worship service in-person sunday school in-person church …

Post on 03-Jan-2022






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Sunday Morning Worship Service in St. Paul’s Chapel ……………………..…………………8:00am

Sunday Morning Worship Service in the Sanctuary ……………………..…………….………9:45am

Live Streamed on Zoom:


Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/WesleyUMCDover

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyYgL8Rh0jLIHAQ8yu8gRIw


Children’s Sunday School ( K-4th grade) …………… 9:45am (meets in Grace Fellowship Hall)

Youth Sunday School (5th - 8th grade) ………………………(meets in the Education Building)

High Sunday School …………………………………..…………………………. (meets in the Parlor)

Nursery for the 9:45am Worship Service …………………….. (meets in Grace Fellowship Hall)


Monday-Friday ………………………………………... 9:00am to 12:00pm - 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Telephone: (302) 678-9626 Fax: (302) 678-9627


Oveta Fullman, Director - Telephone: 678-8987

Monday-Friday (Sept.-May) …………... Ages 2, 3 & 4 ………………… Play Care: Monday-Friday

(open all year except Christmas Break. We follow the Capital School District Calendar)


Monday morning ……………………. Open for Referrals ………………….. 9:00am to 11:00am

Friday morning ……………………… Open for Referrals …………………. 9:00am to 11:00am

Saturday morning ………………….. OPEN FOR BUSINESS ………………… 9:00am to 12noon


Pastor: Amy D. Yarnall - pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com

Director of Nurturing, Visitation & Witnessing: Anthony Falkowski - anthony@wesleyumc-dover.com

Wesley United Methodist Church 209 S. State Street, Dover, Delaware 19901-6727

Telephone: (302) 678-9626 Fax: (302)678-9627

E-mail: church@wesleyumc-dover.com

Web page: www.wesleyumc-dover.com

Facebook: WesleyUMC Dover Instagram: @ DoverWesleyUMC

17th Sunday after Pentecost 8:00 & 9:45am Service September 19, 2021


(† Indicates congregation rise in body or spirit.)

(Ω The 8:00 service includes only the parts with this symbol.)

Prelude Hosanna, Loud Hosanna/All Things Bright and Beautiful

Mark Hayes Pianist: Pat Root

Ω Greeting – Announcements Rev. Amy D. Yarnall

Ministries that Matter Our Giving is More Than a Budget Jim Curtis, Finance Chair


A Time of Silence and Centering

We use this time to make the transition from "getting here" to "being here."

† Processional Entrance: Bringing the Light of Christ Acolyte: Leanne Evans

† Hymn Blessed Assurance UMH 369

† Ω The Call to Worship1 (Responsive) Lay Reader: Tom Welch

Reader: Happy are the people People: who do not follow the advice of the wicked or take the path that they follow, or sit in the seat of people who make fun of others. Reader: Their delight is in the law of the Lord, People: and they meditate on God’s law day and night. All: Let us worship the Lord

Musical Offering I Will Boast Josh Bogus

(Recorded) Paul Baloche CCLI: 4662350

† Ω Opening Prayer1 (Unison) Lay Reader: Tom Welch

God of the first and the last, give us strength of mind, that we might walk the path of obedience and discipleship without wasting our time thinking about who is more important. Instead, guide our thoughts and our emotions that we may be like children, totally dependent on you, welcoming all with hospitality and love. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Special Music I’d Rather Have Jesus Chancel Choir

Rhea Miller | George Beverly Shea | arr. Joseph Martin Pianist: Pat Root


† Ω Prayer for Illumination1 Lay Reader: Tom Welch

Ω New Testament Lesson James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a Pew Bible 216

† Ω Gospel Lesson Mark 9:30-37 Pew Bible 41

This is the Word of the Lord

Thanks be to God.

Sermon Pastor Amy D. Yarnall


Musical Offering What a Beautiful Name Josh Bogus & Shaun Redick

(Recorded) Ben Fielding | Brooke Ligertwood CLI: 824481

Ω Pastoral Prayer Rev. Felix Jones

Sharing of Our Tithes and Gifts You may give also by using the smart phone app, see bul-

letin announcement.

Offertory Prayer1 Lay Reader: Tom Welch The Offertory In the Garden Pianist: Pat Root

Cindy Berry

†Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH 95

† Ω Passing of the Peace (Let us exchange signs of God’s reconciliation and love by a gaze

and a wave.)

