workflow management system for stratosphere -...

Post on 31-Jan-2018






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S E P T E M B E R 5 T H , 2 0 1 4

T H E S I S A D V I S O R : A S T E R I O S K A T S I F O D I M O S , P H D T H E S I S S U P E R V I S O R : P R O F . D R . V O L K E R M A R K L

D A T A B A S E & I N F O R M A T I O N M A N A G E M E N T ( D I M A ) T E C H N I S C H E U N I V E R S I T Ä T B E R L I N


Workflow Management System for Stratosphere

Agenda 2

�  Background ¡  Workflow & Workflow Management System ¡  Control Flow vs Data Flow ¡  Related Work

�  Motivation �  Approach �  Stage 1: Translating AST to Control Flow Graph

¡  Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) ¡  Control Flow Graph

�  Stage 2: Adding Data Flow to the Control Flow Graph ¡  Data Flow Analysis

�  Stage 3: Generate Code for Underlying System �  Evaluation: Productivity & Generality �  Conclusion �  Future Work

Workflows & Workflow Management System 3

Big Data Analytics à Complex applications to process large datasets on distributed resources

Workflow: �  Automate procedures that otherwise needed to be carried out manually

[Deelman et al, 2009] �  Sequence of steps or computation [Crobak, 2012]

Workflow Management System (WMS): �  Defines, manages and executes workflows �  Order of execution is driven by a computer representation of the workflow

logic [Hollingsworth et al, 1993]

Simple Workflow vs Complex Workflow 4

ETL Process Workflow [Crobak, 2012]

Promoter Identification Workflow [Ludäscher et al, 2005]

Taxonomy of a Workflow 5

�  Workflow Taxonomy [Yu et al, 2005]

Data Flow vs Control Flow 6

�  Data Flow ¡  Related Work on Data Flow Systems: Hadoop MR, Stratosphere, Pig, Hive, Jet ¡  Limitations:

÷  Does not support control structures ÷  Low level optimized code à reduce productivity ÷  High overhead in learning new language i.e. Pig Latin

�  Control Flow ¡  Related Work on Workflow Systems: Oozie, Luigi, Azkaban, Kepler, Spark ¡  Limitations:

÷  Markup languages à cumbersome ÷  Graphical representation à limited ÷  Tasks & Data dependencies defined manually

Motivation 7

�  Problem ¡  Stratosphere à does not support control flow outside UDFs ¡  Existing workflow systems à dependencies specified manually

�  Solution ¡  WMS that automatically detects the control flow and data

dependencies between tasks from pure program code ¡  Intuitive way for the programmer to define the workflow

�  Goals ¡  Design and develop a WMS that works on top of Stratosphere ¡  Define a workflow domain specific language (DSL) to make defining

workflows easier

Workflow Design: Our Taxonomy 8

�  The Design of Our Workflow System

Approach 9

�  Translate the program code into target code: ¡  Translate user program to Intermediate

Representation (IR) Control Flow Graph (CFG)

¡  Add data flow to the CFG ¡  Generate code for underlying system

�  WMS execute the jobs

Stage 1 Part 1: Translate User Program to AST 10

�  Compiler constructs a sequence of Intermediate Representations (IR) which can have a variety of forms

�  Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) à data structure that represents program constructs. ¡  Each node in AST represents operator ¡  Children of a node in AST represent the operands of the operator

Grammar Definition & AST Representation 11

�  Grammar Definition supported by our DSL

Our Tool: Scala AST 12

�  Reuse the Scala AST given freely by the Scala compiler �  Scala Macros

¡  Compile time metaprogramming ¡  Expand trees at compile time enabling programmers to hack and

manipulate AST within compilation scope �  Scala AST Classes [Stocker, 2010]

¡  Block – List of statements and return value of expression ¡  ValDef – Immutable and mutable variable or statements ¡  Assign – non-initial assignments to variables ¡  If – consists of cond, thenp, and elsep sub-tree ¡  LabelDef – represents iteration statement

