world youth (april 2015)

Post on 08-Apr-2016






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World Youth is the magazine of WFDY to reflect a lot of the activities of WFDY and inform its organizations about the new challenges we are facing, and the developments in various countries according to the view of the member organisations of WFDY.



Welcome to WFDY magazine – World Youth!

World Youth is the magazine of WFDY to reflect a lot of the activities of WFDY and inform its organizations about the new challenges we are facing, and the developments in various countries according to the view of the member organisations of WFDY. In this publication of the World Youth you will be inform for important recent developments and for the new challenges. There are also special articles for the Campaign and the History of WFDY, and for the 18th World Festival of Youth and students.

This year we are running the campaign of WFDY for its 70th Anniversary, of the 70 years after the Anti Fascist Victory of the Peoples, and for the 70 years after the Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. WFDY after 70 years of Life and actions is moving forward to defeat imperialism, is moving forward struggling with all the progressive youth of the world for democracy, for social justice, for a world without any human exploitation.

We are in front of new challenges of imperialism, aggression and war on the one hand and on the other hand the aggressive procedures and measures of the capital system to overcome its crisis. We are watching the new challenges and we call the youth of the world to stand up, express their solidarity to the struggles of the peoples against imperialism, and hand by hand to make their own struggles in their countries to defeat imperialism.

We are now after a year from the 18th World Festival of Youth and Students which it was held in the city of Quito in Ecuador, and we recognize that our international anti imperialist message of the festival empowered our struggles, but on the same time it seems that the ruling powers close their ears on our voices as always.

We are now looking forward for the upcoming activities of WFDY for its campaign. WFDY already called its organisa-tions to proceed with activities for this campaign, on national and international level. We are calling all the member organisations of WFDY to get organised and ready to celebrate with all the means this important anniversary of WFDY.


WFDY campaign

In a moment where all forces need-ed to be united in order to defeat the greatest danger in the world, fascism and imperialism, the inter-national progressive youth stepped forward to cooperate in this strug-gle, founding the World Federation of Democratic Youth. 70 years now these anti-fascist anti-imperialist youth, pledged to struggle until the end of danger in their lives and peace is set.

In these 70 years, WFDY together with its member organizations and partners, left marks all over the planet, marking the strength and will of youth to take part in their present and future. Insuring that by working together we can spread the true reasons behind oppression, and exploitation, the true definition of imperialism; and most important we can reach our goal in overthrowing the capitalist system.

WFDY as well played essential role throughout its history in spreading peace messages at moments of war. Where, thousands of youth were gathered in World Festival of Youth and Students throughout its 18 fes-tivals in various places, to confirm peace demand of progressive youth, and the need for life with rights of work, education, and progress. Thousands of youth also contribute in the political discussion and posi-tion in WFDY’s life, throughout all its moments, in seminars, statements, conferences, festivals, magazines, bullets, missions, posters, etc...

Along these years, the World Feder-ation of Democratic Youth succeed-ed in being the only international youth organization supporting the rights of peoples, youth and work-ing class in a peaceful life with rights that insure their benefits. WFDY supports the freedom of Palestine and the right of having a Palestin-ian free state, the self determination of Western Sahara, the end of USA provocations against DPRK, and the end of blockage against Cuba. As well as, the rights of freedom, public education, health system, science, technology, arts, and development for people by people.

WFDY and its member organizations were always on the front line beside the worries of the popular and work-ing class, rejecting the usage of their rights and hard work for the benefits of imperialism. WFDY also rejects the usage of peoples as tools in wars, fascist movements, and media for survival of the capitalist system.

At the anniversary of the 69 years of WFDY, we launched our 70 years campaign, highlighting three titles: “70 Anniversary of WFDY”, “70 years of Peoples’ Victory against Fascism”, “70 years of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nuclear Bomb”.

In this campaign, WFDY and its mem-ber organizations will celebrate our lifetime, highliting our successful movement, in spreading peace and fighting beside the rights of youth, workers, and peoples. Undressing the true reason behind fascism, ex-

ploitation, monopolization, oppres-sion, war, invasion, and the death of thousands of people daily. Stat-ing in every moment and occasion that WFDY will stay on peoples’ path fighting for their liberation from im-perialism that is causing their death in every moment. Taking part in an international front, gathering all the affected people from fascism and im-perialism, to say no to death and yes for self determination.

This campaign also greets the peo-ple who fought and defeated fascism in a time its danger almost occupied all of Europe. The great will of the people with the wise leadership of the Soviet Union defeated fascism and liberated many lands from this decease. This year we are not only greeting this victory, but we are as well setting it as an example to de-feat the new fascist forces rising in Latin America, Middle East, and Eu-rope. To show the world that fascism is defeated by the unity of peoples and ideology of life loving of social-ism.

The campaign will include in addition the anniversary of 70 years since the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nu-clear bomb, as an example of how extreme imperialist forces can go to accomplish their benefits, even if this measure is in a form of a nucle-ar bomb that may cause the extinc-tion of human kind and change the form of life as we know it.


We launched our 70 years camping in 10 November 2014, resembling the date WFDY was founded 69 years ago, allowing this year to be starred by the 70 years campaign. In this campaign the World Feder-ation of Democratic Youth will be presented in all over the world with its member organizations by activi-ties, festivals, magazines and semi-nars, and its international solidarity missions stressing on the cruelty of imperialism in dealing with peoples’ lives.

The campaign began with our soli-darity mission in Venezuela with sol-idarity with the peoples against the fascist attack supported by USA. To support the people own choice for their social and economic way, and against the intervention of USA in people’s choices. To also salute the struggle of the people of Lat-in America, and the Cuban people in the liberation of the Cuban Five, and the continuation of the struggle until the abolishing of imperialism.