The peace of Christ be with you.

And also with you.


† Ω Benediction Rev. Amy D. Yarnall

† Closing Hymn Just a Closer Walk with Thee TFWS 2158

† Taking the Light of Christ into the World Acolyte: Leanne Evans

Postlude Sonatina Op. 55 No. 1 Pianist: Pat Root

Franz Kuhlau 1Feasting on the Word, Year B, Vol. 2 ONE License - Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE, License #A-736253.All rights reserved.

CCLI Licenses - Copyright License A 3238268, Rehearsal License B 20302208 - Streaming License B 20302198

September 19 – September 26, 2021 Let Us Pray….

Sunday: and thank God for His faithfulness in keeping every promise that He has made. Pray that as Scripture is read and preached people will be drawn to Christ. Ask God to bless the Sunday School Teachers and Students studying together. Thank God that we are able to have fellowship after worship and for the Minis-try Fair that gives everyone an opportunity to learn about the many ministries that are happening at Wesley. Pray for the Youth Group/Parent meeting to be well attended.

Monday: that as we settle in to a fall routine our time alone with God will continue to be a priority. Pray for missionaries around the world to be used by the Holy Spirit to reap a harvest of souls. Pray for the Clothing Closet Volunteers as they sort and price for Saturday sales and also provide clothing for referred clients Ask God to bless all who participate in the Weekday Evening Prayer.

Tuesday: for the Men’s Bible Study as they enjoy breakfast together. Pray that they will encourage one another in their walk of faith. Ask God to bless the Staff meet-ing as they prepare for worship. Pray that they will continue to be healthy through the rest of the year. Ask God to give wisdom to the Trustees as they meet.

Wednesday: for the Women’s Bible Study as they put into practice the things they are learning. Ask God to bless the United Methodist Men who faithfully collect food for the community pantry.

Thursday: for the Chancel Choir and Director and for all the musicians that so beautifully enhance for our worship service. Pray that the search committee will be able to find a new Handbell director soon. Pray for the Nature Study Group as then continue to explore God’s Creation. Pray for the Reconciling Ministry Group as they meet.

Friday: for our country. Pray for the people living in areas that have been affected by storms and fires to receive the help they need to recover. Pray for UMCOR to be effective and efficient as they minister to hurting people around the world. Ask God to give wisdom to those in authority that they might govern well.

Saturday: for the Volunteers in the Clothing Closet assisting people from the community as they shop for clothing and small household items. Pray for safety as people enjoy recreation this weekend. Ask God to bless the Mama Tola School Stu-dents and Teachers.

Sunday: and clear our minds and hearts of all distractions so that we might worship God in spirit and in truth.

Pray for our Pastors every day. Ask God to fill them with an unquenchable thirst for His Word and time alone with Him in prayer.

Wesley UMC Vision and Mission Statement

Vision: Embracing Community...In Harmony with God Mission: Respectful Minds...Outreaching Arms...Loving Each Other...Together with God


The Chancel Flowers are presented by Ralph & Fran Deats to the Glory of God and in cele-bration of our 65th wedding anniversary.

Participants in Today’s Services:

Ushers: Tom Anderson, Larry & Donna Josefowski, Brian & Marianne Stratton

AV Team: Alex Vaughan, Sara & John Damron

Chancel/Altar Flowers: A listing of open dates for altar flower reservations can be

found in the main hallway. October 3, 10, 31, November 14, 28, December 5, & 12 are

all open Sundays. To reserve dates for altar flowers please call the church office at 302-

678-9626, or sign up in the main hallway.

Online Evening Prayer - We have Evening Prayer at 6pm Monday - Friday, with the excep-tion of holidays. https://zoom.us/j/2654880378?pwd=VDhaZENRaWZ2M1NPbUVLYittWGdwQT09 Meeting ID: 265 488 0378 Password: 271476

Worship Service: We have returned to pre-pandemic operations, with the following mod-ifications:

Masks - We have returned to masking for extra protection with the numbers rising in

the area. If you need a mask we have masks available at all entrances. Temperature

checks and questions are no longer be required.

Communion - We will continue to use the pre-packaged for the time being. Communion

may be consumed in the Sanctuary, either in one’s seat, or after receiving it, with mem-

bers having the option to use the Communion Rail for prayer. We ask that you please

dispose of the cup and wrapper as you exit the sanctuary in designated bins.

