worship that destroys:saves - brian...

Post on 13-Jun-2020






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worship that destroys (and saves) the world

slides will be available at brianmclaren.net

for the last 500 years

while we’ve been happily worshipping …

this beautiful planet has been plundered and raped, treated like a stolen bank account or a

trash dump or a sewer, while churches worship on, obliviously.

the rape of the earth continues to accelerate at this very moment,

as christians preach, sing, pray, recite, and faithfully administer sacraments.

while we’ve been happily worshipping …

euro-American empires have colonized the world, exploiting its labor and extracting its wealth;

the cries of the poor have gone unheard, the power of the super-rich has multiplied rapidly;

the gap between the rich and powerful minority and a poor and vulnerable majority has become a widening


while we’ve been happily worshipping …

racism resurges, antisemitism and islamophobia intensify,

ethno-nationalism spreads, more and more people live by the gun and die by the gun,

and church members pray for peace in theory but know nothing of what makes for peace in practice. So they buy

more bombs, drones, and guns, and use them in jesus’ name.

while we’ve been conducting “worship wars” and arguing organs vs. guitars, charismatic vs. Calvinist, traditional vs. contemporary … and while we’ve been spending billions on worship buildings, worship conferences and concerts, worship music, and a worship industry …

our world speeds toward a cluster of catastrophes … a planet being exploited, poisoned, and destabilized, a crisis of poverty and obscene economic inequality,

unprecedented existential threats of violence, war, and civilizational collapse,

and twin failures of our political and religious leadership to adapt.

our system is perfectly designed to yield the results we are now getting.

— Dallas Willard

just keep worshipping exactly as we’ve been worshipping since 1452.

how worship can destroy the world:

In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety-Two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

In Fourteen Hundred and Fifty-Two, Pope Nicholas told European Christians what to do.

“…invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit.” - Pope Nicolas V, Romanus Pontifex, 1452-4, Doctrine of Discovery

1495 2nd Voyage Return Cargo: 1600

male and female Taino slaves for Spain

“It is possible, with the name of the Holy Trinity, to sell all the slaves which it is possible to sell … Here there are so many of these slaves … although they are living things they are as good as gold.”

The people of Hispaniola had their lives unjustly and savagely taken by, as de Las Casas repeatedly notes, professed Jesus followers, and they were not, as we all know, the only ones to meet such a fate. Millions of their indigenous sisters and brothers on Turtle Island were killed at the hands of other Europeans, as nation after imperial nation, bearing Christ on their lips and crosses on their military standards, followed suit. - Waziyatawin

From this vantage point, Christianity has nothing – absolutely nothing – to teach Indigenous people about how to live in a good way on this land. In fact, Christians have only demonstrated that there is something profoundly wrong with the cosmology and worldview behind more than five centuries of carnage—carnage that has yet to even slow down. Christians have so much negative history and dogma to overcome within their own tradition, I do not believe the religion is even salvageable. The world is deep in the throes of an ecological crisis based in Western economies of hyper-exploitation. The planet will not survive another 500 years of Christian domination. - Waziyatawin, PhD, 2012

The history we don’t tell ourselves

1st - 2nd Century: Anti-semitism begins2nd - 3rd Century: Suppression of women4th Century: Conversion of/by Constantine - torture, banishment, executionMultiple Centuries: Burning of witchesMultiple Centuries: Crusades15th Century: Doctrine of Discovery16th - 19th Centuries: Global Conquest/ African Slave Trade/White European Empires/Supremacy20th Century - the relationship between Christianity & Hitler, Christianity & Capitalism/Militarism 21st Century - resurgence of “Christian” ethno-nationalism in US, UK, Russia, Brazil, etc.

let’s get specific.

1. worship that celebrates an evacuation plan for “us” and leaves the earth and “them” to destruction … destroys the world.

1. worship that celebrates an evacuation plan for “us” and leaves the earth and “them” to destruction … destroys the world.

because it teaches us to seek first our own “eternal security” and personal

well-being (aka salvation) - breaking solidarity with our neighbors and selling out

the earth to the highest bidder.

2. worship that puts God on our side as “the chosen people,” and therefore creates a sense of spiritual elitism, religious supremacy, and excessive, unreflective confidence … destroys the world.

