worldwide cultures

Post on 19-Mar-2016






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In this work you can lear abour different culturs in the world




WORLDWIDE CULTURES Work, family,spare time, main religions, politics

BY Jesica García

Katherine Contreras Paola Lara

Celeste Morales Mónica Recinos

I N S T I T U T O G U A T E M A L T E C O A M E R I C A N O – I G A -


Table of Contents

Important Information ............... 3

Comparative Chart ................. 16

Summary of each subtopic ... 22

Ehical Problem ......................... 26




Guatemala Work:

The work in Guatemala has been for a lot years a very important topic that

each person takes with careful. The work has differences in each place of

work because not all people have the same rules in their company. This

dependable of that the workers, in accordance with the time, greatest

businessman has been reach his laborer status, and when we talk about

that, we refer to that they has been building their companies.

In some companies have severe rules, for this reason is necessary that you

know that whoever place where you go have to accept the rules and also

this have different ways of work, for example some persons have to work

the weekends, others work of Monday to Friday or simply the people work

more than others, 24/7.


Is the fundamental base of the society. The family in Guatemala is

considered like as the most important because, is with them that we pass

the majority of the time. Here in Guatemala, each family have their

customs, since a lot years the families in Guatemala have been increased,

before the town Mayan had a lot children, sometimes more than ten and it

was the normal for them but nowadays the citizens or the family decide to

have only two or maximum three children. The family is the first school that

we receive like a human person; also the family is the first that teach us the

ethics values. The family has been increased in a lot of aspects like the

education, the economy, the security and the most important the religious.


Spare Time:

The spare time is that we have less, this means that, the Guatemalans

spend their time in work, because like a good Chapin, we have will strong

or wish to follow our dreams. The spare time that we have is when any

festive day, the vacations, the Holly Week or vacations of the work. Our

spare time we consider sacred and valuable for the different ways that

the Guatemalans work everyday. Some people, decide to go in their

vacations, to the beach, travel around the world, visit their parents, visit a

sacred place like Esquipulas, or leave in their home taking a rest or doing

activities that most like.

Main Religious

The main religious here in Guatemala is the Catholicism and Christianity,

but the most predominant is the Catholicism because Guatemala is a

place that has a lot culture in different places of the country. This depend

that the education and the values that they give to their family. Some

persons prefer to go to a place to visit the sacred images, like Esquipulas,

Antigua Guatemala that have a lot temples. Each person decides about

religious that they want to follow in a future and nobody can to change

this. Is decision yours which religious want and why you choose it. The

characteristics are different to the other religious but should respect them.


Takes place in a framework of a presidential representative democratic

republic, whereby the President of Guatemala is both head of state and

head of government, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is

exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the

government and the Congress of the Republic. The judiciary is

independent of the executive and the legislature.



Christianity was first introduced to China during the Tang Dynasty,

with the arrival of Nestorian Christianity in 635 AD. Of China's minority

religions, Christianity is now one of the fastest-growing. The total

number of Christians is difficult to determine, as many belong to

unauthorized house churches, but estimates of their number have

ranged from 40 million (3% of the total population) to 54 million (4%)

to as many as 130 million (10%). Official government statistics put the

number of Christians at 25 million, including 10 million Catholics, but

these count only members of officially sanctioned church bodies.

China is believed to now have the world's second-largest

evangelical Christian population – behind the United States – and is

also experiencing a surge in mainstream Christian publishing. In

2011, it was reported that more people attended Sunday church

services in China than in all of Europe combined.

The Masjid and Islamic Centre in Kowloon.

Islam in China dates to a mission in 651; over the following centuries,

Muslim traders and scholars became prominent in China.Accurate

statistics on China's current Muslim population are hard to find; most

estimates give a figure of between 20 and 30 million Muslims (1.5%

to 2% of the total population).

China also has numerous minority religions, including Hinduism,

Dongbaism, Bön, and a number of more modern religions and

sects, such as Xiantianism. In July 1999, the Falun Gong spiritual

practice was officially banned by the authorities, and many

international organizations have criticized the government's recent

treatment of Falun Gong. There are no reliable estimates of the

number of Falun Gong practitioners in China, although informal

estimates have given figures as high as 70 million.