Sunday School Attendees and Nursery - both meet in Grace Fellowship Hall - In keep-

ing our little ones safe we are requiring temperature checks and questions. ALL children

age 2 yrs. and above to wear masks while attendance since they are all unvaccinated.

UMCOR Disaster Relief Fund: A gift to UMCOR, the United Methodist organization that provides humanitarian and disaster relief, can be made online or can be sent by check through the church. To give this way make out the check Wesley UMC and put UMCOR Disaster Relief in the memo line. Money sent to UMCOR in this fashion can be used any-where in the world wherever UMCOR has the most need. UMCOR will use the money to aid victims at sites where they are working and have the most need at that moment.

ONLINE GIVING: Your generosity and financial partnership with Wesley United Methodist

Church is immensely appreciated. You will be able to give by setting up a scheduled gift,

text, or use the mobile giving app using the following links:

To give online: https://onrealm.org/wesleyumcdover/-/go?page=donor-form

Text-to-Give: text Wesley209 to 73256, then click link in message to complete.

Group Studies: This fall, we are encouraging all of our members and friends to be a part of

a small group study. This will help us reconnect as a community and help us to grow spirit-

ually. Please mark your calendars and plan to join one of the two studies being offered.

Nature: Our First Way of Knowing God Thursday evenings, September 16th - October 28th

at 6:30pm in the Student Ministries Center, led by Mike Petit de Mange and Larry Jose-

fowski, childcare will be available and Zoom option.

Zoom Link:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84093406930 pwd=WDdDV3l6cTlQcHhzTVZjdmtiaW9qdz09

Meeting ID: 840 9340 6930 Passcode: 363144

This seven-week study is meant to awaken this visceral knowing of the Creator through the

creation, reconnect us with the sacred landscapes we call home, encourage us to provide

space and time for spiritual reflection in nature, and to live in greater harmony with God’s


Living Our Beliefs Sunday evenings, October 3rd - 24th at 6pm with dinner and childcare.

Study will be led by Pastor Amy and Carol Gambone. On Saturday, November 6th , we will

meet at Barratts Chapel at 10am a field trip. This field trip is open to all to attend.

This four-week study will explore a basic explanation of the beliefs and practices of the

United Methodist Church as defined in Part II of The Book of Discipline. Uncover a deeper

understanding and experience of Christian faith as you embrace the United Methodist way.

To register please use the link below.

h t t p s : / / o n r e a l m . o r g / w e s l e y u m c d o v e r / P u b l i c R e g i s t r a t i o n s / E v e n t ?


Men’s Bible Study Come join us on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 7am in the Education

Building, and on the 3rd Tuesdays for breakfast, Place to be determined.

A four-session video-based study Before Amen by bestselling author Max Lucado. Max re-

veals his struggles with prayer and how he discovered that it is not a privilege for the pious

or the art of a chosen few but a simple tool everyone has been given to have a conversation

with God. He shows you how to let go of uncertainties about prayer, trust that God hears

you, and embrace a prayer life that brings peace and rest.

September 21 - Breakfast - Hall’s Family Restaurant - 7am

September 28 — They Need Help

October 5 — Thank You

All men are welcome! Jim Skeans.

Women’s Bible Study The Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible Study a four-week Bible

study Common Ground by Amberly Neese on Wednesdays at 10:30am for approximately

one hour in the parlor. Whether it is in politics, the professional world, a party, or a pew,

we face conflict every day. As discussions get more heated and social media is deluged with

opinion-spewing, hurt feelings, and broken relationships, we need hope and practical tools

to navigate the tumultuous waters and live at peace with everyone. Fortunately, the Scrip-

tures hold the key to living at peace despite our differences.

Amberly Neese combines stories of sibling rivalries from the Bible with personal experience,

humor, hope, and her love of God’s Word. Stories examined from the Old and New Testa-

ments include:

Joseph and His Brothers: How to Combat Jealousy

Moses, Miriam, and Aaron: How to Work Together Despite Differences

Mary, Martha, and Lazarus: How to Appreciate the Contributions of Others

Rachel and Leah: Having Compassion for the Plight of Others

These stories point us to peace and reconciliation in all our relationships, reassuring us that

it is possible to find common ground with everyone―despite our differences.