WFDY will always be an internation-al youth federation fighting for the rights of progressive youth as long as the anti-imperialist, leftist, and communist organizations of the world are present in it, with their activeness, support, and struggle. With our joint and hard work we will celebrate our upcoming years in victory.


“We pledge that we shall remember this unity, forged in this month, No-vember 1945 Not only today, not only this week, this year, but always until we have built the world we have dreamed of and fought for. We pledge ourselves to build the unity of youth of the world all races, all colors, all nationalities, all beliefs. To eliminate all traces of fas-cism from the earth. To build a deep and sincere international friendship among the peoples of the world. To keep a just lasting peace. To eliminate want, frustration, and enforced idle-ness. We have come to confirm the unity of all youth salute our com-rades who have died-and pledge our word that skilful hands, keen brains and young enthusiasm shall never more be wasted in war”

On November 10, the Word Federa-tion of Democratic Youth celebrates its 70 years. Its history remotes to the World Youth Conference held in London, where the youth of the world met and agreed to create a new youth organization fallowing what was the World Youth Council, that had been created in 1942 and organized by the youth to the fight fascism and make young people the main actors in the reconstructions of devastated areas, serving in hospitals, medical collecting and receiving center for former prisoners.

The federation played an important role in deepening and strengthening of cooperation between the different youth organizations whit different policies and actions, always express-ing the common aspirations of young people in all regions of the world.

The main task from its origins to the present has been to unite and or-ganize the youth on several fronts, against war, for peace and disarma-ment, against fascism and oppres-sion all kinds of democratic freedom, against colonialism, neocolonialism, imperialism, for national indepen-dence of people, empowerment and self-determination of people, against the dominance of monopolies, the ex-ploitations, the social and economic rights, which kept the struggle of the member organizations and friends considering the indissoluble unity in different ways to combat imperialism.

The World Federation welcomed dif-ferent autonomous organizations as the International Committee of Movements for children and adoles-cents(ICEM), International Bureau of Tourism and Youth Exchange(BITEJ), and International Volunteer Service for Solidarity and Friendship of the Youth(SIVSAJ), through which con-ducted proletarian internationalist actions to send hundreds of young people in volunteer brigades to dif-ferent regions. One of the most im-portant were the International Bri-gades volunteer “Julio Antonio Mella” involved in the collection of coffee in Nicaragua , volunteer work in Cuba, cooperation among young people has always been an important factor, the great campaigns of solidarity against imperialism aggression, which con-firmed that the new generations do not want to live the humiliations suf-fered during fascism focusing as fun-damental objective in the struggle for freedom and democratic right.

The federation brought together the progressive youth of the socialist countries against the occupation and oppression of other nations, especial-ly in Africa and Asia, and united, all the progressive youth of the world had an early struggle against the Marshal Plan, which summarized U:S intentions of domination, during the preceding decades the Youth Peace Committee denounced the intentions of NATO against the socialist countries and es-pecially the USSR, the fall of fascism in Spain, Portugal and Greece, the end of colonial system in Africa, politics of aggressiveness against Cuba, military coups in Latin America, the Vietnam-´s War, the wars of Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people, the various military intervention, occupa-tions of the territory of Western Saha-ra by the imperialism government of Morocco, the occupation of Cyprus by Turkey, the fight against apartheid in South Africa, with the release of Nel-son Mandela and many other imperial-ist actions always kept up the struggle to defend peace.

WFDY has maintained a close cooper-ation with the United Nations and its various autonomous bodies like the United Nations Committee on Disar-mament, UNESCO, UNICEF, the Safety Committee, maintaining a pacifist po-sition, refuting completely the use of weapons, nuclear arms race, because young people are always fighting no matter their political, philosophical and religious background, so the chal-lenge is to organize concerted actions at national, regional and internation-al level with aims of promoting world peace, always reaffirming that impe-rialist police and capitalist economic dominations are primarily responsible for international tension, particularly the nuclear arms race, intervention and aggression.

‘’WFDY’’ A historic Federation


WFDY has maintained close coopera-tion with sisters organizations as the World Peace Council, The Internation-al Federations of Women, The World Federations of Trade Unions, The international Unions of Student, and student organizations today as active regional Latin American and Caribbean Continental Organizations of Student, The General Union of Arab Student, following the traditions of the struggle for building a better world. To all these organizations will continue to confirm our interest in cooperating as sibling who are in our common struggle.One of the greatest merits has been taken the preparation and implemen-tation of the World Festival of Youth and student with the completion of 18 till date is acquired special relevance in the 90´s after the fall of socialism avail-able through the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro former President of Cuba, managed to rescue the movement of the Festival. These space has always been to encourage young people in the struggle for peace, friendship and solidarity between peoples, from the first that took place in Prague, Czech Republic, on the ashes of people who are direct victims of fascism, witness to its crimes, until the last held in Quito, Equator.

Hundreds of thousands of young peo-ple from many regions, from different political, philosophical, religious and cultural backgrounds around the world have participated in the festivals, even-tually friendship was created among young people, and it has a major con-tribution to strengthening peace, unity and fight against injustice in the world.

The decades of the nineties created a difficult situation for the active life of WFDY, economic constraints, the loss of more organizations of the socialist and other countries, forced to reorga-nize work so as to achieve and main-tain a small Bureau Coordinator at Headquarter has secured to date the work of the organization and allowed to come slowly recovering its role in all international place, regardless of criteria and policy positions, without any surrender when taking in mind its founding principles, which places it in an important are for the international fight at junior level that has increased its recognition.

