work lifebalance

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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AIM- IRS Conference August 2009

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Presented by:

HMT Industry Director, Charlie Brantley

HMT Director of Field Operations – West , Dave Horton


Achieving Work Life Balance Workshop

Purpose: To focus on how to successfully combine work, family

relationships and leisure time into a satisfying life.

Approach: To create a skill set that enhances the ability to evaluate

priorities, focus on the big picture and use long range


Use prioritizing and organizational skills to make sense

out of conflicting demands


The Work – Life Balance

Work and personal world were once very


It is harder than ever to keep up with both your

work and personal activities.

Activities and social spaces are becoming



Some things people deal with on a daily


Getting ahead at work

Spending quality time with your significant other

Caring for elderly parents

Doing chores at home

Taking care of children

Commuting to/from work


The Never-Ending Work Day …

There was a time when people in the IRS

reported to work Monday through Friday and

worked an 8 hour day.

The day started at 8:00AM and ended at 4:45 PM


The world has changed. Some of the changes

in the work world caused a change and blurring

of the work and personal worlds.


Changes in the Work World

Global economy

International business

Advanced communication technology

Flex-time schedules

Alternative or flexi-place work location

Changes in family structure (dual-career)


Some Facts to Consider About the Workforce

57% of people who say they had to go into

work late or leave early did so because of

caring for elderly relatives

4% say they’ve turned down a promotion

10% say they went from full-time to

part-time workArticle in Forbes Magazine- March 17, 2009


Survey Results From More Than 50,000

Employees from a Variety of Manufacturing

and Service Organizations Found(Source: Quintessential Careers article)

2 out of every 5

employees are

dissatisfied with the

balance between their

work and personal lives

The lack of balance is

due to:

Long work hours

Changing demographics

More time in the car

Deterioration of boundaries

between work and home


So … How Do You Restore Balance to

your Life?

First, remember that the work/life balance can

mean different things to different people.

It can also change and mean different things to you at

various points in your career.

You also have to be realistic.

If you set a priority (EX: advance in your career),

you have to be realistic about what that will require.


10 Tips for Getting your Work/Life in

Balance ( By Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D.)

1. Negotiate a Change with Your Current Employer

Changes can include: flextime, job-sharing, telecommuting or

part-time employment.

Your 1st step is to research your employer’s policies and

methods of handling previous requests

2. Find a New Career

Some careers are simply more stressful and time-consuming

than others.

Explore careers that are less stressful and more flexible


10 Tips for Getting your Work/Life in

Balance (continued)

3. Find a New Job

Rather than a career change, perhaps you simply need to

take a less stressful job within your chosen career.

This may involve working with your current employer to

identify a new position

4. Slow Down

Life is simply too short

Take steps to stop and enjoy the things and people

around you.

Find some ways to distance yourself from the things that

are causing you the most stress


10 Tips for Getting your Work/Life in

Balance (continued)

5. Learn to Better Manage Your Time. Avoid


For many people, most of the stress they feel comes from

simply being disorganized – and procrastinating.

Learn to set more realistic goals and deadlines – and then

stick to them

6. Share the Load

Even though we may sometimes feel we’re the only ones

capable of doing something, it's usually not the case.

Get your partner or other family members to help you with

all your personal/family responsibilities


10 Tips for Getting your Work/Life in

Balance (continued)

7. Let Things Go. (Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff)

Learn to let things go every once in a while

Learn to recognize the things that don’t really have much

impact in your life and allow yourself to let them go

… then don’t beat yourself up for doing so

8. Explore Your Options. Get Help. In many cases you do have options; you just need to take the

time to explore them

EX: a sitter for your children, options for care of your aging

parents, counseling for yourself

Don’t feel overwhelmed with your family responsibilities


10 Tips for Getting your Work/Life in

Balance (continued)

9. Take Charge. Set Priorities. Sometimes it’s easier for us to allow ourselves to feel

overwhelmed rather than taking charge and developing a prioritized list of things that need to get done

Buck the trend.

10. Simplify It’s human nature to take on too many tasks and

responsibilities, to try to do too much and to own too much.

Find a way to simplify your life

Change your lifestyle

Get rid of the clutter and baggage in your house –and your life.


Final Thought on the Work/Life


In the end, the key word is balance.

Find the right balance that works for you

Celebrate your successes and don’t dwell on your


Life is a process .. and so is striving for balance in

your life.

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