If you are interested in being a part of this study please contact Diane Boyce at 697-6020 to

secure a study book. All women are welcome!

The Wesley Clothing Closet is open for Saturday sales on Saturday from 9am to 12 noon.

All the safety protocols will be in effect. The Clothing Closet is ready to accept donations.

The men’s department is especially in need of winter clothing. Also welcomed would be

linens. Sheets are really good sellers. We accept donations on Monday and Friday mornings

between 9-11am. We have people available to carry things down if you cannot. Donations

are also accepted on Saturday mornings from 9am-12pm. No one is able to help carry down

on Saturdays.

The United Methodist Men are holding drive-thru food pantry donation collections on

Wednesday mornings from 10 - 11am. They will collect donations without you leaving your

car. Just drive thru the Preschool Portico, one of the men will take your donation from your

car, so you don’t have to get out.

We ask that you place the items to assist DIMH food pantry in a separate bag. To assist

DIMH food pantry, please include the following ready to eat single serve items: fruit cups,

beef jerky, peanut butter crackers, cheese crackers, packets of nuts, soft granola bars, etc.

These will be given to Dover Interfaith Mission for Housing to give to those living on the

street who come for a hot lunch and need food to take with them for later in the day.

Bishop's Days on the Districts: Greetings! We are excited to

have Bishop Easterling hosting her 1st Bishop's Days on the Dis-

trict here in the Peninsula-Delaware Annual Conference. These

events will be in person AND online as a hybrid format. Bishop

will be present for two events on each district. Each of those

events will be available online in zoom format as well. Each

presentation will be the same at both times, so you may choose

to attend any one of the six events. Each event will have a ques-

tion and answer time. If you can not make one of the events,

the Bishop's presentation minus the Q&A will be made available

on the Conference website.


Location: Whatcoat UMC, 341 Saulsbury Rd, Dover, DE

2:00 PM Session

In-Person Registration - https://pendel-reg.brtapp.com/BishopsDaysLS2IP71

Zoom Webinar Registration - https://pendel-reg.brtapp.com/BishopsDaysLS1ZW

7:00pm Session

In-Person Registration - https://pendel-reg.brtapp.com/BishopsDaysDE2IP

Zoom Webinar Registration - https://pendel-reg.brtapp.com/BishopsDaysDE2ZW


Please Join Rev. Dr. Susan Henry-Crowe, General Secretary, Mark Harrison, Director of

Peace with Justice; Aimee Hong, Senior Executive Director of Education and Engagement;

Dr. Jessica Smith, Senior Executive Directory for Research, Planning and Spiritual

Formation. for Justice Talks: Our Witness on Capitol Hill. This is a free, virtual event and all

are invited to learn more about:

the history of The United Methodist Building,

what is social justice advocacy and why do we do it?

how we work with Congress, the Executive Branch, and the United Nations,

and how we engage with fellow United Methodists in our mission to live out our faith,

seek justice, and pursue peace.

Registration link:




Birth Announcement: Grandparents, Jim & Pat Skeans share the joyous announcement of

the birth of Addison Elaine Skeans, born on September 12, 2021. Addison is the daughter

of Christopher & Catherine Skeans, and sister of Lillian & Owen.