The future of the struggle against im-perialism led by the Word Federation of Democratic Youth, will remain in the promotion of pace, in a new scenario in which world capitalism has keep an

structural crisis insurmountable as a system, where the great imperialism power is deepening in decline contin-ue their struggle for natural resource especially oil and appropriation of water, the struggle for peace in these 70 years has been the struggle for freedom, independence in serving the interest of youth.

Only unite international cooperation among members organization and other international friends of youth, will allow us to move forward in build-ing a better world, recognizing that the capitalist system is unsustainable , the Word Federation of Democratic Youth at encourage to all the people of this world in different countries fight for their right , expresses its full solidarity with all who struggle more than ever ratified its founding principles, call on all its members and friends to fight to build a better world, peace, solidarity, without ambition, where respect for the inalienable right of humans being in health, educations and free and full access to care for our environment for present and future generations, main-taining international solidarity whit young people who suffer anywhere in the world.


The Festival process that started in November of 2012 in Ecuador was embraced around the world in a series of national and interna-tional activities and led to the his-toric 18th World Festival of Youth and Students (WFYS) held in Quito Ecuador in December of 2013. The continuation of the Festival movement and the political impact and dynamics that were created are pushing forward WFDY to en-rich its activity, deepen its political goals and move with success to-wards its 19th Assembly.

For the history, it is important to underline that the 18th WFYS was the 4th Festival that took place in Latin America and the 3rd af-ter the important revival of WFYS that took place in 1997 in Cuba. This reveals the importance of the Latin American region as a place where the political environment gives space for radical and revo-lutionary progress, a space for the anti-imperialist movement to grow and push forward its goals.

In this framework, Ecuador and the anti-imperialist youth movement of the country played the crucial role of supporting and hosting the Fes-tival, thus writing their own page in the history of the international anti-imperialist youth movement.

Thousands of young men and women gathered in Quito, to dis-cuss, share and evaluate the polit-ical situation in their countries and internationally and to present their proposal for the strengthening of the anti-imperialist struggle, and for the achievement in our goals. Peace, solidarity, education, work-ing rights, environment, equality, anti-fascist struggle, health, hous-ing, children’s rights, culture and other political and social issues were discussed revealing the ex-tend of imperialist aggression and repression in every aspect of life. The common understanding of the need for joint struggle was the re-affirmed. The flag of anti-imperial-ist struggle was raised high again.

Since the Festival until now, the participants had the chance to push forward the ideals that were highlighted in Quito. The duty of each and every delegate, orga-nization and NPC is to pass on the message of the Festival, the need for unity under the common goals, the need for uncompro-mised struggle, the need to over-throw the system that plunders the youth’s dreams and rights.

In this effort of expanding the message of the Festival to the youth in every country, WFDY is will once again be the protagonist. And WFDY is its member organiza-tions. With determination and with the promising momentum that the Festival movement has created, we can spread the hope we shared in Quito throughout the World! As the final declaration of the Festival highlights, we shall continue our “...struggle to overthrow this sys-tem and construct the new world: the world of peace of solidarity and social transformation.”

From the 18th World Festival of Youth and Students to the 19th Assembly of WFDY


On the 9th of May we are completing 70 years after the An-ti-Fascist Victory of the peoples against Hitler Fascism. The 9th of May is considered as a day of memory and honour for the peoples of Europe that fought in order to stop the imperialist plans of the Nazis and Fascists that bloodshed Europe and the whole world.

This historical victory of the peoples was written with the blood of 50 millions of peo-ple. The indescribable horror of the con-centration camps, the nightmare of starva-tion, the brutality and the mass slaughters, are the crimes that we need to remem-ber when the fascist spreads its darkness above the World. The antifascist victory despite its hard price, created in humanity the hope for a peaceful future, for a future without the repetition of the inter-imperialists conflicts that will al-ways be paid by the peoples. The day after the big anti fascist victory provided the hope for the peoples of Europe for a better future and gave a new propulsion for the re-construction of the ruined Europe. It was considered as a strong indi-cation that the future belongs to the

peoples which are unite and fight. Moreover is not a coincidence that after the 2nd World War and the anti fascist victory of the peoples, a lot of national liberation movements were created in a lot of countries, where their peoples were suffering under the rule of colonialism.

After the ashes of the 2nd World War it was the time of the birth of WFDY on the 10th of November 1945, declaring the necessity of

the struggle of the youth against imperialism and fascism.

The contribution of the Soviet Union along with the Communist and Working parties of the world was decisive for the anti fascist victory. In every front the communists pio-neered in organising and conduct-ing the resistance against fascism and occupation. The role of the USSR was decisive in the outright defeat of fascism.


Despite the many difficulties and the anti Soviet attitude of the rest allied forces, USSR leaded the peoples of Europe to the great victory against fascism.

Any efforts that are made in or-der to tarnished the contribution of the Soviet Union to the crush of fascism, have been proved unfounded and distorting for the historical truth, since the more than the 25 millions of deaths of the Soviet Union will be remained as a strong testimony for the epic sacrifice of the Soviet people for freedom and democracy.

The last years we are watching an attempt from the quarters of Europe and even more from the eastern Europe, in order to equate the Hitler fascism and its crimes with Communism. In their attempt they decrease or they even delete the role of the Soviet Union during the time of the 2nd

World War, they reproduce the counterfeiting of history and with the initiatives of the EU they gar-ble the historical reality under the theory of the two extremes the far left and the far right, on the one side the Nazism and on the other side the Communism.

The contribution of the Soviet Union and the Soviet people was a big one for the anti fascist victory. But, everywhere in the whole Eu-rope the communists pioneered at the struggle and the resistance against the fascists. The attempt to equalise communism with fas-cism and Nazism is considered as an attempt of falsification of the historical truth. Off course as much as they try, history does not change.