The People's Republic of China, along with Vietnam, Laos, and

Cuba, is one of the world's four remaining official socialist states

espousing communism. However, in practice, China's political

structure cannot be characterized so simply. The Chinese

government has been variously described as communist and

socialist, but also as authoritarian, with heavy restrictions remaining

in many areas, most notably on the Internet, the press, freedom of

assembly, reproductive rights, and freedom of religion. Its current

political/economic system has been termed by its leaders as

"socialism with Chinese characteristics".

The country is ruled by the Communist Party of China (CPC), whose

power is enshrined in China's constitution.The Chinese electoral

system is hierarchical, whereby local People's Congresses are

directly elected, and all higher levels of People's Congresses up to

the National People's Congress (NPC) are indirectly elected by the

People's Congress of the level immediately below. The political

system is partly decentralized,with limited democratic processes

internal to the party and at local village levels, although these

experiments have been marred by corruption. There are other

political parties in China, referred to in China as democratic parties,

which participate in the National People's Congress and the

Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).


People in China have free time on weekends and take the

opportunity to do many things-in the area I currently live many

people do out to eat together. Also spending time as a family

outside is popular-whether at a park or near the mall. Playing

Majong as well as card games is popular. Karaoke is also popular for




Chinese people work just like the rest of the world, with all kinds of

jobs. They get paid less than in the west because it's still developing,

but then again it costs less to pay for things like housing and clothes



The institution of family is the pinnacle of society. This is a fact that

has long been realized by the Chinese who hold the family bonds as

sacred and honor them accordingly. The traditional Chinese family

has a hierarchical order with the man as the head of the family

tagged with the responsibility for earning the bread of his family. This

responsibility also endows him with complete authority and the final

say in the affairs of the family.

The roles adopted by the members of the family in Chinese society

have been greatly influenced by religion. Social order and

communal behavior was learnt by the Chinese through the

philosophy of Confucianism. The influence of religion on the family

structure spanned from choosing a mate to dealing with your


The changing family values

With the passage of time however Chinese family values have

undergone many changes. There are some aspects of the Chinese

culture that are still the same. For instance the father is still the

maintainer, provider and protector of the family. He may still have a

final say in the important matters concerning his children but no

longer does the man of the house enjoy absolute control over his

family members. The children of today’s Chinese family are more or

less free to choose the career they want to pursue but are required

to consult their elders for advice.

When it comes to marriage we find the Chinese to have an

elaborate wedding celebration culture. The wedding events

include many ritualistic practices. Although they have been toned

down over the years they have been retained to a certain degree

because they are meant to honor the institution of family.




You can always find employment working in Cuba-based offices of

foreign companies or agencies. However, as most of these are joint

ventures together with Cuban companies, Cuban applicants are

usually treated preferentially.

Within the tourist industry, expats interested in working in Cuba may

find employment as tour operators or representatives. You can,

however, not expat to be hired as a barman, entertainer, or cleaning

staff. These types of jobs are reserved for Cubans. Many expats with

plans on working in Cuba also find work as freelance writers,

photographers, or journalists. However, keep in mind that you need a

special work permit for this.

All in all, it is rather difficult for expats who dream of working in Cuba

to find employment. Almost all jobs are distributed by the state.

Securing a work permit, the prerequisite for working in Cuba, is

definitely not easy as Cuban citizens are treated preferentially. For

more information on work permits, have a look at our article on

moving to Cuba.



The predominant religion is Roman Catholic Christianity, but also

tolerated different Protestant denominations such as the

Evangelical Adventists, Jehovah's witnesses, Methodists,

Presbyterians, etc. At the same time Santeria, or rule of ocha, has

been established as a recognized religion. After the appointment of

a cardinal (Jaime Ortega) and the visit of the Pope Juan Pablo II,

there has been an opening of the media, was declared a holiday

on December 25 and processions have been authorized during the

Easter and the feast of the Virgen de la Caridad de el Cobre on

September 8.


