workflow trouble shooting

Post on 05-Jul-2018






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should give some information on why this is happening. (It is not advised to leave the Event log

switched in Production for long periods as it may cause performane issues. Switch off once the

linkage is deactivated)

What event is triggering the workflow? Is it SAP standard or a custom designed event. Sometimes

with custom designed/raised events, not all information is passed from the event to the

receiver/workflow and so will cause deactivation.

In order to analyse the event container you could do the following: Define a new entry in SWE2:

Enter the Event, for the receiver type enter a user name (your user name), and for the receiver 

function module enter SWE_EVENT_MAIL. You will then get the event container in an email for 

every event and can see if some data is missing. It could be possible that a mandatory input

element in the workflow is not passed from the event.

Useful Transactions

SWELS - Switch the event trace on/off 

SWEL - View the event trace

SWU0 - Event Simulation

SWUE - Create Event

SWEQADM - Event Queue

SWETYP - Type Linkages

SWEINST - Instance Linkages

[5] Transport

(a) Workflow Templates

Your first step should be to reference note 571302 and make sure you have all the referenced

notes applied to your system.

Note Description

571302 Collective note relating to transports in workflowVersions & Activation

This is how versions work in relation to transporting Workflow Templates

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[7] Transactions for troubleshooting

SWUD - Workflow Disgnosis

SWDM - Business Workflow Explorer 

SWUS - Test Workflow

SWU8/SWF_TRC - Workflow Trace On/Off 

SWU9/SWF_TRC - Workflow Trace Display

SWF_APPL_DISPLAY - Display Application Log

SWU0 - Event Simulation

SWELS - Event Trace On/Off 

SWEL - Event Trace Display

SWPR - Workflow Restart After Error 

SWPC - Continue Workflows After System Crash

SWI2_DIAG - Diagnosis of Workflows with Errors

SWU2/SM58 - Workflow RFC Monitor 

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