Today however, 70 years after the great anti fascist victory of the peoples, their hopes and dreams are not vindicating.

The USA and NATO have become the world wide gendarme, impos-ing their own “new world order” which looks a lot like the one that Hitler dreamed. They are not vin-dicating when the European Union empowers the modern imperialist plans and enters in the game of redrawing the borders. They are not vindicating when in countries that have suffered because of fascisms there is reconstruction of fascists and Nazism and ultra right wing powers.

In this kind of circumstances, the road of the peoples is unambigu-ous. Having in mind the lessons of the antifascist victory, we struggle against fascism and the system that reproduce it, we empower our anti imperialist struggle of the youth. The great antifascist victory showed the path: “Future belongs to the People”

Contribution of EDON - Cyprus


Ukraine: Civil war must be stopped!

As a result of coup d’etat in February 2014 power in Ukraine passed into the hands of the bourgeois-nationalist and openly fascist forces. Of course, such a violent change of power, coupled with the fascist domestic policies caused civil strife, which later grew into a bloody war. A war that takes the lives of the civilian population, including the elderly, women and children. This war has already led to a humanitarian catastrophe in the Donbass region. Death toll had reached thousands, tens of thousands have been wounded, more than a million have been forced to become refugees. Schools, hospitals and kinder-gartens, much of the civilian infrastructure - were destroyed by the shelling of Ukrainian artillery.

The ruling regime, representing the interests of big business and enjoying financial and political support from the US, EU and NATO, is leading to social genocide of the Ukrainian people. Fulfilling the conditions of the US, the EU and the IMF for provision of financial assistance, the current government of Ukraine took the unprecedented reduction in social security, pensions and other benefits, which further aggravated the position of ordinary citizens of Ukraine.

Strict censorship of the media established by the ruling regime in Ukraine restricted public access to objective information. Government agencies at various levels have become distributors of outright lies and misinformation.The Communist Party of Ukraine strongly condemns the actions of big capital, which seized power in the country, and never ceases to demand an immediate end to the civil war. Because of this firm and principled position the Communist Party of Ukraine is being persecuted and repressed. Together with the Communists under the roller of repression got WFDY member organization - Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine (LCYUU).

Kiev regime has taken a number of attacks against LCYUU, including attempts to disarrange the organization’s leadership. In fact, the activity of LCYUU is now outlawed - LCYUU activists are attacked and beaten by fascist thugs while the police don’t prevent such executions. Moreover, to date, on trumped-up charges more than a dozen of activists of LCYUU are contained behind bars. Unfortunately, Ukraine has opened a sad account of the killed Komsomol activists - in May 2014 LCYUU member Vadim Papura was burned alive by the Nazis in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa.

The government is doing everything possible to suppress the will of the people, to ban communist ideology as such. These are the constant attributes of fascist and dictatorial regimes.

The current escalation of violence in the Donbass region is a direct result of the reluctance of the Kiev regime to fulfill the ceasefire agreement. On the contrary, a truce was used Kiev to mobilize reserves and capacity of heavy weapons in the region. Official Kiev shows willingness to go to peace talks with anyone, but not with the representatives of their own regions, who are disaffected by the conducted fascist policies.

We call upon all progressive youth of the world to help and support the communist youth and the working people of Ukraine in their struggle against fascism and oligarchy, against the Kiev regime that not only does nothing to stop the fratricidal war, but doesn’t even comply with the relevant international agreements.

We are convinced that only joint efforts of all the progressive forces can put an end to the horrors of the war unleashed by the imperialist powers in the territory of Ukraine.

Contribution of the Leninist Communist Youth Union of the Russian Federation


We all followed the movements in the Arab World with enthusiasm, witness-ing the people rising from their silence, waiting for change, as if the change can rise without the will of the involved to act. This does not mean that these movements didn’t include radical ele-ments in them, but the rely without the act of interference with the political line of change from the parties or without forming the ground for this change is the missing element. Moreover, these movements present several indices.

First is the will of people to break their chain of oppression and exploitation, even though they don’t have a clear idea of what is coming next, but the true needs are seen clearly within the whole image and the details of the movement. Secondly is their will also to be present in the political life of their surrounding, taking into con-sideration the political marginalization and oppression they suffered during several decades. The third index is the attachment of peoples with their identity, seen obviously in the influence from one place to another, and in the slogans they raised. The fourth index is that the authorized parties to carry peoples’ worries, were merely present without holding the way to carry peo-ples into the change.

Thus the will and need for these parties to the one holding the flag of change with concrete analysis and program depending on their nature and ideol-ogy.

No one can say that the movements in Middle East and North Africa didn’t have an important political element. Howev-er, these movements needed and still need their leadership, here comes the work of the leftist, progressive , and communist movement in these countries to form a patriotic liberation movement, with all the affected powers in the country, that can make a wide front speaking on behalf of the major-ity of peoples, in their needs, worries, and demands. We have the example of Tunisia in forming a patriotic front, and

the example of parties and movements that also formed a popular front in Syr-ia on the political alternative, but these forces can’t survive isolated from the movement in the neighboring countries and specially in the Arabic ones, due to the various common causes starting from their social identity to the political goal.

Thus the alternative in the Arab world needs to be first formed by the in-volved parties that are the leftist, pro-gressive, and communist movements, initiating from the true analysis of the system, how it is build, why it should be changed, and to what should be changed. And because the suffering of the peoples of the Arab world is very high, the goals can be high also, since the marginalization and oppression touches all life aspects.

This is not a process of a short period, as well as not an isolated one, the es-sentiality of this front and the interac-tion among the Arab world in connec-tion to the international movement can be a pressuring element. But this ele-ment as it has always been is important for any growing movement worldwide, how come in an area having most of the political debates in.