Cuba's political system has been, since the triumph of the Cuban

Revolution (1959), a popular democracy is a typical socialist State,

with a socialization (nationalization and sometimes cooperative) of

the means of production. For nearly fifty years, Cuba was led by

Fidel Castro, first as Prime Minister (1959) and later as President of the

State Council, the highest executive organ, and the Council of

Ministers (1976), currently under the command of his brother Raúl

Castro. The current Constitution of Cuba, renovated in 2002, States

that Cuba is a Socialist state of irrevocably, preventing any

modification of the socio-economic regime.



The Cuban family does not resemble any need to be unique as its

members, original and surreal at times. You don't have to be a functional

family dysfunctional also abounds on the island and not running so badly.

In our society the foundations rest on the shoulders of the family, is the nest

of rest or troubles, according to the interpersonal relationships that prevail.

Economic conditions and scarce housing fund joined the concentration

of the population in the cities and it is common to find households

composed of MOM, dad and baby, which is also home to Grandma,

Grandpa, uncle, aunt, cousin and to an old man who already nobody

remembers what the exact degree of consanguinity but everyone knows

that it is the family.

Often extends to the district, the House of aside, friends and it is also

normal to find brothers who are not brothers, uncles who are uncles,

parents who are not parents, but all family for the simple reason that

someone decided to make them part of your life. The Cuban family

sometimes is divided by the sea or dreams, yet is one, the Cuban family is

not chosen, but you know in advance that never to abandon, wherever

you are, you're what you're, think alike or not.

Spare Time:

In Cuba there aren't many places where you can spend your free time, since there are no cinemas, no cafes, or only internet cafes there are libraries or parks, or which you can spend hours chatting but you cannot talk about legal problems, since if you do it will be punishable by law.

Spare time in Cuba is to get into bed and take a NAP and get to dream, because otherwise you cannot.


United States of

America Work

Work in the United States can be legally played not only by citizens, but also by

foreigners who are legal permanent residents. And for those who are holders of

temporary visas, work or work permits. There are several options to get the coveted

green card, visas and work permits. Citizens can play work in any job for which

meet the necessary qualifications. Enjoy citizenship to all persons born in the United

States and the naturalized after five years as legal permanent residents, or three in

the case of spouses of Americans.


Belonging to a family is one bond almost everyone in the world shares, but family

patterns varies from country to country. The United States has many different types

of families, but the traditional structure of the American family -- mother, father

and children -- continues to prevail for the most part as a new century unfolds. Yet,

over the past several decades, US society has witnessed an evolution in family

structure and daily life in many respects, because of myriad factors, running the

gamut from advancements in science to the composition of the workplace. Single

parenthood, adoptive households, step-parenting, stay-at-home fathers,

grandparents raising children are but a few of the newer tiles in the mosaic.


Religion in the United States is characterized by a diversity of religious beliefs and

practices. Various religious faiths have flourished, as well as perished, in the United

States. Religions that span the country's multicultural immigrant heritage, as well as

those founded within the country, have led the United States to become one of

the most religiously diverse countries in the world. A majority of Americans report


that religion plays a "very important" role in their lives, a proportion unique among

developed nations.

The majority of Americans (73-76%) identify themselves as Christians and

about 15-20% have no religious affiliation.


The United States is a federal constitutional republic, in which the President

of the United States (the head of state and head of government),

Congress, and judiciary share powers reserved to the national government,

and the federal government shares sovereignty with the state governments.

The executive branch is headed by the President and is independent of the

legislature. Legislative power is vested in the two chambers of Congress, the

Senate and the House of Representatives. The judiciary's function is to

interpret the United States Constitution and federal laws and regulations.

This includes resolving disputes between the executive and legislative

branches. The federal government's layout is explained in the Constitution.

Two political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, have

dominated American politics since the American Civil War, although smaller

parties like the Libertarian Party also exist and achieve minor amounts of


There are major differences between the political system of the United

States and that of most other developed democracies. These include

greater power in the upper house of the legislature, a wider scope of power

held by the Supreme Court, the separation of powers between the

legislature and the executive, and the dominance of only two main parties.

Third parties have less political influence in the United States than in other

developed country democracies.


