worship & ministry news · alleluia! reads the gospel of mark alleluia! lutheran hurch, 4055 s....

Post on 09-Aug-2020






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Alleluia! Lutheran Church, 4055 S. Book Rd., Naperville, IL 60564 www.alleluialutheran.org Phone: 630-904-3311

Our Mission: To enable all to come, connect, and commit to Jesus.

Worship & Ministry News

Alleluia! Reads the Gospel of Mark

Together this Summer!

May 30/31—July 25/26 — 9 Week Series: Good News!

-May 30/31 Introduction & Mark Chapter 1

-June 6/7 Mark Chapter 2 & Chapter 3

-June 13/14 Mark Chapter 4 & Chapter 5

-June 20/21 Mark Chapter 6 & Chapter 7

-June 27/28 Mark Chapter 8 & Chapter 9

-July 4/5 Mark Chapter 10 & Chapter 11

-July 11/12 Mark Chapter 12 & Chapter 13

-July 18/19 Mark Chapter 14 & Chapter 15

-July 25/26 Mark Chapter 16 & Conclusion

Need some good news? Longing for it? Hoping for it? “Gospel” means “good news.” Mark’s gospel begins, “The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God…”

This 9-week sermon series will take us from the beginning to the end of Mark’s gospel. Each week, the preaching pastor will walk us briefly through the parts of the chapters highlighted. Then, we will focus on one text within those chapters and share the “good news” from that text. In the end, we will have walked from Chapter 1 through Chapter 16, cover-to-cover, and be filled with the life-changing and soul-satisfying good news–the gospel–of Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Here’s the schedule:


News & Notes from Pastor Tim

Dear Friends,


That’s right, in a way, Alleluia! is hosting a summer “book club,” as we are going to be reading through the Gospel of Mark together, beginning Sunday, May 31 at our streaming 10:30AM worship service, and continuing through the end of July. Check out the front cover of this newsletter for more information. I’m super excited to read through the gospel of Mark with you!


What will “Phase 3” of our state’s “Restore Illinois” plan mean for Alleluia!? That is a great question. Please continue to watch for my weekly Friday email to the members. In this email, I will be weekly updating you as to what Phase 3 (beginning May 29th) means for our campus, ministries, and policies and procedures. Our Staff and Council are working hard on developing plans, in accordance with the recommendations of government and health officials, to safely and carefully ease back to campus when the time is right…all-the-while remembering Jesus’ teaching to love our neighbors as ourselves.


Alleluia! certainly could not make it through these challenging months without your continued generous and cheerful financial giving to our church family. Our ministries continue at full-speed, we still have expenses, and we have our monthly mortgage to pay this year. Every gift, every dollar, helps! THANK YOU! There are four ways to give while we can’t gather physically to give our offerings in person:

• Mail your offering to Alleluia! – 4055 Book Rd, Naperville, IL 60564

• Use our secure online giving – alleluialutheran.org/donate

• Text GIVE to 630-948-5577

• Contact Liz Vesta, Finance Director, to set up automated giving


...so please stay in touch via my weekly Friday afternoon email, our website, and our Facebook Page.

In Christ,

Pastor Tim Housholder

Congratulations to Our Graduates!

We congratulate all of our graduates at all levels of education! This was a particularly challenging and unanticipated graduation this year for our graduates. May God bless you and keep you in the days ahead as you transition to your next level of education or career. (View the Alleluia! High School graduates on pg 5)


Alleluia! Outreach During the Covid-19 Crisis (Updated for June)

We are experiencing a time unlike any other in our lifetimes as people endure the devastating effects of Covid-19 as well as the economic fall-out of necessary precautions. However, we are also seeing people come together to serve one another in creative ways. Below are some ways that we, in the Alleluia! community, can love and serve others during this time. Click on the links for updates from and information about helping through these organizations. Please contact Pastor Mark if you have any questions or are in need yourself.

Alleluia! Community

Make a donation to the Alleluia! Family Assistance Fund. These funds are used to help families and individuals within the Alleluia! community who are struggling financially. Give online and note “Family Assistance Fund” or mail a check to Alleluia! Lutheran Church - 4055 Book Road - Naperville, IL 60564 and write “Family Assistance Fund” in the memo.

Contact Pastor Mark to volunteer with our Covid-19 Care Team (delivering groceries to homebound, etc.)

Local Mission Partner of Alleluia!:

Loaves and Fishes Community Services —Volunteer opportunities are available to serve people in our area

Loaves and Fishes Virtual Food Drive — Click on VIRTUAL FOOD DRIVE and choose items to donate

Global Mission Partners of Alleluia!:

Compassion International —Fun and educational family activities as well as ways to help during this time

Feed My Starving Children —Figured out a way to continue making meals without volunteers.

HOPE International —Help HOPE respond to the disruption that families and entrepreneurs are experiencing

Samaritan's Purse (Operation Christmas Child)—Providing life-saving emergency medicine

Other Organizations:

DuPage PADS —Adapted model to serve area homeless

Lutheran Disaster Response —Responding in the U.S. and around the world

Alleluia! Community—Please let us know how we may serve you during this time. If you are quarantined, ill,

or struggling—whether physically, economically, emotionally or spiritually, please let one of the pastors know

so that we, your Alleluia! family, can be of support to you.