It is not new on the international arena for the Arab World to be present as a critical element; this was since before

the occupation of Palestine, and the intervention and oppression against the Arab liberation movements. And of course because of the nature of impe-rialism and to what level it can act, all of the leftist, progressive, and communist movements in the world, in the World Federation of Democratic Youth or not, must start being present as an alterna-tive nationally and internationally, tak-ing the advantage of the revolutionary ideology, and the presence of interna-tional organizations.

Towards a free, equal and progressing society. Towards the value of man. Towards saving the future of humanity we shall stand and act.

The alternative in the Arab world


By the time that the crisis of the cap-ital system began, the progressive left movements and parties in Europe expressed their concerns on the way that the ruling class will try to over-come the crisis. A lot of peoples of Europe year after year, day after day were facing the brutal austerity mea-sures of the IMF, the IB and the Euro-pean Union. In the whole process of the measures and the memorandums, the major supporters were a lot of governments that their political line was the fully support of the whole pro-cess and on the same time to succumb in order to serve the interests of the capitalists.

What is obvious by the passing of the time is that the brutal austerity mea-sures made the peoples of Europe suffering, especially the youth and the working class. A lot of the acquired rights of the working class have been corrupted and violated in a “civilised” way. The truth is that their civilisation created even more homeless people, even more poverty, even more star-vation, even more unemployment. And this is neither an exaggeration nor a false conclusion;

it is the true picture of what is hap-pening in Europe if we even have a look at the evaluations of the Europe-an Commission.

A very good example is the unemploy-ment especially of the young people where over 5 million young people (under 25) were unemployed in EU in July 2014. More than one in five young Europeans are unemployed. And if we consider two countries that are under a memorandum the ratio is different, for example in Greece and Spain it is one in two. As for education and younger ages, 7.5 million young Euro-peans between the ages of 15 - 24

are not in education and not even in training.

There is a creation of a gap between the European countries that are under a memorandum or went through a memorandum, and the rest according to the unemployment rates. A good comparison is Germany that is not un-der a memorandum, and on the oth-er side Spain, Greece, Portugal and Cyprus, but for sure without meaning that everything goes well for the work-ing class, for the youth, for the people of Germany.

In July 2014 the youth unemployment rate in Germany was 7.8%, and in Spain 53.8%, in Greece 53.1%, in Portugal 35.5% and Cyprus 35.1%. For some countries now it might be even higher.

Apart from the increase of unemploy-ment, the working class is deeply af-fected due to the aggressiveness of the system, due to the approach of a lot of governments, due to the neces-sity of the capitalists to secure their profits whatever the procedure will be. Therefore the peoples of Europe are sacrificed in the attempt of the ruling class to keep the capital system alive.

Another fact that is getting usual for the young generation is mobilization. The young peoples of Cyprus, Greece, Spain and Portugal and not only, are choosing to leave their countries and mobilize abroad to seek for jobs and seek for a better life leaving behind their families and friends, leaving be-hind them the future of their countries.

Further the collective agreements between the workers and their em-ployers is a past, the security of the workers does not exist anymore, and

Member organisations of WFDY in the front line against austerity in Europe


the minimum wage limit decreased rapidly in a lot of countries of Europe. The minimum wage that is imposed by law in Greece is €585.78, in Portu-gal €589.17, and in Spain €752.90. Privatizations of public companies is also a a procedure under the mea-sures, and therefore public education and health are tending to become absolutely private and people will not be able to enjoy their basic rights like the right to education and the right to health.

However, after 70 years of life and action WFDY feels proud of its mem-ber organizations. WFDY always called and will continue calling its member organizations to struggle against austerity, and also to lead the youth through the path that will create the resistance against the brutal austerity measures. There are a lot of exam-ples of the member organizations of WFDY that are standing next to the students, next to the youth, next to the trade unions to defend and se-cure the rights of the youth and the working class. The member organiza-tions of WFDY are the ones that are

leading the struggles, are the ones standing next to the trade Unions in every strike, in every demonstration.

The peoples of Europe are called to decide a side, are called to decide a process. On the one side is the rul-ing class with the political powers that are aiming to serve and maintain the system, and on the other side is the working class with all the progressive voices and powers that are aiming for social justice, for a world of peace, for a world without human exploitation.


In our race to survive obstacles rise from everywhere reminding us that life, in every second is worth to live and fight, since in a second your whole hopes and wills can vanish by a press of a command from ownership.

During the end of World War II, a nu-clear bomb was launched by the United States of America to cause the death and suffering of thousands of peoples to Japan, and further the side effects of this bombing were spread in the area for a long time period. Back then, only one imperialist power, the United states of America, possesses a nuclear bomb, while today this bomb is possessed by several powers, imperialist and not.

After 70 years, the World Federation of Democratic Youth, together with its member organizations, are highlighting this memory, to state firstly the danger that comes out by the usage of this kind of weapons, and secondly the necessi-ty of the world to abolish the nuclear weapons.

Owning this kind of weapon is not only a threat to mankind in the form we know, that places the owner in a balckmail-ing position against other countries at any moment. But also is the unfair posses-sion of highly developed weapons that may end life in a second, finishing the hopes, will, and fights of peoples.This year WFDY is calling again for peace, where people are able to devel-op and use their scientific capabilities without any threat of destruction. This call comes in the manner of preserva-tion of humankind against wars and death which are made for one only reason, for ownership of the few on the ruins of the many.

It’s enough to see some of the effects and the results of the nuclear bomb-ing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to un-derstand the cause of such weapons. Moreover this bombing was 70 years ago, and after the time passed and the development of technology the nuclear weapons may cause even bigger and wider damages.

• 130,000 to 210,000 were dead in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bomb.

