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Works Cited

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Academy of Sciences, Berlin, 219Academy of Sciences, Munich, 219Adenauer, Konrad, 21aerial bombardment, 80Agamben, Giorgio, 180–1Alexanderplatz, Berlin, 11, 16, 51, 84Alliance for Germany, 21antifaschistischer Schutzwall (antifascist

protection bulwark), 50, 65see also Berlin Wall

antifascism, 3, 26, 68antifascist foundational myth,

64–5, 66Appadurai, Arjun, 136Arbeiterwohlfahrt (Workers Welfare /

AWO), 149–50, 152, 153, 154Arndt, Ernst Moritz

“Des Deutschen Vaterland,” 205–6Asian Society, Paris, 219Association of Research Libraries, 210Auswärtiges Amt (Foreign Ministry),

Berlin, 88–90, 93authenticity, 84, 166

in documentary theater, 168, 169, 170, 172–3, 181

in literature, 171as opposed to simulation, 83, 84–5compare Critical Reconstruction

autobiography, 170–2, 176–7

Balkan wars, 150–1, 152, 153, 159Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, 168, 172,

173–4, 180, 181

Barroso, José Manuel, 212–13Barthes, Roland, 81Basic Law, 3, 21–2, 23, 30Baudrillard, Jean, 71Bauer, Josef Martin

So weit die Füße tragen (As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me), 66

see also Umgelter, FritzBausch, Pina

Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring), 178

BBI (Berlin Brandenburg International Airport), 5, 85, 86

Berlin Airlift, 2, 60Berlin blockade, 2, 59–60Berlin Republic, 26, 29, 82, 86Berlin Wall

as “antifaschistischer Schutzwall,” 50, 65

construction, 1, 5, 39–42, 44, 206cost, 42, 43as factor in identity formation, 2, 3fall and consequences, 1, 7, 11, 12,

25, 29, 92, 187–8, 206–7immigrant neighborhoods along

western side, 151–2, 165as object of commemoration,

monuments, and memorials, 5, 6–7, 11, 51–6, 80

rationale for, 5, 15, 37, 59–62, 64–5, 66, 69, 73

as subject of art actions, 50–6

248 / index

Berlin Wall—Continuedas symbol of Cold War division, 7,

37, 55viewing platforms along western

side, 99, 100Berlusconi, Silvio, 189, 190, 192,

199–201Bernauer Straße, Berlin, 40, 48–9,

54–5, 70Beuys, Joseph, 50Beyond Belonging festival, 172, 173, 174Bibliotheca Alexandrina, 214Blaesius, Christoph, 51bloc parties, 18–19, 21

see also opposition in the GDRBonatz, Karl, 80Böttcher, Jürgen, 73

Die Mauer (The Wall), 71–2Boulanger, Etienne

Plug-in Berlin, 109Single Room Hotel Berlin, 109, 110

Brandenburg Gate, 45, 46, 49, 51, 61, 92–3

in film and television, 67–9, 72Brandt, Hans-Jürgen

Flucht aus der Hölle (Escape from Hell), 66

see also Korbschmitt, Hans-ErichBrandt, Willy, 17, 223n4Braunfels, Stephan

Alsenblock / Paul-Löbe-Haus, 90Brecht, Bertolt, 14Brezhnev doctrine, 15, 29

compare Sinatra doctrineBrill, Alexander

Ehrensache (A Matter of Honor), 168–70

see also Hübner, LutzBritish East India Company, 219Bund Deutscher Mädel (Association of