Sunday, September 19th, Ministry Fair - in Grace Fellowship Hall Do you want to feel more fulfilled in your faith and in your life? Becoming a part of one of the many ministries at Wesley United Methodist Church could help you achieve that fulfill-ment. Today during our Ministry Fair, you will have the opportunity to learn about the plethora of ministries offered at Wesley and find the one that is the perfect fit for you. Come and enjoy an expanded coffee hour during the Ministry Fair, while you peruse the booths and find a ministry that will utilize your gifts and help to fulfill you spiritually. Pastoral Care: If you would like Pastor Amy or Anthony Falkowski to contact you to talk and pray with you, please send your requests to: pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com or anthony@wesleyumc-dover.com. Prayer Chain and placement in Bulletin Request: To place a request on the prayer chain and in the bulletin, please call Jane Ragains at 302-270-5323. If you have placed some-one on the prayer chain, we ask that you call the church office periodically with an up-date. Thank You! Please keep the following people uplifted in prayer: Fred, Letty, Mark, Mary, Mary P., Rosalie, rLee Adams, Lois Adkins, Paul Barker, Harry & Lou Baxter, Lovedy Berkley, Jim Brockton, Mark Buford, Sally Cavanagh, Jim Craig, Jr., Caroline Davis, Tom & Soni Davis, Ronnie Diem, Adalina East, Lynn Egloff, Amanda Farrow, Jeannette Ferguson, Phil Floyd, Marian Guerrant, Stuart Knapp, Patsy Howard, Leona Hutchins, Joyce Kellen, John Kelly, Julie & Paul Light, Maureen Miller, Bill Nutt, Brian Page, Loretta Pisapia, Mary & George Py-ott, The Riddleberger Family, Jean & Wes Ritter, Bill & Ruby Schaffer, James Schindler, Jane Small, Warren Smith, Harold Spangler, James Starkey, Wayne Starkey, Kim Stevenson, and Nancy Yarnall. Link to Connect to Worship, Evening Prayer or a Zoom Meeting: On the computer or Smartphone click the link below to join the ZOOM meeting. https://zoom.us/j/2654880378?pwd=VDhaZENRaWZ2M1NPbUVLYittWGdwQT09 Meeting ID: 265 488 0378 Password: 271476 Calling from a landline or regular cell phone +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Enter Meeting ID: 265 488 0378 Enter Password: 271476 If the calendar shows “Special Zoom Link” the link will be sent to you by the leader or committee chair.


SUNDAY, September 19, 2021 Ministry Fair 8:00am Worship Service St. Paul’s Chapel 9:45am Worship Service Sanctuary 9:45am Children’s Sunday School (3yrs - 4th grade) Grace Fellowship Hall Nursery Grace Fellowship Hall

Youth Sunday School (5th - 8th grade) Ed Building High Sunday School Parlor

10:45am Ministry Fair & Fellowship Time Grace Fellowship Hall 11:00am Youth Bell Choir Bell Room MONDAY, September 20, 2021 6:00pm Evening Prayer Zoom TUESDAY, September 21, 2021 7:00am Men’s Bible Study Ed Bldg.- Search Class Room 10:00am Staff Meeting Parlor 6:00pm Evening Prayer Zoom 6:00pm DE Choral Society Interviews Choir Room 7:00pm Trustee Meeting Parlor WEDNESDAY, September 22, 2021 10:30am Women’s Bible Study Parlor 6:00pm Evening Prayer Zoom 6:30pm Bell Choir Rehearsal Bell Room 6:30pm NA Meeting Grace Fellowship Hall THURSDAY, September 23, 2021 6:00pm Evening Prayer Zoom 6:30pm Nature Group Study Student Ministries Center 7:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Choir Room FRIDAY, September 24, 2021 6:00pm Evening Prayer Zoom 6:30pm ACA Meeting Ed Bldg.- Search Class Room SUNDAY, September 26, 2021 8:00am Worship Service St. Paul’s Chapel 9:45am Worship Service Sanctuary 9:45am Children’s Sunday School (3yrs - 4th grade) Grace Fellowship Hall Nursery Grace Fellowship Hall

Youth Sunday School (5th - 8th grade) Ed Building High Sunday School Parlor

10:45am Fellowship Time Grace Fellowship Hall 3:00pm Youth Group Student Ministries Center

THANK YOU School Supplies Collection For Local School Children

Sponsored by Wesley United Methodist Women

Thank you to everyone who donated to our school supplies drive. It was a success! All items were donated to the Capital School District. Listed below is a tally of the number of items. Fun fact: I added all of them together, that's 854 items!!! Thank you so much, MaryAnn Dashiell, Social Action Chairman, Wesley UMW

Basic school items

21 Backpacks 310 Pencils #2 80 Erasers pencil top 24 Large erasers 25pk Crayola crayons 27pk Colored pencils 13pk Highlighters 89 Glue sticks 6pk Dry erase markers 23 Scissors (Blount point)

14 Covered pencil sharpener 13 Pencil box or zippered pouch 57 1-subject notebooks 19 Composition Notebooks 23 Pocket folders 31pk Loose-leaf notebook paper 28 3-ring binders 1” size 10 Binder dividers 4pk Index cards 4pk Ball point pens

Health and helpful items for classrooms

12 Boxes of Tissues 5 Disinfecting wipes (Clorox, WetOnes, Lysol, etc.)

5 Hand sanitizer bottle 11 Zip close bags -Gallon, Quart, & Sandwich

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