• 12 km2 of the city was destroyed.

• 69% of the buildings were destroyed.

• Half of the death occurred in the first day, while the other half occurred in the next few months by the affect of burns, radiation sickness, and other injuries, compound by illness and malnutrition.

• Until 2014, 192,719 hibakusha (ex-plosions affected people) were recog-nized by the Japanese government.

• Increased birth defects or congenital malformations were found among the later conceived children born to survi-vors of the bomb.

• 17-20 years after the bombing had occurred survivors still show higher prevalence of anxiety and somatization symptoms.

70 Years after the Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki


During 2014, the Venezuelan people fell victim of an escalated violence promot-ed by the extreme right wing servicing imperialism. In May, when the fascist offensive caused a toll of of 43 dead and more than 800 wounded, the gen-eral council of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) approved an “international Solidarity Campaign with the Bolivarian Revolution”.

At the end of the year, and before the return of the imperialist intervention in Venezuela, WFDY has agreed to an international solidarity mission; 45 del-egates from 27 countries gathered in Caracas from the 20th till the 28th of February; among which, the cc of WFDY and the members of the executive com-mittee of the World Peace Council and the Continental Organization of Latin America and the Caribbean Students.

Realizing closely the reality of the Ven-ezuelan process, the elements of the offensive unleashed by imperialism and fascism; recognizing the achievements of the Venezuelan People in the last 16 years and transmitting the warm sup-port of the people and the youth of the world through international solidarity; those were the main objectives of this youth initiative.

Moreover, a look onto the popular, stu-dents and sportive movement related their experience to the organization and struggle to open a path for the con-struction of the Power of the People and the conquest of important rights for the youth from popular sectors. The youth of the National Orchestras and Choirs System of Youth and Children delighted with their music and highlighted one of

the main projects of the mass culture that drives the Bolivarian Revolution.

It is significant to especially mention the conversation directed with the commit-tee of relatives of the victims of the fascist offensive. The delegates learned details of the assassinations executed between February and April 2014 by groups of thugs and snipers funded by extreme right-wing organizations.

The National Assembly of Venezuela approved an “Agreement of salutation to the international Mission of Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution”; further-more, a document published in Gaceta Oficial recozgnized the historical role of WFDY in the youth struggles of the world youth and pledged its commitment to support the momentum of WFDY’s 70th anniversary international campaign.

This significant journey ended with a trip tho the Orient of the country for the meeting with the President Nicolás Maduro.

This first major activity of WFDY in 2015 was favorable to recall its seven de-cades of struggles through a photogra-phy exhibition that highlighted significant moments since its founding in 1945.

Moreover, an international seminar was held titled “Youth united against the im-perialist war and fascism” to address the challenges of the revolutionary youth movement along with a Anti-impe-rialist Court to expose and condemn the plans of imperialism against the peoples of the world.

The delegates returned to their coun-tries with a clear objective of proceed-ing the international solidarity campaign adopted by WFDY, and to counteract the imperialist assault that aims to liquidate the process of change in Venezuela and stop the advance of the progressive forces in the continent.

Contribution of JCV (Youth Communist League of Venezuela)

Solidarity Mission of WFDY with the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela


The Commission of Europe and North America of WFDY organized a week of action for the International Students Day. The member organizations of CENA were asked to make events and actions for the whole week of the 17th of November in order to honour the international day of students. Actions like seminars and demonstrations were organised in a lot of countries of CENA, sending the message that the progres-sive youth and students will continue fighting and always remembering the sacrifices of students in Prague in 1939 and in Athens in 1973. “Declaration of the Commis-sion of Europe and North America of WFDY...on the International Stu-dent Day”

“17th of November, is a day which sig-nificant the constant struggle of the student movement all over the world for democracy, freedom and social justice. It reminds to us the resistance of Students in Prague against Fascism in 1939 as well as the heroic sacrifice of students during the anti-imperialist popular uprising of Polytechnic in Ath-ens 1973.

The International Student’s Day, is cel-ebrated in honor of the students who were victims of the Nazis in Czechoslo-vakia when on November 17, 1939, the occupying armies invaded in the dormi-tory of the University of Prague killing 9 students while other 1200 students were sent to the fascist concentration camps.

It’s been 75 years since the sacrifice of students in Prague and 41 years since the heroic sacrifice of the students of the Athens Polytechnic University. The heroic struggle of students for free-dom, democracy and social justice as well as the fight against fascism and imperialism, remain extremely topical in our days.

Member organizations of CENA, note that:• Today, the global student movement achievements are under attack by the ruling policies which promote the sell-off of the public and free education. Students all around the world are fac-ing an institutionalized attack to the right of Education

• What was considered a right to Edu-cation has become a privilege for some, while at the same time class barriers are put in every aspect of the Educa-tional structure. At the same time the field of Education is considered to be a profitable market for the monopolies, therefore it becomes a product.

• The context of the offered education is directed in the creation of cheap labor force, in the preservation of the system, the derogation of revolutionary ideas and full of anticommunism and distortion of the historical truth. European Union together with USA are in the frontline of this direction and their aggressiveness is followed by countries all around the World.

• The connection of the education to the needs of capital is enforced by the im-plementation of policies which promote the demolition of the higher education. Such a policy is the implementation of the Bologna Process carried by the EU.

Taking into consideration all the above, the youth organizations of the Commis-sion of Europe and North America of WFDY, declare that:

• The youth will not become a bystand-er as the monopolies deprive them from their rights and throw them into misery, preparing them for unemployment and as cheap labor force.

• We will not stand the fact that Edu-cation becomes a product for sale. We will resist the antiscientific and undem-ocratic methods of teaching that result in the distortion of history and the re-production of the system itself, but also of fascist and anti-communist ideals.