German Girls / BDM), 124Bündnis 90, 21

see also opposition in the GDR

Burgtheater, 181Bush, George Herbert Walker, 22, 23

Canetti, EliasDie Blendung (Auto-da-fé), 220–2

Catholic ChurchCaritas, 149, 150, 152Confirmation versus Jugendweihe,

124, 125, 140–1n21, 141n22Cattafi, Bartolo, 197CDU (Christlich Demokratische

Union / Christian Democratic Union), 22, 30, 152, 157, 160, 161

Chambers, Sir Robert, 219Checkpoint Charlie, 65Chirac, Jacques, 212Christo

Running Fence, 43Churchill, Caryl, 180citizenship laws

changes to, 172, 180East German refugees, 15

City Beautiful movement, 79Cold War

Berlin as focal point of, 60, 73, 81end and consequences, 7, 11, 12, 23,

25, 165onset, 2role of television, 64

Conference of European National Libraries (CENL), 212, 217

Consolo, Vincenzo, 194, 201“Il ponte sul canale di Sicilia” (“The

Bridge over the Channel of Sicily”), 196–7

“Vedute dello Stretto di Messina” (“Views of the Strait of Messina”), 197–9

consumer culture, 6, 135–7, 138East German desire for Western

consumer lifestyle, 22, 26and tourism, 5, 84, 87

Corbusier, Le, 79

index / 249

cosmopolitanismdemotic, 176European, 6, 166, 167, 171, 179,

180, 216–17selective, 172, 177, 181Turkish-German, 171–2

Critical Reconstruction, 54, 85see also Stimmann, Hans and

Kleihues, Josef Paulcurrency union, East and West

Germany, 23, 24

DEFA (Deutsche Film AG / state-owned film company), 62, 63, 70, 73

democracydemocratic centralism, 24East Germans’ demand for, 13, 16,

18–19, 21, 24immigrants as drivers of democratic

progress, 7, 177, 180as represented in architecture, 86,

88–9transition from dictatorship to

democracy, East Germany, 23, 24–5, 28, 166

Demokratische Aufbruch (Democratic Awakening), 19, 20

see also opposition in the GDRDerrida, Jacques, 181detente, 3, 12, 30Deutsche Bücherei, 217–18Deutsche Buchhandelsverein, 218Deutsche Morgenländische

Gesellschaft, 219Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 217, 218Deutsche Volkspolizei (German

People’s Police / DVP), 25Deutsches Musikarchiv, 218Diakronisches Werk, see Protestant

ChurchDiepgen, Eberhard, 152, 157, 158Diez, Baron Heinrich Friedrich von,


Dikmen, Sinasi, 168Diyalog Theaterfest, 168, 170Döblin, Alfred

Berlin Alexanderplatz, 84Domröse, Angelika, 62Dresden

demonstrations against East German government, 15–16, 20, 22

post-unification growth, 27Durkheim, Emile, 127, 130

East Side Gallery, 52–4emigration

forced expulsion, 147–8, 152from the GDR, 2, 15, 18, 24, 37,

49, 60, 62from Italy, 196, 204n23

Eppelmann, Rainer, 20Erdogan, Recep, 199–200Erpulat, Nurkan

Jenseits: Bist du Türke oder bist du schwul? (The Hereafter: Are You Turkish or Are You Gay?), 174

see also Kulaoğlu, TunçayEuropean Commission (EC), 190,

212–13European Digital Library (EDL), 207,

213, 219–20integration of Eastern European

libraries, 216as a manifestation of the EU’s

cultural policies, 217and the question of “national”

libraries, 215–16, 218European Library Project (TEL), 7,

207, 212–15, 219–20integration of Eastern European

libraries, 216as a manifestation of the EU’s

cultural policies, 217and the question of “national”

libraries, 218

250 / index

European Union (EU), 7, 216–17and the Bridge of Messina, 189–90,

192, 203n8expansion, 4, 26–7integration of Italy, 192policies, 207and Sicily’s geopolitical position,

187–8, 197Europeana, 213, 217

Fata Morgana, legend of, 193, 197–8, 201

FDP (Freie Demokratische Partei / Free Democratic Party), 152

Federal Chancellery, Berlin, 84Morphosis design entry, 90Schultes-Frank design, 90–1see also Schultes, Axel and Frank,

CharlotteFlächennutzungsplan (Land Use

Plan), Berlin, 85Foster, Lord Norman

Reichstag dome, 86Foth, Jörg, 71

Letztes aus der DaDaeR (Latest from the Da-Da-R), 70

Foucault, Michel, 209, 210Frank, Charlotte

Band des Bundes (Federal Ribbon), 90–1

see also Schultes, AxelFrei Deutsche Jugend (Free German

Youth / FDJ), 64, 126, 128, 138Friedrich Wilhelm I

as “Soldier King,” 38, 39Fühmann, Franz, 62FUMAGABA, 213, 215, 216

Gagarin, Yuri, 63Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 189Garton Ash, Timothy, 12Geertz, Clifford, 127Gellhorn, Alfred, 81

Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 23gentrification, 84, 158–9, 173globalization, 82–3Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