Spare Time:

Whether you want to glide around on inlines, go skateboarding or play

street basketball you will soon find like-minded American youths. The

asphalt is made for inlines and skating, and there are basketball baskets on

almost every garage wall and driveways are perfect courts.

Icehockey, American football, basketball and baseball are games that are

enormously attractive to audiences and their leagues are of great interest

to people across the world. Watching a game is high class entertainment; in

either of these leagues is an experience you cannot afford to miss. During

winter many people go up into the mountains to ski and snowboard. Along

the Rocky Mountains there are well-known ski resorts in almost every valley.

The schools in the USA offer considerably more spare time activities than

most European do.

LONDON FAMILY: The family in Britain is changing. The once typical British family

headed by two parents has undergone substantial changes during the

twentieth century. In particular there has been a rise in the number of

single-person households, which increased from 18 to 29 per cent of all

households between 1971 and 2002. By the year 2020, it is estimated that

there will be more single people than married people. Fifty years ago this

would have been socially unacceptable in Britain, In the past, people got

married and stayed married. Divorce was very difficult, expensive and took

a long time. Today, people's views on marriage are changing. Many

couples, mostly in their twenties or thirties, live together (cohabit) without

getting married. Only about 60% of these couples will eventually get

married, People are generally getting married at a later age now and

many women do not want to have children immediately. They prefer to

concentrate on their jobs and put off having a baby until late thirties.


There are about 3.7 million businesses in the UK. About 75% of British jobs are

in service industries - hotels, restaurants, travel, shopping, and computer

and finances. It is our fastest growing business and employs over twenty

million people. The usual working day starts at 9am and finishes by 5pm.


Most people work a five-day week, the working week is, on average, the

longest of any country in Europe. In 1998 a new law was passed saying that

workers do not have to work more than 48 hours a week if they don't want

to. However, about 22% of British workers do work more than a 48-hour a



How does Britain’s system of government work? Britain is a parliamentary

democracy with a constitutional Monarch. The House of Commons and the

House of Lords, together with the Monarch, make up Parliament. Parliament

passes laws, approves taxation and debates the major issues of the day.

The prime minister heads the government and appoints ministers, who head

individual government departments.


Britain is a multi faith society in which everyone has the right to religious

freedom. Although Britain is historically a Christian society, people are

usually very tolerant towards the faiths of others and those who have no

religious beliefs.


The weekends are a time for families in Britain. Often the parents are not at

work having worked a five day week from Monday to Friday. Saturdays are

a busy time for shops with many families going shopping, Sundays used to

be a very special day of the week in Britain. It was the one day of the week

for 'worship and rest'. Scientists discovered that people in Britain spend

about 45% of their free time watching television, 24% of their free time

socializing, 22-23% on sport and hobbies, and 10% on other activities.




Guatemala Cuba London U.S.A China

In some

companies have

severe rules.

Most people work

Monday to Friday

or simply the

people work more

than others, 24/7.

Another labor

market distortions




In Guatemala is

not easy to find a


Choosing a

career, building a

resume, applying

for jobs,

becoming self-


All in all, it is


difficult for

expats who

dream of

working in

Cuba to




Working in

Cuba, is


not easy as


citizens are




The usual

working day

starts at 9

a.m. and

finishes by

5pm. They

work 9 hours

a day.

Most people

work a five-

day week,

the working

week is, on




work 48 hours

a week,

however 9

hours a day.

Starts at 9

a.m. and

finishes by 5



people work

more than

others, 24/7.



work just

like the

rest of the


with all

kinds of

jobs. They

get paid

less than

in the



it's still





Is considering

as most


because, is

with them that

we pass the

majority of the



institution of

family is the

pinnacle of


The Cuban family

does not resemble

any need to be

unique as its

members, original

and surreal at


Belonging to a

family is one bond

almost everyone in

the world shares,

but family patterns

varies from country

to country.

They prefer to


on their jobs

and put off

having a

baby until

late thirties.


Spare Time

Guatemala Cuba London U.S.A China

Some people,

decide go to

the beach,

travel around

the world, visit

their parents,

visit a sacred

place like

Esquipulas, or

leave in their

home taking a

rest or doing

activities that

most like.