• Our goals for Free, Public and Demo-cratic Education for all, go hand in hand with our struggle for peace, solidarity and the overthrown of imperialism. It is the system that gives birth to exploita-tion, but it is the youth that through its struggle will achieve the permanent and universal conquest of their rights.

In this framework, the Commission of Europe and North America of the World Federation of Democratic Youth decide to launch the “Week of Action on the Students Struggles”. We have chosen the 17th of November, the Internation-al Students Day, as the starting point of this activity.”

November 17th 2014

17th of November the International Students Day



It is three years since the Korean peo-ple had the greatest national loss of the demise of Chairman Kim Jong Il. Never-theless, their respect for the Chairman has not diminished in the least, but rather has grown still intenser. This is evident from the fact that the Korean people have carried the cause of im-mortalizing the Chairman to culmina-tion while steadily inheriting his idea and work.

In the past three years the Korean peo-ple have completely realized the cause of immortalizing the Chairman, yearn-ing for him and firmly believing that he will always be with them. They laid the Chairman in state in the Kumsusan Memorial Palace where President Kim Il Sung lies in state, renamed the memo-rial palace the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun and arranged the palace as the sa-cred shrine of Juche. They erected the bronze statues of the President and the Chairman on Mansu Hill, followed by the erection of the bronze statues of the Chairman at Kim Il Sung University and other places. The towers dedicated to the immortality of the President and the Chairman and the mosaic murals depicting the beaming images of the President and the Chairman were put up at many places. They designated the Chairman’s birthday the Day of the Shining Star and held colourful celebra-tions in honour of his birthday every year. This was an expression of the Korean people’s boundless admiration for the Chairman who had performed immortal feats for the motherland and the people, and a manifestation of their firm will to safeguard and glorify his revolutionary exploits.

The Korean people have dynamically advanced along the road of indepen-dence, Songun and socialism during the three years as wished by the Chairman, rising up with strength and vigour from

the sorrow of losing the Chairman. The 4th Conference of the Work-ers’ Party of Korea and the 5th Session of the 12th Supreme People’s Assembly in April 2012 adopted a decision to designate Kim Jong Il as the eternal General Sec-retary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the eternal Chairman of the Na-tional Defence Commission of the Dem-ocratic People’s Republic of Korea. This was an expression of the unshakable will of the Korean people to inherit the ideas and lines of the Chairman without any deviation in the future.

Actually, Kim Jong Il’s unique Songun revolutionary leadership has been carried forward invariably over the past three years. As a result, national defence capability has augmented re-markably, the security of socialist Korea and peace in Northeast Asia have been guarded firmly, and the soldier-builders of the People’s Army have grown into the main force making breakthrough on the socialist construction sites. All the modern structures built fast and superbly including the Korean Peo-ple’s Army January 8 Fishing Station, Masikryong Ski Resort, Munsu Water Park, Songdowon International Chil-dren’s Camp, Unha Scientists Street and Wisong Scientists Dwelling District are associated with the selfless work of the soldier-builders of the KPA. Meanwhile, the Korean people have focused their efforts on the construction of the econ-omy and improvement of the people’s living standards to hasten the build-ing of a thriving socialist nation which was the wish of the Chairman. In this course, they successfully launched the man-made satellite Kwangmyongsong 3-2 and newly built modern factories and enterprises such as the Chonji Lu-

bricant Factory, a complex of scientific research and production, or renovated the existing factories. Moreover, they have vigorously carried on the nation-al reunification movement, true to the idea “By our nation itself” elucidated by the Chairman.

All the remarkable changes that have taken place in these three years in Ko-rea are inconceivable apart from the wise leadership of the national leader Kim Jong Un and the Korean people’s high fidelity to his leadership and also from their devoted efforts. In Decem-ber 2011 when the Korean people were overwhelmed with grief at the loss of the Chairman, the world pub-lic expressed their deep condolence to them, but they little knew such as-tonishing changes would take place in Korea in the future. Despite the unex-pected passing of the leader, Korea remained unperturbed without any political upheaval or change. Rather, the respect of the people for their late leader grew still higher, and they closely banded together round Kim Jong Un, the heir to the ideology and cause of the Chairman.

The Korean people are now firmly con-vinced that the Chairman’s ideology and cause will be faithfully carried forward.

Contribution of Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League

Three Years of Immortality and Inheritance


The people of Cuba always had in mind the words of the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro when he was refer-ring to the five Cuban Heroes impris-oned in the US for fighting terrorism. Commander Fidel Castro used to say “They will return”, and now they are already at home.

In September of 1998, five Cubans were arrested in Miami by FBI agents and kept in isolation for 17 months be-fore their case was taken to the court. Their mission in the United States was to monitor the activities of groups and organizations responsible for terrorist activities against Cuba.

Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañi-no, Fernando González, Antonio Guer-rero and René Gonzalez were accused of the vague crime of conspiracy to commit espionage.

The US government never accused them of actual espionage, nor af-firmed that real espionage had oc-curred since they did not found any classified document on them.

The trial lasted over six months, the longest in the US so far. After being found guilty, the Five were sentenced to a sum of four life sentences plus 77 years imprisonment in five different maximum security prisons, completely separated from each other and with-out communication between them.

After a long battle, on December 17 of 2014, on a day that will be his-torical for the people of Cubae, they sat around their televisions to receive important news. The Cuban president Raúl Castro announced the resto-ration of diplomatic relations between the Cuba and US and the return of the three anti-terrorist heroes remaining in American prisons.The role of international solidarity was very important. Many organizations, institutions, personalities and frater-nal peoples, including governments, sought for justice for René, Fernando, Antonio, Ramón and Gerardo, the last three finally in their beloved Cuba.