Faust, 178Google, 214

Google Books Library Project, 208Gorbachev, Mikhail, 14, 15, 17, 20,

23, 29, 129Grass, Günter

“Transatlantische Elegie,” 205, 206“Was ist des deutschen Vaterland,”

205–6, 223n4Green Line, Cyprus, 117Green Party, 17, 21, 160Grösch, Wiebke

New Borders / Neue Grenzen, 108–9see also Metzger, Frank

Grünbein, Durs“Schädelbasislektion,” 110

Grundgesetz, see Basic LawGundermann, Gerhard, 131–2Günther, Egon

Stein (Stone), 70Gutenberg Project, 214

Habermas, Jürgen, 82Hamm, Manfred, 49Hauptbahnhof (Main Railway

Station), Berlin, 84, 85–6Haußmann, Leander

Herr Lehmann, 72–3Hebbel-am-Ufer Theater, 174Hermlin, Stephan, 62Heym, Stefan, 14Hildesheimer, Ludwig, 79Hitler, Adolf, 90–1Hitler Youth, 124Hoffmann, Matthias, 49Hoheisel, Horst

Aschrott Brunnen (Aschrott Fountain), 115

Holocaust, 26, 88, 89

index / 251

Honecker, Erich, 13, 14, 19and the Berlin Wall, 40, 46resignation, 16, 20struggles over succession of, 18

Horst, PhilipGlühbirne / Lightbulb, 107–8

Hübner, Lutz, 177Ehrensache (A Matter of Honor),

168–70see also Brill, Alexander

Humanistischer Verband Deutschland (Humanist Association Germany), 124, 131, 133, 138

Hungary, 12, 15East Germans’ exodus over

Hungarian-Austrian border, 15, 18

identity, 3, 4German, 1, 6, 166among immigrants to Germany, 6,

151, 160, 166, 168, 169as represented in theater, 172Sicilian, 189, 192–3, 194, 196,

202n6urban, 82, 83

immigrants, see minoritiesimmigration, 146, 147, 148,

149, 176laws, 172, 180Tunisian immigration into Sicily,

196–7integration, 145, 146, 150–62

isolationism, 155–6of Italy into EU, 192, 197as a theme in Turkish-German

theater, 172, 179, 181Interessenvereinigung Jugendweihe

e.V. (Interest Group Jugendweihe Inc.), 124, 128, 129, 131, 133

see also Jugendweihe Berlin / Brandenburg e.V.

International Building Exhibition (IBA), 85

Jahn, HelmutSony Center, Potsdamer Platz, 87

Jakobs, Karl-HeinzBeschreibung eines Sommers

(Description of a Summer), 63–4Jelinek, Elfriede, 181

Babel, 180Bambiland, 180Die Kontrakte des Kaufmanns (The

Business Man’s Contracts), 180Über Tiere (On Animals), 180

John, Barbara, 153–4, 159, 160Jugendfeier (Youth Celebration),

131–4, 137Jugendweihe Berlin / Brandenburg

e.V., 124, 138see also Interessenvereinigung

Jugendweihe e.V.Junge Pioniere (Young Pioniers),

125, 126

Kahane, PeterDie Architekten (The Architects), 70

Kaltwasser, MartinTurn It One More Time, 99–102,

108see also Köbberling, Folke

Kant, Hermann, 18Kaprow, Allan

Sweet Wall, 50Kasprzik, Hans-Joachim

Gewissen in Aufruhr (Conscience in Commotion), 65–9, 73

see also Reisch, GünterKäutner, Helmut

Himmel ohne Sterne (Heaven without Stars), 70

Kelek, Necla, 170Die fremde Braut, 171

Keller, Herbert“Unsere Heimat” (Our Homeland),

67Kennedy, John F(itzgerald), 60, 61, 62

252 / index

Kertzer, David, 130Khrushchev, Nikita, 60, 61, 74n9Kleihues, Josef Paul, 85

see also Critical Reconstruction and Stimmann, Hans

Klein, GerhardSonntagsfahrer (Sunday Drivers),

62, 69Köbberling, Folke

Turn It One More Time, 99–102, 108

see also Kaltwasser, MartinKohl, Helmut, 12, 79

Alliance for Germany, 21Aufbau Ost program, 27role in German unification, 22, 23,

30, 79Kohlhoff, Sven, 54Kollhoff, Hans, 88Koolhaas, Rem, 43Korbschmitt, Hans-Erich

