders12 6 feeder longer than 30m hall be changed into":H 6 feeders

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    Same fre2uency networ3 or low0floor sharing the outdoor fre2uency and

    high0floor using other fre2uency +elong to intra0fre2uency networ3ing

    Different fre2uency networ3 and one0floor sharing the outdoor fre2uency

    and others using other fre2uency +elong to different fre2uencies


    Indoor outdoor Interwor3ing Scheme

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution



    Characteristic of Indoor Coverage Design of the Indoor Coverage

    The Indoor Coverage Solution

    Key Points of Indoor Coverage Cases of Indoor Coverage

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    ;e choose Shenhen Unicom 6uilding as one e-am)le

    Unicom 6uilding lies in C6D area of center

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    Site on the to) of Shenhen Unicom +uilding has four cells with antenna height a+out "#

    meters& The nearest site is Telecom +uilding with FF meters far away from it% which

    influences this site much&

    ;e can see that Shenhen Unicom 6uilding has a com)licated wireless environment

    and can +e on half of the case that co0coverage +y indoor and outdoor together has a

    restrict re2uirement a+out interference and ca)acity& So we can ta3e it as one e-am)le&

    Surrounding environment of Shenhen

    Unicom 6uilding



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    Unicom +uilding is a +uilding with 9G floors over earth and totally

    GH& s2uare meters

    Unicom +uilding has a glass wall structure and a com)licated indoor


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    Indoor environment of Shenhen Unicom,

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    Indoor coverage in Shenhen Unicom 6uilding use cells and ta3e the

    form of 66U((U networ3&

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    Introduction of 66U((U e2ui)ment ZNSD( 6H9## distri+ution sites are used in Shenhen Unicom 6uilding and

    are consisted +y +ase station unit 6H9## and radio remote unit (HHG#&

    Techni2ue s)ecification of it is as follows,!"e tem "ecific

    "ecificof "ro"ert!

    re%encie/"link 1:20+A 1:80+Aownlink 2110+A 21;0+A


    +a %""orted ector 24C

    +a %""orted carrier 4

    +a %""orted C6 channel for "%re #oice er#ice%"link :&0C6downlink :&0C6

    +a channel in one cell 123

    +a thro%gh"%t of !tem 21&+b"

    ?%t"%t "ower of carrier

    R %nit t!"e ?%t"%t "ower of e%i"ment



    Recei#ing eniti#it!-12&5dBmD$C+* antenna recei#eing-12:2dBmD$C+* antenna recei#ing-131:dBmD$C+* E antenna recei#ing


    iAe of e%i"mentB820089 heightFwidthFdee" 884F482&F1:; mmR8840 89 heightFwidthFdee" 3;0F320F1&0 mm

    $eight with f%ll e%i"ementB8200 8;5>'R8840 1&5>'



    $a! of "ower %""l!,"ermitted range of #oltagechange

    B8200 -48G C range -5; G C -40G C R8840 -48G C range-35 G C -&0 G C 220G *C range :0 G *C 300 G *C 110G *C e"anion %""orted 7 range 85G *C 135G *C

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    Priority of 66U((U0= 8ersatile networ3

    66U has a )ro)erty of high integrity% large ca)a+ility% less volume% light

    weight etc& 66U can +e )laces together% +ase +and ca)a+ility can +eshared& It is suita+le to indoor cases with not0so0meanly0distri+uted and

    can enhance sta+ility of system&

    ((U has a small volume% light weight and easy fi-ed& ((U can +e used

    together with !SM indoor distri+ution system& ((U uses fi+er as

    transmission% feed+ac3 losses are reduced effectively% which can reduceadditive losses in 9!BZ and ma3e ((U has the same coverage as !SM&

    So% it is easy to ma3e 9:! together&

    66U((U can realie coverage and ca)a+ility )lanning individually& It is

    easy to e-)and networ3% and changing indoor distri+ution system is not

    needed& It is used to meet the need of services in !&

    Merge of multi)le ((U cells% coverage area are e-)anded effectively 66U((U su))ort ((U single cell merge techni2ue& Single cell su))ort =

    to A ((U in indoor situation% which e-)and coverage area of single cell

    and realie far coverage of many +uildings& This case can meet most

    situations of indoor coverage&

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    Priority of 66U((U09 ess wor3 of )ro>ect% low cost of o)eration and maintain

    66U((U use fi+er instead of feed+ac3 ca+le has a sim)le way of

    line distri+ution and is easy to wor3 on& ((U can afford all 3inds ofre2uirement of any situation and is not relia+le on trun3 am)lification&

    In real networ3 trun3 am)lification can +e given u) or used in only a

    few cases% so coverage 2uality decreasing caused +y too much trun3

    am)lification can +e avoided&

    66U is set u) integrally and can +e managed and monitored +y *MC&Traditional micro0cell manner need to monitor trun3 am)lification