2. worship that puts God on our side as “the chosen people,” and therefore creates a sense of spiritual elitism, religious supremacy, and excessive, unreflective confidence … destroys the world.

because it gives us permission to dominate, exclude, and seek our own

interests, even to the harm of other humans and other living creatures.

3. worship that frames the story of the universe as a cosmic war that ends in eternal conscious bliss for us winners and eternal conscious torment for the losers … destroys the world.

because it leads to colonialism, torture, cruelty, and offense/defense rather than


3. worship that frames the story of the universe as a cosmic war that ends in eternal conscious bliss for us winners and eternal conscious torment for the losers … destroys the world.

4. worship that renders “us” clean and “them” unclean … destroys the world.

4. worship that renders “us” clean and “them” unclean … destroys the world.

because it leads to “ethnic cleansing” and genocide, not to mention

scapegoating and racism/nativism/nationalism.

5. worship that empowers toxic masculinity, bureaucratic or charismatic patriarchy, and the suppression/stigmatization of women and LGBTQ people … destroys the world.

5. worship that empowers toxic masculinity, bureaucratic or charismatic patriarchy, and the suppression/stigmatization of women and LGBTQ people … destroys the world.

because it denies what the gospel makes clear: God’s way subverts patriarchy, so

that in Christ, there is neither male nor female, Jew nor Greek, slave nor free.

6. worship that reduces jesus to a variable in a cosmic damnation/salvation equation, or demotes Jesus to the level of “personal savior” … destroys the world.

because it shrinks the gospel to a consumer product and detaches the life and

ministry of Jesus from a God who created the cosmos, loves the cosmos, and inhabits

the cosmos in embodied solidarity.

6. worship that reduces jesus to a variable in a spiritual damnation/salvation equation, or demotes Jesus to the level of “personal savior” … destroys the world.

7. worship that celebrates magical skyhooks and a predetermined future, while guaranteeing that the “everything is under control” right now … destroys the world.

7. worship that celebrates magical skyhooks and a predetermined future, while guaranteeing that the “everything is under control” … destroys the world.

because it allows us to be piously, naively, and irresponsibly complacent about

injustice, and therefore complicit in it.

we are not only saved by grace. we are also paralyzed by it.

— Dallas Willard

8. worship that requires us to say & sing “lord, lord” but doesn’t equip us to do what Christ taught and modeled, or to believe things about him and even worship him but not follow him and be formed in his mind/spirit… destroys the world.

8. worship that requires us to say & sing “lord, lord” but doesn’t equip us to do what Christ taught and modeled, or to believe things about him and even worship him but not follow him and be formed in his mind/spirit… destroys the world.

because jesus said we are the salt of the earth and light of the world, just as he is, and that we would do greater things than

he had done …

9. worship that tries to make us feel good rather than be good so we can do good … destroys the world.

9. worship that tries to make us feel good rather than be good so we can do good … destroys the world.

because it renders us fans (or “worship addicts”) rather than followers and

embodiments of Christ.

10. worship that teaches us to seek forgiveness without seeking repentance, and to seek forgiveness without spreading forgiveness, and to evade justice without seeking first God’s commonwealth and justice … destroys the world.

10. worship that teaches us to seek forgiveness without seeking repentance, and to seek forgiveness without spreading forgiveness, and to evade justice without seeking first God’s commonwealth and justice … destroys the world.

because it allows us to do the unthinkable and gain instant, free, convenient, easy absolution, and it is

focused on evading justice (defined as punishment) without seeking first God’s commonwealth and

justice (defined as making wrongs right).

11. worship that relies on authoritarian (even quasi-inerrant) leaders and compliant (even quasi-cultic) members … destroys the world.

11. worship that relies on authoritarian (even quasi-inerrant) leaders and compliant (even quasi-cultic) members … destroys the world.

because it renders us susceptible to demagogues and con artists who demand

trust and obedience under threat of banishment, punishment, and death.

12. worship that motivates primarily through fear, guilt, and shame … destroys the world.

12. worship that motivates primarily through fear, guilt, and shame … destroys the world.

because it renders us easy to manipulate with fear, guilt, and shame, rather than

alive and free in the Spirit of empowerment, love, and a sound mind.