Flucht aus der Hölle (Escape from Hell), 66

see also Brandt, Hans-JürgenKrenz, Egon, 16, 29Krug, Manfred, 62Kulaoğlu, Tunçay

Jenseits: Bist du Türke oder bist du schwul? (The Hereafter: Are You Turkish or Are You Gay?), 174

see also Erpulat, Nurkan

Land Use Plan, see Flächennutzungsplan

Langhoff, Lukas, 173Ferienlager: die Dritte Generation

(Summer Camp: The Third Generation), 174, 177–80

Klassentreffen: Die Zweite Generation (Class Reunion: The Second Generation), 165, 174–7

Langhoff, Shermin, 169, 173, 174Lee, Eun Sook

Vanished Berlin Wall, 51Lefebvre, Henri, 82, 120n16Leipzig

demonstrations against the East German government, 16, 19, 20, 29–30

Nikolai Church, 16post-unification growth, 27

Lemke, JürgenGanz Normal Anders (Gay Voices

from East Germany), 170Library of Congress, 214Luhmann, Niklas, 76n30

Maastricht Treaty, 192Main Railway Station, Berlin, see

HauptbahnhofMaiziere, Lothar de, 22–3, 24, 28Melitopoulos, Angela

Möglichkeitsraum I / The Blast of the Possible: A Transnational Space Montage, 117–18

memoryart against forgetting, 89–90, 115collective, 1, 102, 117libraries as “memory banks,” 210,

215, 217nostalgia, 25, 28, 179–80politics of, 2, 12process of remembering, 206and the Reichstag dome, 86

Merkel, Angela, 199, 200Messina Bridge, Straits, 7, 188–92,

193, 197–9, 201–2cost, 203n8distance between Messina and

mainland, 202n2seismic risk, 202n6

Metternich, Klemens Wenzel Lothar von, 193, 195

Metzger, FrankNew Borders / Neue Grenzen, 108–9see also Grösch, Wiebke

index / 253

Michaelis, Dirk, 132Mielke, Erich, 17migrants, see minoritiesMigration, 148, 193, 194, 196–7, 222

virtual, 208, 212compare emigration and

immigrationMillion Book Project, 214Ministerium für Staatssichterheit

(Ministry of State Security / MfS / Stasi), 20, 28, 138

minorities, Germany, 6, 145–62, 165–81

Albanians, 147, 152, 153, 158, 159Kurds, 149Turkish-Germans, 146, 165–81

Mittag, Günter, 16Mitterrand, François, 22Modrow, Hans, 19, 20Mohr, Ulrike

Neue Nachbarn / New Neighbors, 111, 112, 113

Restgrün, 111–12Momper, Walter, 56Monday demonstrations, see Leipzigmonuments

counter-monuments, 115see also East Side Gallery

Morphosis, 90Mouffe, Chantal, 117Mueller-Stahl, Armin, 62Müller, Thomas

Auswärtiges Amt (Foreign Ministry) façade, 89–90

see also Reimann, Ivanmuseums

The Active Museum, 115as related to libraries, 209–10, 213,

220Topography of Terror, 115

Muslimsisolationism, 155masculinity, 168, 169, 171, 172, 177

religious revival in Berlin, 155see also religious difference

Mussolini, Benito, 189Mutlu, Özcan

as character in Klassentreffen, 175, 176, 177

as Green Party politician, 165see also Langhoff, Lukas

Naipaul, V.S.The Enigma of Arrival: A Novel in

Five Sections, 127–8, 141n27nation

essentialist notions of, 172as homologous to an ensemble, 167nation-building, 188–9, 217

National Library of China, 208–9National Library of Turkey, 213nationalism

construction through cultural artifacts, 206

ethnonationalism, 6, 166, 167German hypernationalism, 2among minorities in Germany,

157, 180as opposed to cosmopolitanism,

171, 216–17opposition to right-wing

nationalism, 29revival after end of Cold War, 26

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

defense of West Berlin, 60expansion into Eastern Europe,

22, 26integration of West Germany, 3and Silvio Berlusconi, 199–201and Turkey, 148, 199–200, 201

