wouter schikhof - conversion day 2014

Post on 13-Sep-2014






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Conversion Day 2014



Tips & tricks for more effective remarketing




Before we start…

Remarketing Retargeting


Before we start…

Remarketing is a form of online targeted advertising by which online advertising is targeted to consumers based upon their previous Internet actions in situations where these actions did not result in a sale or conversion.



How it works…


...% of the visitors buy on the first visit?

Pop Quiz

Only 2%!


The customer journey

(            )  

Consideration Rational purchase drivers are weighed against emotional purchase


Orientation Search and browse.

Discover Trigger interest and

build up emotional affection

Convert Store locator

Buy online

Advocacy Share purchase

Share experience.

Awareness Drive Brand or Product Awareness

Retargeting messages should focus on the customer’s mind set

in each step.


The shoe-hunt journey


The shoe-hunt journey

(            )  Starting point of my journey!


Orientation - Browsing


Orientation - Browsing

“all court” or

“pure gravel”?


Orientation - Browsing

•  Price, •  Brands, •  Type •  Colours, •  Collection….

Browsing – not buying!

First selection based upon rational selection criteria.

•  Switch product and category pages -> high page depth!

•  Higher average time spend,

•  No order (yet)


Tip 1 – Segment your audience

(            )  



Cart abandoners


•  Category page visits,

•  Page depth > 3,

•  Average TOS

•  NB of visits •  Product page

visits, •  Goals (events?) •  Page depth, •  Average TOS


Tip 1 – Segment your audience Segments in Google Analytics allows you to create custom segments.


Tip 1 – Segment your audience

And import these as Remarketing lists!


You should use Google Analytics Smart lists for Remarketing. Papa

Smurf says these automated list are a very powerful!

Tip 2 – GA Smart Lists


Tip 2 – GA Smart Lists

•  Powered by anonymized data from millions of GA accounts •  Uses signals such as:

•  Page depth, Visit duration, Device, Traffic source •  Requires-> min 500 e-commerce transactions / 10k daily page views. •  Combine smart lists with conversion optimizer in Adwords -> Target CPA or ROAS goal.

Automate remarketing campaign management through GA (09/04/2014)  


Tip 2 – Analyse visitor profile

Affinity categories Affinity categories are build on Interest categories, recency and frequency data. They aim at segmenting your visitors in 80 lifestyle segments.

Use Demographic & Interest reports in GA* to build customer profile.

*requires a small change in tracking code and we recommend to update your privacy policy!


Tip 2 – Analyse visitor profile Demographic data Details on target audience characteristics and the most valuable segments


Tip 2 – Analyse visitor profile Affinity categories Which “audience types” (lifestyle) are more likely to convert

Target your campaign!


Consideration - Shopping


Consideration - Shopping

Brand preference (emotional purchase driver) is triggered and

weighed against rational purchase drivers – results into a short list!


Consideration - Shopping

Practical or



Tip 3 – Increase ad relevance


Tip 3 – Increase ad relevance 1.  Use affinity segments to target your audience better advertise at the right places!

o  Advertise on websites and topics that appeal to your target audience!

2.  Think in scenarios and adapt your message in Search (RSLA), Display and Dynamic Remarketing! o  Browsers

o  Low purchase intent BUT future potential! o  Remind them of you and why they need to buy with you, o  Offer a mini-conversion!

o  Shoppers o  High purchase intent, o  Convince them of (the product’s) USP’s or push a promotion?

o  Cart abandoners / Funnel drop out o  Incentive ( Free shipping? / Reduction / Coupon?

3.  Don’t forget frequency capping!!


Tip 3 – Increase ad relevance - Example


Tip 3 – Increase ad relevance - Example   Stage 1 – Orientation – all visitors of promotions.carbrand.be ◦  Target all visitors that visited the website but did NOT consult specific Model page, ◦  Diffuse the promotional campaign banner, ◦  Call 2 action: « Benefit for the Early Bird discounts now! ».

  Stage 2 – Consideration – visitors of promotions.carbrand.be/model (not converted) ◦  Target all visitors of a specific Model Page (no brochure download or test drive) ◦  Diffuse a banner of the model and one similar model that is bought by the same segment with urgency message.

« Special Conditions on XXXX until xx/xx/2013 » ◦  Rotate simultaneously with banners that repeat the model’s USP’s (safety, maintenance, eco-friendly, design), ◦  Call 2 action: « Do not miss out, visit your dealer now! »

  Stage 3 – Funnel Drop out - Test Drive Form (not converted) ◦  Target all visitors of « http://form.carbrand.be/ ◦  Diffuse a banner of the model and one similar model that is bought by the same segment with urgency message.

« Special Conditions on XXXX until xx/xx/2013 ». ◦  Rotate simultaneously with banners that repeat the model’s USP’s (safety, maintenance, eco-friendly, design), ◦  Call 2 action: Test me now!


Tip 4 – Dynamic remarketing   Set up in 5 steps:

1.  Connect your Adwords account to the Merchant Center, 2.  Create a dynamic remarketing campaign in Adwords, 3.  Get your remarketing tag in the shared library, 4.  Implement and verify, 5.  Adapt your privacy policy!

  Tag sends data to Google to use for remarketing:

◦  Page type (home / category / product / search / cart), ◦  Product ID’s, ◦  Product value, ◦  Or custom data such as -> Customer type (new/returning /

top visitors),


Tip 4 – Dynamic remarketing

  Google Adwords automatically creates the following remarketing lists for you!


Tip 4 – Dynamic remarketing   Dynamic ads are automatically created based upon product information of the Merchant center!

  Manage settings in Adwords:

o Use text, display or both, o Specify the layout for image ads,


Tip 4 – Dynamic remarketing   Create custom audiences

Remarket cart abandoners with a basket value greater than 50€ and less than 100€. Exclude buyers of


Remarket visitors of a specific product page.


Tip 5 – Extend your reach



Ad Exchanges Doubleclick Rubicon Microsoft Improve Digital Appnexus Facebook

Publishers (websites)


Tip 5 – Extend your reach   Implement a smart pixel and build your audiences like in Adwords


Tip 5 – Extend your reach


Tip 5 – Extend your reach


Food for thought – Remarketing & Awareness

Build remarketing audience (viewers)

Support Awareness Remarketing your YouTube audiences

Thema&c  targe&ng  Second screen synergy YouTube ads are diffused and outlined with the offline (TV)

Remarket viewers with Display on

(relevant) websites

Drive visibility with viewers

that were exposed to your video

Audience leaves channel

Clicks to visit the website

Optimize for visibility and



Food for thought – Remarketing & Discovery

Remarket audience

Audience leaves page

Optimize for visibility and drive


Free case study download!


Food for thought – Remarketing & Orientation

Remarket audience with


Audience leaves page

Optimize for visibility and drive



Take-aways 1.  Segment your audience – Think of your sales cycle!

2.  Build a user profile – Use Google Analytics Reports

3.  Apply both or these to target your audience and tailor your message!

4.  Test dynamic remarketing on custom segments -> cart abandoners!

5.  Extend your reach -> exclude GDN when working with third parties!


Finally, I bought…. But not with Zalando!


Thank you!








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