Are You Getting the Weekly Friday Email?

Each Friday since we closed our campus, Pastor Tim has been sending out a weekly one-page update to members of Alleluia! — are you getting it? If not, 1) check your spam folders; or 2) contact Laura Bowler at lbowler@alleluia.church to make sure we have your current email address. In this Friday email, Pastor Tim updates members on weekly worship, learning, and mission opportunities; updates on the stay-at-home orders and upcoming transition back to campus plans; and “Ministry Challenge of the Week.”


Caution: Staff Will Never Email You for Gift Cards or Emergency Funds

Please know that our Alleluia! staff will never ask you via email for Gift Cards, emergency money to help someone, etc. Unfortunately, in the recent past, someone pretending to be a staff member convinced a member to purchase gift cards, and email them the gift card codes. We will never do this. Always check the email address, it’s usually just a little different from our official church email addresses, or they have changed one letter in our names. Also, if

you ever wonder, call the staff person directly and ask. Please be careful and cautious.

While the campus has been closed, our roof

has been replaced and stucco redone!

The parking lot is next!


Linnea Anderson

Matthew Burgess

Caitlyn Chapple

Caroline Cottrill

Grace Cross

Isabella DeVenuto

Jami Dietz

Nic Eheart

Carly Engelhardt

A.J. Freund Tessa Kucharski Shane Smith

Tonya Koomjohn Ethan Smetana

Kathryn Kennedy Nathaniel Ruscitti

Jake Hunnius Courtney Redey

Kailynn Fuller Mark Lelek


VBS Rocky Railway Announcement For the safety of all concerned Rocky Railway VBS has been postponed

until further notice with a tentative date in August. More details to follow.

Something NEW in Alleluia! Children’s Ministry!

Beginning June 3rd, we will host Virtual Wacky Wednesdays on Zoom! To participate, please check the preceding

Saturday E-Mail from Children's Ministry for the Zoom Link. All AGES (preschool—5th grade JUST completed) can "sign on."

Sometimes there will be an ALL AGES Zoom link; other times there will be 2 different links depending on your child's age. We

will play games, watch movies, do simple activities together, etc. We’ll mix it up each week. Please join us when able!

Please contact Ms Michele at mnelson@alleluia.church, or Ms April at ablair@alleluia.church with any questions.

Keep checking your email!

Our Saturday E-Mail will contain the following:

Zoom Link(s) for Virtual Wacky Wednesdays.

Any Zoom link for a Sunday Activity.

A Weekly Lesson OR "Challenge" based on possible scripture from each week's service.


Advertisements for any "special events" that are coming up!

Ways to Stay Connected!

Check out our Facebook & Instagram pages to see what’s happening in Alleluia! Children’s Ministry.

CLICK HERE for the Alleluia! Children’s Ministry Facebook page.

CLICK HERE to go to Instagram. Then search Alleluia_Childrens_Ministry.

Great job on coloring the Bible verses page! Keep emailing your pictures!

Please enjoy photos from Children’s Ministry activities on the following page.


The Children’s Ministry shared much love through messages of thanks and encouragement with a CAR PARADE OF HOPE. Parents and kids drove past homes of some of our Alleluia! family who are First Responders and Medical Heroes! There was plenty of honking and waving to say, THANKS FOR WHAT YOU DO!


8 Little Blessings teachers, Ms. Lori and Ms. Sheila, made “social distance style” house calls to deliver artwork, journals, and virtual hugs and kisses to their Little Blessings preschool students. It offered an opportunity to have a quick chat and to say goodbye to students.

Little Blessings Preschool celebrated with Goodbye Parades in lieu of their traditional year-end celebrations. Each class had an assigned time to drive through the Alleluia! underpass to wave, say their goodbyes, and throw kisses to their teachers.

From Plainfield

Take Route 59 North. Turn right on 103rd St.

Church is on the right at Book Rd.

From Bolingbrook

Take Boughton Rd. West. Turn right on

Plainfield-Naperville. Turn left on 104th St.

104th ends in church parking lot.

From North Naperville

Take Route 59 South. Turn

left on 103rd St. Church is

on the right at Book Rd.

Directions to Alleluia!

Currently Livestreaming on Facebook

Sunday Mornings at 10:30am


Bill Cottrill (Term Exp 2/22)

Kerry Hunnius (Term Exp 2/22)

John Ploense (Term Exp 2/23)

Carolyn Talbott (Term Exp 2/23)

Liz Vesta (Treasurer, non-voting)

Your Alleluia! Church Council members may be contacted via council@alleluia.church

Lesa Sangalis (Term Exp 2/21)

Matt White (Term Exp 2/21)

Pastor Tim Housholder (Senior Pastor)

Small class sizes ~ Loving, experienced teachers

Register now for the 2020/2021 year

Little Blessings Preschool & Kindergarten

Little Blessings Programs: • Preschool • Twos • Enrichment classes in STEM, Writing Readiness, Art, Book Club, Health & Fitness • Lunch Bunch • Kindergarten • Kindergarten Enrichment • Extended Care Club (7am—6pm)

Forms may be obtained in the preschool office

or online at www.littleblessings.org

Contact us at 630-904-9898 with questions or

to schedule a tour.

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