Generating AST from User Program 13

Sample program in our workflow DSL val  e1  =  DataSource(”..")  val  e2  =  DataSource(”..")  var  e3:  DataSet[(String,  Int,  Int)]  =  null  var  i  =  0    while(i  <  0)  {  if  (  =>  x._2)…  >  50)                

 e3  =  {  x  =>  (x._1,  x._2  +  1000,  x._3)}              else            

 e3  =  {  x  =>  (x._1,  x._2  +  1500,  x._3)}    i  =  i  +  1  

}    val  e4  =  e3.write(”…”)    e4  

Stage 1 Part 2: Generate Control Flow Graph from AST 14

�  Control Flow Graph ¡  Directed graph in which the nodes represent basic blocks and the edges

represent control flow paths [Allen, 1970] ¡  Basic Blocks à sequences of instructions or statements that are always

executed together ¡  Edges represent possible flow of control from the end of one basic block to

the beginning of another

CFG for Various Statements 15

Generated CFG from AST 16

Generated CFG from AST Algorithm (1 of 2) 17

Create CFG from AST Algorithm (2 of 2) 18

Stage 2: Generate CF-Enriched Data Flow 19

�  Data Flow Analysis [Lam et al, 2006] ¡  Transmission of information through program variables missing in CFG ¡  Derive the information about the flow of data along with program execution

paths ¡  Traverse the CFG to detect data dependencies ¡  Add another type of edges which presents information on the data

dependencies between the blocks

Generate Def-Use Pair 20

�  Compute the set of variables defined defB and the set of variables used in each block of the CFG useB

�  Association between the block and variable of the program:

¡  def(B,v) holds, for a variable v and a vertex B, if B defines v ¡  use(B,v) holds, for a variable v and a vertex B, if B uses the value of v

�  Generate the Def-Use pair information for each of the block in


�  Add an edge from block B1 to block B2 that depicts the data flow of variable v given that def(B1,v) reaches use(B2,v) ¡  def(B1,v) reaches use(B2,v) when there is a definition clear path from B1 to B2

CFG with Def-Use Pair 21

val  e1  =  DataSource(”..")  val  e2  =  DataSource(”..")  var  e3:  DataSet[(String,  Int,  Int)]  =  null  var  i  =  0    while(i  <  0)  {  if  (  =>  x._2)…  >  50)                

 e3  =  {  x  =>  (x._1,  x._2  +  1000,  x._3)}              else            

 e3  =  {  x  =>  (x._1,  x._2  +  1500,  x._3)}  i  =  i  +  1  }    val  e4  =  e3.write(”…”)    e4  

Adding Data Flow to the CFG 22

�  Output: G(V,E,DFE)

Control-Flow-Enriched Data Flow 23




4 5



Stage 3: Generate Code for Underlying System 24

�  Assumptions ¡  Code generated will run only for systems with a specified set of primitives

that are currently supported by Stratosphere

�  Transform each block in G(V,E,DFE) to a Stratosphere job �  Output: Stratosphere jobs to be executed in the WMS with order according to

the dependencies defined in the IR

Code Generation Algorithm (1 of 2) 25

�  Each incoming DFE to a block à Stratosphere job of that block requires the input of the data or variable contained in the DFE

�  Each outgoing DFE from a block à

Stratosphere job of that block need to output the variable contained in the DFE

�  WMS automatically selects which job

to be run

Code Generation Algorithm (2 of 2) 26

�  J à sequence of Stratosphere job j(I,O)

�  I à data source set of all input variables to the job

�  O à data sink set of all output variables from the job

Evaluation: Productivity 27

�  Use Case: Ingestion Process

Oozie vs Workflow DSL Implementation (1 of 2) 28

�  Oozie Implementation ¡  Specify two XML definitions, for

the main process and the subprocess.

¡  Each XML definition contains the action nodes and decision nodes based on the overall workflow

¡  The input and output directory of each subprocess is also defined manually in the XML definition.