13. worship that serves as a chaplaincy to an extractive and exploitive economy and a covert white & human supremacist ideology, all the while boasting in its correctness of doctrine, hierarchy, liturgy, and polity … destroys the world.

13. worship that serves as a chaplaincy to an extractive and exploitive economy and a covert white & human supremacist ideology, all the while boasting in its correctness of doctrine, hierarchy, liturgy, and polity … destroys the world.

because it teaches us to strain at gnats and swallow camels.

14. worship that spiritualizes poverty, slavery, sickness, and hunger … but never addresses actual poverty, slavery, sickness, and hunger … destroys the world.

14. worship that spiritualizes poverty, slavery, sickness, and hunger … but never addresses actual poverty, slavery, sickness, and hunger … destroys the world

because it raptures us into an alt reality rather than deploying us for mission in this

actual reality.

15. worship that lives by the donor and therefore dies by the donor because it is afraid to challenge or confront the donor … destroys the world.

15. worship that lives by the donor and therefore dies by the donor because it is afraid to challenge or confront the donor … destroys the world.

because it is held hostage by its donors and the values of the destructive

economic and political systems that have made them wealthy.

16. worship that claims to be divinely sanctioned in form and content … destroys the world

16. worship that claims to be divinely sanctioned in form and content … destroys the world

because it is blind to its ethnic origins, incapable of being changed, and bound to the cultures and

conditions of its sacred texts, rendering it incapable of adapting to address the emergencies of our

current (and constantly changing) world.

can you see how worship …

can destroy the world?

if your image of God is unhealthy, the more you worship, the less healthy you will be.

— Dallas Willard

And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit. - 2 Corinthians 3:18

what is the image reflected in a mirror that we are worshipping?

in light of our history, is unquestioned fidelity/consistency without sober,

prayerful reassessment really something to be proud of?

but what happens if we give up worship entirely?

will that save the world?

can we imagine worship

that can save the world?

Imagine if every experience of worship - every element of worship - transformed us more fully in the Spirit of justice, joy, and peace …

helping us celebrate the God who made and loves all creation, who loves all people (no

exceptions), and who empowers and deploys us as spiritual activists who work for peace

and justice in all dimensions of our lives.

The very practice that has effectively pacified people and lulled them to sleep could awaken, inspire, activate, and empower them to become agents of change …

filled with the Spirit of justice, joy, and peace … as lifelong spiritual activists in a growing spiritual movement, following the

way of life modeled by Jesus, our liberator and leader.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to boldly imagine and experiment with worship that can save the world …

every sermon every prayer

every litany and liturgy every sacrament

every song every welcome and benediction

every day, every week, every year, starting today.

imagine worship as “the workout of the people”

every sermon every prayer

every litany and liturgy every sacrament

every song every welcome and benediction

every day, every week, every year, starting today.

what kind of formation do we intend? what strengths? what values? what virtues? what qualities of character? what “orthopraxy” and “orthopathy?” for what purpose? every sermon

every prayer every litany and liturgy

every sacrament every song

every welcome and benediction every day, every week, every year,

starting today.

In light of our current global emergency, we hereby call on the Christians of the world to refuse to conduct worship as

usual, and instead, we call for a time of creative disruption and liturgical and

missional innovation.

We urge every Christian around the world to …

Rediscover God as the loving Presence who beckons us to grow beyond personal, racial, religious,

national, and human selfishness.

Rediscover Jesus as the enfleshed Word who reveals God’s embodied solidarity with all creation.

Rediscover the Spirit as God’s creative breath hovering over and moving through all of creation to

foment justice, joy, and peace.

Rediscover the gospel as good news of great joy for all people, but first for the poor, and ultimately, for all


Don’t criticize what others are doing. Instead, improvise. Create. Adapt.

Stop being so afraid of breaking rules that made perfect sense in the distant past.

Instead, fear repeating the failures of the past and present in the uncertain future.

Show the same creativity, freshness, and boldness in your time as your ancestors did in theirs. Dare to say, “You have heard it said, but …”

Don’t be slaves to the same old thing. Don’t merely tend the tombs of the prophets.

Behold, God is doing a new thing, and calling forth a new generation of leaders to face the current global emergency.

your face here

worship that destroys (and saves) the world

slides will be available at brianmclaren.net

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