Neues Forum (New Forum), 19, 21see also opposition in the GDR

Neuss, Wolfgang, 51Nicosia, Cyprus, 117Nikolai Church, see Leipzig

254 / index

No Ponte (No Bridge) movement, 190normalization, 26, 82, 88, 116

of Turkish-German lives, 172, 180NVA (Nationale Volksarmee /

National People’s Army), 25, 42–3

Obama, Barack, 199, 200Oguntoye, Katharina

Farbe Bekennen (Showing Our Colors: Afro-German Women Speak Out), 170

see also Opitz, May and Schultz, Dagmar

Ohler, NormanMitte, 84

Opitz, MayFarbe Bekennen (Showing Our

Colors: Afro-German Women Speak Out), 170

see also Oguntoye, Katharina and Schultz, Dagmar

opposition in the GDR, 12, 18, 23, 24demonstrations against the regime,

1989, 15–17, 20mass exodus to the West, 1989, 15, 18oppositional groups, 14, 16, 19,

20–1Round Tables, 21, 24uprising of June 17, 1953, 14, 22,

29, 223n4see also Protestant Church

Orff, CarlCarmina Burana, 129

Ostpolitik, 17, 22, 23, 30Özdamar, Emine Sevgi

Keloglan in Alemania, 172, 179, 183n27

Palast der Republik (Palace of the Republic), 86, 99, 100, 104, 111

Pamuk, OrhanKar (Snow), 221–2

Pau, Petra, 137–8PDS (Partei des Demokratischen

Sozialismus / Party of Democratic Socialism), 20, 21, 28, 138

Peschke, ValeskaUnd er kommt nicht allein (And He

Doesn’t Come Alone), 109–11Petro, Wolfgang, 49Piening, Günter, 145Poland, 12, 21

concern about German unification, 22

Solidarnosc, 15, 17Pollesch, René, 180postdramatic theater, 180–1Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, 84, 87, 106Prodi, Romano, 190Protestant Church

Confirmation versus Jugendweihe, 124, 125, 140–1n21, 141n22

Diakronisches Werk, 149–50, 152role in the GDR, 14, 15, 16, 20

Prussia, 37–9, 218–19public art, 50–4, 99–105, 106–14,

115–18see also Berlin Wall and East Side


Rasmussen, Anders, 200Red Army, 14, 20, 25, 29Regener, Sven

Herr Lehmann, 72–3Reichsbank, 88–90Reichstag, 86–7Reimann, Ivan

Auswärtiges Amt (Foreign Ministry) façade, 89–90

see also Müller, ThomasReisch, Günter

Gewissen in Aufruhr (Conscience in Commotion), 65–9, 73

see also Kasprzik, Hans-Joachim

index / 255

religious difference, 7, 147, 166, 169, 171, 179, 180

reunification, see unificationRichter, Roland Suso

Der Tunnel (The Tunnel), 69Ries, Henry, 49Ritt, Martin

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, 70

ritual, 127–31, 134, 135, 138Royal Asiatic Society, London, 219Royal Library, 219Royal Society of Sciences, Göttingen, 219Runge, Erika

Bottroper Protokolle, (Bottrop Protocols), 170

Rushdie, SalmanSatanic Verses, 178

Sarkozy, Nicolas, 199Scharoun, Hans, 80Schaubühne, 167, 182n6Scheffler, Karl, 79, 82Scheinhardt, Saliha, 170, 171Schnitzler, Karl-Eduard von

Die Grenze (The Border), 64, 65Schnock, Frieder

Hänsel & Gretel and the Gold in the Reichsbank, 89

see also Stih, RenataSchultes, Axel

Band des Bundes (Federal Ribbon), 90–1

see also Frank, CharlotteSchultz, Dagmar

Farbe Bekennen (Showing Our Colors: Afro-German Women Speak Out), 170

see also Oguntoye, Katharina and Opitz, May

SED (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands / Socialist Unity Party of Germany)

concessions to protesters, 19–21, 23, 24, 29–30

control of the arts, 63, 64and emigration out of the GDR,

15, 60internal confusion, 16, 17–19loss of confidence in socialism, 14public resentment against, 27

Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin, 85, 103–5, 119n10

Senkel, Günter, 179Schattenstimmen (Shadow Voices),

174Schwarze Jungfrauen (Black

Virgins), 174, 177, 179, 180see also Zaimoglu, Feridun

Simmel, Georg, 90, 93Sinatra doctrine, 15Sindermann, Horst, 63Social Democratic Party, see

