words to know! sympathetic - showing agreement with or favor towards. pacifists - a person who is...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Words to know!

Sympathetic - showing agreement with or favor towards.

Pacifists - a person who is opposed to war or to violence of any kind.

Ancestry - related by family or ancestral descent

Lopsided - more developed on one side than on the other; unevenly balanced

Europe Plunges Into War

Europe Plunges Into War

Section 13.2Section 13.2

Setting the Stage• By 1914, Europe was divided

into two rival alliances, the Triple Entente and the Central Powers.

• Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war against Serbia set off a chain reaction within the interlocking web of alliances.

• The countries of Europe followed through on their pledges to support one another. As a result , nearly all of Europe joined in on the most destructive war the world had seen.

The War Begins...

In the late summer of 1914, millions of soldiers marched

happily into battle.

Most believed the war would be over quickly.

Germany’s StrategyGermany, stuck in the middle

of Europe, face a two-front war.

Shlieffen PlanThe German plan for

attacking and defeating France in the West before

fighting Russia.

To do this Germany had to act fast.

Germany Rolls!

Sept. 1914, Germany swept into France. Almost reaching


Germany was days from Victory.

First Battle of the MarneSept 5, 1914 The Allied

forces attacked Germany outside of

ParisFirst major battle on the Western


Perhaps the most important victory for the Allies during the


Over 600 taxis Over 600 taxis shuttled soldiers to shuttled soldiers to

the front lines!the front lines!

The Importance

A quick victory in the West was

no longer possible.

Germany was forced to fight the war on two


Ended the Schlieffen Plan.

Using the documents at your table discuss and answer in your Response


What assumptions were made by the Germans that should have been considered?

What were several factors that lead to the Schlieffen Plan failing?

What might have the Germans done differently to make sure the plan was



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