    Change to co0usage is easy 66U((U way can distinguish cells reasona+ly and easily& E-)ansion

    later can +e finished +y +ac3ground networ3 administration software&

    7o necessary of further changes in hardware&

    66U%((U can realie wall0hanging% and is convenient for indoor

    coverage realiation and a))lication&

  • 7/23/2019 WO_NAST3006_E01_1 UMTS Indoor Coverage Solution


    To) and near+y sites affect much on Shenhen Unicom +uilding

    for its glass wall structure& Potential strong signals coverage

    come to live due to influence +y outside signals& 6ut outsidesignals can not reach dee) in the +uilding&

    Unicom +uilding has a large ca)acity need& To ma3e sure of

    indoor signals are not affected +y strong surrounding signals% we

    suggest Unicom +uilding ta3e networ3 form of different

    fre2uencies% that is using different fre2uencies indoor and outsidedoor% +ut the same fre2uencies in the +uilding&

    ;e can configure cells used +y lower floors to dual0fre2uencies

    to ma3e this cell to +e on transient cell, indoor and outside

    fre2uencies& ;hen one user comes indoor% user will switch to

    indoor cell with the same fre2uency and switch to indoor cell withdifferent fre2uencies& ;hen user go out of indoor% com)ress

    mode is activated% indoor cell with different fre2uencies transits to

    outdoor cell&

    Suggestions of indoor and outdoor co0


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    Case 9, Ty)ical Elevator Coverage

    *)timiation 'n office +uilding is de)loyed with the indoor distri+ution system 4cell '5% +ut it

    cannot cover the elevators in the +uilding& In this case% an outdoor cell 6 isused to cover the elevators& The indoor cell covers the =0floor office areas

    and an antenna is de)loyed in the )ar3ing lot% so the entrance to the elevator

    on floor = has strong signal of cell '& Bowever% cell ' does not cover the area

    inside the elevator% which is covered +y cell 6&

    The )ro+lem area is located on floor =& Call dro) may occur when you enter

    the elevator on floor = to go u)stairs or ta3e elevator to floor =&

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    Pro+lem 'nalysis

    6ecause cells ' and 6 are of the same fre2uency% this is a soft handoff

    )ro+lem& In the elevator lo++y on floor =% indoor cell ' has )oor signal and cell 6

    functions to cover the elevator& 6efore you enter the elevator% the signal of cell6 is switched& Therefore% no call dro) occurs when the elevator door is o)enedand closed on floor =& The signal of indoor cell ' in the elevator lo++y on floor= is very strong 4(SCP of 0"# d6m5% stronger than the signal of cell 6 4(SCPof 0H# d6m5& Ec:Io of cell 6 is =# d6 lower than that of cell '& 'fter the elevator

    door is closed% the signal of cell 6 covers the elevator inside& ;hen the elevator door is o)ened and the signals of cell ' enter the elevator% Ec:Io

    of cell 6 dro)s to 09# d6& In this case% if a mo+ile )hone is not added to cell 'immediately% call dro) occurs&

    'fter the elevator door is closed% the signals of cell ' dro) 2uic3ly and Ec:Io of cell 6rises 2uic3ly& In this case% untimely soft handoff leads to call dro)&

    This )oint is )roved +y analying the signaling +efore and after call dro)&

    Sometimes% the UE su+mits a =' event measurement re)ort% +ut call dro)occurs +efore soft handoff is com)lete& Sometimes% call dro) occurs +efore themeasurement re)ort is su+mitted&

    The cause of call dro) is untimely soft handoff&

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    Pro+lem 'nalysis

    To solve the )ro+lem of untimely soft handoff% choose one


    'd>ust handoff )arameters to initiate soft handoff more


    Change soft handoff area through radio fre2uency to avoid

    the areas where untimely handoff occurs% such as corners

    and elevator entrances&

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    'd>ust Bandoff Parameters

    The )arameters that can +e ad>usted include soft handoff threshold%

    delay trigger time% co0fre2uency filter factor% and co0fre2uency ad>acentcell CI*&

    CI*, Change the CI*s of cells ' and 6 from # to Fd6 to ma3e softhandoff easier to occur&

    =' event delay trigger time, Change it to #% that is% immediate trigger&

    Co0fre2uency filter factor, Change it to = or # to ma3e it sensitive tosignal changes&

    7ote that the )riority of these )arameters should +e from to) to +ottom+ecause the latter )arameter has greater im)act& The CI* is relevantto the ad>acent cell% which causes less im)act& The filter factor ta3eseffect for all co0fre2uency events% so +e careful to change this)arameter&

    The changes are +ased on increase of soft handoff ratio& Therefore%consider it carefully if ca)acity0related issues are involved&

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    (educe Signal Strength of Cell ' in Elevator

    o++y on usted& To solve the )ro+lem%ad>ust the radio fre2uency& Disa+le the antenna of cell ' on floor ' oradd an attenuator to reduce the signal strength of cell ' in elevatorlo++y on floor = and to ma3e cell 6 +e in activated state in this area& Inthis way% call dro) does not occur when mo+ile )hones enter or e-itthe elevator& ust the radio fre2uency&

    To solve the )ro+lem +y ad>usting )arameters% change the CI*&

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