Sozialdemokratische ParteiSoviet Union

and Berlin, 60dissolution, 11, 25, 26and the GDR, 14and German unification, 22

Sozialdemokratische Partei (Social Democratic Party / SDP), 19, 20

see also opposition in the GDRSPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei

Deutschlands / Social Democratic Party of Germany), 22, 23, 145, 152

Speer, Albert, 79, 80, 90–1Spreebogen (Spree River bend)

government quarter, 90–1see also Federal Chancellery

Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz (State Library of Prussian Cultural Property / Stabi), 218–19

Stadtschloß (City Palace), 86

256 / index

Stasi, see Ministerium für Staatssichterheit

Stein, Peter, 167, 182n6Stih, Renata

Hänsel & Gretel and the Gold in the Reichsbank, 89

see also Schnock, FriederStimmann, Hans, 85

see also Critical Reconstruction and Kleihues, Josef Paul

Stolpe, Manfred, 28, 138Strauß, Botho

Gross und Klein (Big and Small), 167–8, 169

Strauss, Franz Josef, 46Strittmatter, Erwin, 62

Ole Bienkopp, 64

Taut, BrunoDie Auflösung der Städte (The

Dissolution of Cities), 80Taylor, Frederick, 60TEL, see European Library Projecttelevision, 3, 5, 16–17, 64–8TEL-ME-MOR, 213, 215, 216TEL-plus, 213, 215Ten Point Plan, 22Thatcher, Margaret, 22Theater Peripherie, 169Thiel, Heinz

Der Kinnhaken (Punch to the Chin), 62, 69

Third Way, 21, 23, 24Tiananmen Square, 16, 17Treuhandanstalt (Trusteeship

Agency), 24, 27Trotta, Margarethe von

Das Versprechen (The Promise), 69Tunisia, 196–7Turkey, 147–8, 151

influence on German immigrant affairs, 153, 154, 156

and NATO, 148, 199–200, 201

Turkish-Germans, see minorities, Germany

two-plus-four talks, 22

Ulbricht, Walter, 13, 61–2, 74n9, 223n4

Ülgen, Meray, 168Ullmann, Hermann, 82Umgelter, Fritz

So weit die Füße tragen (As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me), 66

see also Bauer, Josef Martinunemployment, 27, 136–7, 158,

204n23UNESCO, 214unification, German, 11–12, 19, 21–3

Anschluss metaphor, 25consequences, 26fate of Berlin Wall following, 52impact on German national

libraries, 217–18impact on Jugendweihe, 123–39transition difficulties, 28, 30

unification, Italian, 189, 193, 196, 204n23

United States of America, 22, 148, 205, 206

Universal Digital Library (Ulib), 214urban planning, 5–6, 79–93

and artistic intervention, 99, 102–18

Berlin Wall, 44–50, 54–5following unification, 85, 99, 104, 106see also Zwischennutzung and public

artUSSR, see Soviet Union

Varosha, Cyprus, 117Virilio, Paul, 92Vittorio Emanuele II, 189Vogel, Frank

Und deine Liebe auch (And Your Love Too), 62, 64

index / 257

Wagner, Martin, 80Wallraff, Günter, 170

Ganz unten (At the Bottom), 182n13

Schwarz auf Weiss (Black on White), 182n13

Wander, MaxieGuten Morgen, du Schöne (Good

Morning, Gorgeous), 170Warsaw Pact, 15, 25, 60Weizsäcker, Richard von, 115Wende, 2, 3, 4–5, 11–30

in film, 70–3immediate effect on Jugendweihe,

124compare unification

Wenders, WimHimmel über Berlin (Wings of

Desire), 178, 183n26Wettzstein, Johan Gottfried, 219Wilder, Billy

One, Two, Three, 68–9, 73Witt, Katarina, 28

Wolf, ChristaDer geteilte Himmel (The Divided

Heaven), 63Wolf, Markus, 16Wolff, Heinrich, 88World Digital Library, 214World War II, 11–12, 80World Wildlife Federation, 190Wowereit, Klaus, 51, 103, 145

xenophobia, 26, 166, 196

Yalta Conference, 59

Zaimoglu, Feridun, 170Kanak Sprak, 177Koppstoff, 177Schattenstimmen (Shadow Voices),

174, 179Schwarze Jungfrauen (Black

Virgins), 174, 177, 179, 180see also Senkel, Günter

Zwischennutzung, 104–6

top related