Spend time

with the family

and sometimes

go to the

movie theater

or go to a park

with friends.

They have

not many

places where

you spend

your free

time as in



Spare time is

to get into

bed and

take a NAP

and get to




you cannot.



are a time for

families in


They spend

about 45% of

their free time



24% of their

free time


22-23% on

sport and

hobbies, and

10% on other


They often

watching TV

or practice

some sports.

Most people

play a



drama, arts,



outdoor life,


journalism or


The schools in

the USA offer


more spare

time activities

than most

European do.

Free time on


and take the


to do many

things-in the

area I

currently live

many people

do out to eat




time as a



Majong as

well as card

games is


Karaoke is

also popular

for adults.



Guatemala Cuba London U.S.A China

The main

religious is the


and Christianity,

but the most

predominant is



The religion

depends that

the education

and the values

that they give

to their family.

Guatemala Has

places to visit

the sacred


The predominant

religion is Roman


Christianity, but

also tolerated




such as the







They practiced

Santeria, which

has been very

popular in these

days, since it is a

type of religion

that is practiced

mostly in Cuba.



religion is the


Britain is a

multi faith

society in



has the right

to religious


The majority

of Americans



themselves as

Christians and

about 15-20%

have no



Religion in the

United States



by a diversity

of religious

beliefs and




religion is the


with a 65%

And the


with a 35%.

China also








Bön, and a

number of



religions and

sects, such





Guatemala Cuba London U.S.A China

Guatemala is

a country full

of democracy

as USA London

and China, but

mostly with

USA this two

countries has

the same

regime to

elect their

rulers, by

voting and


Cuba is only

related to


Republic of

China these


believe in


Cuba was

ruled for so

many years

by Fidel

Castro now

his brother is


London is a


guided by



that mean


and Kings,

but there is



to elect

what they

call their


Minister” as



USA and


USA is a

country full





and they


mostly the


regime to

elect their

rulers, with

London it

has also


in common



with Cuba.


Republic of

China as the

same as

Cuba still







But it still has




USA and





The work of each country have little similarities and a lot differences

because Guatemala, Cuba, London, The United States of America and

China fight and make their high effort to be an excellent worker depending

of their job or assignments. We can say that the work is an essential part in

the life of each person. Guatemala and Cuba have the same problem,

they cannot easily find a job and is very frustrate to do this, because

sometimes they don´t have the necessary requirements or skills to get a

good job. Guatemala, London and The United States of America have a

similarity, they work five-day week, Monday to Friday however others work

more than 24/7. London and China, of course, when we refer to them, we

think that they have lost money, but it is not true, they receive less money

than we. However, London, U.S.A and China have more opportunities to

get a good job because are large countries by population and they will

find an immediate job. In conclusion, we are human persons but we have

to know that each country have different cultures and different manner of

perform their skills depending of the economy of each country.


In Guatemala the family is considering the most important of the society

because all of people support in their family because they spend most of

the time with their family in China the family also is the pinnacle of the

society unlike Cuba they have no need to be with their family, in the United

States they are more different because they are more liberal then do

everything on their own no matter what the other family members want

and finally in London the family is not as important because they prefer to

work to have children and a family.


Spare Time

We can mention for example London, USA and China having a great

similarity of whom spend their free time and how to spend your free time, so

we can say that the British prefer to spend your free time with your family

watching TV, just as the Americans and Chinese. However Guatemalans

and Cubans prefer to spend their time outdoor resting tasks that make on a

daily basis, although in Cuba is very difficult to spend their free time doing

something else that is not dream, since they cannot make many things in

their country if the Government does not allow them for life that has

Cubans, however despite the fact that Guatemala has the possibility of

making different activities in its spare time does them for fear of insecurity

that at present there are in our country. However Guatemalans and

Cubans prefer to spend their time outdoor resting tasks that make on a

daily basis, although in Cuba is very difficult to spend their free time doing

something else that is not to dream, since they cannot make many things in

their country if the Government does not allow them. Nevertheless despite

the fact that Guatemala has the possibility of making different activities in

its spare time they prefer spend their spare time in their houses instead of

playing sports or family activities, since due to insecurity cannot do very

often. In conclusion we mention that in all countries people spend their

spare time with their families, although in some countries is as a rule and

others if possible spend their spare time doing activities with their families.


