word of the day the first twenty five. disseminate function: transitive verb 1 : to spread abroad as...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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The First Twenty FiveThe First Twenty Five

disseminate• Function: transitive verb

1 : to spread abroad as though sowing seed <disseminate ideas>2 : to disperse throughout [syn: circulate, circularize, circularise, distribute, propagate, broadcast, spread, diffuse, disperse, pass around]

at the eleventh hour • at the last minute; almost too late• Janey finished the work just in

time. It was at the eleventh hour, but it wasn’t late!

lethargy• Function: noun

1 : abnormal drowsiness2 : the quality or state of being lazy, sluggish, or indifferentsynonyms LANGUOR, LASSITUDE, STUPOR, TORPOR

burn the midnight oil • study/work all night or until very,

very late at night• Jess had to burn the midnight oil

because he put off studying for the history test until the last minute.

adherent• Function: adjective

1 : able or tending to adhere2 : connected or associated with especially by contract3 : ADNATE

cost an arm and a leg • cost a lot; be very expensive• My father’s new SUV is really

nice. It should be, though, because it cost an arm and a leg.

intimidate • Function: transitive verb

: to make timid or fearful : FRIGHTEN; especially : to compel or deter by or as if by threatssynonyms INTIMIDATE, COW, BULLDOZE, BULLY, BROWBEAT

dog days • extremely hot days (usually in mid

to late summer)• We always take a vacation to a

cooler place during the dog days of summer.

impudent • adj. • Characterized by offensive boldness; insolent or

impertinent. Synonyms shameless. 1: marked by casual disrespect; [syn: insolent, snotty-nosed, flip] 2: improperly forward or bold; [syn: fresh, impertinent, overbold, smart, saucy, sassy]

• Obsolete. Immodest. •

im pu·dent·ly adv.

elbow grease • hard work and effort• The jeep got really dirty on the

hunting trip, but with a wash and some elbow grease, it’ll look like new again.

painstaking •Function: adjective: taking pains : expending, showing, or involving diligent care and effort adj. – Synonyms at meticulous,

conscientious, scrupulous.

field day • a very enjoyable time; a special

time• The baby sitter let us watch as

many DVDs as we wanted while my parents were gone. We really had a field day!

bawling • Function: verb

1 : to cry out loudly and unrestrainedly : YELL, BELLOW2 : to cry loudly : WAILtransitive senses : to cry out at the top of one's voice

green • inexperienced• Don’t expect Jack to do that job all

by himself yet. He’s a bit too green, but with morepractice, he’ll do fine.

gauge • also gage  n.

– A standard or scale of measurement or an instrument used to measure.

• A means of estimating or evaluating; a test: a gauge of character. See Synonyms at standard.

• The interior diameter of a shotgun barrel as determined by the number of lead balls of a size exactly fitting the barrel that are required to make one pound. Often used in combination: a 12-gauge shotgun.

• Thickness or diameter, as of sheet metal or wire. • The fineness of knitted cloth as determined by the number of loops per

1 1/2 inches. • Function: transitive verb

1 a : to measure precisely the size, dimensions, or other measurable quantity of b : to determine the capacity or contents of c : ESTIMATE, JUDGE <hard to gauge his moods>2 a : to check for conformity to specifications or limits b : to measure off or set out

have something down pat

• to understand something completely and thoroughly

• Chelsea knew she did well on the test. She studied for a week and had all the material down pat.

atypical• Function: adjective• not typical : IRREGULAR, UNUSUAL

, untypical– Not conforming to type; unusual or

irregular, not typical, not like the usual or normal type.

• [ant: typical]

in over one’s head • in a situation that is too difficult to

manage • Matthew needed help with the

computer project. He was in over his head and just could not handle it alone.

entitled• Function: transitive verb

1 To give a name or title to :DESIGNATE2 to furnish with proper grounds for seeking or claiming something

3 qualified for by right according to law;

jump the gun • do something before it’s time to

do it• Chuck jumped the gun and

spoiled Trevor’s surprise birthday party. He accidentally told him he was bringing the cake to his party!

entice•Function: transitive verb: to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire : TEMPTsynonym see LURE

keep one’s nose to the grindstone

• stay diligent; steadily work hard• If Amanda keeps her nose to the

grindstone, she just might finish her semester project a day early.

agitated• Function: verb

1 a obsolete : to give motion to b : to move with an irregular, rapid, or violent action <the storm agitated the sea>2 : to excite and often trouble the mind or feelings of : DISTURB3 a : to discuss excitedly and earnestly b : to stir up public discussion ofintransitive senses : to attempt to arouse public feeling <agitated for better schools>synonym see SHAKE, DISCOMPOSE

let sleeping dogs lie

• don’t cause problems by doing something that isn’t necessary

• Julie said something mean to her sister Jenna, but Jenna decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not make matters worse.

feasible•  adj. • Capable of being accomplished or brought about; possible: a

feasible plan. See Synonyms at possible. • Used or dealt with successfully; suitable: feasible new sources

of energy. • Logical; likely: a feasible explanation. •

fea si·bil i·ty or fea si·ble·ness n. fea si·bly adv.

• capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are [syn: executable, practicable, viable, workable] adv : in a practicable manner; so as to be feasible [syn: practicably]

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