workshops - · high performance computing center at the end of the workshop,...

Post on 28-Jul-2020






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4𝑡ℎ International Conference on Natural Sciences

Mathematics & Computer


An introduction to cloud computing and virtualization technologies

Sadoon Azizi, Reza Behzadpour, Maz’har Zandsalimi

An introduction to python programming language

Yasin Amini

Draw function charts in LaTeX

Shoaeib Mahmoudi

An introduction to GNU/Linux operating system

Maz’har Zandsalimi

Wednesday, April 18

Thursday, April 19

An introduction to cloud computing and virtualization technologies

Tutorial Speaker(s):

Sadoon Azizi

Manager of University of Kurdistan’s

High Performance Computing Center

Reza Behzadpour

Technical Expert in University of Kurdistan’s

High Performance Computing Center

Mz’har Zandsalimi

Researcher in University of Kurdistan’s

High Performance Computing Center

At the end of the workshop, participants will learn…

What cloud computing is.

What virtualization technology is.

Cloud service models

Introducing UoK’s HPCC

Virtualization (Practical)

o Server virtualization

Hosted virtualization

Bare Metal virtualization

o OpenStack platform

Containerization (Practical)

o Containers are not VMs

o Working with Docker (Build, Ship, Run)

o Container architecture

o Container orchestration platform

University of Kurdistan

Wednesday, April 18

10 : 30

An introduction to python programming language

Tutorial Speaker:

Yasin Amini

B.Sc. in Computer Engineering

from University of Kurdistan

At the end of the workshop, participants will learn…

What Python is.

Environment Setup

Basic syntax and operators

Python data types

Python data structures

Control flow and Loops


Files I/O

OOP (Object Oriented Programming)

Introduction to advanced topic.

University of Kurdistan

Wednesday, April 18

15 : 30

Draw function charts in LaTeX

Tutorial Speaker:

Shoaeib Mahmoudi

Expert from Research Vice Chancellor

University of Kurdistan

At the end of the workshop, participants will learn…

What PGFPlots is.

What is needed to draw functions charts with LaTeX.

Draw a function chart from File Data

Draw a function chart from Mathematical Expressions

Draw 2D function charts

Draw 3D function charts

University of Kurdistan

Thursday, April 19

10 : 30

An introduction to GNU/Linux operating system

Tutorial Speaker:

Maz’har Zandsalimi

Researcher in University of Kurdistan’s

High Performance Computing Center

At the end of the workshop, participants will learn…

What GNU/Linux is.

How to install and maintain the operating system.

How to use package managers.

How to manage services using systemsd.

How GUI works.

o Display server

o Desktop environment

o Window managers

How to work in command line.

o CRUD on files and directories

o Man pages and references

o Process management

o Retrieve system information

University of Kurdistan

Thursday, April 19

15 : 30

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