We can observe that in the five countries despite their differences in other

religions which predominate is the Christian religion. However, we can see

that for example in the United States and China exists a similar amount of

people who are Christian and not Catholic. Moreover, Guatemala has

different religions in the same way that London, as these are countries with

many cultures. On the other hand, Cuba is a country very different from

others since by the regime in which they live are difficult for them follow the

beliefs that they want, however most of the Cubans are Christians

Catholics; although Cuba has a very different religion than others countries


which is Santeria. I think that it is a country that deserves our respect,

because despite the circumstances that they live, they believe God. In

conclusion, we can mention that the greater part of the population that is

about seventy five percent believe in God and are Christians, the other

twenty percent are Catholic and the last five percent are of other religions.


Guatemala is a country full of democracy and there’s countries like London

and United States that also has democracy , this countries have the way

how people elect their rulers by making campaigns in common, London

elects his Prime Minister with democracy he is like the President of the

country but they are also ruled by the Monarchy that means the queen ,

king, prince and others, China and London have something in common

because so many years ago in The Republic of China they were also ruled

by the Monarchy, it ends by 1908 and 1912, with the emperor Pu Yi, of the

Qing dynasty then for so many reasons the revolution of China started and

then imperial government was established, Cuba is a communist country,

that means that it has something in common with de communist part of




How to solve this problem in CUBA?

Really taking into account that Cuba is a very restricted country I can say,

that Alan could say it to the school in a anonymous way and without

damaging the morality of the teacher, since he must do it in a very careful

way, as we know in Cuba accuse a person without evidence is bad, but

judge or discriminate against a person if it is Cuban is a crime, so be careful,

since he must first check if indeed this teacher has a problem with the

control of anxiety and mood swings.

In conclusion the best option that he can take is to send all the information

to the school but anonymously, however if he prefers does not have

problems, he does not say anything and just change his daughter to other


How to solve this problem in GUATEMALA?

In Guatemala, some people think that, if you have an illness, you are

a dangerous person and also we judge without knowing anything

about this person. Guatemala is a country that has several problems.

Why? Because, the values that we practice are not correct or this

think. We usually have the bad custom of say all about what is

happening. We have to first think that we will say, no only act. In this

moment we make a destructive critique and our morality is not good.


Alan is in a difficult situation because he is a worker of the claims

department hospital and the confidentiality that he has in his

charge is a delicate issue that he cannot reveal. However, for

now nothing has happened in the school where the teacher is

working, but his daughter feel happy of to be there. The ethical

morality is that he has to respect the confidential information,

because his works don’t permit this and if he is a good worker,

he should to save silence. Then, if he realized about any

problem, he will discuss this with an important person. Save

confidential information is part of your life and you always will

you find different kind of problems, where the best, is save

silence because you can get out injured.

How to solve this problem in LONDON?

According to the London code of ethics in this case we cannot broke the

confidentiality of a patient because work is important, but as a father we

can advise our daughter or change it from school taking in account the

best for the our daughter.

How to solve this problem in CHINA?

According to China culture they solve this problem as follows:

The role of father in China is very important because it provided a way to

protect his family at all costs then although in China is socialists they want

the best for their children, because in this country the primordial education

is due to go to the best schools. Although it is their job and it is unethical to

do this sort of thing he would talk to the director to tell what's going on with

this teacher and he does not agree that a teacher with mental disorders is

giving classes her daughter because the main concern for them is that their

children have a higher education and that a person can lose control at any



How to solve this problem in U.S.A.?

In United States laws protect students and practitioners, for which Alan if it could tell the school

that the teacher who works there has anxiety problems and drastic mood swings, obviously

bearing in mind that it should not harm the morality of the teacher, since you must do so in a calm

manner and with respect. Since we are all humans and it may be that she has this problem but to

give their classes know control him as something he is going to the hospital. In conclusion United

States if it protects those who speak the truth and have proof.

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