A part of Oozie Implementation of SubDirectory Subprocess [Source: ]

Oozie vs Workflow DSL Implementation (2 of 2) 29

�  Workflow DSL Implementation ¡  Specify one workflow definition

for both the main process and sub- process

¡  Intuitive à Ex: the fork node in the main process can be replaced by a general while style iteration

¡  Body of the iteration is the sub-process itself à the conditionals branching based on the directory information

var temp = new Directories() var dirList = temp.get var i: Int = 0 while (i < temp.getSize) {

var dir = new DirInfo(dirList(i)) var dirAge = dir.getAge var dirSize = dir.getSize

if( if(dirAge < 1) dirSize > 23 else dirSize > 0) { if(dirAge > 6 || dirSize > 23) { var ingest = ingestFile(dir.getName) var archive = archiveFile(dir.getName) } else { var reminder = sendReminder(dir.getName) } }

i = i+1 }

Evaluation: Generality 30

�  High-level declarative interface which adheres only for Stratosphere at the moment

�  Deeply embedded in Scala - same syntax and semantics with some restrictions

�  Possible to compile a program written in our DSL to other underlying platforms i.e. Spark can understand the general-style if statement and while statement supported by our DSL

Logistic Regression in Spark & Workflow DSL 31

�  Spark �  Our workflow DSL

val data = spark.hdfsTextFile(...).map(readPoint).cache() var w = Vector.random(D) for (i <- 1 to ITERATIONS) { var gradient = spark.accumulator(Vector.zeros(D)) data.foreach(p => { val scale = (1/(1+exp(-p.y*(w dot p.x))) - 1) * p.y gradient += scale * p.x }) w -= gradient.value } println("Final w: " + w)

val data = spark.hdfsTextFile(...).map(readPoint).cache() var w = Vector.random(D) while(i < ITERATIONS) { w -= => {

val scale = (1/(1+exp(-p.y*(w dot p.x))) - 1) * p.y scale * p.x }).reduce(_+_) i = i + 1

} println("Final w: " + w)


Conclusion 32

�  Define a workflow DSL to enable the programmer to implement their algorithm �  Deeply embedded in Scala à avoids overhead for the programmer

�  Generate a control-flow-enriched data flow and target code from user

program via static analysis of the program code �  Static analysis of Scala code detects the control flow and data dependencies

�  Increase productivity compared to the implementation in other existing WMS (Oozie)

�  Extensibility to be run on top of other frameworks

Future Work 33

�  Extend grammar of our DSL i.e. For-comprehension �  Extend our DSL to other frameworks

¡  Possible to generate the code or job scripts of the workflow for any execution framework

�  Run program written in our DSL on multiple platforms

References 34

[Deelman et al, 2009] Ewa Deelman, Dennis Gannon, Matthew Shields, and Ian Taylor. Workflows and e-science: An overview of workflow system features and capabilities. Future Generation Computer Systems, 25(5):528–540, 2009. [Hollingsworth et al, 1993] David Hollingsworth and UK Hampshire. Workflow management coalition the workflow reference model. Workflow Management Coalition, 68, 1993. [Ludäscher et al, 2005] Ludäscher Bertram, Ilkay Altintas, Chard Berkley, Dan Higgins, Efrat Jaeger, Matthew Jones, Edward A. Lee, Jing Tao, and Yang Zhao. Scientific Workflow Management and the Kepler System. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18 no. 10, 1039-1065, 2006.

[Yu et al, 2005] Jia Yu and Rajkumar Buyya. A taxonomy of workflow management systems for grid computing. Journal of Grid Computing, 3(3-4):171–200, 2005.

[Stocker, 2010] Mirko Stocker. Scala Refactoring. PhD thesis, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, 2010.

[Lam et al, 2006] Monica Lam, Ravi Sethi, JD Ullman, and Alfred Aho. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools. Addison-Wesley, 2006. [Kelly, 2011] Peter M Kelly. Applying functional programming theory to the design of work- flow engines. 2011.

References 35

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