On hearing the news of the release of the Cuban antiterrorist fighters impris-oned in the United States, the excite-ment could not be contained, many of them cried. The workers, the leaders, the religious, the students, the com-batants, the peasants, the cooperatist, the self-employed, the artists and the journalists, melted into a huge hug, since each one from their homeland, from his battle station, along with the rest of people played their role for the return of those fighters.

It was a reflection of the overwhelming joy that at this time, and in the future, will mark on every child, young, men, women and elderly, in those millions of Cubans who for over three decades battled in squares, parks, meetings , media, letters, and every possible stand with the relatives of the Five for such a noble cause.

We express our total confidence in the highest authorities of the Revolution to start a dialogue with mutual respect with the Obama administration.

Cuban 5... Volvieron


2015 is for the Angolan People the year of such importance due to the fact that the Country celebrates its 40 years of Independence. From 11th November 1975 To 11th November 2015, the Angolan People has lived outstanding moments such as the South african invasion(apartheid), economical and financial crisis periods, the problematic 90 decade marked with the change and opening to the multipartyism as long as the 1st free elections around the coun-try won by the MPLA Party(also winner of the 2008 and 2012 elections), the civil war which has destroyed entirily the Country, the hard negotial process to get the definitive peace achieved on 4th April 2002 boosted by the Lu-ena Memorandum signning under the leadership of Comrade Jose Eduardo dos Santos - President of the Republic of Angola and Commander in Chief of the Angolan Armed Forces Who though winning the war but with an high mag-nanimity feeling has forgiven all those Who have made war through an am-nisty law avoiding new situations.

During these 40 years of Indepen-dence, Angola was always seen as a rich Country not only by its natural resources but in terms of fauna and

flora and its People as well, Angola is located in the middle of the African Continent dividing it between the center and southern regions, This Country has always seen its sons engaged in the defence of the values which comprises a free, fair, pacific and democratic soci-ety. The majority of the Angolan People is young, so, the youngs of the JMPLA have been assuming a remarkable role in every periods and moments of the Country. It was the youth of the JMPLA Who under a clear process of organi-sation and mobilisation have defended the Nation colours in big battles such as the Kwito Kwanavale one through the south african invasion(apartheid), it was the youngs of the JMPLA Who have always appealed for the spirit of peace transmitting in the positive way the messages and toughts from the elders and these youngs are today the motor power for the development of Angola

In 2015 Angola complete and cele-brates 13 years of peace and 40 years of Independence, so, the Country has given a quantitative and qualitative jump in working to forget fastly the hor-rors of the fratricide war, which nobody dreams to see it again in our homeland;

therefore, His Excellence Comrade President José Eduardo dos Santos in a very hard moment of the Coun-try he has achieved to guarantee the economical and financial support from the Peoples Republic of China, and with this aid Angola has been rebuilt entirily with new hospitals, roads, Universities, cities, schools, basic cleaning network, agricultural fields totally demined and so far, which allow us to have today a new Angola known also as Young Ango-la which opens itself to the world and shows its power in the United Nations Security Council as well as in the Portu-guese official Language Countries com-munity(CPLP), southern africa devel-opment community(SADC), Guinea Gulf International Conference and in other international forums showing that with Peace and National Unity is possible to reach the Development.

Long live AngolaLong live the 11th November Long live the 40 years of Independence Long live the 4th AprilLong live the 13 years of peaceLong live the Peace and the National Unity



The African continent has been living under the yoke of western colonialism for several centuries and until the end of the Second World War when it began its end by the emergence of a wave of nationalist feeling of a purely African origin. Those peoples were aware that their Africa must be free, and indeed it was. Gradually, and after so much ex-ploitation, pillaging and racial segrega-tion, the black continent was shedding the remains of the metropolis.

However, there was an African country that did not suffer the same fate and was not benefited of that decolonization cascade and its subsequent indepen-dences. That was the case of Western Sahara that had been a Spanish colony for around a century (1884-1975), and that, according the United Nations, still being the last African colony.

Western Sahara, known as the Spanish Sahara until 1975, is an immense terri-tory located in the North of Africa that, after the shameful withdrawal of Spain, was military occupied by the Kingdom of Morocco, with the consent of the Euro-pean metropolis that remained the de facto administering power.

Since then, thousands of Sahrawi were forced to flee leaving their homes to shelter later in a territory granted by Al-geria. Unfortunately, many other Sahrawi were trapped under the invasion of the Moroccan army. Now, 40 years later, and well into the 21st century, they still living in an open prison deprived of their most basic rights.

Regarding those who fled, in their way to Algeria they were subjected to con-tinuous bombings of Napalm and white phosphorous – internationally prohibit-ed weapons. Nowadays they are living almost exclusively from humanitarian aid provided by international organizations. Today, nearly 120,000 souls are facing subhuman conditions, enduring sand storms, temperatures up to 50°C and the evident injustices of the internation-al community.

That international community confirms year after year the legitimate right of the Sahrawi people to return to their land, but it is unable to implement it and to make Morocco, that is occupying West-ern Sahara, accept the resolutions ad-opted by the United Nations.

The population of the last colony is just asking for justice and freedom. Nobody in their right mind would wish to live in a foreign land but in their own land, the land of their ancestors and only under the condition of being free. The Sahrawi people are just demanding for the ap-plication of the international law, what means the right to self-determination and independence. Their weapons: the peace and the dialogue, two concepts opposed to the language that prevail in the region: terrorism, radicalism and violence.

Only with a free Sahara, Africa will be free.Contribution of Sahrawi Youth Union of Saguia El Hamra and Río de Oro (UJSA-RIO)

Western Sahara: The last colony of Africa

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