words set me free

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Research paper/Social Studies Fair Project Michael Penn 2013 http://altheapenn.tripod.com/id29.html


Words Set Me Free:

The Life Of Frederick Douglass

By Michael Penn

Third Grade

March 13, 2013

These things happened to them as

examples and were written down as

warnings for us, on whom the

fulfillment of the ages has come.

1 Corinthians 10:11

Frederick Douglass

February 1818 – February 1895

77 years old - heart attack

Born near Easton, Maryland, Great House Farm

Holme Hill Farm, Talbot County, Maryland


Newspaper editor

Presidential advisor of Abraham Lincoln

February 1818 – February 1895

77 years old - heart attack

Born near Easton, Maryland


Newspaper editor

Presidential advisor to Abraham Lincoln

Slave children

eating cornmeal

mush from a

animal trough.

1826 - eight years old

Travels to Baltimore

To work for Hugh Auld

Became a city slave instead of a plantation slave

His wife, Sophia taught Frederick the alphabet

He practiced writing on fences

1835 – seventeen years old

Frederick was sent to work for Mr. Freeland

He started a illegal school with Henry, John, and Handy

He planned an escape with five slaves

They were captured and imprisoned

Mr. Auld released him and he was hired as ship caulker

1838-twenty years old

Frederick escapes to

New York by train

Marries Anna Murray

1841 – twenty-three years old

Invited to speak at an anti-slavery meeting

Became a lecturer on the abolition of slavery

Travels widely in the East and Midwest

lecturing against slavery and campaigning for

rights of free Blacks

1845 – twenty-seven years old

Wrote and published, Narrative of the Life of

Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

Editor of The North Star, an abolitionist


1874- Named president of Freedman's

Savings and Trust Company.

1877-Appointed U.S. Marshall of the District

of Columbia.

Douglass Washington, D.C. home

I admire his

Christian Character Qualities…



Good personality

He spoke up for others in slavery and about women’s rights to vote

He was the most famous runaway slave in America

It is important to remember Frederick

Douglass because he taught himself to

read and words set him free. I believe

education is important.


Words Set Me Free: The Story of Young

Frederick Douglass by Lesa Cline-Ransome

Heart and Soul: The Story of America and

African Americans by Kadir Nelson

Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglasss: The

Story Behind an American Friendship by

Russell Freedman

Slaves Who Dared: The Stories of Ten African

American Heroes by Mary Garrison

“If there is no struggle, there is no

progress. Those who profess to favor

freedom, and yet depreciate agitation,

are men who want crops without

plowing up the ground. They want rain

without thunder and lightning. They

want the ocean without the awful roar

of its many waters. This struggle may

be a moral one; or it may be a physical

one; or it may be both moral and

physical; but it must be a struggle.”

“Upon the subject of education,

I view it as the most important

subject which we as a people

can be engaged in.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Mr. Douglass, never come to Washington without

calling upon me.” Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas were born poor.

Both were self-educated and fought against slavery. (1863)

His sons Lewis (20) and Charles

(18) fought in the Civil War.

Vocabulary words:

Abolish: to do away with; put an end to: to abolish


Abolitionist: (especially prior to the Civil War) a

person who advocated or supported the

abolition of slavery in the U.S.

Abolish, abolitionist. (n.d.). Dictionary.com Unabridged. Retrieved March 13,

2013, from Dictionary.com website:


Bible principles

The fear of the LORD is the beginning

of knowledge, But fools despise

wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7

“For I know the plans I have for you,”

declares the Lord, “plans to prosper

you and not to harm you, plans to give

you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

Then said Jesus to

those…believed on him,

“If ye continue in my

word, then are you my

disciples indeed; And

you shall know the truth,

and the truth shall make

you free.” John 8:31, 32

“Love the Lord your God with all your

heart and with all your soul and with

all your mind and with all your

strength. Love your neighbor as

yourself. There is no commandment

greater than these.”

Mark 12:30-31

Words Set Me Free:

The Life of

Frederick Douglass

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